Magic Sword

01 Longtan

I'm so tired. I'm so tired that my bones are about to disperse...

After a busy day, Susi lay in his bedroom**, and his head was empty and couldn't think of anything.

There is also the voice of Lilia and others busy setting up a dinner party outside the door. In fact, this is not surprising. Are you the king of a country now...

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Parsa, it is normal to think about it. After all, at this time, everyone knows that Xius is in need of manpower. Take the opportunity to be a veteran. If you can really stand up on the mainland, these people also want to take a free ride!

This result is naturally... beautiful...

He is not the kind of person who relies on many people to solve problems. According to his concept, the more people in a position, the less efficient the management will be. Therefore, those who came to rely on either went away from the unsatisfactory conditions or were pressed at the bottom.

Of course, this is also one of the important reasons for the previous so-called glory.

But there are also many people in this group who are really ambitious people who come to join. Er, in Chiyo's words, if you say it's good, you have great ambition, and if you say it's hard, it's ambitious.

According to Chiyo, theoretically, there is no need for people who can think except for Sius in Magic Sword City. This group of people is an unstable factor and is not recommended to be taken in. However, considering Lucia's dominance of diplomacy and intelligence, on the one hand, she needs a lot of people and contacts, and on the other hand, the large amount of materials they bring are indeed needed by the Magic Sword City, so it has become a situation where Xius has to fight with this group of guys.

Because he first established diplomatic relations with Parsa, all the people from Oga came.

Hmm! When I was hunted down, if there was such a country, I would probably have escaped.

So now the Magic Sword City has become a place mixed with fish and dragons, with all kinds of messy people. This made Xiusi quite uncomfortable, but what made Xiusi most uncomfortable was that Chiyo said: It was black here, so it didn't matter what color mixed in.

What does it mean to be black? Is it to maintain a dark city state so hard?

Just as Susi unconsciously began to run the plane, someone knocked on his door:

"Brother, the dinner is ready, and all the guests are waiting for you to sit down."

Sius exhaled a long breath. This banquet was the first collective meeting of the newcomers in Magic Sword City, and it was necessary to suppress them. After making up his mind, the young sword emperor jumped up from ** and reached out to remove his black cloak from the hanger. Press the voice and respond in a stable tone:

"Well, I'll go right away."


When Suses opened the door and walked into the hundreds of square meters of banquet hall, the hall originally used to stack the strange machine has been decorated, and the huge crystal chandelier hangs overhead, showing the financial strength and nobleness of the Magic Sword City. Although Xius knew that it was not crystal.

As the host, the high position of Sius is naturally the most central seat on the second floor of the banquet hall. It's just that in this hall, you can see either a beautiful girl with pearls or a middle-aged man in gold and silver. Xiusi, a black teenager, looks very out of place here.

But this is not a reason why others can ignore his existence.

When Sius came in, the four regimental warriors who followed him and all the guards who began to kneel down and salute made all the guests unconsciously focus on this teenager in a simple black swordsman costume.

However, Xius did not walk in at this moment. He just glanced at the group of people in front of him.

seemed to understand the meaning in his eyes. First of all, the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce immediately knelt down with the guards of Magic Sword City. For this group of businessmen, who can make them make money is the emperor, and how much gold is on their knees? Any businessman will scrape it off to turn it into more gold.

Then there was a group of small leaders. Some of them had nowhere to go, some wanted to make a good impression first, and some had long been used to kneeling down, so they knelt down.

After removing these two types of people, there are only two people standing now.

A person who is still wavering with a wait-and-see attitude. Another is to fight for a little benefit from Xius, and also hold the person who wants to give him a boost. For these two kinds of people, is it necessary to carefully discuss what they need to do? Xius didn't think it was necessary.

"The standing ones are all dragged out and killed."

As soon as this sentence came out, the banquet hall that had just calmed down became extremely solemn in an instant. Everyone knows that this magic sword emperor is a killing embryo, but no one can imagine that he will kill directly on such an occasion. Immediately, some people knelt down immediately, while others put on a posture to defend themselves.

One action, in a word, the attitude and position of everyone present are all clear. This was a scene arranged by Chiyo in advance, so he was not surprised.

However, as a person who may become a hero, the minimum forbearance is a must. Those who knelt down obediently after a little hesitation, Xius could only glance at them intentionally or unintentionally. Step on the red carpet all the way up the stairs to the second floor.

Waiting above is Lucia in a gorgeous dress.

This is reasonable in the eyes of others. As an emperor, it would be too poor for Xius to have no female companion, but he himself is not so conscious. So when Lucia stretched out her hand to politely help Xius sit on the throne, he at least touched that hand slightly and sat down. This made Lucia, who had struggled to earn this position, couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

The defeated competitor is actually not much better now. Hu Chiyo is now hiding in an attic on the third floor of the banquet hall to count the number of the above four categories of people and classify their names. The front is obviously full of wine, but I have to hide here to do behind-the-scenes work. Looking at the bright Lucia beside Xiusi, the jealousy in the eyes of the samurai girl was about to flow out.

But there is one thing she can do to refute, that is, Lucia is indeed more suitable for this occasion than herself. The reason is that Hu Qiandai becomes more and more depressed, doesn't know etiquette, doesn't know how to socialize, is short, and has flat breasts...

Falling alone Hu Chiyo, who has completely fallen into a low state, is now sitting on the throne and looking down at the people kneeling below with cold eyes.

Well, yes, he has been sitting on the throne for a minute, and Suss still hasn't asked them to get up. Looking at the quiet venue in front of him, Seus suddenly understood what Chiyo said: All verbal threats are meaningless. To show your attitude, you just need to do it.

Warning this kind of thing with his mouth is really not in line with the style of Xius, so he chose the simplest way.

Kneeling punishment.

This silent scene lasted for ten minutes, and then Seus slowly opened his mouth:

"Get up."

In a burst of friction of clothes accompanied by whispering complaints, all the guests stood up, and some people stood up several times before staggering to stand up. Who is the one who is present who kneels every day? Naturally, he has suffered for this kind of trick, but what Heus wants is this effect. The young man coughed, and immediately everyone calmed down again, waiting for his banquet speech. Then the teenager said:

"The banquet begins."

What banquet speech will Suses have? Even reading the manuscript is impossible. Seriously, Lucia, who said she was going to prepare a manuscript for Sius, felt that she couldn't imagine him speaking conventional vernacular with a polite face. Xiusi is not a person who likes to talk nonsense, not to mention that he is now a daughter of money?

And the people below were stunned for a moment before they realized it. Ah, okay, let's get started!

The quiet venue began to become noisy, and the guests began to look for their dance partners. The music sounded, and it was routinely that Xius had to get up and lead the first dance.

The teenager was not used to this time to become the focus, but now his identity was not up to himself. He took Lucia's hand and slowly walked down the dance floor.

This is also a reason for Lucia's victory. After all, Hu Qiandai does not know this kind of aristocratic dance at all, not to mention that if he dances with Xiusi, it is probably a ridiculous scene of holding a sloth and waving around.

Start and turn around. Everything is smooth and natural. Both Seus and Lucia are from an orthodox aristocratic family, and this kind of thing is familiar.

However, at this moment, it is the first time for Lucia to dance with Seus on such an occasion, and the girl who only stares at Seus's face a few centimeters apart is inevitably a little intoxicated. But not long after she stared, she suddenly turned around and threw Lucia out at will. At this time, Lucia realized, ah, changing partners!

I didn't care about the unwilled Lucia. Seeing the person in front of her, Sus was stunned:

"Hee, brother!"

"Lilia, why is it you?"

"Why can't I participate?"

The little girl smiled around her brother's shoulder, and at this time, Xius put her hand on her sister's waist and found that the little girl did not seem to be the little girl who rubbed her arms like a cat every day. For this, Xius could only smile helplessly.

After two steps, Xius shook his hand again and replaced Lilia.

This time, an unknown woman was taken over, but she said this sentence:

"Hello, Your Majesty, I'm an envoy from Sky City."