Magic Sword

03 seed

I got the paperwork and I can leave tomorrow. After sweeping away the previous haze, he relaxed, casually pushed open the copper wooden door of the other hall, and threw the documents he had just got in front of Ellie, who was still wiping the table.

"K away the documents. Let's go shopping later."

"Ah! Young master, what are you doing? The table has just been wiped, and it's still wet!"

The maid with two-color pupils hurriedly pinched the wet document on the back of the cover, but her hands were still wet, and she didn't know how to wipe the corners. One hand wipes on a semi-dry cloth and raises one hand high to prevent the paperwork from getting further wet.

Seeing the maid like this, Sus smiled.

He smiled like this, and he just said he was going out, which made Ellie feel strange. Isn't it just getting a customs clearance document? Why are you so happy? Of course, even if it was strange, she didn't interrupt herself. After carefully collecting the paperwork, Ellie helped She chose a new suit of casual clothes to go out.

Seus never likes to take a guard when he goes out. The warriors of the Magic Sword Order also basically agree with the habit of Seus. The Magic Sword Emperor is world-class, and it may be troublesome to bring guards. Therefore, it is an established rule that Xius only takes Ellie out when he goes out.

The sword around his waist in casual clothes looks like an ordinary aristocrat. Oh, it should be called a high caste in Parsa. Although Parsa also has aristocrats and high castes, high castes are aristocrats, and nobles are not necessarily high castes.

"Are you going there?"

Just stepped out of the other courtyard, suddenly one appeared in the vision of Xius. There are not many people who dare to call 'you' to Xius in this place. Coincidentally, Alina is one. At this time, Erina was also wearing a casual suit and seemed to be going out. Seeing her like this, Sus stopped and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Do you want to go with me?"

Then, the two girls beside him showed a ghostly expression at the same time. Seus suddenly invited people to go with him, which can no longer be explained by the sun coming out in the west.

"Are you all right?"

Alina subconsciously asked, and when this sentence came out, she regretted it. No matter how arrogant she looks, she is still a little afraid of Sius. If she is not afraid at night, it's okay. In this state, Alina herself feels a little guilty.

But the strange thing is that Susie is only a little bit:

"I'm fine. Do you know this place? Please show me the way if you have time."

"Where are you going?"

Alina's expression is richer. This guy not only doesn't lose his temper, but also takes the initiative to get close to her. This is too abnormal! Thinking of this, Alina shifted her eyes to the maid behind Xius to ask for the reason, but unfortunately, the dragon-eyed maid was also confused and didn't understand what nerve was wrong with Xius.

For this, Sus, who felt that the two were puzzled, did not explain much, but said:

"Go to the most crowded place here."

What on earth is Suss going to do? Actually, it's very simple.

The two things that can best arouse people's desire are creation and destruction. And what can make Xius so motivated is to create a plan to destroy Parsa.

People say that they stand high and can see far. In fact, if they are not bored, most people will not think about anything other than their own food, clothing, housing and transportation, because it is meaningless to think about it, and even if they know it, they are unable to implement it. But Sius now clearly realized one thing, that is, that is, he is the emperor. At this moment, he clearly discovered a huge loophole in the enemy's system.

Parsa, which is divorced, is the city-state of the empire in the political system, and the system implemented is caste hierarchy. It seems that the structure is complete and has its own sovereignty, but in fact it should not be so. Xius always feels that there is a huge hole in the system of this country, and now he is going to find out the hole.

This country that made Flora die must be destroyed...

The more the fire of revenge in his heart burns, the more cheerful he looks on the surface. Erina, who was so cheerful that she led the way, wondered if he had taken the wrong medicine.

The three rode out of the inner city guarded by the guards, and immediately a bunch of tren people rushed over. Of course, they did not have the courage to attack Xius and others, but jumped under the hooves of the horses.

"Your Excellency, please take this child in! Even if you treat him as a slave, please take him in!"

"Your Excellency, this child was born on seven nights and will definitely bring you good luck. Please adopt him!"


The same call came one after another, and Xius didn't understand it for a while, so he couldn't help turning his eyes to Alina. In response, Alina seemed to be not surprised and replied in a casual tone:

Although Parsa is not as populous as Oga, it still needs to maintain a large population base in order to maintain the war. With a wide range of people and the selection system of civilian students, it takes a lot of strength and opportunities to get ahead, but it is not completely impossible. In Parsa, there is no opportunity for these unruly people to get ahead by relying on their own strength. It can be said that except for more than 100 million high-level officials, the rest are animals, and they can live or die. And the only chance for these unruly people to climb up is to be given surnames by high caste nobles when they are young. Of course, the probability is so low that you can figure it out with your toes.

Pray to fate?

Sius nodded, but his eyes were getting colder and colder. As a murderer, he was not a compassionate person, but at this moment, facing this large group of parents who worshipped their children one after another, even he couldn't help tremble. If it was not the Earl of Dowver who adopted him, but an ordinary person, he would be caught and executed immediately after the emperor's blood attack, so he was not moved at all when he saw Betty, and moreover...

Thinking of this, Susi was reluctant to continue thinking about it, and he threw away the idea:

"How to get them out of the way."

"Just draw your sword and kill two people. Anyway, it's not illegal to kill the untouchable," Alina replied indifferently, but she laughed when she looked at the appearance of Xius: "You murderous magic sword, won't be able to get rid of it!"

Yes, in other people's minds, Susis is a person who doesn't seem to care about human life.

Is that so? Well, that's it. Xiusi silently pulled out the eight swords and raised the golden sword high.

Seeing that Seus drew his sword, the people who knelt on the ground before began to escape, but some people still insisted on kneeling on the ground, as if they wanted to impress Seus with their sincerity.

The sword fell and fell mercilessly as before, and then the blood splashed. No one saw how to see it, but the woman kneeling on the ground was directly split in half from the middle. A ten-year-old boy standing next to her was splashed by his mother's blood and looked at it in a daze. After revealing the skeleton, I couldn't believe that my relatives had become like this.

Seeing that Susi really did it, no one dared to insist. The untouchers fled one after another, leaving the boy still standing there.

Xiusi's face was cold. He didn't move, just looked at the child quietly.

At this time, the child turned his face and looked up at Sus. His blood-stained childish face was still full of dullness, but Xius, who looked at him, saw an anger and revenge in his eyes.

Seeing this, Sus smiled, not in the face of the faint smile of Elena, but laughed loudly. At the gate of the inner city, Sus began to laugh alone. No one knew what he was laughing at, and the two people who followed him didn't understand at all, but he smiled like this.

When the laughter subsided, Susi turned over and got off the horse and walked to the boy.

It seemed that she suddenly guessed what Xiusi was going to do. Alina smiled gently, but then Xiusi's action surprised her.

The young Sword Emperor pulled out a dagger from his leg and threw it at the boy's feet. He said this sentence:

"Live, if there is a chance, come and kill me."

His behavior stunned the boy. After a while, the teenager reacted. He picked up the dagger on the ground, turned around and ran away, and in a blink of an eye, he fell into the complex lane.

At the boy leaving, Susi silently turned around and walked towards his horse. He didn't know whether the boy could survive on his own or whether he would really die in his hands in the future, but it didn't matter. He did it just to plant a strong seed in the child's heart.

At this time, Alina waved a whip to drive the horse over, and Suss's behavior made her feel very fresh. I have seen people who kill their parents first and then take them in, but I have never seen them give their children with daggers to kill themselves.

"Well, what would you do if the child picked up the dagger and stabbed you?"

"I will kill him."

Sius turned over his horse, whipped his horse, and drove forward without looking back. Looking at his back, Alina smiled softly. I don't know whether to say it to Ellie next to her or to herself:

"I finally understand why you are pestering this guy, hehe."