Magic World

Chapter 81 Cave Guard War

In the morning, before the lizards in the wolf spirit cave were ready to go on an expedition, there were large areas of wasps outside the cave. Fortunately, the entrance to the Wolf Spirit Cave is very secret, so although the wasps noticed the existence of spirits near here, they could not find the entrance to the cave.

In the cave, Xue Yang and Tan Le stared nervously outside the cave. They knew that it was only a matter of time before the wasps found the entrance to their cave. Because there are at least 200 lizards in the cave. They have to eat and drink every day, and it is impossible to stay in the cave forever. However, the wasps outside have built nests near the cave. Obviously, they are also optimistic about the nearby terrain and plan to build new strongholds here.

"Shall we go out?" Tan Le looked at the situation outside and turned his head to ask Xue Yang's opinion beside him. Xue Yang only nod his head, "But how can we deal with them?"

"Let's stay at the entrance of the cave!" Litong said beside Xue Yang at this time, "As long as we seal the hole with a shield, and then send fire lizards to burn them in a cycle, I don't think they will pose a threat to us!"

"Good idea!" Xue Yang and Tan Le listened to Li Tong's words and jumped up together. Most of the young men from the earth era are game fans, and Xue Yang and Tan Le have both played war games such as Rome: Total War. Naturally, they remember the use of the Roman tortoise shell array in the game.

"Gather together and get ready to fight!" Xue Yang turned around and looked at the lizards in the cave and ordered loudly, "The fire lizard comes to the right, the water lizard comes behind the fire lizard, and the poisonous lizard comes to the front. You use shields and machetes; the other lizards are all equipped with shields and long guns!"

The lizards moved quickly under the command of Xue Yang. They quickly divided the team according to Xue Yang's requirements. In this world, equipping weapons is a very easy thing for the spiritual clan. Anyway, most of their weapons and protective equipment are transformed by Reiki, and only the original army will be equipped with real metal or leather weapons or armor.

"Ordinary lizards line up in dense lines!" Xue Yang arranged a whole team of lizards around him according to his memory, "Poison lizards go behind the first row of ordinary lizards!" With his words, the poisonous lizard stood behind the first row of lizards.

"Go to the middle of the back of the team!" Xue Yang saw that the poisonous lizard stood in a good formation, and he gave an order to the fire lizard. The fire lizards also reached the designated position under the leadership of the lizard. The water lizard stands at the end of the line and on both sides!" Finally, Xue Yang looked at the few water lizards and gave the order, "Don't participate in the attack! Pay attention to extinguish the flames falling from the air!"

Soon, the whole lizard team completed the whole formation according to Xue Yang's arrangement. Brother Xue, two of us?" Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu saw that Xue Yang had arranged the combat mission of Li Ling, but they did not assign them anything to do. They walked to Xue Yang's side and asked eagerly, "What shall we do?"

"Sister Wolf, you go with the poisonous lizards!" Xue Yang thought for a moment and replied, "Brother Tan, there is a very dangerous task. I want you to go..." Xue Yang said this and stared at Tan Le. He knew that Tan Le would agree, but he was still a little hesitant.

"Okay!" Tan Le answered cheerfully, "Tell me!"

"I want you to lead the hornets over!" Xue Yang looked at Tan Le and whispered, "You know the magic of the wind system, and it is safer than others when tempting them. It's just that there are too many of them. I'm afraid you can't beat them.

"Haha! Nothing." Tan Le listened to Xue Yang's words and replied carelessly, "I still have the ability to deal with some hornets!"

"That's good! Brother Tan, you should be careful of their poisonous needles and the black bees mixed with the wasps!" Xue Yang was still worried and told, "If you are hit by the Xuanfeng needle, you may be poisoned and die on the spot!"

"Don't worry!" After listening to Xue Yang's words, Tan Le patted Xue Yang on the shoulder and said, "We wolves are also poisonous spirits, and there is still some way to deal with these poisons!" Don't worry." Yes, the wolf attributes nearby are relatively simple, with only one kind of poison, which is not as complicated as lizards. In fact, most of the lizards are also poisonous, and the poisonous lizards in Xue Yang's mouth are only better at using poison than ordinary lizard spirits.

All arrangements stopped, and the lizard's team slowly moved to the entrance of the cave, and then they lined up the whole team at the entrance of the cave according to Xue Yang's arrangement. The lizards in the front row had stood on the ground, and then they bent down to hide behind the shield; the spear in their hands stretched out from the side of the shield like the Roman soldiers in Rome: Total War. Behind them, the other lizards raised their shields high, so that they looked at the lizard's phalanx from the outside, and their bodies were completely wrapped in the shield. And this situation is like the tortoise shell array composed of Roman soldiers in Rome: Total War.

When all this was arranged properly, Tan Leyi wolf rushed out of the team and rushed directly to the hump nest that was being built. When he was about to approach the hive, the wasps guarding outside the hive had found his whereabouts, and they hugged Tan Le together. Although horse bees are much smarter than giant mosquitoes in the eyes of the spiritual clan, this cannot change their low-level insect attributes. Therefore, they have no way to deal with Tan Le's attack, and they are completely a dense team-type charge.

But Tan Le did not dare to underestimate the attack of the wasps. It was not a wonderful thing to be surrounded and bitten by a group of wasps. Therefore, he immediately stopped. Then, the wolf smoke rose around his body. These scattered smokes are not ordinary smoke and dust. They all contain thick wolf poison. Although the role of wolf smoke is not obvious in dealing with the same poisonous wasp, it can also slow down the attack of the wasp.

When the wasrm's rushing queue stagnated, Tan Le turned around and ran to the road. And the wasps swarmed behind it and chased forward. At the same time, the wasp, who was already in charge of vigilance, returned to the hive and reported the news of the invasion of other races to the black bee in the hive. And the black bee is actually the ruler of the wasp world. This is different from the hornets in the earth. Under the leadership of the black bee, more wasps rushed out of the hive. They followed the figure of the bee in front and killed the cave of the wolf spirit.

Outside the cave, now the lizards are fully ready to fight! Xue Yang stood at the back of the middle of the whole team, where he could easily observe the whole lizard position. Tan Le's figure soon returned to his vision, and behind Tan Le was a large number of chasing wasps.

"Everyone get ready!" Xue Yang saw Tan Le coming back and ordered loudly, "Make way!" Under his orders, the lizards were like well-trained warriors, giving way to Tan Le. And Tan Le's head would not have to rush directly into the position of the lizard spirit, "Come on... come!" When he said this, Tan Le was still gasping. He now knows why Xue Yang said that seducing wasps is a dangerous thing. The feeling of the dense swarm of bees following him did cause him a lot of psychological pressure.

"Hear the front row!" Xue Yang nodded to Tan Le. He did not reply, but continued to command the lizard team, "Poison lizard poisons! Stop them from attacking!" Under the command of Xue Yang, the poisonous lizards standing in the second row who were not responsible for forming the tortoise shell array opened their mouths and spit out their tongue cores. The poison protruded with their tongue cores and shot densely at the wasps in mid-air. Under the attack of sa�du, the pursuit of the wasps stopped. Although wolf poison and lizard poison are poisonous, they are different in the eyes of wasps. Wolf poison can only cause minor damage to wasps, while lizard poison can be fatal. After all, the lizard family makes a living by eating insects, and the venom they evolved from is also targeted.

"Fire lizard! Attack!" Xue Yang saw the hornets stop in mid-air, and he gave new orders without delay. Under his order, the fire lizards living behind the lizard spirit tortoise armor array spit out their fire tongues in mid-air, and suddenly the flames in the hornets were connected, and the "cracking" sound kept ringing in the wasps.

"Go up! Don't let them go!" When the hornets rushed to the Wolf Spirit Cave first prepared to retreat, the reinforcements behind them also arrived. Naturally, the leader is their leader, that is, the Xuanfeng. The wasps listened to the call of the bees, as if they were full of strength. They began to plunder low altitude, and at the same time they began to shoot poison needles at the position of the lizard spirit. And these poison needles hit the shield of the lizard spirit with pieces of aura ripples.

Don't stop! Keep attacking!" Xue Yang saw that the wasps attacked his position. While standing behind and urging the poisonous lizards and fire lizards to continue to attack the wasps with spells, he was also nervously watching the safety of the lizard spirit tortoise armor array. He knew that if one point of the tortoise shell formation was broken, their real formation might collapse. After all, their lizards are not ancient Roman warriors, and the hornets opposite are not ancient Greeks or ancient Carthaginians. As long as their formation is destroyed, these hornets will rush up and kill them all.

The black bee flew in mid-air and found that the poison needle attack of the wasps could not have a substantial impact on the lizards below in a short time. It was so anxious that it swayed its body left and right, and then issued a new order, "Go up! Slap them down!"

Under its order, the wasps continued to cast poison needles while quickly approaching the tortoise armor array of the lizard spirits. As the distance between the two species narrows, the powerful killing of fire lizards on wasps is reflected. After all, the hornets are so light that their wings can't withstand the fire of lizards. A large number of wasps fell from mid-air. The wasps struggled painfully on the ground without being burned to death, and soon they were eaten by the long tongue spit out by the nearby lizard spirit.

"Nan alone those wasps!" Xue Yang found that the lizard spirits in front of him began to shake in order to compete for the wasps that fell to the ground. He immediately scolded loudly and stopped the movements of the lizards. Defense! Pay attention to defense!" Xue Yang stepped forward a few times. He grabbed several lizard spirits that had vomited out and pulled them back hard. "Without my order! Don't grab the wasps on the ground!"

Under his command, the brief chaos of the lizard procession ended. And Xuanfeng's original plan seems to have gone bankrupt. It planned to sacrifice some of the wasps as bait ** lizards to come out to grab food, so as to break through the defense of the lizards. However, now it seems that the lizard has not been fooled!

"Don't stop! Keep pressing on it." Xuanfeng did not give up the close attack on the lizard position because Xue Yang saw through its plan. It knows that in terms of number, their wasps have an absolute advantage. There are only one or two hundred lizards opposite, and it doesn't care about them. It believes that with many bees, they can definitely crush the positions of the lizards.