Magic Sword

05 Elf

The terrain of the aristocratic district of Belsaas College is like this.

In order to highlight the dignity of the aristocracy, the villa area is the best part of the campus, but not the highest part. The highest part is the library at the foot of the mountain, because the people of the School of Architecture run the school with the concept of knowledge, so they put it at the highest place. In addition to some gardens directly in the aristocratic villa area and the highest library, the most important thing is a spring drawn from the mountain, where the spring has been dug into an artificial lake for students to talk about love.

Every Valentine's Day days, there are always many men and women wandering around the lake and in the woods, as if there are endless things to say.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Sius. What he cares about now is how to block the arrows that have been shot. The arrow was shot against the surface of the lake, and Xius didn't want to split the center of the lake with a knife. Normally, the penetration of the bow and arrow was very strong, but after adding some powerful killing move, the arrow burst after touching the splash as he expected.

The sound of thunder resounded throughout Beelsas. The center of the lake that had just been split was split by a huge round pit by a strong explosive force. Even the gravel in the center of the lake was blown out, and the splash of water wrapped in the shock wave splashed hundreds of meters outside the lake. If this had been used to dig an artificial lake at that time, it would have been very efficient. However, Xius didn't care what the lake was made of. He was drenched by the splash of water from the power of this blow, and he couldn't help but be glad in anger. If he didn't have the foresight, he and Lilia would probably be buried here.

After the huge waves fell, Xius chased in the direction of the arrow just now. The arrow was shot close to the lake, so the other party should be by the lake. Sius looked forward along the lake. Across the lake was a dense forest. It was obvious that the other party had figured out a way out, but the kind of retreated immediately, whether it was successful or not.

When did you provoke such a tricky guy? The first reaction of Seus thought of the church, which is full of talents, and it is not surprising to think that there are such people. If it was in the past, Xius may hesitate, and now the other party can threaten Lilia's safety, so whoever he wants to kill him directly. It's just that Sius didn't notice that there was another explanation in his idea, that is, he was killed by the other party, so there would be no subsequent cause and effect, because the enemy's malice came at him...

In less than ten seconds, he crossed the whole lake and drilled into the woods.

The woods at night are the best hiding place, and it is not easy to find anyone in it, and the same is true for Xius. It's just that the choice he made has always been very arbitrary, so this time is no exception.

With a gentle chirping of the dragon teeth in his hand, a forest fell down, and the sound of branches breaking resounded throughout the forest. This is a rather stupid way. The loud noise will make the other party take time to escape, but there is another thing to rely on, that is, his extraordinary five senses. It is difficult for ordinary people to detect the footsteps in the roar of falling trees, which comes from the sharpness of the blood of the dragon clan, but it is easy for him to find the other party's movements.

The dragon's teeth pierced the darkness and shot directly. This was the first time that Xius felt that this retractable knife also had the benefits of being shot as an arrow.

The person who came to assassinate was obviously also sophisticated, very keenly avoiding the first knife of Xius, but the next second, Xius had caught up with the tip of his knife. In his battle, the impact of distance could basically be directly ignored.

A archer is basically only hit by a knife when he is approached.

This one is no exception.

When Seus waved his knife and hit him in the face, he had no choice but to use his love bow to block this strange weapon. Well, what catches the dragon's teeth is the blade on the bow. This kind of bow with two blades is generally used by elves, because they like to use bows and arrows too much, but many times they have to fight close to people, which is why they have this strange thing. Xiusi's heart moved slightly and came up with puzzled thoughts. Why is it an elf? It is not surprising what kind of people there are in the Church, but only foreign races are impossible, because the faith of elves is common, and it is impossible for an elf who can live hundreds of years to believe in a human holy religion. This is the same reason that a person will not join the gang of monkeys.

Sius didn't have much idea. He just temporarily cut off the idea of killing on the spot. After all, if he provokes another elf clan, he will be a veritable public enemy of the mainland.

A person who uses long-range weapons, no matter how healthy he is, his close combat ability must be impossible to defeat those who originally use swords, which is inevitable, because combat skills will soon be neglected once he neglects to practice. It seems that this principle also applies to elves.

Xius pulled down with one leg, and the elf at a disadvantage in the battle position was very brainless to block Xius's whip leg with their own arms. As a result, the other party was directly smashed into the soil by Xiusi, and there was a perfect close contact between his face and the ground.

The enemy who shot such a big arrow was put down with one move. To be honest, Xius himself was a little surprised. He kicked the man's head and found that he was indeed stunned by the foot just now, so he had to turn him over.

"Alas? Is it him?"

Theus, who is not good at remembering people, is not so forgetful that he will forget the people he saw an hour ago. He frowned and couldn't figure out why the man who had only met once came back to chase himself. However, since it was so easy to solve the problem, Xius felt that it was necessary to check the beginning and end of the matter. If there was another guy like this, he couldn't stand it.

When Seus came back dragging the bow and the man, the girls were waiting at the door of the other hall. I guess they heard the previous explosion and came out worried. After Sius waved his hand to show that he was fine, he threw the man in front of him.

"It's this guy. I met Lilia in the pub before. I don't know why he came to assassinate me."

After saying that, everyone's eyes unconsciously shifted to Hu Chiyo, because this samurai girl always surprises people in this respect. Chiyo made a slightly calm gesture and bent down to carefully check what the man was wearing.

"It's a male."

At the beginning, this explanation made everyone not know what to say. Everyone can see that this is a man. Hu Chiyo checked his pupils.

"There are cyan lines on the pupils, which are male elves."

Although it was strange when he was just caught, it was also expected by Seus. After all, the weapon would not lie, and after seeing the memory of the Marquis of Bhutan, it is not strange for the elves to disguise themselves as human beings. Hu Chiyo continued to check, found two or three small accessories from his clothes, took out a purse and one or two gems on his belt, and finally pulled out a dagger from his boots. However, Chiyo only picked up one of the black signs.

"This elf is with an empire pass, and it should be an elf with some identity."

With this, Chiyo found an identical brand from his belt. Xius raised his eyebrows. Although he was very interested in why Chiyo had this brand, now was not the time to discuss this.

"Why did he come to chase me?"

"I think he should have come for some personal reason."

Chiyo answered while putting away his sign,

"The elves with the imperial pass basically enter the empire through official channels. If they cause trouble in the empire, it will affect the diplomatic relations between the empire and the elf city, so they usually don't fool around. And those who come to the empire with this sign are either the upper sons of the elf clan who come here to practice or come here to take refuge. In short, they are definitely not ordinary people, and naturally it is impossible to do anything easy to assassinate.

Sius nodded. Since it was like this, Susi didn't have much interest in killing himself for any personal reason. Thinking of this, he raised his dragon teeth to kill the elf. At this time, Hu Chiyo quickly stopped him.


"What are you doing?"

Seus looked at Chiyo, who was blocking him, and saw her big eyes gir in the direction of Lilia. Xiusi suddenly made it clear that Chiyo was afraid of Lilia's presence! Although Sius felt that her previous image in Lilia's mind had completely collapsed, she had better not use a knife in front of her. Seus put away the knife, reached out to grab the man's back collar and dragged him into the house.

Just as the girls followed Xius to the other hall, they remembered the noisy metal collision sound, which was the sound of armor rubbing. Needless to say, it must be because the guards who were detected by the hospital just now, and it should be more than just guards.

In the middle of the road, Sus stopped, and he shook his head helplessly. Why is this kind of thing always endless? Throwing the elf to the ground, Susi turned directly over the crowd and returned to the door of the other hall. The bright torch outside made the outline of the teenager's gradually resolute side face particularly vividly.

"Claudia, please help me take care of them."

Knowing that Sius knew that she had the highest force among girls, Claudia couldn't help saying:

"Do you really want to stop them alone?"

"Block?" The teenager looked up, and the dim torch set off his other half of his face. In the darkest area of the light and darkness, a ferocious red light lit up, "When do I want you to escape?"