Magic Sword

06 Scars and accidental hell

"In terms of the content of the order, it is the support force sent by the Rollos family to Lutherburg that should be ambushed. The relationship between the Rollros family and Lutherburg has always been good. If they are attacked, even if the empire ignores it, the patriarch of the Rollros family can't let go of this. The girl with one hand on her cheek skillfully and quickly analyzes the order in front of her, while synthessing the relevant information contained in her brain.

"What about the possibility of Lord Kuran?" Sius knew the special relationship between Lucia and Claudia and knew it clearly when they first met. Probably no one in the existing people would know more about the specific situation of the Rollros family than her.

"It's very high. In this case, it's dangerous to send a Valkyrie squadron, and Ms. Kuran is the only one who is not a direct family." Lucia made a judgment and felt that it was necessary to explain in detail, "Because except for Ires, who has an unclear relationship with the Oga royal family, basically only have the squadron. This is also one of the means to limit its strength, and it is difficult for the God Squadron to break out of the siege in the face of the legendary army.

"I know. I'm ready to leave right away." Xius turned around urgently to get out of the dwelling house. Maybe he is still a little obsessed with this kind of life, but Curran's position in his heart is absolutely incomparable to this infatuation.

"Chu, do you already have a strategy?" Seeing his momentum of who killed me, Lucia was worried that he would be reckless.

Sius suddenly turned around and gave her a strange smile. Do you still need a strategy to crush a group of bedbugs?

The burning eyes made Lucia unnaturally pull the corners of her mouth. Sure enough, this man is the most popular person he has ever seen in terms of chaos. "If you decide, I will accompany you to the end."

"Then don't go quickly." The unruly teenager rarely left a soft smile on his companions.

"Hmm!" The girl quickly caught up, and her heartbeat unconsciously accelerated.

The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, and I can't see my fingers. The leaves on the roadside are rustling, as if they are foreshadowing something. The crow flying over his head didn't scream. I guess he was going to watch such a good scene! More than 5,000 soldiers who were already a little stiff on the hillside had been waiting impatiently, hoping to finish it quickly and go back for a drink.

Now it is about one o'clock in the morning. The mountain road where more than 5,000 people are lurking is full of the atmosphere of killing, and even a passing foraging can't see.

Lucia carefully leaned against Xius, breathing the slight smell of sweat from his body, and her lips were inexplicably dry. Repair. She couldn't help whispering.

"What!" Xius frowned and looked at the winding path, and the figure of Curran's arrival at the other end of the road made him a little annoyed.

After being drunk like this, Lucia didn't know what she wanted to say, and then shook her head, "No, it's okay."

Claude, who was lying on the other side, saw all this and remembered it in his heart.

Long-term experience told him that Xiusi must be waiting for someone, and he is waiting for a woman. This is an ambush mission. Although he was not told who the target was, it can be imagined that it should be someone he knew, that is to say, he is likely to defect.

If it is someone else, Claude may get rid of this side thorn by reporting. Unfortunately, this person is Xius. No one, including himself, was told about his plan, so the biggest possibility is that he didn't pay attention to everyone at all. He believes that this madman can definitely do this kind of thing, and from this point of view, it is estimated that Lucia also knows the truth, so she has to worry about Lucia's feelings.

Thinking of this, Claude turned around and whispered to his old friend, "Vick, tell the following, don't do anything at the beginning, and let's see who the officer beats."

Vick is naturally not a fool. After understanding what he meant, he immediately carefully spread the message. After receiving the order, the soldiers understood the meaning with a little hesitation and began to carefully point their swords and shields at their "people". In fact, the army chief's brain is wrong, but Teus didn't regard his group of people as an army at all.

I don't know that there is already a team of rebellious ambushmen who are still waiting anxiously. This is the first time that the supporters behind Count Biman have given him a specific task. In order to show his importance to cooperation, the count personally directed the ambush. Although the count was a little uncertain about the fact that the other party was a Valkyrie, the count was relieved at the thought that the other party had promised to send a master support. He firmly believes that with the support of those people, he will never be just an earl.

Unlike the count who was still dreaming of his own ambition, Razard was very worried about the ambush. The other party is the Valkyrie of tens of thousands of enemies. A group of shrimp soldiers and crabs on his side are not enough to be cut, so he carefully ordered his direct troops to wait for the opportunity first.

Just when such a group of mob was about to lose patience, the goal finally came. The sound of horses' hoofs spread far away in the night.

"Kill them!" Count Biman gave an order, and the rain of arrows fell, and the ambush rushed down the mountain road one after another. There were only dozens of people on the other side, and it would be more creditable to kill one.

As expected, the white light in the dark rushed to the sky, like a miracle. One of the dozens of people was wrapped in white light and shot down most of the arrow rain with his sword.


This omniscient sign made Count Biman's miscellaneous soldiers hesitate. Everyone knew that it was the Valkyrie that it was not easy to mess with. At this time, the two figures jumped up from the other side of the mountain road and waved weapons to kill the Valkyrie.

The shrill sound of metal resounded through the wilderness, and everyone saw the white light dim.


The heart that has been put back into his stomach rises with the cheering. Since the other party can suppress the Valkyrie, this mission is definitely an easy task.

It's just that some people don't want to see this scene.

A figure swept over the white light, and in an instant, the heads of the two people who suppressed the white light fell like a watermelon cut by a sharp blade. The sound of the back of the brain being smashed was particularly loud in the middle of the night, and a scene of hair fragments stained with white thick material flashed in everyone's mind, flying with the bursting brain.

The white light outlined a black outline holding a long knife, and the burning Shura waved his hand to throw out something stuck to the knife body, "Get out! Otherwise, you will die!"

Except for the more than 200 people under him, only Razad, who has been looking for Sius recently, can recognize Sus. Even if you can't see the appearance clearly from afar, the excessive knife is a unique sign.

Rezad's first reaction was to stay still. He is a good general of Count Biman, but he only stops at the level of general. Originally from a commoner, he has no respect for this rooster-like arrogant native nobleman, let alone work for him? Moreover, the young general shuddered at the thought of their first meeting.

Of course, few people can hear the sound of Xius. When Count Biman saw his reinforcements killed, he shouted his entourage and rushed up while ordering his trusted troops to retreat. The scene was chaotic.

Looking at the dragon cavalry who were used to the thousand dragon cliff, and seeing this group of useless rabbles, Susi was not in the mood to kill them all. He shook his hand and cut down a few blind miscellaneous fish and let them escape like a pot of porridge.

"It's you!" Suddenly, Xius felt that someone behind him was pointing a sword at him.

The teenager turned around in consternation and saw a familiar face... Claudia, dressed in a uniform, was holding her magic sword and staring at herself with red eyes.

Sus was silent for three seconds.

"So it's you!" Xiusi carried Zhengzong on his shoulder and turned his eyes to one side with a disappointing face.

"What turned out to be me! You are a wanted criminal to assassinate the emperor of the empire!" Claudia was completely unaware of her position as the rescued person.

"Oh, by the way, you are now a dog of Edward," Xius, who had been in a bad mood by the wrong person, was angered. He suddenly smiled maliciously, "I only forgot you last time!" The vengeful guy naturally said that it was a previous bet with the girl. In saying this, he shook his hand and cut off Claudia's body. The girl quickly blocked it, but was also blown out by a huge force.

"Your Excellency!" Claudia's entourage saw that her officer was attacked, several people reached for the girl, and the others launched a counterattack at the same time.

It's just that why are they rivals of Xius? Even unable to resist, the blood splashed, and Claudia was stunned to find that several people had fallen in the squadron she had just formed. Stop it!" The girl screamed in a voice she couldn't even imagine.

"Why should I listen to you?" Xius cut off half of a female guard with a knife. Fanghua or youth, no matter how beautiful the girl is, she also turned into a pool of rotten meat and fell into the corpse.

"You devil! If you want to kill me, just kill me!" Claudia has already cried.

It's just that the position that Susi is now giving her the enemy, and the enemy's tears can't get any pity. "How boring it is. Let me kill them and then cut off one of your hands. How about you escape?" The devil sneered and raised his butcher's knife to put his statement into practice.

Repair! What are you doing?"

Claudia never dreamed that she would be saved by Lucia one day; Lucia also did not expect that she would save her former sworn enemy with such a word, and the tragic fate that might affect her life in the future.

"Alas? Isn't it Ms. Kuran?" When Lucia saw Claudia, she naturally knew that she and Xius had the wrong person.

"Wrong, it seems that the Rollros family is so nervous that they have to let the legendary people form a squadron." Xius put down the authentic, but he was still not used to killing in front of Lucia.

The girl keenly found this and smiled in her heart, but she was staring at the embarrassed Claudia in front of her. "But anyway, she is also a Valkyrie. Tie this woman and bring her back!" After saying that, without her action, Claude and the others gathered around.

" Lucia! How dare you!" Claudia, who had never been so humiliated, looked at Lucia angrily.

It's just that the current situation is different, and Lucia doesn't pay attention to her at all. "Okay, Xiu, let's not waste time. Since it's not Ms. Kuran, let's go back to the station first!" As for whether the count found it or not, we will discuss it later.

"Alle." Xius didn't care what the group of soldiers could do to himself. He turned his face and made an ultimatum to Claudia and others, "Put down your sword, or be like your companions on the ground."

"..." It's not the first time they have fought, but it's the first time they have met such a vicious enemy. When the sound of the first sword falling to the ground sounded, soon Claudia's guards gave up resistance one after another. Claudia, who was stared at by Xius, could not stop her trembling and gradually loosened the sword in her hand.

"Okay, tie it up and take it back." Looking at Claudia, who was tied up with flowers, Sius and Lucia couldn't help looking at each other and smiling.

After returning to the station that night, Claudia and her remaining eleven female guards were locked in a room. Claude knew that this was an acquaintance of Sius and Lucia. If an indistant guy dared to think nonsense, he would definitely die of more than one or two people. He especially told others about this, and the name of Hysi's horror is still very useful in this 100s.

Maybe it was too chaotic last night, or it was Rezad's deliberate cover-up. Others did not notice the abnormality here. The chaotic count's territory was still chaotic, but this area was particularly peaceful under the terrible suppression of Xius...

"Get me out! Xius! What on earth does you bastard want? Let me out!" Recently, there have always been such scolding in the hut on the edge of the hill. The guard soldiers are used to digging their ears to see if there are any calluses in it.

But it's not a matter for her to scream like this. The soldier knocked on the door frame, "Miss, don't scream. It's useless to break your throat. In the past, if you were willing to spend a few nights with your brothers, we could have secretly let you go, but now this master, you don't even dare to borrow ten brothers. You'd better stay well!"

"Shut up! Call me, Xius!" The only thing that responded to him was the roar from inside.

"Are nobles all fools?" The soldier shook his head, ignored Claudia, and decided to turn around and continue to look at his scenery. Just as he turned around, he was stunned to find that Xius was standing behind him! He immediately felt that the three souls flew out, and his legs were soft and almost knelt on the ground. He opened his mouth wide and couldn't call half a "adult".

"Open the door." Suss ordered plainly as if nothing had happened.

The soldier opened the door in a panic, and the oncoming scene was Claudia, who was pulled by the female guards. What? I was scared to death the night before yesterday. As soon as I ate two days in prison, I got my backbone? The intention to make things difficult for her, Xius hung up with a disgusting little face.

"If it's a man, we will fight. Even if we die, I won't be insulted like you!"

"I remember that the prison meal was arranged well. Doesn't the pickled horse manure not suit Miss Rollos's appetite?" Sius laughed.

"You! Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

"Looking at your appearance, you probably know what it's like."

If the eyes can kill people, Xiusi will probably die a million times. Unfortunately, for the devil, this kind of attack will even disdain the hair.

"It seems to be energetic," after the play, Seus decided to turn the topic to business. "I want you to help me do something."

"No help!" The girl refused.

"This is not a request, you must obey!" For the first time, Xius tried to increase his power by staring at him.

He succeeded. Claudia, who was originally like a little rooster, suddenly went back and lowered her head to dare not look at his terrible appearance. That's it. What are you staring at..."

"Since you promised. Guards, untie all the ropes on their bodies and let them move freely. Claudia, come with me. In a word from Theus, everyone was released. Claudia, who was dirty, put down the idea of taking a shower first and talked about business first under the suppression of Seus.

"I want to know the current situation of Saprous, especially Falsas." The teenager is on the broad hillside where he usually practices swords. Without his permission, there can only be him and Claudia in this place.

"You have guessed that your hometown has been involved in the war." Claudia replied bluntly, "Kilo and Parsa are sweeping Sa Pruss, and Oga is powerless to help. When I left, half of the Imperial College had already defected to the battlefield of Sa Prus."

Sius was silent for a moment and said something that stunned the girl: "Take me back."

"You! You! Your reward in the empire is a count! Even if you are worried about your hometown, you can't become a friend of Oga!" The girl didn't realize that she subconsciously considered the result of Xius first, instead of covering up what he would do.

"Edward's bastard really thinks highly of me." Gritting his teeth and cursing the most powerful man, Moses did not change his mind because of this. "You don't have to worry about this. You just need to take me back."

"I refuse!" Claudia stared into the teenager's eyes.

"If I die, won't it be as you wish?" There was a sneer on the teenager's face.

"I never expected you to die!"

"Then why did you fall into the well in Belsas!" Xiustone's red eyes stared at Claudia.

"What are you talking about! When did I do such a despicable thing?!" The girl stared at her without any flinching anger.

"Okay." After looking at each other for a long time, Xius finally withdrew his eyes. He turned his back, and his whole body seemed to be suddenly old for ten years. The indifferent and calm voice echoed gently in the girl's ear, "It's up to you, leave whenever you like!" I ordered someone to go down and prepare things for you. After saying that, he left Claudia and stood there with a rush and disappeared without permission.

Lucia didn't understand why Suses let Claudia go without telling herself, which made her very unhappy. It's just here that no one can violate the decision that Xius made. He doesn't want to explain, so no one can force him to explain.

"Seus! What do you want to do? Pushing away the soldiers in front of her, Lucia rushed to Xius and stared at the teenager with her beautiful blue eyes.

But what could respond to her was the teenager's casual slightly indifferent expression, "Isn't it just killing all the people of this count? In this way, his more than 10,000 troops are ours. Isn't that what you have been expecting?"

"Nonsense! I never expected you to use this method!" Lucia stared at Xius and counted loudly, "You know how many people will become a target like this!" In this era, this is also not moral!"

"Isn't it? Isn't there only 1,000 guards and more than 100 people in his family? Isn't that a lot." The murderer unconsciously said words that made people around him tremble, "What are you looking at? Tell those lackeys that if you don't surrender to me, they will all go to hell. By the way, it's too troublesome to clean up the smell of blood by burning the count's castle."

"Yes, yes, yes! My lord!" The soldier ran out in a panic.

"It's also true that woman was released without authorization! What the hell do you want to do?!" Lucia looked excited, and although Claude behind her was trying to speak for her, she couldn't do it.

"I don't remember that I'm going to be restrained by you. I'm going back to Farsace now." Sius simply replied, "If I want to spend a few years controlling this mob, it's better to let them submit directly. Am I wrong?"

"Whether it's right or not, this is too much! How can a division that wants to control 10,000 people use such a method!"

"I'll just say it." The teenager walked out of the wooden house and ordered the guards standing beside him, "Mercenaries, thieves and rebels went to inform them. Everyone called me to wait for me in the square of Tarrosburg. From noon, if I find any team outside the city who wants to escape, I will kill them all immediately. Do you hear me?" This is not so much a summoning as a cruel hunt, and disobedient prey can only die obediently under the claws of hunters.

"Yes, yes!" The frightened and pale guards ran out of the station in a panic, because they were also included in the range set by Seus.

"Are you crazy!"

"Hasn't I ever been crazy?" With a contemptuous smile, the teenager turned around and left.

"..." Seeing Lucia, who was trembling with anger with her lower lip, Claude suddenly felt that his opportunity might have come.

He walked aside and asked cautiously, "Miss Lucia, is there something that has made him unhappy recently?"

"No! I don't know why he did such a ridiculous move. Even if his hometown is in war, he should come to me first! How do I know what's wrong with him!" Lucia, who found a vent, poured out the resentment in her chest.

"Maybe it's because of the Valkyrie she caught that day that she said something to Seus." Obviously, he is referring to Claudia. In fact, to some extent, his guess is right in large part.

Lucia was silent about this. Because all the changes began with the appearance of Claudia, the smart woman immediately guessed that it was Claudia who brought the news of the distant war to Xius. Before that, in order not to worry about Xius, she had not said the news. It seems that it was told by this woman. Is it because you are aware that you have hidden the news? Lucia was not sure that in her feelings, Xius was not the kind of powerful person, and even if she had something to hide from him, she would not do such an extreme thing. What the hell is that for? Why is he so desperate to disturb his arrangement?

"Miss Lucia, if it goes on like this, your plan will be difficult to do." Claude looked at her silence and whispered a reminder.

"Now that there is no plan or no plan, just do what Xius said! Let's see how he cleans up this mess. After saying that, the girl also walked out of the room.

Looking at Lucia's departure, Claude gritted his teeth tightly. This woman didn't have any flaws. She couldn't seize any chance. Even joining this ridiculous army could not get close to her. She had to be a subordinate and be shouted at by her. This is not what he wanted, not! He wants to get her and possess her instead of being shouted around like a dog!

It's just that in this world, no one cares about a dog's feelings.

Throughout the afternoon, the guards of Tarothysburg were watching a performance, which was like this.

The protagonist is the new city owner who washed away the count's castle and a guard regiment overnight and burned the whole castle. The city owner, who is privately known as Shura, stood motionless on the spire of the highest observation tower outside the outer wall until noon today.

The performance began with the sound of the big bell in the city at noon.

As soon as the bell rang, the lord jumped down from the watchtower dozens of meters high like a martyr! Of course, no one believes that he will commit suicide.

Taking the shadow that disappeared on the ground instantly as the prelude, the hunting began. Before long, people standing on the head of the city and watching saw that some fugitives began to flee back in the direction of the city. Unfortunately, their mother only gave them two legs, and the desperate prey could only help themselves survive for a second in this dirty world at the cost of the lives of their compatriots.

The last fugitive, together with his sword, was nailed to the not-thigh gate of Tarothea City.

This is a deterrent, so the wall is as quiet as a cemetery on moonlit night. Everyone's eyes were silently watching the Shura with a butcher's knife slowly walking into the city, sweeping the ground with his eyes and kneeling on the ground.

"Okay, come to the square. I have something to say." Shura said lightly.

So, such a scene appeared. In order for all the subjects present, including all the Tarosians, to see himself, he stood high on the stone statue of the earl whose head had been cut off, holding a long bloody knife in his hand, as if he were a revolutionary. But now he is just a dictator who oppresses everyone by his own force. A true dictator does not need organization or deployment. Any dark activities are meaningless. The only way to overthrow this dictator is to defeat the butcher knife in his hand.

"Listen, everyone, I need you to go to war for me." The unreasonable request can be said so righteously.

"You must pick up your weapons and point at my enemies so that you can live more in this world." Tens of thousands of squares are as quiet as greetings.

"However, there are some things that must be given to you so that you can fight for me as hard as you can." There is a twist in his tone. What does he want to say? Lucia looked at Sius from afar and wondered what he was going to do.

"First of all, there is no tax on the territory under my rule, because I don't need it." Yes, the murderer doesn't need a government, an organ, or any ruling machine to defend his authority.

"All territory will be distributed equally to all farmers, and people who do not farm will give up their fields, otherwise, they will be killed." The sound spread by magic was like a thunder, which stunned everyone.

"The chamber of commerce that does business can do business without paying taxes, but when I need it, you need unconditional supply, otherwise, kill." In the distance, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Tarosis has knelt down.

"The military organization organizes itself. You can combine it into a whole according to your original organization or follow the law of the strong, but when I need it, you must fight for me unconditionally, otherwise, kill!"

When presenting this speech that was tantamount to intimidation, Sius did not think of the great impact his words on history. To some extent, the solitarianism he promoted has turned all kinds of clean officials in feudal history into a joke. Equality, something that people have never thought of before, hits the Taro Seri, even if this equality is based on a divine absolute existence.

My own explanation for this subversive reform is: "I'm too lazy to care."

History scholars of later dynasties have denied the possibility of the continued implementation of this kind of official rule. The strong rebuttal they put forward is that Xius is not human. He lacks the sense of superiority and control that human beings have, which makes him in a more just state in this system: his existence is more like an order than a ruler. Naturally, such cunning remarks have turned the rebutors into corrupt and greedy dog-blooded people who scold politicians.

In this era, the impact of Suses's practice on the feudal ruling order is completely devastating. If everything is equal except me, there can naturally be no nobles or bullies. The territory is nominally Sius, but in fact it is still people's own land, because it doesn't want anything. As long as he comes to your house one day, you can take out a free meal to entertain him, because he is the only decree in this country.

Of course, everything was difficult at the beginning. On the second day of Xius' rule over the city, a lot of business came to him. Because he is the only referee.

If it is someone else, in the face of all kinds of things, everyone will say that they are right, and it will be very troublesome to deal with it. But when you meet Xius, things will be very simple. Whoever is wrong will die! Even if you are right and he says you are wrong, then you are wrong. So three or two later, everyone gave up pushing the matter to solve the matter and negotiated in private. If it happened to Xius, it might have lost his life. Originally, he was not a virtuous emperor, but a tyrant.

Businessmen carry out daily trade under the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce. They dare not buy and sell as before, because Suses does not accept any bribes. If someone goes to Heus to report, many people will inevitably die.

The army and mercenaries have also lost the chaos and arrogance of the past. The soldiers and ruffians without imperial food go home to work obediently. If they dare to bully the villagers, the first sentence of the other party is "go to the city owner!"

As the most direct beneficiary, the farmer has no feeling about the brutal rule of Sius. He only feels that although this adult is a murderer, there is no harm for him to continue his rule. Anyway, life still needs to pass.

So, most people still live in their original way of life, and the guys who want to set off some waves have died. And their city lord, like a wandering soul, haunted the city and went to a place to have lunch from time to time.

This strange phenomenon is called the group constraint effect by later scholars. That is, after the maximization of prestige or terror, it will turn into a belief that is almost blind. Everyone thinks that what he said is right, wrong and right, and the concept of 'right' has gradually turned into a habit, as if it restrains everyone's thoughts. As long as this person says a word, no one will resist, and everyone will desperately carry out this order to maintain the status quo of what he said is 'right'. Scholars believe that this is the ultimate that rulers can achieve, just like gods.

Only for the time being, the horrible energy of this effect has not been exerted. Now Tarosis is like the moment when a fist is slowly clenched and waiting for the attack.

The lords around Tarosis have recently discovered such a strange phenomenon that people from Tarosis will call themselves Tarothys. Although they knew that Tarosis changed owners overnight, and that the owner was a rather brutal guy, it did not attract enough attention. The reaction of all city owners is to strengthen their vigilance against the people around them and prevent themselves from being killed by their subordinates.

With their philosophy and thinking now, there is no way to understand how horrible cohesive and xenophobia this system will become. When they realized it, the frightened feudal rulers framed the place where this system already existed as hell, where the dead and demons lived. However, the word hell has been occupied by Pluto, and later extracted a synonym from the dictionary of the ancient oriental kingdom. Everyone thinks it is very appropriate, that is, 'Naluo' - the future magic sword city.