Magic Dance Song

Chapter 1 The Witch of the Night Forest

The moonlight is faintly pervading over the forest. Looking up, you can clearly know its existence. However, when you look around, you can only see the dark shadow, as if there is some magic, which makes the charm of the moon goddess Sharna inexplicably blocked.

Countless pairs of eyes disappeared from time to time in the forest, and the leaves danced, but without making a sound, it was so quiet that any brave person could feel empty from the bottom of his heart. The only rustling sound came from a pair of carefully moving feet and the friction of dead branches and leaves accumulated on the ground. The owner of the foot is a silent young man, holding a cane made of acacia wood, wearing a suitable top hat, and wearing a delicate black velvet dress.

A black shadow rose from the ground and gradually formed in front of his eyes. The young man could feel that it was looking at himself and took off his hat and pressed it on his chest. He said, "Viscount Kendall von Clovey of Louburg came to worship Mrs. Schnee, the witch, the owner of the night forest."

The shadow stared at him and slowly approached him until the whole body covered him, flowing through the viscount's skin like cold water, and finally sinking to the ground. It seems that the owner of the forest accepted his request, and the whole forest suddenly lit up a lot, and some shadows that were only shaking in the dark can be seen more clearly: the little devil in the red hat, the half-human and half-animal El, the blue-skinned black Annis...

The top hat was still pressed on his chest, and Viscount Clovis greeted them slightly and continued to walk forward with his walking stick. After walking for about half an hour, a simple wooden hut finally appeared in front of Kendall. He went to the door and gently knocked on the door with his cane.

No one opened the door and no one responded.

"Mrs. Schweney!" The viscount shouted carefully, but there was still no movement. He pushed the door hesitantly, but the door opened. A few steps forward, he quickly looked at it. The first thing that attracted his attention was a skeleton that hung various parts on the wall with nails. On the right side of the skeleton is a small bed, and on the left is a burning fireplace. The firelight shakes uneasily and pops out some ashes from time to time. Look a little further to the left, and what you see is... a pair of eyes!

A strange girl sat in the corner against the fireplace. The corner she curled up was just a dead corner of light, and her long hair completely covered her face. She wore a dirty gray dress and was as thin as a nutrient-deficiated child.

Only the eyes staring through the hair are strangely bright.

"Hello," the viscount bowed, "I want to find Mrs. Schweney."

The girl stared at him, raised her hand and pointed to the side with difficulty, and then hung down again.

Kendall looked carefully at the place the girl pointed to and wondered if she was the only small stool in front of the fireplace. He thanked politely and walked over to sit down. The girl's eyes blinked and seemed to understand his behavior.

The young man put his cane on the ground within reach and looked at the girl again, but the door swung itself, which shocked him. A little uncomfortable, he avoided the girl's eyes and coughed softly: "Hello, my name is Kendall von Clovey. I'm here to meet..."

"Weiye!" The girl said softly, her voice was small and difficult.

Kendall looked at her doubtfully.

" name!"

"Miss Wei Ye, you are..."

"Witch," Wei Ye looked at him, "I'm the witch here! The future lord."

Kendal was stunned, not because her identity was revealed, but because she claimed to be a witch: "Hug, sorry, I thought there would be only one witch on a piece of land..."

"Well, I'm the only witch here."

"But," the viscount hesitated for a moment, "I heard that the witch in this land is Mrs. Schweney."

The girl in gray did not answer, but raised her hand with difficulty and pointed to the place where Kendall was sitting again. This time, she pointed higher. Kendal suddenly woke up and looked back at the skeleton hanging behind him.

"It, it is..."

"Schnee." Wei Ye replied with disgust.

Kendal was stunned. The witch Sveini is dead? He struggled to be criticized by his father, ignored the possible criticism of the church, and thought that he could save the people of Kesern County with this unrecognized power, but he found only a dead man?

"Are you disappointed?" Wei Ye looked at him.

"The powerful evil is encroaching on this land, and I want to seek her help." Kendal said bitterly.

"It sounds like a terrible thing," the girl looked at him quietly. "Only when the shadow of death is unstoppable will people want to get help from the witch."

Kendal turned around and looked at Wei Ye again, but Wei Ye suddenly calmed down, as if listening to something. She raised her head slightly and looked at Schweini's bones, with an impatient look on her face: "I know, I know. Stop talking about it... No, I won't dislike him. He is very polite and I like to be polite. A good-looking person..."

"Miss Wei Ye..."

"Can I touch you?"

"What?" Viscount Clovis looked at her with some understanding.

"Can I touch you?" Wei Ye's eyes showed a strange light from his hair, "Whever, hand or face, can you let me touch you?"

After a moment of hesitation, Kendall slowly approached her. Wei Ye raised his hand and touched his face, and his fingers trembled slightly. His fingertips touched his face, but immediately shrank back like an electric shock.

"I feel it!" Her tone seemed to contain infinite excitement, and she touched Kendall's face again. "Schnee is right. The blessing of the goddess can exist so strongly in mortals."

Kendall didn't understand the meaning of her words. Compared with the skirt on her body that has not been washed for a long time, her hands are unexpectedly delicate and soft, smooth like the softest velvet.

reluctantly, Wei Ye withdrew his hand: "Will you marry me?"

"What?" Kendall felt that he couldn't keep up with the other party's jumping thoughts.

"Will you marry me?" Wei Ye looked at him seriously, "I can help you eliminate the evil that invades this land, and I can also help you solve the confusion that you haven't realized yet. In this way, will you marry me?"


"Only I can help you," Wei Ye's eyes glowed with a faint blue light. "The night is coming forever, and the demons are all trembling. The disappearance of flesh and blood is only the beginning, and even the sins born of love are difficult for God to end. Only I can help you save this land. No one else can do it. Brave knights can't do it. Hypocritical churches can't do it. Even the living Schweini can't do it. Well, it's just me!"

Kendal hesitated. He knows the importance of his promise. Not only does he bind his marriage contract from now on, but he may also lose his qualification to inherit the lord or even his title because he married a witch. However, if she disagrees, maybe what she said is the truth. A greater disaster is still waiting for the people of this land. The knights and the Norsewell Church can't resist the shadow of death at all.

"Yes, I would like to marry you," he knelt down on one knee, took Wei Ye's hand and gently kissed the back of his hand. "In the name of God Norsewell, I swear..."

"No, no, don't swear to the false god, please swear to Luna."

"Goddess Luna?" Kendall raised his head in surprise, "But I'm not a follower of Luna." In fact, any faith other than Noswell has long disappeared under the oppression of the church.

"Don't care so much," Wei Ye was a little impatient. "Anyway, please swear to Luna that you will marry me and swear that you will love me."

"Well, I, Kendall von Clovey, swear in the name of the goddess Luna that I am willing to take Miss Weiye as my fiancee and take her to the wedding hall in the near future and will never abandon her for the rest of my life." Kendall's voice stopped for a moment, "Weiye, I'm sorry, I can't swear to love you now, and I can't know my heart..."

"No, don't apologize. That's good. I like honest people." Wei Ye looked at him with a smile, "Kendall, can I call you Kendall now? Sorry, can you take me to **?

Kendall looked at her in astonishment: "But..."

"Ah, I just don't know how many days or years I haven't fallen asleep. I want to go to sleep. Would you like to protect me when I fall asleep?"

"Yes, I promise." Kendall carefully picked her up and walked to the bedside. Wei Ye's body was lighter than expected. Her head was on his chest, and she really looked haggard and weak. Kendall put her in the small **, but found that she had fallen asleep in just a few steps. Because ** couldn't see the sheet or anything like that, he took off his dress and covered her.

She slept quietly, just like a kitten.

Kendall stretched out his hand to remove the hair on her face, but hesitated. This little witch, who hasn't even seen her face clearly, is now her fiancee. Is it too strange? Maybe...



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Time Travel:

This is a story of a modern Go youth who traveled to ancient times in order to find his sister, and can only go home with five female immortals as apprentices.