Magic World

Chapter 98 The rest of the life after the war

The strong wind made by Tan Le gradually stopped after blowing away the original soldiers. Tan Le also fell back to the ground from the air and fainted. Not long after, the sound of rustling came from the grass outside Langling Village. Soon, two strong foxes came out of the grass.

It turned out that when the killing in the Langling Village was still going on, the Huling clan on Langya Mountain also found the abnormality of the Langling Village. The fox spirit in charge of patrol has informed the news of the fire in the wolf spirit village and the battle after nightfall to the elder of the fox spirit clan, the nine-tailed fox Suqi.

"Grandpa Jiuwei, what should we do?" Hu Yaner, who was in charge of patrolling, reported on the situation of the wolfling village at the foot of the mountain, and she lowered her head to respectfully ask Su Qi.

"What do you think of this?" Su Qi did not answer Hu Yaner's question, and he looked at the other fox spirits sitting in his room.

"They have always had little contact with us. I think it's better for us not to interfere." Hu Jiaomei, a six-tailed fox, first expressed her opinion.

"I don't think so!" In addition, Su Wan, a seven-tailed fox spirit, shook her head. "What do you say, the bat spirit that has been our enemy for many years was also driven away from their original residence by the wolf spirit. Without the help of the wolf spirit, we can't take those bat spirits.

"Yes! I think Sister Su Wan is right!" Hu Xuemei, the other six-tailed fox spirit, also praised, "Our fox spirit family can't repay kindness like their original people and do things that make other spiritual clans laugh."

"I think the charming is very good! Their wolf spirits drove away the bat spirits because the original people occupied their nest, and they were not working for our fox spirits. Su Jiang, who is also a seven-tailed fox, stood up, and he obviously supported Hu Jiaomei's opinion.

"Charming, what do you think?" Su Qi saw that the fox spirits under his command had different opinions, and he turned his eyes to Hu Yumei, who had just recovered from illness. Hu Wumei did not want to participate in this discussion on the rescue of the wolf spirit. After all, among the fox spirits here, except for her, the rest are masters with six tails and more than six tails. If she hadn't been the patriarch of the Huling Village of Wangyue Lake and had made contributions to rescuing Langya Mountain some time ago, there would definitely be no place for her to speak here.

"Grandpa Jiuwei, I support Sister Su Wan in this matter." Hu Wumei bowed her head and said respectfully, "Although the wolf spirit at the foot of the mountain has nothing to do with us. However, now it is an eventful time, and the original people have always been fierce and cruel to our spiritual clan. If our spiritual clan does not help each other, I'm afraid that sooner or later we will be defeated by the original people.

Although Hu Wumei's words were tactful, the fox spirits in the room listened to her and fell silent together. At this time, Su Qi turned his eyes to Hu Jiaomei and Su Jiang again, "Look, we should..."

"Grandpa Jiuwei, charming words make some sense." Hu Jiaomei and Su Jiang got up together, "We can't let the original person be too arrogant!" Let's both go down the mountain!"

"Hehe! Of course you two are willing to go!" Su Qi listened to the two of them, and he twisted his beard and looked at them with a smile. "However, what you two said is not unreasonable. We don't have to fight with the original people for the wolf spirit. This time, if the original army is stationed in the Langling Village, you must take protecting yourself first; if the original man is only a small army, then you must kill it all without leaving any future trouble!"

"Yes! Grandpa Jiuwei. We understand!" Hu Jiaomei and Su Jiang listened to Su Qi's words, turned around and left Su Qi's room, and then went down the mountain to rescue the wolf spirit. However, when their Huling family found that the Wolfling Village was in a fierce battle again, the battle was coming to an end, so when Hu Jiaomei and Su Jiang rushed to the Wolfling Village, they only saw that the original man's broken arms were hanging everywhere, and the dead wolf corpses were everywhere.

"Brother Su Jiang, there seems to be a fierce battle here!" Hu Jiaomei looked at the bones hanging on the ground and the ruins of the house and said to Su Jiang in shock.

"It seems that these wolf cubs also have a master." After all, Su Jiang's knowledge is much broader than Hu Jiaomei. After saying this, he muttered in a low voice, "The tragedy in this village is very much like the work of the wind spell. Are there any wolves with such a powerful wind spell?

"Brother Su Jiang, I heard from my charming sister that when she was in Wangyue Lake, she once saw a wolf with wind spells. I don't know if it's him!" Hu Jiaomei listened to Su Jiang's words, and she was not sure to answer, "I heard that that wolf and the wolf in this wolf village are a family."

"Is there anything else?" After listening to Hu Jiaomei's words, Su Jiang nodded doubt, "Let's look in the village!" Let's see if there is anything else to breathe." With that, Su Jiang was in front and Hu Jiaomei was behind. The two of them sniffed the bodies on the ground to distinguish their life and death, and moved forward vigilantly to avoid ambush. Soon, the two of them approached the place where Tan Le and Lang Xueyun fell to the ground.

"Brother Su Jiang, look there!" Hu Jiaomei first found Tan Le who fell not far away, "What is that? It seems that he is still alive."

"I don't know." Su Jiang followed Hu Jiaomei's eyes, and he also found Tan Le who fell to the ground. Now Tan Le is like a wolf, with wings on his back, and his whole body is silvery white. He looks like a wolf but not a wolf, but his appearance is definitely not a wolf spirit family.

Su Jiang and Hu Jiaomei carefully approached Tan Le's side. When they saw that Tan Le was still fainting, they sat down beside Tan Le. Brother Su Jiang, what should we do? Hu Jiaomei turned into a human figure and then asked Su Jiang, who had turned into a human figure.

"Wait!" Su Jiang was very wary and sat next to Su Jiaomei. "This guy must have some relationship with the wolf spirit family. I think he will definitely wake up before dawn. We'll know when he wakes up. After Su Jiang finished speaking, he looked around again. When he saw Lang Xueyun, his eyes stayed on Lang Xueyun's body for a moment, and then he turned back to Tan Le, "Alas! We are late. There is still a wolf spirit over there that is not dead, but we can't save her.

"Brother Su Jiang! He woke up." At this moment, Tan Le opened his eyes slightly. Hu Jiaomei saw that she quickly called Su Jiang beside her. Su Jiang quickly thought about Tan Le and leaned in front of him, "Brother, are you awake?" When he said this, Su Jiang did not relax his vigilance. His hands were pressed on the ground, and he was obviously ready for defense.

"Cough! Cough! You are..." Tan Le's eyes were completely open. He looked at Su Jiang and Hu Jiaomei in front of him in surprise, "You two are not original people, are you spirits?"

"Yes!" Su Jiang listened and turned his head heavily, "Brother, don't worry! We are the fox spirit on Langya Mountain. What race are you from?

"Oh! In this way." After listening to Su Jiang's words, Tan Le supported his body with his arms, and then said to Su Jiang with a miserable smile, "My name is Tan Le. I'm a wolf in this village." Speaking of this, Tan Le's eyes stared at the wolf Xueyun not far away. He reluctantly got up from the ground and then crawled forward a few steps, "Xueyun! Snow clouds! Wake up!"

"Brother, this female wolf is no longer working." Su Jiang stood up and followed Tan Le, "I think she has lost consciousness. It's useless for you to call her." In the language of the earth world, the wolf snow cloud has now entered the state of "vegetative man". To be more precise, it should be the state of "plant wolf".

"No! I won't get it!" Tan Le listened to Su Jiang's words, and his body turned back into a human form, and then died holding Lang Xueyun's body. "She can't die! She will definitely live! The wolves in our clan are almost dead! She can't die! She will definitely live!"

Su Jiang listened to Tan Le's words and turned his head to look at Hu Jiaomei beside him. It seems that Tan Le still doesn't know how his body has changed. He still thinks he is a wolf. Su Jiang and Hu Jiaomei exchanged eyes with each other, and then Su Jiang bent down and said, "Brother! Come with us!" Speaking of this, Su Jiang saw that Tan Le had no response, and added, "Take this female wolf with you! Maybe our Grandpa Jiuwei will have some ways.

" mean that someone can save her?" Tan Le listened to Su Jiang's words, and his eyes immediately glowed strangely.

"Ha ha, it's worth a try." Su Jiang was not sure to answer. He really didn't know whether Su Qi, the nine-tailed fox, could save Wolf Xueyun, but he wanted to take Tan Le away. After all, Tan Le is a special existence in his opinion. If Tan Le's identity is not clear, it may also be a threat to the Huling family.

"That's good! I'll go with you." Tan Le struggled to stand up from the ground. He wanted to hug the wolf Xueyun on the ground, but he was blocked by Su Jiang. "Brother, I'll hug her!" Mei, hold this brother! He is also seriously injured. Let's go!"

"Okay! Brother Su Jiang. Hu Jiaomei listened to Su Jiang's words, and she quickly walked to Tan Le's side and held Tan Le's arm. And Su Jiang picked up the wolf Xueyun and then put it on his back. Then, the four of them went to Langxu Mountain.

After Tan Le and the others left, the sun rose slowly into the sky. Under the warm sunshine, the scene in the Wolfling Village was even more miserable. But what Su Jiang and Hu Jiaomei didn't expect was that there were other undead creatures in this wolf village besides Tan Le and Lang Xueyun.

The roof of a wolf house moved slowly in the sunlight. Before long, a well-dressed man sat up, and he tried his best to move his body. His body was obviously injured, but the injury was not fatal and did not make him unable to move. He slowly moved his legs and feet on the roof, and finally, he returned to the ground from the roof smoothly.

"Lord Zhou! Lord Zhou!" The Baiyue man found a machete on the ground, and then he stood up straight with the power of the machete and kept shouting in the village, "Lord Zhou! Is there anyone alive?"

However, no one in the village answered his shouts. He walked so hard that he walked to the bones of the scattered soldiers, and then he bent down and groped carefully on the bones. Finally, he found what he needed. Soon, a bullet flew into the sky from the village of the wolf spirit.