Magic Sword

09 Battle of Falsas

When the Ogasa cavalry who seduced the dragon cavalry returned to Farsas, he was stunned to find that the person who responded to him in the plan was no longer there?

is no longer there? What's going on? As soon as they came up with this idea, the dragon gun with a red halo swept off their heads.

Generally, dragon guns can only use stabbing in order to pursue the strongest attack power. Even if a few people hang a blade on their gun barrel, they rarely have a chance to play the role of a blade. However, Arnold Bazel's dragon gun technique is different from others. An orphan climbed from a humble and bullied slave to the commander of the dragon cavalry who wants to stop and salute in the barracks. How can his skills be comparable to ordinary people?

His dragon gun does not need a blade, but it can cut anything like a sharp blade. The reason is the red streamer on his dragon gun. As we all know, one of the characteristics of the fire attribute is high heat. Most people have seen the method of craftsmen cutting heat-resistant objects after adding steel, but few people will apply this method to actual combat. In this regard, Arnold is the fore. If you look carefully on the battlefield, you will find that there will be burnt black marks at the incision of the body broken by his dragon gun. This is Arnold Bazel's dragon gun technique. Arnold's dragon gun is not metal, but made of high hardness heat-resistant materials, and his two hands are heating devices. The dragon gun in his hand in the battle can even reach tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature, and even the water vapor in the air will be steamed.

And this use of high heat is not only in cutting. The dragon gun with tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature can easily ignite everything around. After sweeping the dragon gun, the other party is often not hit, but the clothes and hair have burned. Flames, burnings and explosions enveloped Arnold Bazaire on the battlefield all the time. As long as his dragon gun is inserted into the other party's fortress, there is no need to destroy it at all, and the people inside will suffocate because of the instantaneous consumption of oxygen. Therefore, in the seven generals of Qianlong Cliff, the name Arnold Bazelle is called the blazing general.

After killing the Ogasa cavalry who came to attack, a thousand aggressive dragoons found that the other party was only about 50 people. How could a group of bloody Parsa cavalrymen stop? The brothers who died in this group of bastards could not be compensated for by these two or three human lives, so the dragoons began to attack the city of Falsas without thinking about it.

Falsas, who was preparing for dinner, had just heard the sound of horses' hoofs galloping in the distance. Before he could react, Parsa's dragon horse was already in front of him.

This city has not experienced war for a long time, and neither soldiers nor residents have much fighting spirit, or they are quite slack in war.

When someone shouted, "The Parsa dragon rider is coming!" Everyone's first reaction is to escape! Only a few soldiers can remember that their weapons can also be used to fight against the enemy.

How much defense can Falsace have? Just look at the gate that can only pass through two horses at the same time and the wall less than five meters. The Parsa dragon rider did not hit the gate at all, but drove the dog dragons to jump directly to the wall of Farsas. Therefore, this is not a battle at all, but a massacre.

Falsas's soldiers didn't have time to raise their swords at all. They were smashed their heads by the angry Palsa dragon on a gun. Red and white things were scattered everywhere, and only a bead-shaped organ with some muscle tissue was hung on the cavalry's dragon gun. .

No matter what the reason started, the civilians were the most hurt in the war.

Even Arnold, who is waving a butcher's knife to kill civilians at this moment, understands this truth, but he knows it but has to continue, because this is war.

Innocent people were killed for the benefit of some people for no reason, but these people benefited from it and rose to a high position. This is this unfair world.

While lamenting the war, he stabbed a ten-year-old girl to death on the ground.

May you be born in a peaceful era in your next life! This era is not suitable for people as weak as you. Thinking so, he picked up the girl's body and turned it into a flame.

After doing this, he turned his eyes to the most eye-catching castle in the city of Falsas.

Arnold's feelings for the aristocracy are very simple: hatred, hatred, hatred, hatred, in addition to hatred or hatred, and even the reasons for hatred, because it will only further deepen his pain and hatred of this maggot. Well, now that you have come here, let's kill this group of pests. Arnold often hung on his smiling face with an almost distorted expression.

While Farsas sounded burning and killing, the count immediately ordered his children to hide with important items in the family, and he led the swordsmen in the family to attack.

The result can be figured out with your toes. The burning bodies were thrown from the enemy's dragon gun, and the black dragon knight slaughtered the soldiers who blocked him on the road to the castle. No one could block the other party's gun, and it even took two or three lives to withstand a wave of the black dragon gun.

The count's memory of participating in the war when he was young reawakened, and the dragon gun with red light waves clearly showed that his master had stepped into the legend. Count Dowver held the sword in his hand and said, "You all retreat. This guy can't be dealt with."

Arnold looked at Count Dowver, who had been huddled at the end, standing out of the crowd with a sarcastic smile.

"General of Parsa, please allow me to fight a fair duel with you. If I die, then you can stop this senseless killing! Because you have won." The count moved his slightly fat body and stood in front of the enemy who dominated life and death with lifelong courage.

But who will pay attention to the enemy's request? This kind of bright scene turned to provoke the murder of knights.

The smile on Arnold's face was even brighter, "Is the nobles duel, hehe?" He suddenly raised a dragon gun and hit the forehead of the person in front of him. "I'm not a noble."

The count was directly divided into two halves from the middle before he even had time to raise his sword and fell to both sides with burning wounds. Along with the fallen bodies of the count, there were the screams of the fleeing hired swordsmen.

"Hahahaha! Go to hell!" Arnold jumped directly from the horse and slaughtered the fleeing crowd at will. At every step, someone would die under a gun and turn into a scorched corpse, but he still did not stop.

This group of people is worthy of death. To blame themselves for being too weak and being a lackey for the nobles. Crazy knights are killing tyrannically.

The scream outside made the two sisters hiding in the castle tremble with fear. The two girls hugged each other and hid under the bed. They themselves did not know whether this naive method could avoid this disaster.

"Sister, I'm afraid." The younger Lilia whispered.

"Shh, don't be afraid, my sister is here." In fact, Flora's hands are also shaking constantly, but as a sister, she has to be the psychological pillar of her sister.

At this moment, a woman's scream came from the next door, and the two girls heard it. It was Mrs. Chell's voice.

"Please, don't do this. I'll give you everything. Please don't kill me!"

"Disgusting bitch, no matter how you look at it, it's disgusting."

"Ah, no, my hair, ah! No!"

"Hahaha! Go to hell!"

Then, the terrible screams throughout the soul lasted for about a minute before ending. The girls did not know that it was the result of the flame burning.

At this time, Flora thought quickly. Since Mrs. Chell has been found, there is no reason why she and Lilia will not be found by each other, so...

The brave girl made a decision. She patted Lilia on the back and motioned her to climb out from under the bed.

What are you doing? Sister?" At this time, the young girl did not realize what decision the sister in front of her had made.

"It's not safe under the bed. You hide here." Before she could explain to Lilia, Flora grabbed her arm and stuffed her into the closet.

"Sister, sister, what are you going to do?" The girl hit the board hard inside, but Flora had locked the wardrobe from the outside.

"Lilia, remember, no matter what you see or hear, don't make a sound! If you speak out, I will never forgive you!" Flora leaned on the door of the overt and warned with a crying voice. At this time, her sister in the closet suddenly understood that her sister had decided to pave the way for her life with her death.

Before Lilia said no, the door was kicked open. A knight from Parsa appeared in front of the door, holding a black sword in his hand and emitting strange white smoke.

"Ah, it seems that she is a beautiful noble lady this time." Arnold laughed. He reached out and inserted the sword into the wall and came step by step with that twisted smile.

Flora held her sword tightly in her hands. Although the sword trembled and almost slipped out of her hand, she still used all her courage to warn loudly: "Don't come over!"

"Haha, there is also a sword!" The knight smiled, and the steps under his feet still did not stop.

Flora decided to take the initiative to attack, and she raised her sword and cut at the other party. The power gap was like a gully gully. The knight dodged the sword at random by mistake. He suddenly grabbed Flora's neck and pressed her on the wardrobe, and the other hand easily took off her sword. It looks good, but I don't know how many men have been sex with, hehe. Arnold smiled and wanted to kiss the girl's lips.

At this time, Flora subconsciously waved her empty left hand and slapped Arnold in the face, leaving red five fingerprints on the smiling face.

The knight smiled and twisted, and the sword in his right hand flipped casually, directly pierced the girl's body and nailed her to the wardrobe. Blood dyed the white dress red and fell to the ground. Flora stared at the other party with wide eyes. At this time, her consciousness had begun to move away from her. But this is not the end. Arnold, who was already crazy, tore off the girl's skirt. He withdrew his belt and stabbed it fiercely.

"Ah, it's still a virgin. That's great. Hahahaha!"

Crazy laughter, the impact of the door panel, and the sad hum of the dying girl are mixed.

In the shaking wardrobe, the sharp sword with the blood of her relatives showed Lilia's expression of fear. She covered her mouth and controlled herself not to scream. Her pale face had been confused by tears. She was afraid, sad and helpless, but she could not ask for help. The nightmare sound tore her nerves, no, or how much she wished it was just a nightmare. But now, the girl knows that nightmares are nothing compared to reality.

I don't know how long the wardrobe shook and finally stopped.

The knight tied his belt and left contentedly, unaware that there was a crying girl behind the body where he vented his desire.

Up to now, Xius and others, who were still facing each other dozens of miles away ten minutes ago, rushed to the city. Without thinking too much, Xius immediately began to kill the dragoons of Parsa.

Arnold, who had just come out of the castle, heard the roar of his companion warning and immediately jumped on the mount. What came into his eyes were the cavalry of 7,000 Tarothea.

The dragon knight roared, and the dragon cavalry of Parsa immediately gave up resistance and began to flee. Although Sius also killed two or three, they fled too fast, and now is not the time to chase them.

Sius ran all the way to his former home.

Countless corpses on the way made his heart tighten. Perhaps, as a result, he has thought of it. Even so, he still needs to confirm it.

When passing through the gate, Moses did not recognize the count's body and stepped on it and walked over.

The first thing he came to was Flora's room, and the scene in front of him was unexpected.

Flora's body was hung on the large cabinet by her sword, and the blood of the red coat had solidified. The broken skirt and the lower body of ** proved that the girl had encountered very terrible things before she died. That scene flashed through Xiusi's mind and made him hold his nails into his palm.

The teenager walked to the body step by step, stretched out his bloody hand and gently rubbed his already cold face. The girl's originally bright blue eyes lost focus forever, and her trembling hand crossed her eyes, making the deceased close their eyes.


Fury? Murderous intention? No, there are no words to describe the state of Sius now. He smashed the window and jumped out, and now his idea is to kill all the Parsa people!

"Hey, what are you doing!" Unfortunately, as soon as he left the city, he bumped into Barbado.

"Get out of here!" The furious Sius waved an authentic knife and slashed Barbado without saying a word.

"Good! You still want to come, right?" Barbado punched up and fought head-on. Xius, who was unprepared because of anger, was shot out. He fell to the ground awkwardly and hit his head on the wall of the wall.

"Yes, you are also accomplices. Yes, it's your fault. If you hadn't stopped me, this wouldn't have happened!" Even though he was injured, the teenager still struggled to get up from the ground.

"No matter what you are crazy about, no one in the world dares to use me as a punching bag." Although the unknown Barbado did not understand what had happened, he knew what was going on without explaining the other party's murderous intention.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you!!!!" The murderer, who had almost collapsed, waved his blade and cut it down according to Barbado's forehead. Barbado naturally responded to Seus' knife with an upper hook. The huge force collided with the air and sprayed ring ripples. The two-meter long knife waved crazily, and the dimension fell on Barbado's body like no money. But if he is killed like this, he will not be the thirteen knights of roses.

The evaluation given by later generations is: the thirteen knights of roses, each of whom is a monster.

Known as the strongest monster on earth, how can it be defeated in this battle? Although the movement speed can't keep up with Sius, it's okay if it's just attack speed. Barbado waved his fist and kept hitting the attacking blade. Such a crazy attack could not cause him any damage. However, who is not aggrieved when being beaten like this!

"Fuck! Come on, really! Do you think I'm a cat if I don't be powerful?" He didn't notice that he was wrong. Barbado punched him with the blade of Xius. He already knew that Xius could remove his fist strength, so this time he added another one.

Bang, Sus was knocked out again.

At this time, I don't know when he was surrounded by Tarothea's cavalry, but no one dared to go up to help.

Seeing Susie's collapse in confusion, Ian was silent for a moment and suddenly began to shout, "Glory!"

Others were stunned for a moment, but then realized that this was to cheer up Xius and began to shout: "Glory! Glory! Glory!"

What a bullshit glory! Glory is none of my business! Xius' anger burned his nerves, as if a real flame was burning at his brain vertebrae, and there were bursts of pain in the back of his head. He staggered up again, and the shoulder blade of his right hand had been shattered by the punch just now. Zheng Zheng had just lifted it up, but slipped out of the palm of his hand. Sius bowed down and picked up the knife handle with his left hand, "You must die!" The shouting Tarosis soldiers did not know that you in the mouth of the lord actually included themselves.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you, so let you see my blow to kill the steel dragon at Polbo Peak!"

Barbado's always squinted phoenix eyes suddenly widened. His hands and feet put on an X-shaped posture, and his muscles began to expand crazily, and immediately burst the uniform coat that was not very suitable. The muscles on the back are stacked, which doesn't look like human beings can have at all. Even the neck is supported by such deformed muscles, and there is no gap to attack at all. Seeing this posture, you can immediately think of the rope that the siege machine is desperately tightening. Every time you tighten a circle, the reflex force will be squeezed on the end that has been twisted many times. When the end is released, the force will explode in one breath.

If it was before, Xius would definitely retreat or find other ways to avoid a head-on collision with him.

But now he can't care so much, and the murderer who has been completely swallowed up by the intention of killing has no ability to judge the threat of the other party at all.

So he shook the authentic with his left hand and cut it over.

Pound! The weak blade did not touch the other party at all, and the violent Barbado had already hit Xius' chest with a steel fist.

How powerful can it kill the steel dragon? At least it is impossible for Kuran, who was able to hit the seriously injured dragon rider, and it is impossible for Barbado to kill the giant beast directly with one blow. What will be the effect of such a force hitting people?


worthy of the loud sound made during the impact, Susi's body was like a magic bomb at the time of the explosion, which was torn apart by this force, broken into pieces and scattered everywhere.

Fedred and the others were stunned. This group of followers never thought that Sius would be defeated, or die here, and there was not even a whole body.

"Looking for death." Barbado clapped his hands, showing a particularly strong look, and swept the re-squinted Danfeng eyes to the army of Talosis. "What, are you going to continue?"

The crowd was silent.

Is it so dispersed? Fide asked himself, but he didn't know what to do. Although Ceus had not dealt with anything specifically in the city, if he was missing, would Tarosis still be Taros?

At this moment, Ian shouted again! Glory!"

Everyone was stunned. Why? How can it be glorious when both of them are dead?

"Glory, for the glory of Tarothea!" Regardless of other people's eyes, Ian continued to shout.

a sound,

Two tones,

three tones,

Finally, someone in the team understood and began to shout "Glory!"

"Are these guys crazy?" Barbado, who wanted to scare them, suddenly felt that what he had done was useless, and this group of people were all crazy.

"For the glory of Tarotheath, revenge for Lord Ceus!" Ian shouted, and the cavalry rushed to Barbado.

"Damn crazy." The appearance just now was just a performance, and he did his best. If he fought again, he could not guarantee that he would not show flaws. What's more, there were thousands of people on the other side. As fierce as Barbado, he still decided to run first.

From the perspective of engaging in, in fact, this battle is simply a farce.

At that time, the blazing general Arnold Bazer and the shrewd general Clark Coremond escorted the engineers to 2,000 dragon cavalry, not a thousand. Coremond concluded that the other party would definitely stop the engineering quadron, so he arranged a secret warehouse and cleverly showed only half of the number of 2,000 people in the eyes of the enemy. In this way, you can highlight the strange soldiers to catch their opponents off guard. But the Parsa made a mistake, that is, he overestimated himself and underestimated his opponent too much. The defensive battle was not the tactics that the dragoons were good at. In addition, the sword Zigfei personally led the raid, and the Oga, who did not love the war at all, burned the equipment and turned their faces and ran away. They had nothing they could do.

But Zigfei's side also made a mistake. They also underestimated their opponents. They thought it would be good to attract up to 400 cavalry, but Arnold Bazer, who had already prepared, took a thousand cavalry to kill Falsas in one breath. And due to the sudden entry of Sius, the two backbones, the strongest Barbado on the earth and the destroyer Renn Nafar, led people to stop Susus, which inevitably caused the tragedy of Falssus.

From the simple results, the Ogans won; from the perspective of strategy and personnel losses, the Parsa won, and from the perspective of later people, they all lost.

Because Sus's body had been shattered and even his head could not be found, Fide and the others only took away the authentic.

And the real winner of this war is now on the stage.

A woman with a scar on her face.

Didn't you say that this one is quite reliable? Ha ha, it's really pitiful. My lovely child was beaten like this. In the night, she outlined her proud curve for the glimmer, "But it's time."

In this way, she took out a stone from her chest gutter: "In this name, the Holy Spirit was born in my hand, and I gave you the form of life."

After three chanting great summoning spells, a ** teenager lay on the cold ground, obviously Sius, who had been broken into pieces before. The woman squatted down and looked carefully and made a thoughtful look, "My brain is broken. Will I lose my memory? Forget it, as long as you can continue to plan anyway, then, I wish you a good dream, my child. After saying that, the woman kissed Xius on the forehead and turned away.

George Black, who was captured by the Oga army after his release from Olson Fortress, has been feeling that he must have been entangled by the mold, and he was kicked up to clean up Farsas' battlefield. While cursing the black-hearted Oga army, the unlucky teenager turned over in a pile of rags and corpses to see if he could find something good and help himself rush the recent bad luck. But when he saw the naked acquaintance lying under the wall, the teenager opened his mouth and finally said only one sentence: "How dare I have been unlucky for so long to pick up you bastard!"