Magic Sword

08 Yan Shang

No one can stop the collective charge of 50,000 troops, and no one can do it. The moment that figure is not unexpected is submerged by the sea of people. Fifty thousand Parsa troops swarmed in, and the expected arrows flew out of all corners of the city.

Bayer sneered. Stupid, what else should the wall do if it can be defended in this way? However, the fierce street fighting did make him feel the tenacity of the other party's resistance. Of course, it was just a dying struggle in his eyes.

The Dragon Knight of Parsa waved his hand and let all the soldiers enter the city to advance, vowing to destroy all the enemy troops in the city.

But not long after the last soldier entered the city.

Suddenly, there was a roar at the gate.

Bayer turned around and was stunned to find that a gate had fallen. It was not the original door that was opened, but a whole stone slab fell down. A very ominous foreboding instantly eroded all the nerves all over his body.

"There is an ambush!"

At the moment he shouted, flames ignited everywhere in the city, and fire began to ignite on the walls, in the room and everywhere. After a cold sweat, Bayer was shocked to see the other party's intention.

They exchanged the price of 5,000 cavalry for a street battle. In fact, they wanted to burn themselves here. No, it should not be 5,000 cavalry, but with these people who resisted, because if they were defeated here, those soldiers would definitely die here! What a crazy and vicious enemy.

There was no time to sigh about the enemy. Bye roared and rushed to the falling stone gate. At this time, only by using a strong force to open an opening could he break the other party's wishful calculation.

But just as he was about to use his magic, he suddenly found that the magic around him seemed to be drained by something, and there was nothing left.

Forbid demons.

This absurd word flashed in his mind. Bye has never seen such a thing as forbidden demons. As a person who has used magic for decades, he doesn't believe that someone can pump all the air and doesn't believe that someone can ban demons. But now at such a critical moment, the facts tell him that he has been banned, or that all their swordsmen and magicians have been banned.

At this moment, all the panic turned into fear.

It's like breathing air but being choked in the throat, and an instinctive fear and a huge sense of emptiness occupied all Baier's thoughts.

Then, like a chain, many warriors and mages began to scream:

"Magic, what's wrong with magic!"

"My God, has anyone drained the magic?"

"How can this be, asshole, come out!"


The roar and howling caused greater panic. The military array, which had become ** because of the fire, has now completely turned into a pot of porridge. At this moment, Bayer has not forgotten his duty. He is not only a dragon knight, but also a general.

"Stabilize, everyone, go to the empty place!"

The most empty place is the square in the center of the city. All the soldiers flocked to the square, hating their parents for giving birth to two legs.

Byer rode a shadow dragon, and the shadow dragon could fly, so he did not panic. He flew high and shouted in the fiery house to maintain order of the army. The dragon knight flying in the air was a little gloomy. This time, even if he occupied the city, he suffered heavy losses. He was really too careless. Just thinking about this, he suddenly came up with another idea. Since the other party has designed such a vicious trap, will he really leave such a large square for his people to take refuge?

At the moment he thought of it, the Dragon Knight was shocked by his idea and broke out in a cold sweat. Just as he wanted to do something, there was a huge explosion in the direction of the square.

The huge pillar of fire emerged directly from under the square, and Baier recognized the magic, the expansion of the fire pillar, and the tactical magic. The effect and scope of use are very limited, and the casting time is also very long, so it must be used with certain tactics, and this column is enough to catch all the people in the square.

The pillar of fire rushed out of the ground and fell from the air. It was sand ignited by the fire element. No, it should be called magma now. It bloomed like a lava fountain, devouring everyone in the square in a blink of an eye.

Byer was stunned. Now no one needs to tell him. He understands. The other party did not intend to fight against himself alive from the beginning, and all the tactical calculations were calculated based on how many enemies he could destroy after he died.

Is this a war? This is crazy!

"You lost."

At this time, Bayer suddenly heard a voice coming from behind him. He was shocked that he didn't want to throw a shot, but he found that the tip of his gun was caught by the other party's hand.

"It's useless. Everyone in Senro can't start the technique. You're just an ordinary person now."

It was a small girl who took her blade. She stayed in her long black hair and casually wore a cloth coat. She didn't look like a soldier, but the long knife in her hand proved her identity.

"You! Are you not dead?"

"The one at the gate is dead, and that one is a stand-in."

Hu Chiyo's calm answer. She is floating in mid-air around a cyan scarf at this moment, and it is obvious that the scarf is flying. The girl answered the other party's questions casually. She didn't care much. It may be difficult to stimulate a person, but it is easy to provoke a group of people, especially a group of bloody people. At this time, Bai'er was obviously like this. The turn from victory to defeat had made his eyes congested, as if a fierce beast wanted to choose a man to eat.

"Why can you fly?"

"Senro only prevents you from feeling the magic, not to free up the magic, so the previously established technique will not fail. But you know it's useless. Put down your weapons and you will be captured.

When he heard the other party's words, the angry Bayer suddenly smiled, and he looked up to the sky and laughed:

"Hahaha, have you ever heard that Parsa is not a general?"

The girl did not say anything about the ridicule of the Dragon Knight. She just said lightly:

"After that, all the 55,000 soldiers burned to death in the city will be left here. When your main troops come, it will probably become a dead city raging with plague! After that, the bodies of these soldiers who produced the plague will become weapons to destroy your main forces and use them as ammunition to shoot into your army until Palsa retreats.

Byer was stunned. If the previous ambush is crazy, this person's next tactics is simply crazy! Wait, 55,000 people? As if he understood the surprise in the other party's eyes, Chiyo nodded slightly.

"Yes, there are 5,000 soldiers left in this city. They are another part of the plan to bury you."

"Are you human?"

The dragon knight, who was shocked and speechless for a long time, only came out these four words in the end. In this regard, the girl just tilted her head slightly,

"It's a tragedy to die, and the people who die in a battlefield are just numbers. We don't want to use the practice of throwing corpses. After all, this will further aggravate the losses in the army, because people infected with the plague will have to be disposed of in the end. I didn't kill you now because you can let things go through another process.

I don't know what the other party was thinking, but Bayer was silent for a moment:

"What do you want to say?"

"No matter what the process is, the result is that you lose this invasion war, but if it is you, you can retreat without infecting the Palsa army with the plague. After all, we don't want to see the plague spread on our own territory. With your cooperation, we can let Parsa retreat, so there is no need for such extreme tactics.

Baier thought about the truth and falsehood of her words, but in fact, he could not detect what the other party was thinking at all. The tone of the short military girl was still very indifferent, as if she was born with no feelings.

"Your troops are dying. If you promise to let them live now."

Chiyo opened his mouth again, which made Baier couldn't help looking at the soldiers running below. At this moment, he felt that he was not a qualified general, because he could not completely abandon his personal feelings and classify all the battles as victory as the girl in front of him. The dragon knight sighed, nodded and let go of the dragon gun in his hand.

The moment he let go of the handle of the dragon gun, the other party's hand suddenly shook. The barrel of the dragon gun approached quickly in his sight and did not have time to react at all. The barrel of the gun hit Baier's head.

Liar... This is his last thought before he lose consciousness.

He stabbed the shadow dragon to death, and Chiyo easily threw the fainted Bayer on a high platform in a corner of Carlos. The high platform was prepared in advance, and there was no step forward at all. At this moment, Feud, who stood on the edge of the high platform and looked at the flames in a daze, saw Hu Qiandai come back, but looked at her silently and said nothing.

He is the commander-in-chief of this war, that is to say, he is the nominally vicious and unprecedented battle, although in fact, he is just an unlucky man with a scapegoat. Since 10,000 soldiers have been killed for this, so what about taking the blame? Thinking of this, Federer unconsciously pulled the corners of his mouth and looked up at the real dark curtain.

The girl with a long knife in her hand is standing on the stone railing on the high platform, holding her wine gourd and sending it into her mouth. Behind her is a flame-filled hell on earth.