Magic World

Chapter 58 Confrontation of the Fourth Battalion

North of Bamian Slope, the former People's Congress camp. Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun gathered the generals in the camp and also drank and chatted in the Chinese army's tent. The Battle of Bamianpo is the largest and most glorious victory achieved by the original man in the war with the orcs in recent years. In a series of battles on the eight-sided slope, the original man wiped out a total of 50,000 orc troops, while the original man himself lost only more than 5,000 people. This is the most important thing to celebrate for the original people who have always won less and lost more and suffered heavy casualties.

Now, Zhang Zhentian and Yanyun Camp and Baiyue Camp are across the Yanyin River. The two large camps of the orcs, one north of the Baiyue Camp and the other west of the Baiyue Camp, confront the Baiyue Camp. In terms of number, the number of troops remaining two orc camps is not much, about 60,000. After a period of battle, their strength is still 90,000. However, the weather is gradually getting cooler, and these soldiers in the south do not adapt to the cold climate in the north, so the Baiyue people can only stay with the orcs.

From the perspective of the original people, Zhang Zhentian and the Yanyun Camp and Baiyue Camp have also become horny in the situation of fighting against the orc West Camp. In fact, according to Zhang Zhentian and Qiqun's idea, they did plan to take down the orc's West Camp first, and finally solve the Orc's Peking University Camp.

The general of the Western Camp of the Orcs is the cousin of the lord of the orcs, and he is also the king of the orcs's southern land. There are now 40,000 troops in his battalion, and his four sons are also following him. After learning that the Shanbei camp was jointly defeated by the troops of Yanyun and Dongyi, he mobilized 20,000 troops from his territory to support him. It's just that these reinforcements have not yet arrived at the Orcs' West Camp.

In the orc's camp, the owner of the camp is also surnamed Tuoqi. His name is Yuqi, the eldest son of the king of the northern land of the orcs, and the heir to the throne of the northern land. There are more than 20,000 people in his camp. Although his strength is far less than that of the test, there are a large number of wolf and bear cavalry in his camp. The most frightening thing is that there is also a bird cavalry, acid and cavalry. However, including other orc armies, they don't know its existence at present. And acid and birds, without explanation, have appeared before. It's the kind of monster with six eyes, four wings and three claws.

Now Baiyue Daying has had direct communication with Yanyun Daying. Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun also knew the predicament of Baiyue's camp. There are many people, but they can't fight. However, for Baiyue people, there is no way. It seems that the Baiyue army can only provide practical help to Yanyun's army when the spring flowers bloom.

"Mr. Zhang, we are estimated to have 40,000 orcs in the West Camp opposite the Baiyue people." In the Chinese military account, Yu Qun pointed to the map on the table and said to Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang, "And our total military strength is only 30,000. If we want to get rid of the orc's West Camp in early winter, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult. Yu Qun said that there were 30,000 soldiers in his camp, which naturally increased the number of soldiers to Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun in China.

"In my opinion, we can only stop the grain road first and then fight." After listening to the introduction of the surrounding terrain and the configuration of the orc West Camp, Jiang Dongfang touched his chin and pointed to the map and said, "Brother Zhang, General Yu, look! There is a mountain here, which must pass through from the territory inspected to the West Camp. If we can get stuck in this area, I believe that their food supply will inevitably be affected.

"I don't think so!" Zhang Zhentian looked at the map for a while, and then shook his head and said, "Although the terrain there is good!" However, it is said that the test is the most powerful among the four kings of the orcs. I'm afraid it's difficult for us to cut off their food.

"Mr. Zhang makes a lot of sense." After listening to Zhang Zhentian's words, he also nodded and said, "Our spy has sent the news from the north. It is said that after the attack was broken, he recruited another 20,000 troops from his territory. It is said that they want to strengthen the Western Camp and then fight with us.

"What if we give up the decisive battle with the orc West Camp and go to this mountain to ambush the reinforcements?" After listening to Yu Qun's words, Zhang Zhentian pointed to the hilly land mentioned by Jiang Dongfang on the map.

"Good idea!" After listening, Yu Qun and Jiang Dongfang answered together. Then the concubine said, "It's just that our military strength is comparable to that of the orc reinforcements. If we attack for a long distance, they can't take the infantry. If it's just cavalry, I'm afraid their troops will be stronger than us.

"This is easy to do!" Zhang Zhentian thought for a moment and replied, "Baiyue people are not good at fighting in winter. We asked them to help us defend the camp, and we can just draw troops. As for the issue of military strength, I think the East will be willing to take the chariot soldiers with them.

"Haha! That's natural." Jiang Dongfang replied with a smile, "If General Yuqun can give me more troops, I can equip more chariots and come out together."

"Hmm!" After listening to the two of them, he echoed, but did not express his own opinions. Now Zhang Zhentian and Kunqun have a total of 9,000 cavalry and 300 chariots. In this way, there are more than 10,000 troops who don't have to run on their own legs. However, he did not know what arms the orc reinforcements had. Moreover, he didn't know what the Orc's West Camp would do after he knew that his reinforcements had been robbed. With these two variables, the concubine had to be cautious.

"I think so! This time, the reinforcements to ambushed the orcs, General Yu, you and Dongfang can only go to one. Zhang Zhentian saw that the concubine's face was in trouble, and he continued to say, "You two should leave one in the camp to defend the camp, so as not to take the army to attack our camp after the news of the orc reinforcements were attacked."

"Good!" After listening to Zhang Zhentian's words, Yu Qun and Jiang Dongfang nodded together.

"That's it! Let General Yu stay to guard the camp this time. Dongfang, come here with me to stop the orc reinforcements!" Zhang Zhentian pointed to the map and said, "In addition, all the merchant cavalry remained in the camp this time. Although it is best for us to launch a raid with their help, the merchant sheep bird is not suitable for winter combat, so let them stay in the camp!"

"Okay!" After listening to Zhang Zhentian's words, Yu Qun agreed, and then said, "Mr. Zhang, don't be in a hurry to lead the troops to attack. It will take about seven days for the orc reinforcements to get to this area from the territory inspected. Let's use these days to equip some bull chariots!"

"Haha! It would be best if so!" Jiang Dongfang heard that Yuqun was going to expand the equipment force, and he immediately agreed.

"That's good! That's how we agreed. First send scouts along the way to monitor the movements of the orc reinforcements, and then we will decide the date of our troops. Zhang Zhentian listened to their words and looked at them and said. Seeing that Yu Qun and Jiang Dongfang nodded repeatedly to his words, he said, "Then let's arrange it separately!" The chariot is about to be built!"

"Brother Zhang, don't worry!" Jiang Dongfang replied, "Now there are a lot of ready-made machinery and carriages. We just need to take some time to assemble them." It turned out that Jiang Dongfang has been arranging soldiers in the equipment camp to make chariots these days. At the same time, he also asked her mother, Yu Yueru, through Yao Xiu, to organize craftsmen to help him make chariots in Yanzhou.

"Okay! Then let's arrange it separately." After listening to Jiang Dongfang's words, the three of them separated and arranged their own work separately.

The orc's Western Camp was sent back to the territory to gather reinforcements. The two of them easily gathered 20,000 troops in the territory of the test. However, it is not easy for these troops to go to the Orcs' West Camp. After all, the food and drink of 20,000 people is not a small number. After the orc's Shanbei camp was conquered by the original people, the orcs lost their supply lines to the west and north through Shuozhou. Therefore, Zhuoxiang and Zhuoxiang not only bring back the reinforcements of the orcs this time, but also want to collect a batch of food and fodder.

In this way, the xiongxiang and xixi naturally delayed some time. For the brave and good orcs, it is not troublesome to recruit soldiers, but their land and property are relatively scarce. It's okay to say if they just find some cattle and sheep, but it will be harder to recruit grain millet at the same time. Therefore, it took more than ten days for Zhuoxiang and Zhuoqi to collect the needed grain and fodder. After that, they took the army from the territory inspected by Zhuoqi to advance to the western camp of the orcs.