Magic Dance Song

Chapter 5 Death in the Dark

Kendall put down the girl and slowly walked to the body of Spence. The purple star knight's eyes were still unwillingly wide open, his sword was inserted diagonally on the ground, and his horse stepped by the body.

The whole village is dead, and a woman is paralyzed at the door of her home with a baby in her arms. The coldness in the air has not completely dissipated, and the disappearance of the unique frogs and insects in the countryside makes people feel more boneless. Looking back, the girl was sitting quietly on the ground, as if she was thinking about something.

"You already knew that the people in this village would die tonight... except for you and me?"

"What?" The girl looked up at him and didn't understand why his anger was suppressed in his tone. "Oh, people always die, don't they? Because of your rescue, they lived one more day, which is already very good. Next, we just need to do what we should do..."

"Do you know the person just now? You easily called out his name," Kendal tried his best to keep the gentleness inherent in his tone. "How do I know that all these deaths are not arranged by you? At least you are involved, aren't you? You hide a lot of things, and you let those who were hopeful of salvation die.

"Some deaths can't be stopped. It doesn't depend on your heart," Wei Ye's face turned a little pale. "My God, are you doubting me? At this time?"

After a long silence, Kendal slowly replied, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you. I'm just questioning myself. At that moment, my heart flinched. When they died one by one, my body was unable to move because of timidity. I had the obligation to lead and protect these soldiers and villagers, but I couldn't summon the courage to propose a duel to each other. And now, I still easily transfer my anger towards myself to you..."

"No, Kendall, I know it's not just that." Wei Ye said sadly, "You're still blaming me. It's just that damn etiquette that makes you unable to blame me as a woman more, right? Kendall, is that right?

"No," Kendal pulled out the sword inserted on the ground and jumped on the horse of the Purple Star Knight. "It's my fault that you got involved and imposed my responsibility on you. I'm sorry."

"Where are you going?" The girl looked at him in horror.

"I want to catch up with the knight and propose a duel to him. I want to prove my courage and get justice for these dead people.

"No, Kendall, don't leave me at this time." The girl stretched out her hand to him, but couldn't grab his sleeves. Viscount Clovis galloped away and quickly disappeared from the night.

"Kendall, don't leave me... I'll die..." Wei Ye's hand was still holding weakly, and his voice was helpless like duckweed on the sea.

The cold wind blew and brushed her long messy hair, which also made her body tremble uncontrollably. She looked timidly at the darkness around her, and the air was filled with a trace of coldness again. Like a chased rabbit, she hurriedly chased in the direction of Kendal's departure, and her bare feet rubbed blood marks on the ground, but she dared not stop.

I don't know how long she ran in a daze, and the chill on her body became heavier and heavier. She opened her eyes and looked around, but saw nothing. The footsteps gradually became heavy. She dragged her body and slowly turned into a nearby forest. Her heart beat quickly and her chest fluctuated irregularly. She supported a tree and gasped vigorously.

"Kendall...come back..." she muttered pleadingly.

The pain eroded her, a block of blue spots appeared on her skin, and the blood color of her lips turned black. She fell to the ground and kept rubbing the ground because of the unbearable soreness on her skin.

The surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower until even the dewdrops on the leaves freeze. With the sound of the horse's hoof beating on the ground with a death-like pole, the knight in black armor came to her and looked at her with half pity and half mocking eyes.

"So I'm not mistaken," the Dark Knight said indifferently. "You have a curse on your body. That's why you have to stay with that person, right? A cursed witch? Did Schweney do this? Even if you die, let your viciousness leave a shadow on the living. This is the style of the witch.

Viye struggled to sit up, took out a small bottle from his body with his trembling hand, and drank down the green ** in the bottle. The blue spots on her skin quickly disappeared, and she did not look as painful as before, but the fear in her eyes became heavier.

The Dark Knight pulled out his sword and looked at her coldly with his empty eyes: "It's your biggest mistake to let the blessed son leave you. I can't kill him, but I can kill you easily, witch.

Wei Ye did not say anything, but half knelt on the ground and quietly put his hand into the black bag hanging around his waist.

"Do you want to resist?" The knight of death shook his head. "It's futile. Your magic is useless to me. You should understand it yourself."

The horse took a step back, and he raised the sword in his hand...


The moonlight always seems to be brighter in the field.

Viscount Klovi's horse staggered on the grass, and the Dark Knight's figure had long been lost, and there were not enough clues to determine his direction. The viscount's heart was a little confused. He put his sword flat on the knees of the horse and thought about what to do next. However, there seemed to be something confusing his thinking, making him more irritable and uneasy.

At this moment, there was a thunder behind him, which shocked the horse in his seat. He tried to control the mount, dropped his head and looked in the direction of the thunder.

In a small forest near Shelley Village, there was a fire. Occasionally, one or two flashes of lightning fell from the sky, but half of the dark clouds could not be seen. The smell of darkness came from the woods and penetrated into his bone marrow.

The uneasiness in his heart became stronger, and the figure of Wei Ye appeared in his mind. Involuntarily, he controlled the horse to gallop towards the burning woods.

When it came to the woods, the lightning and thunder had disappeared, and only rows of trees were burning. However, the air flowed cold through the bones, and the ground was covered with a thin layer of ice, making a cracking sound under the horse's hoofs. The horse was oppressed by the smell of death and did not want to move forward, so Kendall had to jump off his horse and carefully walk into the depths of the forest with a sword. The thick smoke only permeated over the forest and refused to disperse. Wherever he touched the ground, the ice disappeared by itself for some reason.

With a heart-catching low roar, he turned around in shock and saw a beast trying to break away frozen into ice. Next to it, the Dark Knight rode on his horse and looked coldly behind him: "The illusion is just nothing in the eyes of God. The witch, the son of blessing will also make you have nowhere to hide."

Kendall turned his head, but saw that Wei Ye had squatting there for some time, quietly and said nothing. Even her loose hair could not hide her pale face, and the pale firelight shook in her eyes, revealing fear, sadness, and elusive expectations and hopes...

"Give her to me, son." The knight of death stretched out his hand and said, "She is not worthy of your trust."

Kendall looked at Wei Ye, hoping to read something from her eyes. However, in the fire-lit eyes, all he saw was his own shadow... A confused self who thought he could do many things, but always wavered at the critical moment.

Turning back, he looked at the Dark Knight: "No! Although I don't know what you are hiding, I will never let you hurt her again. I promised to stay with her all the time and promised to protect her.

"Everyone wants to protect what he wants to protect, so there is a struggle." The Dark Knight disowned and walked slowly towards him. "If you want to prove that you have the ability to protect others, you have to accept the possibility that you can't even protect yourself."

"You don't need to teach this kind of thing." Kendall raised the sword in his hand.

It seemed that it was just a shake, and the sword of the Dark Knight appeared in front of him like the wind. Kendall quickly blocked the other party's sword. Swordsmanship was originally a part of aristocratic education, and he, who had always been willing to work hard, also had the same achievements in this area. When the two swords fought, Kendal's hand suddenly shook, and the power of the Dark Knight made him a little unsistible.

The Dark Knight took a step back and sneered, "Attack, child, do you only have this ability?"

gritted his teeth, Kendal took a step forward and stabbed a series of swords. However, no matter how hard he tried, each of his swords was still simply prevented by the other party and there was no room for a breakthrough.

"That's not enough, blessed son." The Dark Knight said lightly, "You have more potential, but you lack a heart to realize these potentials. If you have never killed anyone, you are no different from civilian children playing wooden swords on the street. Are you angry? Are you strong-willed? Do you have the courage to avenge those who died and the determination to be swallowed up by the darkness?

"I will definitely kill you," Kendal stared at him, "to punish you for the crime you committed."

"Is that right? Then come on." The Dark Knight suddenly lowered his sword and let Kendall's sword stab him in the chest. His move was completely beyond Kendall's expectation that he couldn't help but pause there for a moment.

"Can't attack those who give up resistance? Ridiculous aristocratic education. The Dark Knight said mockingly. With a sudden wave of his sword, he even knocked Kendall to the side with his sword.

"You failed, witch." The Dark Knight raised his sword in front of Wei Ye, "He chose hypocritical kindness and would rather let the whole world fall into darkness."

The long sword stabbed and pierced Wei Ye's chest in an instant.


Kendall's heart roared, and the flames of despair and anger were intertwined in his heart at the same time, and the shaking fire around him seemed to be eating every inch of his flesh and blood. As the sword of the Death Knight was pulled out of the girl's chest, the red blood bloomed like a beautiful flower, distorting everything in his eyes into a painful flame. The thinking paused, the pupils contracted, and the clenched hand tightened the blue veins due to too much force. A strange force was stimulated from his cells, which was so soft, but with his inner resentment, it turned into a strange cold.

Out of his mind, he rushed up and stabbed the Dark Knight with a sword. The Dark Knight quickly cut off the sword. However, the sword in Kendall's hand was covered with a sacred light for some reason. The light was very light, but it was particularly dazzling in the eyes of the Dark Knight. As soon as the two swords touched, the sword in the Dark Knight's hand broke by itself. Kendall's sword pierced his armor sharply without even a trace of obstruction.

The black armor peeled off piece by piece and fell to the ground and turned into mud. The knight's face appeared, but it looked twisted and strangely calm. The pierced chest flowed out of the dark **, which was turbid and disgusting. The long-lost pain made his dying soul tremble.

"That's fine," he looked at Kendall without any resentment. "At least I got peace. And you, do you have the determination to step into the darkness? If you already have such determination, go to the Valley of May, where there are people waiting for you.

His voice became weaker and weaker until his whole body was twisted and tightened, becoming a mixture of dark red and pale flesh and blood, which turned into mud and slipped from Kendal's sword...

Kendal stared at this strange scene and felt that his whole stomach was surging for a moment. The girl's soft hum came to his ear, and he woke up, subconsciously threw away his sword and knelt down beside Wei Ye.

He trembled and hugged Wei Ye in his arms. The girl was already unconscious, and the skirt on her chest was stained with blood. He nervously untied the girl's clothes. Between her **, the wound caused by the Dark Knight looked extremely strange. Not only was it slowly expanding, but also the surrounding skin was dark and squirming like a maggot, passing the darkness to her whole body. The blood was still overflowing, and Kendal pressed his hand on the wound painfully to try to prevent the loss of blood. As his hand touched the girl's skin, the squirming black flesh also calmed down and began to return to the girl's original, nutritional and sunny unhealthy white.

However, the fading of the shadow does not make the wound heal, the blood flowing out becomes thicker and thicker, and the heart beats slower and slower.

shouting from the bottom of his heart and praying, Kendall picked her up and ran desperately out of the woods. The burning woods became more and more prosperous, and the black smoke spread the starry sky. On the outskirts of the woods, the horse was still waiting. Kendall pedaled on the horse with Viye in his arms and hurriedly drove in the direction of Louburg.

There is a person who must be able to save Wei Ye... before Wei Ye dies.