Magic World

Chapter 83 Going

After nightfall, a cool breeze came from Wangyue Lake. Wasps and giant mosquitoes did not organize a new attack at night. After all, the wasp community near the Wolf Spirit Cave has lost their leaders, and they have fallen into a brief chaos. Although the number of giant mosquitoes is several times, their power is still much thinner when fighting against lizard spirits. Therefore, Qiao Yunting was not in a hurry to launch a new attack.

At this time, the original person of Su Jiaji closed the four gates of the town as usual. The soldiers in charge of guarding the city wall are patrolling the town nervously. They can't have known that there was a war between wasps and lizards on the shore of Wangyue Lake, and now these spirits have no time to invade their town.

After dinner, Zhang Zhentian went to the hidden place under the wall to practice his spells as usual. Now, his manipulation of water and undead spells is more refined. Originally, he didn't pursue too much of his spells or anything. However, since he came back from the island, he saw the strength of the mosquito spirit king, the bream, and Kong Xiaoyin, who is suspected to be a blackbird, which shocked him a lot. Therefore, his pursuit of magic now adds something else in addition to his interest. He knows that there are many masters in this world. If there is no superior strength, let alone want to travel around, survival is a problem. And his contact with Julong was not interrupted through the escape mouse. However, as the sentence dragon gradually moved away from the ink, the frequency of contact between them has become less and less.

"Brother Zhang, did you receive it early today?" On the way back to Zhang Zhentian's room, Jiang Dongfang greeted him and said, "Look! Let's try the good tea found by Wanyue?

"Ha ha, tea?" Zhang Zhentian listened to Jiang Dongfang's words and smiled with a little embarrassed, "Is it true that people here also drink tea?" In the world of the earth, drinking tea is not only a Chinese tradition, but also has a large number of fans all over the world.

"Yes!" Jiang Dongfang answered, "But the tea here is not easy to find. It's all wild tea, and only these nobles can drink it." It turns out that although the original people here drink tea, they don't grow tea trees, so drinking tea is a luxury consumption.

"That's good! Let's go." Zhang Zhentian listened to Jiang Dongfang's words, and he was very interested to take Jiang Dongfang's hand and walk to his room together. He also had a strong interest in the taste of tea in the original world.

"Dongfang, we have been here for almost half a year?" The two sat in Zhang Zhentian's room and chatted while making tea, "Are you homesick?"

"Homesick? I want to!" Jiang Dongfang listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and said with a wry smile, "I joined the army at the age of 18. I just came back from my career this year, but I didn't expect to be teased by fate and sent here."

"Is it?" Zhang Zhentian listened to Jiang Dongfang's words and asked casually. Then, he looked at Jiang Dongfang and said, "Are there still parents at home?"

"Alas! It's nothing." Jiang Dongfang shook his head, "They don't live in the urban area of Qingdao, and I don't have to worry about their lives. Now I only hope that the disasters we encounter will only affect the scope of transmission of meteorite changes as those ancient fables say!"

"Oh? An ancient fable?" Zhang Zhentian listened to Jiang Dongfang's words and suddenly became interested, "Does the original people here still know the scope of the impact of each disaster and the situation of the original world?"

"Hehe! This is what I saw in Wanyue's room. Jiang Dongfang listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and smiled, "She likes reading, so she has some strange books there. Some of them record that the meteorite change only affects the area it transmits and will not have any impact on the area outside the range.

"In this way..." Zhang Zhentian listened to Jiang Dongfang's words, and he fell silent. If what Jiang Dongfang said is true, or what is recorded in the ancient book is true, then someone must have traveled between the original world and the original world, which means that they still have the opportunity to return to the earth world.

"Brother Zhang, the tea is ready!" Jiang Dongfang did not pay attention to Zhang Zhentian's expression. Although soldiers are good at fighting, their minds are completely used on the battlefield. After all, they are not politicians, and observing words and colors is not their specialty.

"Oh! OK." Zhang Zhentian's thoughts were interrupted by Jiang Dongfang's words, "Come on! Drink tea." Naturally, he will not talk to Jiang Dongfang about these catch-and-wind things.

"It tastes really good!" Jiang Dongfang tasted the tea in the cup and praised it. Obviously, he didn't find anything strange about Zhang Zhentian.

"Oriental, if we have a chance to go back one day, would you like to go back?" After drinking the tea in the cup, Zhang Zhentian gave Jiang Dongfang another cup each for himself, and then looked up and asked Jiang Dongfang.

"back to the earth?" Jiang Dongfang listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and his expression was a little stunned, "What are you going back for? There, I can't afford to buy a house all my life. It's good to have food and accommodation here! Anyway, my parents are not my children, hey! I hope they are doing well!"

"Ha ha, it seems that you don't want to go back." Zhang Zhentian said this and leaned his body against the back of the chair, "Indeed! I asked the people who came to Su Jiaji with us, and they all had similar ideas to you. Although life here is more bitter than the earth world, no one is willing to return to the previous world.

"Haha! I'm so happy that I don't think about Shu!" Jiang Dongfang listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and answered with laughter. Indeed, although the original people in the original world are also flattered, compared with the earth world, the original people here are indeed as pure as white paper.

Late night, Jiang Dongfang left Zhang Zhentian's room and went back to sleep. Shortly after Jiang Dongfang left, a dark little head came out of the underground of Zhang Zhentian's room. Squeak!" The little guy jumped out of the ground and sniffed around. Obviously, it knew that an outsider had come to Zhang Zhentian's room, but it was still worried that outsiders had not left.

"Are you back?" Zhang Zhentian looked at it and held it directly in his arms. This little guy is the escape mouse that helps him and Julong pass the message.

"Squeak!" The little guy answered Zhang Zhentian's question with his own cry. At the same time, his body became much bigger, and there was obviously a cloth pocket hanging on its abdomen. Zhang Zhentian took out a paper roll from the cloth pocket of his abdomen. This paper roll is not written on ordinary paper. Instead, it is transformed by reiki. It is different from writing utensils such as ordinary paper or sheepskin in that it can only be read once. In other words, when the writer finishes writing the letter and seal it up and puts it in his pocket, the recipient can only read it once. When the recipient rewinds it, or after a period of time, it will disappear with the release of Reiki.

When Zhang Zhentian finished reading the sentence and replied to him, he felt that his mood was heavier. Recently, Julong has gone to the northern border of the empire. There, the war between the orcs and the originals continues. It's just that the balance of the war is tilting towards the orcs now. The main force of the original army was defeated in the war. Now the orc's army has broken through the original defense and is approaching Luoyi, the capital of the original country.

For the fog forest and bats mentioned by Zhang Zhentian. Julong just said that the matter in the forest may be related to Kong Xiaoyin. He has no solution to bats. He just vaguely said that bats usually do not take the initiative to attack the original people's villages and towns, so he hoped that Zhang Zhentian could properly remind Su Huaide not to hurt the migrated bats at will.

Zhang Zhentian looked at the letter written in front of him and gradually disappeared. He picked up the gopher in his arms and stroked it for a while. Then, he put it on the table and casually helped it find some food for it to use. And the little guy was also very clever to go to eat the dinner prepared for him by Zhang Zhentian. At the same time, according to Zhang Zhentian's expression, it also knows that it can have a good rest for a few days. At least now Zhang Zhentian has no information to bring to the sentence dragon.

This night is a tossing and turning night for Zhang Zhentian. He can't imagine what will happen to the original home after the orcs invade. In the era of the earth he lived in, the war has been far away from his country for a long time. He knew that Su Wade didn't know the news yet, and he didn't know how Su Wade would react when he got the news. Most importantly, Julong did not say in the letter how many Dongyi troops were among the main forces of the original army defeated by the orcs. After all, human identity is always small and large, and Zhang Zhentian is no exception. First of all, he agreed that he was a man of the Su family, then a native of Dongyi, and finally he was a native of the Xia Empire, or the original.

The lizards stationed in the wolf spirit cave are also tossing and turning like him. Although they won the battle during the day, they also paid a certain price. Although no lizards were killed in battle, it was still difficult for their wounded to get reasonable treatment in the cave that lacked doctors and medicine.

"Brother Xue, what do you think we should do tomorrow?" Tan Le leaned against Xue Yang and asked him softly, "If the hornets come to attack again tomorrow, I'm afraid the strategy we have used today will not work."

"I can only look at the big brother Lizard and the bat spirit." Xue Yang took a look at Tan Le and then had no choice but to reply to him, "There are too many of them! If we leave the cave and retreat to somewhere else, I'm afraid it will be dangerous on the road.

"What if I go to Hunan to find the lizard patriarch in the middle of the night?" Tan Le listened to Xue Yang's words and looked at Xue Yang sincerely and said, "The hornets won't come out at night. They are all active during the day. And the sound of giant mosquitoes flying, they can't hurt me.

"Oh? Brother Tan, how do you know that the hornets can't come out at night? Xue Yang was a little surprised when he heard Tan Le's words. Although horse bees are a delicacy of lizards, they are also daily spirits. Naturally, they don't know the life habits of hornets at night.

"Hehe! We Wolf Spirit have never met a wasp in the evening activity. Tan Le listened to Xue Yang's words and smiled. Seeing Xue Yang's suspicious expression, he called the wolf Qingqiu over. Wolf Qingqiu listened to Tan Le's words, and she also confirmed, "Yes! Hornets will return to their nests to rest at night. They don't come out at night.

"If so, I have a way to try it!" After Xue Yang finished speaking, he smiled mysteriously at Tan Le and Wolf Qingqiu, "It's just that the sky is getting brighter today!" We have to stick to it for a day, and I have my own way to attack them at night!"