Magic Dance Song

Chapter 3 Emma's Spirit!

In the following days, Megji still couldn't get rid of his depression. Only when Alice wakes up will he disguise his smile and constantly comfort her and coax her. At other times, he is just silent.

Of course, he also knew that his silence was not only hurting himself, but also hurting others, but he really couldn't do anything and didn't know what he should do. He felt that he had returned to the previous "useless Meggie"... even more useless than before.

The little fairy far away in White Sand Castle also knew what happened here, and she wanted to persuade Meiji to cheer up through conscious transmission. But it was useless. He was still just silent, and even his heart became silent.

" Emma and I are going there now," the little fairy said in his mind, "Don't think too much."

Mage is silent.

Although the little fairy and Emma are ready to come to him, after all, the distance is too far away, and Sophia can no longer send them with *. Therefore, life is still like this day by day.

Sometimes, Zhina will get into his arms and be silent with him. Sometimes, Zia would rush to scold him angrily, but he couldn't hear what she was talking about. Xue Qiner is just huddled somewhere, like a kitten afraid of making mistakes.

Until one day, Liselle slowly came over and slapped him in the face.

He looked up at Liselle in surprise. After all, among the women around him, Liselle and Anna have always been the most obedient to him. No matter how much he ignored Liselle before, Liselle just stood quietly in an unwatched corner waiting for him and never complained about anything.

And now, even she is starting to hate me? Does she want to leave me too?

Meggie clenched her fist tightly.

However, Liselle just shed tears, knelt gently to the ground, covered her face and cried out.

Meggie felt that his heart was stabbed hard by something.


He has had enough of himself.

For more than a year, he has magic and these girls who like him and are willing to accompany him. However, perhaps it is precisely because you have got so much that you can't stand up once you are frustrated.

If it goes on like this, why should he protect the people around him?

He took a deep breath, gently hugged Liselle in his arms, and patted her gently.

With the help of those Druiru priest herbs, Alina gradually recovered.

Meggie told others that Liselle was pregnant.

Although she was still sad about her miscarriage, she knew that Meggie would still have a child, which made Alina feel a little better, and Qi Ya and other girls were happy.

Alina began to get out of bed. Although Megsy always advised her to rest more, she just smiled. Liselle is pregnant, but she is a girl who grew up in a sand thief. She doesn't know how to take care of herself at all, and Zia and others obviously can't help, which makes Alina feel that she should do more instead of lying like this**.

Mage couldn't persuade her, so she had to leave it to her.

Of course, Anna Sue's disappearance is still a shadow over their hearts.

Not long after, Emma and the little fairy also came to the fog forest. The little fairy has been here before. She has slept on this land for more than 30 years because of her injury. This gloomy and strange forest does not make her afraid or get lost.

Mage saw them outside the Kyle village.

He doesn't want Alina to see Emma. After all, for Alina, Emma is the murderer of Mickey's father and daughter.

Meggie told them in detail what happened, especially about the death of Hancicada and Albis. If you can find out who killed them, perhaps all the doubts can be solved, and you can also know the whereabouts of Anna.

"Is there any way?" He looked at Emma.

The tall Emma stood in the moonlight, gently tapped the outside of her thigh with her fingers, and was silent for a long time before nodding.

"But," she whispered, "doing that kind of thing is against taboo and may not succeed."

The little fairy obviously knew what she was talking about and showed a disgusting expression.

"I don't want to care so much now," Meggie told them, "I just want to find out what happened and get Anna back. I don't want to care about anything else at all.

Emma nodded: "However, we must find a safe place."

"I'll look for it. Wait for me." After saying that, Meggie ran back to the village of the Kyle people.

He found Zia's father, Orangos, and told Orangos that he wanted to take away the bodies of Hancicada and Albis. High Priest Druid just looked at him lightly and quickly agreed.

He came to that room and used the "labyrinth technique" to temporarily put the bodies of Albis and the cicada into the alien space, and then returned to the little fairy and Emma.

He took them to the north of the forest.

"Do we really want to do that?" The little fairy fell on Meiji's shoulder and muttered, "That's a matter of blasphemy, and it is not in line with the law of life."

"There are no gods in the world," Meggie said hatefully. "If there is, I must beat them up, because they let Alina suffer that kind of pain."

"Who said there was no god?" The little fairy said, "God of war is also a god, and those gods of nature can also be regarded as gods, as well as those pseudo-goals. Reluctantly speaking, they are also half gods..."

"Well, if I see any of them, I will definitely beat him." Meiji said with a blank face.

Of course, it is meaningless to blame this kind of thing on the gods, and the gods are not omnipotent, let alone the obligation to protect anyone. But in the same way, Meiji also has no respect for these gods, whether they are true gods or pseudo gods, blaspheming gods? If you are blasphemy, just be blasphemy!

They walked a long way until they came to a cabin surrounded by thorns and shrubs. Although Emma has never been here, the little fairy remembers this place, where Meiji's mother used to live.

"Kid, why did you run over again?" A black Annes came out, stared at Megee, and then looked at Emma. The huge eyes on her face emitted a strange light. "Well, that's good. Another one is still a blood-sucker."

The little fairy suddenly shouted, "So it's you. Why are you here?"

"Do you know her?" Meiji looked at the little fairy doubtfully. During his previous contacts with the old witch, the little fairy happened to be on the side.

"Well, I've seen it several times." The little fairy shook her magic wand.

Meggie said "Oh" and was not too surprised. Whether it is Black Annes or Free, their life expectancy is far beyond that of normal human beings. The little fairy has followed her last contractor to visit wizards and witches, and Black Annes is a natural witch, so even if this old witch and little fairy have met a few times before, it is not very surprising. Things.

"You are..." The old witch stared at the little fairy with her big eyes and thought for a long time, "Well, I remember, you are a flying pig!"

"It's floating snow," the little fairy flew up dissatisfiedly. "It seems that you are still as forgetful as before."

"It's almost," the old witch smiled. "All Fury look similar. How can I remember so clearly, right, floating pig?"

"Floating snow!" The little fairy almost ran away, "I'm floating snow, not a pig. You have to be a pig."

"Do you think I'm a pig?" The old witch immediately jumped up, "You are a pig. Your whole family is a pig!"

"Hey," Meggie quickly interrupted the big and small guy's bickering. "Stop quarreling, we still have business to do."

The little fairy snorted and turned her head.

The old witch stared at her for a long time, but finally slowed down.

"Say, what do you want to do when you come here?" The old witch sniffed with her nose, "Well, she also brought two bodies. The bodies of the two women are not bad-looking... It's a pity that they are dead, but it's a pity!"

Meggie looked at her depressedly and really didn't understand how her nose was practiced. Not only could she smell what was hidden in his magic maze, but she could even smell the appearance of the body?

"I want to borrow this place," Meji told her, "I want to surrender here."

"Spirit?" The old witch was stunned, "The spirit is a ghost, and you are not a necromancer."

"She is!" Meiji pointed to Emma.

"Is there really nothing wrong with you?" The old witch narrowed her big eyes. "A little forest fairy, with a natural magician, is actually going to perform a subjumation ceremony with a vampire and necromancer? For the little forest fairy, this kind of thing should be taboo, right?

The little fairy shook her magic wand and hummed.

"Forget it, this is your home anyway," the old witch said to Meiji. "You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't make it dirty everywhere and make it troublesome for me to clean it up."

Mage nodded.

The best way to find out the cause of death of Abbas and Hancicada is, of course, let them say it themselves. But the dead can't speak, so the only way is to use necromancer magic to summon their ghosts out of the underworld. Necromancer has always been regarded as the darkest and ugliest magic, because it completely destroys the order maintained by the law of life, and also hurts and insults the dead.

In addition, while summoning ghosts, it may also release resentment or evil spirits that are not from the earth, which is very risky.

But now, Meggie can't care so much.

Only Emma can do necromancer here, so she naturally became the host of the subjugation ceremony. She drew perfect concentric circles in the open space and added many strange characters. According to her orders, Meji put the bodies of the elf priest Abis and the warlock cicada in the concentric circle and guarded them on both sides with the old witch to prevent things such as evil spirits or monsters from being attracted by the power emanating from the undead ceremony and destroying the magic array.

"Who will be summoned first?" Emma asked.

"Hancicada!" Meiji said.

Emma stood in the eyes of the magic array, opened the blood Bible that appeared in her hand, and sang a mysterious spell. A string of candles ignited on those characters, and the sulfur-like pungent fog soared over them. The cicada's body began to tremble, and a shrill roar came from her suddenly open mouth.

Meggie and the old witch used magic to stop the leak of the scream. This sound from the negative world often confuses and crazy people and animals.

The cicada's body slowly stood up. The faint smell of the corpse was covered by the smell of sulfur, but the hair and nails were broken and fell off between life and death. She suddenly opened her eyes, first a little confused, and then under the forced action of necromancer, consciousness and memory began to flow back, and her already stiff face cracked because of the sudden distortion.

Meggie called her name in a low voice.

"Is it you?!" The female warlock looked at Meiji with those dim eyes, and the sound of the almost ineffective vocal cords was hoarse and unpleasant. Perhaps because she realized that she was already a dead person, or maybe the power of the underworld could really take away the feelings of the deceased, she did not show her resentment and anger towards Meiji during her lifetime.

Meggie looked at the woman who had caused Alina to lose her child and found that she could no longer hate her. No matter what she has done, she is dead.

"Tell me, who killed you?" Meiji asked, "Who told you that Alina lived in the fog forest?"

"Do you want to know?" There was a sneer in Hancicada's hoarse voice, "Why should I tell you?"

"Because you can't refuse." Emma also sneered. Her hands moved slightly, and an electric light immediately flashed from the cicada's body, which was a mana that could roast the soul, which forced the cicada to make the sharp and tragic howl again.

"Who killed you?" Emma looked at her coldly.

"Damn it," Han Chan cursed, "it's the damn elf, the prophetic elf. You all know her."

"Wind?" Megsy's heart began to cool down.

"Well, that's her!" Han Chan said angrily, "She lied to me that she had a way to bring Panqi back to life. Although I didn't believe her at all, I couldn't help doing what she said. She told me where your wife lived, and she asked me to kill the fetus..."

This is impossible! Meiji's body began to tremble, and he couldn't believe that all this would be arranged by the wind. The beautiful and playful face of the water elf came to his mind, and he couldn't believe that she would do such a thing.

"The wind can't kill you," Emma looked at the cicada, "She only knows some prophecy..."

"Is it?" Han Chan laughed wildly, "Then let me tell you, she doesn't know anything about prophecy. She uses spells. I've never seen such a terrible spell. She is much better than me and much better than you. Although I was killed by her, I was convinced that I was no match for her at all!"

Meggie and Emma looked at each other and were shocked.

Especially Meiji, who has been with Hanchan. He said rudely that although his magic level may not be weaker than Hanchan, he is not much stronger. If Han Chan easily loses to the wind, he will never be the opponent of the wind.

However, in the local city of Hoxton County, Emma once grabbed the wind's neck to kill her. If her panic and powerlessness at that time were all deceptive, Meggie had to admit that she was really too good at pretending. Since she had sex with the wind at the seaside, Meji has always regarded her as one of her most important women, her smile, her playfulness, her worries about Meji on the battlefield, and her sadness and confusion about the future...

Is all this a lie?

He slowly knelt down to the ground.

"It seems that you have also been cheated by her," Han Chan smiled hoarsely. "This is retribution. The women around you lied to you, but haven't you lied to them? This is just retribution...haha...retribution..."

Meggie's hands pressed the ground tightly, and her body kept trembling.

Emma frowned and began to recite the spell to expel the ghost.

The cicada's laughter suddenly stopped, and the body fell to the ground and remained motionless.

The facts asked from Han Cicada's mouth were so unexpected that Meiji was always difficult to accept, but somehow, he had a feeling that he had guessed for a long time. He couldn't say why he felt this way. Is it because Sophia also reminded him to be careful of the wind?

However, even Sophia could not realize that the wind was acting from beginning to end, otherwise she would have taken action long ago. Therefore, Sophia has some doubts about the windfall from some signs at most.

"There's another one," Emma looked at Abis's body, "Do you want to continue?"

"Well," Meiji smiled bitterly, "if I guess correctly, she was also killed by the wind."

Abis's eyes have confirmed his thoughts.

Facts have also proved this...