Magic World

Chapter 55 Risk

In the fishing village on the coast, Zhang Zhentian and Su Yao stood by the sea and looked at the islands in the sea. Naturally, the two of them hope that the wind on the sea will stop tomorrow morning. However, as if it were a trick from heaven, the wind on the sea became stronger towards midnight. Moreover, the wind obviously came from the direction of the island.

"Mr. Zhang, look!" Su Yu pointed to a large black thing on the sea in the distance, "What a strange cloud!"

"Cloud?" Zhang Zhentian followed the direction of Su Yu's fingers, and he also found the black ribbon-like thing floating in mid-air. However, with his experience of doing meteorological work in the original world, he felt that the ribbon floating in the air was not a cloud at all. However, he can't explain what it is.

"Look, it's coming to us." Su Yu stood beside Zhang Zhentian, staring at the strange and serious, "It looks like a bug!" He muttered.

"What are you two doing here?" The old fisherman's voice came from behind the two of them, "Go home with me!" Giant mosquitoes are coming across the sea!"

"Giant mosquito?" Zhang Zhentian and Su Wei listened to the old fisherman's words and looked at the sea in surprise, and then turned their heads to look at the old fisherman. Old man, do you mean that the big clouds in the sea are all giant mosquitoes? Zhang Zhentian couldn't help asking.

"Yes!" The old fisherman replied, "Let's go! Look at the wind tonight, they will soon float across the sea. Zhang Zhentian and Su Yu did not dare to neglect and quickly followed the old fisherman to his house.

In the old fisherman's house, Bi Shen and Kong Xiaoyin now have other ideas. While the old fisherman found Zhang Zhentian and others, Bi Shen, the spirit cat, also found giant mosquitoes floating towards the mainland by wind.

"Yinyin, the giant mosquitoes want to come here!" Bi Shen jumped back to the room from the window. As it yawned, it said to Kong Xiaoyin, "It seems that they were blown by the wind!"

"Wind?" Kong Xiaoyin looked at Bi Shen in surprise, "Are there many giant mosquitoes? Is it windy?"

"Meow! Yes." Bi Shen replied, "It is estimated that there will be no less than tens of thousands."

"So much?" Kong Xiaoyin listened to Bi Shen's words and looked at it in horror, "Then what should we do?"

"With the current wind, I guess they will come to us soon." Bi Shen thought about it and replied, "This is an opportunity for us! It may be too dangerous for you.

"You want to..." Kong Xiaoyin understood the meaning of Bi Shen. He wanted the giant mosquito to take itself back to the island, but how could it be sure that the giant mosquito would not eat itself on the road? Moreover, Kong Xiaoyin has seen the horrible scene of giant mosquitoes attracting blood. Therefore, there is still a fear in her heart.

"You have the ancient boundary protection. These mosquitoes can't hurt you." Bi Shen saw Kong Xiaoyin's worry, "They are many, but the spiritual level is very weak."

"All right!" Kong Xiaoyin stood up after saying, "I'm going to the seaside!"

At this time, Sylph flew in from the window, "Let's find a place to hide!" The giant mosquitoes are coming. I'm afraid it will be too late.

"sister, the cat just discussed with me. I'll go to the seaside to make bait to attract them to take me away. When Kong Xiaoyin saw Sylph coming back, she directly shared what she had agreed with Bi Shen.

"Oh, then I'll be with you." Sylph listened to Kong Xiaoyin's words, but she did not object. She asked to go with Kong Xiaoyin. Because she and Bi Shen saw the power of Kong Xiaoyin in the fog forest, she was not worried about the danger of Kong Xiaoyin going to the island.

"It's okay!" Bi Shen listened to Sylph's words and nodded and said, "With Sylph, your safety is more secure. However, you two remember that if the seal on Yinyin's body is really under the ancient spirit clan, it is likely that Sylph will not come out of the ring when the seal is launched. Therefore, you two should master the heat of the seal.

"Okay, we know." Sylph nodded after listening to Bi Shen's words. In fact, they had already done experiments in the fog forest. When Kong Xiaoyin entered a coma, her ring was also sealed and wrapped, and Sylph, who stayed inside, could not feel the outside world at all. Then how do you go to the island?

"Go up with their original people." Bi Shen finished speaking, yawned, and then lay down on **. You two be careful! Sylph can sense the existence of Fengshenzhu. Be careful on your way! Although the giant mosquitoes have poor spiritual power, there must be a powerful leader behind them.

"Okay, I wrote down your words." Kong Xiaoyin nodded after listening to the words and said, "Sister, go back to the ring!" Let's go to the seaside now. After saying that, Kong Xiaoyin stretched out her left hand, and she greeted Sylph back to the ring. Then, she casually took a crock for water from the room, said goodbye to Bi, and walked out of the house.

When Zhang Zhentian and the others returned to the house, Kong Xiaoyin had already left the room. Because of the difference between men and women, they naturally do not live in the same room. Before leaving the house, the old fisherman also went to Kong Xiaoyin's place to confirm that she was still in the house, so he did not go to Kong Xiaoyin's place after he came back. In this way, Kong Xiaoyin disappeared inexplicably that night. Her cat was abandoned in the room.

The next morning, Zhang Zhentian found that Kong Xiaoyin had disappeared, and her cat was also anxious in the room. The old fisherman looked at Zhang Zhentian and Su Yu, and then looked at the spiritual cat Bi Shen. He finally said, "It seems that the girl who came with you was taken away by a giant mosquito last night. I'll give you Shanghai Island today! As for whether she can be saved or not, it depends on fate.

In the mosquito spirit cave, Kong Xiaoyin and other creatures caught by the mosquito spirit and giant mosquitoes last night were all taken to the cave for hatching giant mosquitoes. Soon the larvae in the cave climbed over to these poor creatures again. After a scream, most of the creatures were killed by the larvae of the giant mosquito. They are now starting to chew the food brought by the giant mosquitoes. However, strangely, the larvae of the giant mosquito seemed to be selective enough to deliberately forget Kong Xiaoyin, and no larva crawled to Kong Xiaoyin. Therefore, Kong Xiaoyin could only curl up in a corner of the cave in fear and watch other lives in front of him being swallowed up by the giant mosquito larvae.

In the cellar, Tan Le and Xue Yang are trying to reopen the access to the ground. Now the entrance to the cellar has been completely blocked by the collapsed wall. Because there are also giant mosquitoes patrolling on the island during the day, and Xue Yang and Litong's sneak attack on the cave last night shocked the mosquito king, so they are now afraid to use spells to directly open the way. Because they can't tell whether there are giant mosquitoes or mosquito spirits patrolling nearby on their heads.

However, Litong's condition is much better than they imagined last night. She has woken up now. It's just that she didn't dare to move. Her head hit the stone wall heavily yesterday. Now as long as she moves, she feels dizzy. Tan Le and Xue Yang knew that according to the earth world, Li Tong was now hit into a concussion.

When the two men were pulling the axe upside down in the most primitive way to open the path, Wolf Qingqiu chatted with Li Tong in a low voice. Litong had to tell Lang Qingqiu what she saw last night. Wolf Qingqiu also became silent after hearing this, "It seems that the mosquito spirit king is very powerful. According to your sister, Fengshenzhu must be in its hands.

"Yes." Litong whispered back to her, "I think if we want to capture the Fengshenzhu, we must be able to find the help of powerful fire or electric spirits."

"But where can we find such a spiritual clan?" After listening to Litong's words, Wolf Qingqiu was a little annoyed. Their wolf spirits are good at wood poison spells; they don't know fire or electric spells at all. And if you ask an unfamiliar spirit clan to help, one can't find a suitable spirit clan for a while, and if the spirit clan that comes to help also becomes interested in Fengshenzhu, the matter will be even more complicated.

"Our lizards are good at fire spells." Litong lay there and said, "It's just that there are too few people. I'm afraid they are not the opponent of the mosquito king."

"What are you two talking about?" Tan Le and Xue Yang took a long time to finally chisel a small eye at the entrance of the cellar. Although the four of them could not go out yet, the air in the cellar was circulating.

"We are studying how to kill the mosquito king." Wolf Qingqiu listened to Tan Le's words and replied to him happily. Now that Litong's body is not serious, she is naturally much more comfortable.

"Oh? Really? What's the final result?" Xue Yang took the words, and then sat next to Li Tong, "Is it better? Tongtong?"

"It's good." Litong replied, "We think we should find more fire and electric spirits with us in order to kill the mosquito king."

"Good idea!" Xue Yang listened to Litong's words and replied with a smile, "I just don't know if they are willing to. And, will it be..." He said this, but he didn't say the second half. However, his meaning is very clear. That is whether it will rob the wind god pearl.

"There are some spirits nearby who can use fire spells. I can't do electricity. I've only seen that spirit cat. At this time, Tan Le also sat beside the wolf Qingqiu and said thoughtfully, "However, the beads are better in the hands of the mosquito spirit than in the hands of the original person. It's just that if we can't get the beads, it will be difficult for us to revenge..." This is really Tan Le's idea. It doesn't matter whether he can get the beads or not. The most important thing is to find the original person of Su Jiaji to revenge.

"Don't worry! Brother Tan, we will get the beads!" Xue Yang saw that Tan Le and Wolf Qingqiu looked a little sad, so he comforted him, "Our lizard spirit's patriarch is excellent, and it is also a fire lizard."

"Yes! Brother Tan, you and Xue Yang should find a way to open the cave first!" Li Tong also helped and said.

"Good!" Tan Le listened to the two of them and cheered up again, "Brother Xue, let's go! Let's go and have a look. Is there anything load-bearing in this cellar? Let's work together to open the entrance to this cellar.