Magic Sword

16 Red Light District

Sius carried Hu Chiyo on his back and followed the route she pointed to this place called Para Street.

If Chiyo Hu followed, Xiusi would really destroy the block directly and find the beast. Chiyo said that she had a good way, so she stopped the action and found a place to prepare to go first.

"To briefly analyze, there are only two possibilities for a man who has little ability to live in the red light district. One is to be a liar and the other is to be a handyman. Since the man named Ruhr is an aristocrat and sold his sister for life, it seems that he can't stand the pain of life. Being able to meet his classmates in Belsus shows that he is still in a state of frequent socialization, at least he can see guests who go to the red light district. According to the above, we only need to dress up as a big man to catch him smoothly without shocking the locals.

That's what the samurai girl said before, and then encouraged him to steal something from an aristocrat's house.

At this time, Sius looked at his banquet dress and felt very strange. He went to the red light district to wear an aristocratic dress. What a crazy person would do? In contrast, Hu Chiyo's clothes are quite simple, cloth clothes worn by civilians on the street, and even some of them are worn out. Sius felt very uncomfortable. He felt like an upstart who was so stupid that he had no bottom line.

"What is this?"

"Of course, it's pretending to be a fat sheep," Hu Qian said as a matter of course, replacing Xius with his collar. "A man goes to the red light district in a luxurious dress, but with a servant is ordinary. Isn't this what standard upstarts do? Come on, put on these rings, all ten fingers should be full, and the gold necklace should also be worn.

Hu Qian is busy living instead of Xiusi. These things that Sius is wearing now were stolen from the nobleman's house.

Theoretically, the treasure house of noble families is not easy to enter. They will hire magicians to make magic arrays and magic traps to prevent their belongings from being stolen, but these usually solid things are simply paper on the window for Xius, and they will be finished with a poke. It can be seen that if Sius wants to be a treasure hunter or thief or something, it should be quite promising.

After honestly letting Chiyo dress him up, a dhod who appeared in the fitting mirror seemed to have inherited his father's wealth, but did not know how to spend it. The body is inlaid with gold and silver, and it looks so stupid. Xius pulled the corners of his mouth and wanted to protest, but when he thought of Lilia, he decided to put up with it.

"Laugh, it looks too fierce in this way."

"I can't do it."

"Well, it's really too demanding for you."

Hu Chiyo also knew that his requirements were a little too much. Xiusi was the least talented performers she had ever met. It was too difficult for him to deliberately pretend to be an upstart and a local rich man. Fortunately, this time the object is just a former dage.

Walking on Parra Street in broad daylight, many brothels have not yet opened. This makes Xius walking on the street in this dress even more stupid.

Hu Chiyo asked Susi to do this during the day, on the one hand, because of time constraints. With the current mentality of Seus, it is better for him to destroy the street in one day today than to wait until night to act; on the other hand, it is because the goal is to live in poverty and urgent life. The so-called early bird is eaten by insects. The only way out for a person who is used to spending money but suddenly becomes extremely poor is to make money desperately before correcting his habits.

Although Sus has heard of the red light district before, it is the first time he has not come to such a place. In Oga, although brothels are not illegal businesses, as a profiteering industry, they are still subject to strict official control.

The so-called profiteering is not just about letting women go out and sell. As one of the two oldest industries in the world, each brothel is a good information gathering point, followed by population trading, exciting drug trading, and even the most lucrative gambling industry. So Seus usually doesn't come to such a place, because he thinks this place is too messy and doesn't like to think very much. He hates this kind of intrigue.

Hu Chiyo changed into a man's clothes and pretended to be a servant and followed Xius. Although there are many people who go to the red light district to take maids, it is more convenient for male servants.

"It seems that the door hasn't been opened yet. What are we doing so early?"

With his face, he doesn't know what expression to put on now, and he also feels very strange when asking questions. After looking around, Chiyo explained:

"Slow down, we have to wait for someone. In addition to prostitutes, the most in the red light district are those scattered leathers walking in the streets and alleys. Most of the time in brothels, only a few top cards will be contested. Guests who can afford to pay for tea in brothels would rather wait a little longer than call those unpopular prostitutes. So if they squat in a brothel and wait for guests to call, it will probably be difficult to have several businesses until they die. So there are these scattered leather-trippers. Most of them have some personal relationships with prostitutes and earn some rebates from them while helping prostitutes do business. As long as they can be cheat guests, it will be the prostitute's own business to solve it. Maybe they can earn a few rewards, so how old are children who do this? , from more than 60, so it's basically certain that Ruhr is doing this.

Chiyo muttered such a big paragraph, which stunned Susi. He had no idea about the business style of the brothel. Now his only feeling is:

"Chiyo, you know so much."

"That's it." Chiyo touched his little nose and looked proud.

"But won't the brothel owners who have been dug up the wall be angry?"

"The madams in brothels don't expect those unpopular old women to make money, so as long as they are not the top girls to do business, they will basically turn a blind eye. Well, someone is coming. Pay attention to speak arrogantly and arrogantly. If it's Ruhr, do it when you ask for a private conversation.


Under the tireless guidance of Hu Chiyo, Xiusi nodded silently. He didn't know whether he could help but not do it, but for Lilia's news... Thinking of this, Xius tightened his fist.

At this moment, a woman with heavy makeup is coming towards Xius. She looks like a prostitute who came out in the morning instead of a leather guest, so Xius will ignore her directly. But it doesn't seem easy.

"Yo, handsome boy, is it your first time to come here to play?"

The woman jumped directly on Xius. The Ogans were generally very tall, and the prostitute, who was half a head taller than Xius, directly hugged Xius with the advantage of her figure. The strong and pungent cheap perfume, Xius frowned. He didn't look at the woman at all and said a very simply, "Get out."

Hu Chiyo secretly held his forehead in the back. Sure enough, it was too reluctant for Xius to play such a role. And how could this prostitute, who has been wandering in the three religion and nine streams for a long time, be able to get rid of any word 'roll'? She kept sticking to Xius' body like a sticky worm and rubbed her soft drooping chest on Xius arm.

"Oh, don't be so cold, sister, I'm very skilled, and you're still a virgin! I promise to do a good job in your enlightenment class."

Sius resisted the impulse to wave his hand to kill all the bastard women and turned his eyes to Hu Chiyo, which means: If you don't have an idea, I will do what I want.

The samurai girl was helpless. She came forward and patted the prostitute's waist and said in a low voice, "Go, go, this is before you have breakfast. Don't bother my young master." With that, he lost three gold marks on the ground.

The prostitute's eyes lit up. After a little hesitation, she felt that the possibility of catching this big fish was not very high. It would be better to collect it as soon as it was good, so she let go of Seus, happily picked up three gold marks and left. When she left, she gave him a kiss. He didn't look at the back of the prostitute at all. At this time, the cloud on his face became quite serious.

"I think your idea is quite bad now. If that happens again, I don't guarantee that I will kill them all directly."

"Patience, patience, keep a low profile. We are also thinking about repairing. We are still wanted criminals now.

Chiyo kept persuading him for fear that Xius would lose his temper. In her opinion, the success rate of this plan is still quite high.

Next, several customers came in a row, and they all said that they could introduce beautiful girls. If they didn't believe it, they would do things first and then pay for it. Unfortunately, it was not these people who waited for Xiusi, so he waved casually and dismissed them. Some of them were pulled by the next life, but they were all kicked away by Hu Chiyo, a 'loyal servant'.

Just as Xiusi was about to question Chiyo's bad idea again, a man in Belsus uniform appeared in the vision of Xius. The uniform was washed white and patched with two patches, but it looked very neat, and the pace of the visitors was also very standard. The position of the hand and the angle of the chin were just right. Obviously, this person has received strict aristocratic education before. If he is really an upstart who yearns for aristocratic sentiments, he should be immediately attracted by this kind of guy! So Moses immediately recognized the face that had bullied him for more than ten years.