Magic World

Chapter 62 The Pain of Lost Children

In the mountain battle, all 20,000 reinforcements were killed. The two sons of the test, the two sons of the test, the two sons of the test, also died in the battle. The grain and grass, weight, cattle and sheep escorted by Yuxiang and Yuxi were all obtained by the original army. Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang quickly cleaned up the battlefield after the war. Then, they ordered their soldiers to dredge the rocks blocking the mountain pass overnight. The next day, as soon as the sky lit up, the original army left the mountain with the materials obtained from the orcs. They ran all the way to the original camp.

"Your Majesty, wait for the reward! It was found that a large army of the original people came from the northwest with a large number of heavy weights and had just returned to their camp. A personal soldier walked into the big account of the examination and was respectfully reported.

"What?" He didn't believe his ears. He stood up and looked at his own soldiers and asked loudly, "From the northwest?"

"Yes! The prince. The soldiers answered respectfully.

"Go and pass it on!" As he said, he sat back and sat on the chair. He knew that if the original army came from the northwest and carried a large number of heavy vehicles, then they must have attacked the army of Xixiang and Xi. I'm afraid his two sons have died now.

"Father, are you looking for me?" Not long after, the tachment appeared in the tent of the examination.

"Yi'er, I'll give you 5,000 cavalry. You set out immediately to pick up your eldest brother and fourth brother. Sitting there, he said in a sad tone, "If something unfortunate happens to them!" You must find their bodies for me."

"! Father." He was a little stunned when he heard the test. He wanted to ask something, but when he saw the painful expression of the examination, he stopped his voice and then turned around and left the big account of the examination. Then, with 5,000 troops and horses, he went in the direction of the mountain.

In the former People's Battalion, Yu Qun led the generals in the battalion to take back Zhang Zhentian, Jiang Dongfang and Yao Xiu, and they led the army. For the original people, this battle is also a bad breath in their hearts. In the century-long war, there were materials for the orcs to rob the original man, and there was nothing for the original man to rob the orcs. Therefore, this time, Zhang Zhentian led the army to take back the weight of the orcs, which is of cross-generational significance for the original people.

"Haha! I didn't expect it. Mr. Zhang, you will have such a great harvest this time. As soon as Yu Qun and Zhang Zhentian returned to the big account of the Chinese army, he hurriedly said, "This is the first time we have fought with the orcs for so many years!" Haha."

"That's it! That's right!" The generals in the tent were also excited and said, "Finally, it's our original turn to taste the orcs' cattle and sheep, haha."

"It's just that it's good to win the battle. But will the orcs fight back against us?" Although Zhang Zhentian was happy, he changed the topic, "This time, we not only robbed their grain, cattle and sheep, but also killed their two sons. I'm afraid you won't give up, will you?"

"It doesn't matter." Yuqun replied, "Mr. Zhang, don't worry! We are all in the camp now. The orcs are willing to attack, just let them attack. They must be anxious if they lose the grain and grass to spend the winter. As long as they are anxious, they will inevitably make mistakes. Maybe the examination will be wiped out by us later.

"Haha! General Yu's words make sense. The generals in the camp nodded repeatedly after listening to the words of the concubine. After hearing this, Zhang Zhentian did not express his opinion again. He thought for a moment and then said, "What? General Yu! Dongfang and I have won such a big victory, should you reward us?

"Haha! It should be!" Kunqun replied with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, you are the main general of the three armies. Where can I reward you? However, since you said so, it's up to me! The whole camp will have a banquet tonight! Celebrate the victory."

"Good!" The generals in the tent listened to the words of the concubines and shouted together.

In the orc West Camp, the mood of the examination is not happy. He should not only be sad for the loss of his son, but also lose his mind. Although he left the camp and hasn't come back yet. However, the scouts have informed him that the original Yan Yun's camp was having a party. He is not a fool. Naturally, he knows that the original people are celebrating their great victory. And the victory of the original man is the failure of his test. He can't be happy anyway.

It was not until the afternoon of the third day that he came back from the mountain. As expected, he brought back the news that the car was robbed and the whole army was killed in battle. However, as for the whereabouts of Xixiang and Xixi, Xixi can't make it clear. Because on the battlefield, the bodies of the two orcs were not found, and all the orc soldiers who participated in the battle were killed by the original, so no one provided him with the whereabouts of the two of them. He searched the bodies on the ground several times, but he still didn't find the bodies of the two of them, so he had to go back to the camp to restore his father's life.

"Alas!" After listening to Yuqi's words, he sighed, "That's all! I hope the two of them were captured by the original people, not killed in the battlefield!" Although he said so on his mouth, he knew it in his heart. According to the nature of Xixiang and Xixi, they will not be captured by the original people even if they die. The bodies of the two of them were not found. The original people must have brought their bodies back to their camp while cleaning the battlefield.

"Father, what do you think we should do?" He then asked, "Should we attack their camp to let them release my brother and brother?" Yuqi originally wanted to avenge for Yuxiang and Yuqi, but when he looked at the appearance of Yuqi's examination, he changed his mouth again.

"No need for now." He waved his hand and said, "Let's send someone to find a way to find out the life and death of the two of them first!" Speaking of this, Tuoqi looked at Tuoqi and asked, "How long will the food and fodder in our camp be used?"

"It's no problem to go back to my father for another month." The embrysanthem replied.

"It's okay! It's okay." The test repeated two sentences, and then he motioned to let him leave his tent.

When he came out of the tent of the examination, he couldn't tell whether it was more joy or more sadness. For the death of the king, the throne of the king of the south will naturally fall on him in the future. However, from the perspective of brotherhood, he couldn't help feeling a little sad. After all, when he was alive, he was frank. He was also very generous to his three brothers. He was a very good brother.

As he thought, he rode away from the orc's camp with his soldiers. Naturally, it is necessary to find a way to find the original person to find out the whereabouts of Xixiang and Xixi in the original camp. If the orcs appeared in the original camp, the green face would not be directly caught by the original people.

No matter what era or world, there will always be some people who rely on war to make a fortune. In this original world, there are many people like this. There is a small market not far from Baiyue Camp. In the market, there are both original people and orcs, all of whom are engaged in black market trading in grain, cattle, sheep and horses. The reason why both the warring originals and the orcs did not interfere with the market is that both of them need to get some things from the market that they do not have and that the other side has. Similarly, over time, the market has become an intelligence station for the exchange of information between the two sides. This is just like the plot in Lurking. As long as you have money, you can buy any information from here!

And the destination of this trip is naturally this market. Usually, things like exchanging intelligence or buying goods are not done by the scouts themselves. However, this matter is related to the life and death of Yuxiang and Yuxiang, and it is related to whether he can inherit the throne of Yuxiang. Therefore, he came here in person.