Magic Sword

07 The Witch of Thunder

The words were quite tough, but in fact, Sius secretly shook his sore hand.

The first blow of lightning was hit, and it was not as unimpacted as seen on the surface. The moment before the thunder and lightning fell, Xius noticed the thunder and lightning in advance, but there was no time to avoid it. At the moment of the moment, the situation of shaking with Fu Yuelong appeared again, but this time it was different from the previous situation. Looking at the gray sky, when Xiusi saw lightning splitting himself little by little, it was as if it was splitting in another dimension. Xius himself did not feel the damage of lightning at all. Xiusi watched the purple thunder and lightning crawl over him, gradually turning the surrounding ground into scorched earth. The sound of lightning and thunder was pulled in his ear for a long time.

Before this state disappeared, the effect of thunder and lightning had gradually faded, but when the state disappeared, Xius still felt a slight sense of paralysis. Because he had thought before that he could not show weakness in his opponent's eyes, he began to move forward with a sense of paralysis. Originally, he didn't need to come out immediately and get a second hit.

Slightly bowed, and Suss disappeared in an instant. This state was not stable for him, and the safe way of fighting still had to count on dimension chopping and space movement. The mage opposite also seemed to feel that it was impossible to fight a distance war, so he flew directly to Xiusi.

Does the mage fight a close battle with the swordsman? Although Xius couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking, Longya had thrown out before he came up with the answer.

A white practice flashed in the night sky, taking the key point of the other party. But I don't know what method she used, but the dragon teeth were suddenly bounced out in mid-air.

ius turned over in the air and fell on the roof of a separate hall. At this moment, the enemy was in front of him.

" Stop it, Sus, this is not the place where you can splash."

The other party seems to have to persuade him. Is this a teacher's occupational disease? Seus saw that the other party's face was a little familiar, but he had long dark red hair. There were too many people with blue eyes. He frowned and didn't remember who the other party was.

"Have I seen you?"

"Alina Kaismi, I stopped you when you slaughtered your classmates before."

"Oh, it's you."

There was no hatred or gratitude, and Xius just responded without salt. This female magician, Sius, is not familiar with it, but she looks like a powerful magician if she can launch such thunder and lightning! Xiusi thought so and threw a knife back at him. In fact, he didn't care who the other party was at all.

"It's useless!"

The female magician shouted, and the unreachable dragon teeth were bounced off again. Yes, it bounced away, not to encounter any barrier position, but to be bounced away in the process of action. This spell should be an interference spell directly aimed at weapons, not just defensive spells. Seus frowned and continued to attack, but every time he made a knife, he was caught by the other party at the moment of attack, and then the blade of the dragon's teeth was directly blown away, which was unprecedented.

"I've said that swords are useless!"

The female magician's hand has a blue arc. Every time the blade reaches her, the blue arc will tremble greatly, and then the dragon teeth are immediately bounced away. Xius squinted at the blue arc and seemed to understand what was going on.

is magnetic.

Contrary to the crown prince I met before, the power of thunder and lightning can also be converted into magnetism. Compared with this spell, it is an active interference technique that uses this property to bounce off the opponent's attack. Yes, as long as it is a metal, it is easily disturbed by magnetism. No metal is pure, and it will be more or less doped with iron. As long as it contains iron, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break through the opponent's technique.

In this case. Xiusi suddenly lost his dragon teeth to the female mage, and as a matter of course, he was bounced away by the other party's technique. Then, Xiusi punched him fiercely.

"Ha, it's still smart!"

As an caster, Alina naturally knows what is the best way to crack this technique, so she has also prepared a backhand. No, to be precise, this is not a backhand. As a profound lightning magician, Erina's control of electricity has reached the point of perfection. If she doesn't want others to approach her, then others must not be able to approach her - because she is full of electricity.

Seus's fist had already felt the electrical energy pierced from the other party's body before hitting the other party, but this time he bet that his previous state would appear again. If not, it would be difficult for him to beat the charged hedgehog down.

The moment she saw Sus's blood-red eyes approaching, Alina suddenly became timid.

She also knew that at the time of her first blow, this person didn't know what to do and was unharmed under her lightning-lowering technique. If he really has something that can restrain thunder and lightning, it is difficult for his mage to get up again after being punched by him. However, in such a thought, Alina suddenly mobilized her technique and flew to the sky to avoid the punch of Xius by controlling her and the repulsion of herself and the ground.

She was afraid.

Seus laughed and couldn't hover in the air. He fell to the ground from dozens of meters high. The dust flew, and his feet were the dragon teeth that had just been thrown out. Xius knew that if the other party took the initiative to avoid the war, it was impossible for him to pursue her. No matter how fast your space moves, it only shortens the distance. There is no focus point in the air, and it is difficult to reach a height of 100 meters. Of course, you can jump very high by constantly throwing things, but the problem is that in the battle, completely exposing your next landing point to the other party is no different from suicide.

If Sus can't hit the other party, it doesn't mean that Alina can't hit Sus, and her lightning-lowering technique is activated again.

But she herself knew that it was just futile. The prepared Sius moved away at the moment she started the lightning, and then the thunder and lightning just disappeared after leaving a dry spread of scorched earth on the ground.

one, two, three.

Alina gave up this unnecessary move, just as she wanted to delay the time. When others came, suddenly, her right abdomen suddenly hurt. Shit, Alina gritted her teeth. Because she didn't expect that his weapon could hit so far before, she was stabbed. Although Alina stopped the bleeding in time, the injured body seemed very reluctant to maintain the spell for a long time.

The murderer who stayed below naturally saw this scene. He still laughed and waited leisurely for the prey to fall from the sky. At this time, suddenly, the clouds in the sky began to gather crazily with Elina as the center, and the murderer held his breath. Is this guy going to fight desperately?

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that after teaching for several years, I became so weak after a few years of stable life. I can't even stand such a timid look. It's really ugly to be forced to such a level by a little ghost!" As if giving up hiding high in the sky, Alina's height began to decrease, and her voice roared all over the night sky with the rumble of thunder, "Magic Swordius, right! In fact, if you hadn't killed and been exiled, I think you would have been one of my students. However, my students can only see the gentle and kind teacher Alina. As for you, I will give you a special reward to show you what the witch Erina, who killed 200,000 people in the army ten years ago, looked like!"

The thunder and lightning in the sky began to converge, with Erina as the center. Xiusi didn't want to draw a sword and wanted to interrupt the other party's technique. But a violent electric shock came from the sword, almost paralyzing half of Seus's body, and the dragon teeth in his hand choked and fell to the ground. Suss frowned. This is a continuous technique, and it seems that there is no way to interrupt it with dimensional chopping, but the problem is that it seems to be just a start-up.

"It's a pity that you are not from the lightning department. If you are a student of the lightning department, you will know. The most powerful thunder and lightning in nature is not the thunder and lightning wandering in the clouds. The strongest thunder and lightning is not linear, but spherical! It is difficult to see such a scene on this continent for hundreds of years to gather the power of thunder and lightning into a ball with magnetic force. To form such thunder and lightning, it requires coincidence even in the largest thunderstorm weather.

The occupational diseases taught by teaching are really terrible. Xiusi didn't know why she said this nonsense, but he knew that the woman who looked crazy was obviously not bored.

"And you are very honored to see such a thunder and lightning!" As if showing off, Alina raised the red fireball in her hand. The fireball was constantly hit by lightning in the sky. Every time it was hit, the fireball became one point bigger. "Do you see this fireball? It is not a fireball. The red color on the outside is just the ignited air. This is a spherical thunderbolt that can turn all within five miles into coke. Its effect is probably similar to the effect of tens of thousands of lightning strikes in one place for an hour. Anyway, those old ghosts are also very rich, but it should not have much to do with turning one tenth of the campus into scorched earth.

Listening to a woman's announcement, Susi's cold sweat left his forehead. This ghost place is indeed a crouching tiger and hidden dragon. Although Xiusi doesn't know what she said, the huge energy released by the red fireball hanging in the woman's hand will not be fake. If this thing is smashed down, it will be cut in half, and the surrounding will still be scorched. Maybe Sis can survive by himself, but Lilia and the others...

Just as Susie was still trying to figure out, the fireball in Erina's hand had become the size of a watermelon. She seemed to think it was enough and threw down the fiery red 'watermelon'.