Magic Sword

14 worldly

Are you really stupid?

Claudia sighed with emotion and regret. Although she initially thought about suppressing the matter here, after she released the two people, the local law enforcement team found here early the next morning and asked Belsas College to arrest the person hiding here. The wanted criminal will assist.

If I had known, I shouldn't have put those two people back like this. Claudia sighed, but she was not worried. It was not so much confidence in Sheus as she had no confidence in her group!

Walking behind the team, the girl looked helplessly at the princess who took the lead. She seemed to be very confident in her escort. After knowing this matter, she did not hesitate to come in, so Claudia had to follow her. There is also the big man named Barbado, and she also knows something about this man these days. He is really strong, but not strong enough to threaten that person.

Anyway, it must have been useless this time. Claudia thought about it indifferently, and when she thought that she would waste time with them here knowing that she would be useless, she would feel that it would be good to take time to practice swords like Sius.

Just as she was still lamenting the meaning of life, Elizabeth and the others had arrived at the pavilion where Xius was hiding. Claudia has also been to this place several times, but every time she leaves bad memories in this pure white pavilion, which are basically made by the owner of this pavilion.

Anoxious woman, a nuisance place.

"Well, this place looks good, but I don't think anyone has lived here for a long time. Is he really here?"

In Belsus College, Elizabeth did not wear the thick armor, but changed into Belsus's blue and black uniform, plus her long legs wrapped in black suspenders under her short skirt, which smelled more like a school beauty than a princess. However, in Claudia's eyes, the princess came to play at home, so she went with her. While thinking about it, she pulled her heavy knight's armor.

"Yes, Your Highness." The person who replied was the teacher named Nanna who was released by Claudia last night, and she was accompanied by a fellow named Shia. They seemed to use magic to detect and track or something. Claudia didn't understand. She just wiped it on the table with her fingertips, and then the dark dust was on it, which made her immediately take out of the handkerchief and wipe off the dust.

"Check if there are any dark grids or something! There is definitely no one living outside.

Claudia's natural judgment also made Elizabeth nod. After she nodded and checked, it was someone else's business. Barbado turned around and walked to the inner room without saying a word. Recently, he has understood Elizabeth's princess's illness enough. It's better to pretend to be dead than to be bored to death, so if it's not necessary, he will never ignore it.

"Who allowed you to go into other people's homes and turn things over?"

The familiar voice made Claudia's eyelids jump unconsciously. She looked up in a dazzling and saw the hateful and hateful woman - Lucia Ri Boletan. But then she understood why Xiusi hid in this place. It turned out that the woman did it! However, before Claudia had an attack, Elizabeth grabbed her head first:

"It's you!"

Elizabeth pointed to Lucia. There were not many people who gave in to her, the princess, in her life, at least it was impossible to give in to a small local nobleman. But under that condition, Lucia did it without her knowledge, which was enough to make Elizabeth remember her for a long time.

"Is it her?"

Hu Chiyo, who hid in a dark place and looked out, also recognized the woman who used to pass with them. The samurai girl frowned slightly, and she was quite disgusted with this woman.

"Oh, shit."

Seus didn't tell Lucia about Elizabeth before. They didn't expect to meet her at the beginning. They thought it was just the law enforcement team. Naturally, the Kerrigan family will not make public the fact that their wife ran away from the wanted criminal. They can't afford to lose this person. So Lucia volunteered to go out, which was the best result to avoid confrontation and scare them off to buy time. I didn't expect to meet Elizabeth.

"Wait!" Chiyo grabbed Seus, who was about to rush out. "That woman is here to catch Seus. She shouldn't know that you were in the carriage that day."

Sius was stunned, but the step he took was not taken back. Seeing that he had not given up, Chiyo continued, "Believe her, she can do it."

Under Chiyo's persuasion, Xius decided to take care of the change first. Let's see what direction things will go.

"Oh, you are the knight of that day."

In fact, if Lucia knew that Elizabeth was the imperial princess, she might be confused because of nervousness. But now she only knows that there is a rose knight in front of her, at most an aristocrat, and Lucia is the aristocrat who is best at dealing with. Lucia's tone with a gentle smile was lukewarm, and her slight nodding showed her standard etiquette and noble self-restraint. This quality, coupled with her beauty, the tears of the Magic Academy are also a little famous in Belsaas. Although she has married, she is still a student here if she wants to come back.

"So it turns out that Miss Lucia is at home. That's really rude. Didn't you hear that you won't be at the Magic Academy after marrying Chris's house?"

The officer of the law enforcement team knows Lucia. On the contrary, he doesn't know much about Elizabeth's identity, which is also because Elizabeth's arrogance makes her feel that there is no need to tell a small law enforcement team about her identity.

"I lost something here, so I stayed here overnight when I came back to pick it up yesterday. What's the matter with Captain Leander's visit in the early morning?

Lucia is very good at remembering people, which is a very important factor in socializing. If you can tell each other's name in one bite, it will give the other person a pretty good impression. The captain of the law enforcement team also didn't expect that such a beauty could call his name, with a flattered smile on his face and a polite tone.

"We just received a report that a bad person broke into this empty house, so we came to check it, but I thought it was a mistake."

"Oh, that's it! Captain Leander has worked hard."

"Nothing, nothing, it should be, it should be."

Originally, I came to capture the magic sword seus, but now the atmosphere of these two people is so good that they look like they are having a happy conversation. The search is likely to be ruined. Claudia doesn't care, but Elizabeth can't accept it:

"We are here to arrest the culprits of the empire. Have you finished?"

Claudia pulled the corners of her mouth and thought that the princess was indeed a troublemaker. The same expression appeared on Barbado's face, but both of them were very tacit and didn't say anything.

As a party, the face of the captain of the law enforcement team suddenly turned black. Didn't this woman mean to lose his face? That's okay. There are more than one or two wanted criminals in the empire. It's right to be caught, and it's not a big deal if they can't be caught. Therefore, arresting people is his sentence, and arresting is also his sentence. When will he get others to talk more?

Leander is unhappy, but he is also a refined person. The knight is big and small, and maybe he can't afford to offend himself, so he didn't attack.

"This knight, if it is an empty house, there is naturally no problem, but if you want to search the nobleman's house, you must have a search warrant from the arbitration court or the royal court. This is an imperial decree."

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows and said, "Royal? Well, I said, I'm going to search here today. You can start searching!"


Looking at Leander's stiff expression, Claudia couldn't help holding her forehead and dared to think that the princess really regarded the royal search warrant as her sentence. If it was His Majesty the emperor, she would say that the princess's current identity would not work in the process. However, in order not to make Elizabeth too embarrassed, Claudia stood up.

"Captain Leander, this is His Royal Highness Elizabeth Pendragon, the sister of His Majesty the Emperor."

When she said this, Claudia still had the intention to take a look at Lucia. In response to Claudia's provocative gaze, Lucia naturally classified her as a dog, but after knowing Elizabeth's identity, Lucia was also surprised and quickly leaned down to salute.

"It's not a pleasure for Your Highness to come to the humble house."

And Leander knelt down directly on one knee, glad that he did not offend His Highness who was unhappy for a moment, otherwise he would not know how to die.

Elizabe looked down happily at the people who saluted her. The royal superiority made her feel extremely comfortable now. "Then let's start the search!"

"Your Highness, this doesn't work," Lucia, who was still half crouching and salute, suddenly interrupted. "Your Highness, if you are a guest, I naturally welcome it, but if you search, as Captain Leander said just now, you need clear written documents to search my room. Otherwise, if I lose something because of the search, it will not only be difficult for me, but also affect your reputation.

Looking at Elizabeth's stunned expression, Claudia smiled to her abdominal pain. If the royal family searches in its own name, it will bear responsibility, and if the other party does everything on himself without good intentions, it is really a shameful thing. Therefore, such an easy thing, even the prince dares not do it casually. This princess who just left home is really thick.

"Puff." Claudia didn't laugh, but someone still laughed, either someone else, or the biggest guy.