Magic World

Chapter 43 Overth the Front Camp

After the sun rose, the original army once again killed the orc camp from the hill. This is different from the previous day's arrangement. The original cavalry was placed in the middle, while the infantry were separated on both sides of the cavalry formation for protection. The long-range equipment troops followed the original cavalry. Between the long-range equipment force and the cavalry, there are infantry and cavalry troops responsible for protecting the equipment.

When the original army marched near yesterday's position, the Capricorn and Heliankun standing on the wall of the orc fortress looked at each other. The two of them know that the original man's formation today is to take advantage of the rapid movement of the cavalry to offset the impact of orc cavalry delaying tactics. The two of them were also prepared for this, but they did not expect that the original infantry would form a "U" shape to put the cavalry in the middle, and although the position between the cavalry and the equipment troops was weak in the middle part, it was well connected into a line. In this way, if the orc cavalry wants to influence the movement of the original equipment force, they must fight against the original infantry phalanx. After breaking through the infantry phalanx, it may affect the original man's equipment.

No matter how arranged by the original man, it is impossible for the orcs to wait for the original stone in the camp. Therefore, after a brief discussion on the wall, Heliankun went down to the wall, and then took 2,000 cavalry each out of the orc camp from both directions. Obviously, the target of this orc cavalry attack is still the original infantry.

In the battle, Zhang Zhentian and the concubine naturally found that the orc cavalry were attacking the original army. Instead of letting the cavalry of the central army advance to the two sides, they ordered the cavalry in the middle to accelerate forward. As a result, the sag position in the middle of the original infantry formation gradually softened, forming a thick and dense long array.

The two Capricorn and Heliankun each led their cavalry to charge forward. They saw that the original cavalry did not come to fight against the enemy according to their original estimate, but still rushed to the orc's camp. They had to launch an attack on the original infantry formation on both wings.

When the orc cavalry approached the infantry phalanx of the two wings, except for archers rushing out of the infantry array from time to time to cast cold arrows at the orc cavalry, the other original infantry had no intention of fighting with the orc cavalry. When the orc cavalry and the original infantry array approached the range of the cavalry's bow and arrows, the orc cavalry immediately fired immediately. Obviously, they still want to use yesterday's method to harass the original infantry array, and then attract the original cavalry to drive them away.

But this time, the concubine and Heliankun miscalculated again. When the orc cavalry began to shoot arrows at the original infantry, the outer soldiers of the original infantry began to retreat and shrink back. Finally, they formed an infantry defense front around the long-range equipment units. At this time, the long-range equipment force was still moving forward. The reserve team that followed them was divided into two teams and surrounded the orc cavalry respectively.

When the two Capricorns and Heliankun saw this situation, they did not dare to go further. The two cavalry led by them had to retreat a little. At this time, the original infantry gradually pressed out to the orc cavalry. At the same time, the original archers were also mixed in the infantry phalanx to keep shooting arrows at the orc cavalry.

At this time, the original cavalry walking in the front has arrived at the predetermined position. Under the leadership of Xue Jin and Tao Zhu, they naturally had to separate to the two wings, and then surrounded and attacked the orc cavalry behind them. Seeing this, they knew that continuing to entangle with the original infantry would only put them in an eternal situation. They had to lead their cavalry back quickly. However, it is easy to come and difficult to go. The original cavalry cut off the retreating orc cavalry, and then the cavalry of the two armies fought together.

The long-range equipment unit in the middle finally arrived at the designated position under the protection of the original infantry, and then the crossbow artillery and stone throwers quickly became busy. They twisted crossbows and moved stones. Then, under the unified command of Jiang Dongfang, they projected the crossbows and stones into the orc camp.

With both wings, the original infantry gradually approached the cavalry in the melee. The orc cavalry, which had a slight advantage in the battle, finally collapsed under the double attack of the original cavalry and infantry. Seeing that there was no possibility of bringing all the cavalry back to the camp, they had to hurry back to the orc camp with orc cavalry that were not surrounded by the original people. After the besieged orc cavalry were all killed by the original soldiers after their tenacious resistance.

The crossbow cannons and catapults of the original army in the middle road still roared and threw crossbows and stones into the orcs' camps or hit the orcs' fortress walls. Many of the orc archers guarding the wall fell to the ground under the attack of the original long-range equipment.

The two of them withdrew from the camp, and the two of them checked the condition of the camp. The Capricorn had to order most of the archers guarding the wall to evacuate from the wall, and then only a few archers and swords and shields were left to guard against the wall for the original attack.

After most of the blow of the original man, the orc wall showed signs of collapse in many places. Under the attack of the original man, the orcs could not repair the damaged wall at all. In the end, the Capricorn had to issue an order for the orcs to give up the camp of the front camp and retreat to the middle camp and back camp in the mountains. In the front battalion, he left only a small number of infantry to continue to defend against the original attack.

Outside the orc camp, the original man did not launch a battle to attack the camp. Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun naturally didn't know that they had planned to give up the front camp. In fact, they did not intend to occupy the orc's camp and fight closely with the orcs in the camp. Therefore, when the orc cavalry retreated to the camp, the original army was still fighting in addition to the long-range equipment troops, and other coordinated troops had stopped in place and gave up their attacks on the orcs.

This situation was quickly passed on to the orc soldiers who had retreated to the rear camp. In the battle of the cold weapon era, the attacking side can choose the way and time of attack, but they can't detect the defensive plan from time to time, so occasional mistakes are inevitable. At least in the eyes of the two tactics of Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun are mistakes. They could have occupied the front camp of the orcs today.

The sky was getting dark, and the original long-range equipment force, under the command of Jiang Dongfang, conducted a round of dense crossbow and * attacks on the orc camp. Under this attack, the barracks and walls of the orc's front camp caught fire. When the fire in the orc camp became stronger, they gradually withdrew from their camp.

At this time, the front camp of the orc camp had been completely annihilated in a sea of fire. When the orc soldiers in charge of guarding the front battalion saw that the original army had withdrawn, they had to leave their hiding places and find branches or water to put out the fire. After receiving the reply of the orc soldiers, he personally took the army back to the front camp. But when they came to the front camp, they found that all the tents in the front camp had been destroyed by the fire. After that, he had to order the soldiers of the former battalion to withdraw from the camp and retreat to the middle camp on the mountain.

After that, the orc infantry did not sleep overnight. They could only rebuild the camp wall according to the mountain on eight slopes. Although the wall built overnight is not strong, it is enough to counter the attacks of the original people for a period of time. After Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun took the original army back to the camp, on the one hand, they were happy for today's victory, and on the other hand, they had to work hard on how to break through the orc's middle camp tomorrow.

The orc's camp is located halfway up the mountain on the eight-sided slope. The original remote equipment cannot go up the mountain, and the orc's camp is just beyond the attack range of the equipment. If the soldiers are forced to push the equipment up the mountain, the orc cavalry will not be able to defend against the orc's attack of the original army with things such as rolling wood on the mountain. Moreover, the mountain road leading to the other side of the eight-sided slope is also located near the rear camp in the orc camp. Therefore, in a sense, capturing the middle camp of the orcs is the real victory of Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun.