Magic Dance Song

Chapter 14 The Undead Monarch Bayer--

There is a black fog surging in the sky, and the earth is dark red. The molten pulp flowed slowly in the river, and countless bones struggled to climb ashore. Although these molten rivers do not look wide, they are endless for them. No matter how hard they try, they can't touch the river bank that is clearly close at hand.

The dark red earth tore wounds, and the black beetle crawled out of one crack and poured into another. The hills piled up of bones were like black lymph nodes, which suddenly burst after continuous swelling. The huge corpse maggot emerged from it and transformed into an ugly red blood moth.

This is the blood pool of the demon realm, the former divine realm of the dark god Shastine.

At the source of the molten slurry, there is a towering gray cliff, and the army of skeleton warriors is densely spread at the foot of the mountain, led by the headless knights. Several bone dragons circled above their heads, and many blood-sucking ghosts phantomed around the bone dragon.

At the top of the cliff, there is a castle.

At this time, the undead king Bayer was sitting on his throne.

Although he is known as the undead king and leads many dead spirits, Bayer is a real human being. He supported his lower forehead with the back of his hand and leaned lazily. Under the steps, several ghost women were singing and dancing in front of him.

Although he has lived in this world for nearly a thousand years, his appearance still looks young and handsome, and the faint smile at the corners of his mouth shows his confidence, which also conquers the hearts of these ghost women. Their songs became sweeter and danced more happily.

A gray-skinned old man came in... or floated in.

The women immediately stopped singing and dancing and scattered on both sides. Their eyes looking at the old man were full of disgust and disdain.

Bayer waved his hand gently, and the women immediately retreated.

He looked at the old man and smiled: "How many times have I said that you should use magic to improve your appearance so that they will treat you better. Is that a very difficult thing?"

Of course not. This gray-skinned old man is a lich. Although for him, even if there is only one skull left, he can still live easily and has no impact on casting spells, as long as he is willing to make himself as young as Bayer through magic.

He just doesn't bother to do it, because in his opinion, this kind of thing is meaningless.

Of course, Bayer just said it casually and didn't expect the other party to really do it. For him, even if it is meaningless, he doesn't mind wasting time to say it. Anyway, there are few things in the world that are meaningful, and time has always been wasted.

The lich was silent. Although his reaction had long been expected by Bayer, Bayer still felt boring.

If there is anything in the world that is more boring than talking to a lich, I'm afraid it's talking to a skeleton warrior. Skull warriors only obey orders without self-consciousness, and there is no difference between talking to them and talking to stones.

However, in the two or three hundred years imprisoned by the dark god Shastine, Bayer had nothing to do but talk to the skeleton warrior he made himself. If it had been someone else, I'm afraid they would have had a mental breakdown.

He just felt that those days were "more boring".

"So?" He looked at the lich, "Have you found all those stones of the world?"

The lich still didn't say anything. He just stretched out his hand and drew a horizontal row in front of him. Four shining "world stones" appeared between him and Bayer. An eye, a pupil, a scale, and something uncertain. They are big and small, with a mysterious halo.

The left eye of the dragon, the right pupil of the dragon, the reverse scale of the dragon, the dream of the dragon...

Bayer sat down a little, then stretched out his right hand, twisted it on the ring finger of his left hand, and broke a knuckle. He threw the knuckles between the four world stones, and the knuckles immediately emitted the same halo.

Dragon's finger bone!

Five world stones began to resonate and raised cyan beams of light.

The cyan beam of light broke through the gray sky of the blood pool of the demon realm, and continued to spread away, and finally rushed out from the passage between the demon realm and the earthly world.

"It's finally starting to be a little interesting," Bayer squinted slightly and said lightly, "I hope the world doesn't let me down..."



When the sun disappeared and the sky became green, Sophia was leading the army to attack the city of Mogril.

* hit the city gate with flames, and the strong gate burst with a bang. The Knights of the Heart of God rushed into the city under the leadership of Krapol and fought a street battle with the army of the Marquis of Lientine. The cruel street battle is not what Sophia wants. Unless the whole city of the sternity is burned, * it is difficult to play a role in such a battlefield, and the indiscrimity between the streets and alleys consumes the Knights of the Heart of God.

But this is the only choice to calm down the chaos in the kingdom as soon as possible. Marquis Lianting and Casman Einhuly are the most ambitious of all the lords. If they take time to have the so-called "harmony talks" with them, even if they get their verbal loyalty, they still need to beware of their betrayal at any time. Instead, it is better to directly reject their hypocritical political games and hit them with a thunderous force. Defeat their army and force the little lords to never dare to act rashly again. Although the risk of doing so is greater, it can end the kingdom's war most directly and avoid leaving future trouble.

In order to deal with Princess Sophia, who has * and is becoming more and more popular, Kasman Ainhuly even secretly contacted Si, and wanted to get Si's support by selling the land of the Fair Kingdom. But this time, the Earl of Ainhuly obviously miscalculated. General Dreighton not only did not send a shadow dragon and an army to attack Sophia as he invited, but also made the Night Knights composed of night elves approach Leharon County, forcing Count Ainhuly to no longer support the Marquis of Lithine.

Krapor has defeated the main force of the Marquis of Lientin in the countryside, but the Marquis of Lientin withdrew the remaining troops to defend Moglier. Of course, Sophia could not use extreme methods to bury those innocent civilians in the city with the Marquis of Lientin, so he had to break through the gate and make her army cruel with the enemy. Street fighting.

But at this time, the sun suddenly disappeared, and the cyan cold light from nowhere covered the whole sky. The knights and soldiers on the ground stopped fighting and looked blankly at the vision in the sky. Even those civilians who hid in the house for fear of war couldn't help coming out and were frightened. Look at the sky.

Sofia also has a solemn face. Of course, the sun cannot disappear for no reason, and this is obviously not a solar eclipse. She let * fly high and look into the distance, but what she saw was this kind of cold cyan light. This cold light does not make her feel cold, nor does it make her body look strange.

But her heart couldn't help sinking.

If the sun no longer appears, what kind of creature is the most beneficial to?

Undead creatures!

As long as the sun shines, undead creatures such as vampires and Carris cannot appear during the day, and although dead spirits such as headless knights and skeleton warriors will not be directly destroyed by the sun, their combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened by the sunlight.

Is this cold light that covers the sun a prelude to the undead Bayer and his necromancer's army stepping on this land? If Bayer can really do such an amazing step, who can stop him from destroying the world?

She let * fall straight down to Krapol's head.

"Your Highness!" Krapol raised his head and waited for her order. Compared with others, Krapol looked extremely calm, as if the sudden blue light was just a normal phenomenon like the alternation of the sun and the moon.

"Continue to attack!" Princess Sophia gave a cold order.

Krapol just nodded and immediately raised his sword and ordered to continue the battle. The knight's self-control and years of training showed an effect at this moment. They first recovered from shock and killed the enemies who were still looking at the sky. The situation was one-sided towards the Knights of the Divine Heart, making it impossible for the army of the Marquis of Lientine to organize effective resistance.

When the sky should have darkened, the blue light has still not disappeared. Krapol captured the trembling Marquis Lianting hiding in the cellar and gave it to Princess Sophia. Sophia was not in the mood to carry out the trial procedures that deceived others and herself. She directly deprived the Marquis of Litting in the name of the royal family and ordered him to be executed.

Although there was a victory in Mogril, all signs indicate that a greater disaster has come. Those vampires or other dead spirits who had been hiding in the dark came out one after another and created bloody cases out of control. Even some bodies buried in the cemetery climbed out of the ground inexplicably. All kinds of rumors kept appearing. In order to avoid the "resurrection" of dead relatives, many villagers began to dig. A corpse was released and burned, but this practice did not help defeating the fear in their hearts.

Sofia returned to White Sand Castle and sent a messenger to contact General Delaton and Asius, the mercenary king of New Asia. While waiting for the news, there is another thing in her heart that makes her extremely uneasy.

The elves began to escape from Crescent Island. According to them, countless skeleton warriors climbed up Crescent Island from the bottom of the sea and completely destroyed their homes. At the same time, the elf priests who had helped Sophia came to her with the body of the wind, accusing Megim that he had killed Abis and broke into Crescent Island to kill the wind.

The body of the wind was terrible, none of the skin was complete, and the chest was also cut open. Sophia asked the elves carefully, but found that they did not have more evidence that Abis and Feifeng were killed by Meji, so she had to appease them first and wait until Meggie was found.

But Meggie is missing.

Not only Meiji, but also Emma and the little fairy have never appeared again.

And worse news was finally inevitably brought to her.

It was the half-man Oz who brought the news. Since the last time he signed a peace agreement with Sophia on behalf of White Sands Castle, Sofia has not seen him again. But this time, he came to Sophia faintly and knelt down and cried bitterly.

Bayer's Necromancer has landed in Szu.

General Dreton died in battle...