Magic World

Chapter 95 Secret Talk 2

Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun listened to Qiu Linluo's words. They already knew what medicine was sold in Qiu Linluo's gourd, but they were not sure which land Qiu Linluo wanted. However, according to their ideas, they may also guess that the Capricorn is optimistic about the territory of the king of the South, otherwise Qiu Linluo would not have to run to say goodbye to them.

"General Qiu Lin, we don't quite understand your words!" Zhang Zhentian said, "We are the two countries. How can our land be given to you?"

"Haha! General Zhang misunderstood. Qiu Linluo knew in his heart that if he didn't solve the answer, Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun would definitely pretend to be confused. Qiu Linluo thought for a moment and simply said, "Two generals, my highness has taken good care of the territory of the former king of the south. I think the death of the king of the South has more or less to do with the shackle, and I also heard that the shackle is not dead, and he and you have watched it.

"Oh? General Qiu Lin is so well-informed!" Zhang Zhentian said with admiration, "It's really like what you said, but what about this? Why should we support your Highness to acquire the territory of the king of the south?

"This is only good for the two generals, not bad." Qiu Linluo replied, "Although my highness and Yuqi have been defeated by your men, your hatred with Yuqi is deeper than that of my highness. If the territory of the king of the south is inherited, it will be more troublesome than falling into the hands of my highness in the future.

Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun listened to Qiu Linluo's words. They looked at each other, and then Zhang Zhentian said, "General Qiu Lin's suggestion sounds very reasonable. But why should we believe your words?

"If you can help my Highness obtain the territory of the king of the southern land, we are willing to form an alliance with you Yanyun and never violate your Yanyun border." Qiu Linluo took a look at Zhang Zhentian and the concubine, and then said, "Not only that, we are also willing to pay tribute to you Yan Yun for the cattle, sheep and horses produced in the territory of the king of the southern land."

"What do you want us to do?" Zhang Zhentian continued to ask.

"Give us the tachment and help us collect evidence of the tachment killing the tachment." Qiu Linluo said.

"Hehe! We have to think about this matter again. Zhang Zhentian listened to Qiu Linluo's request and replied with a smile, "Actually, I have a simpler way!" That's it up to us to kill the yak, what do you think?

"Oh?" Qiu Linluo listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, he hesitated for a moment, and then said, "If General Zhang is willing to help us get rid of the flint, it is also a good choice!"

"Haha! That's good." Zhang Zhentian laughed and said, "Go and reply to your highness!" Ask him to offer a specific price, and accept your request if we are moved.

"Good! "It's good." Qiu Linluo got up after hearing this, and then said goodbye to Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun and left the original camp.

After Qiu Linluo left, Zhang Zhentian and Xiangqun planned for a while, and then the two of them sent people to inform Yao Guang about Qiu Linluo's arrival. After Yao Guang received the news sent by Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun, he personally came to the account of Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun. Yao Guang did not object to the decision of Zhang Zhentian and Qun. Although in the original world, the leading generals are not allowed to make peace with the enemy in private. However, the current situation is special and there is a possibility of peace, and Yao Guang also needs to fight for it. After all, this peace agreement will not only be good for Yan Yun, but also make them return to the army faster to rescue Luoyi.

"Then we really have to kill the shackle?" After the discussion, the three looked at Zhang Zhentian with doubts.

"I don't think so!" Zhang Zhentian shook his head and said, "We'd better take him away!"

"Hehe! See you in the sky." Yao Guang listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and said with approval.

"Haha! Yes. Mr. Zhang is right!" Yu Qun also agreed with Zhang Zhentian's opinion.

After Qiu Linluo returned to the orc's camp, he told the details about the negotiation with Zhang Zhentian and the concubines. After listening to Qiu Linluo's words, he repeatedly nod his head. However, there are some concerns about Zhang Zhentian's suggestion that their original person should kill the tame. However, under the guidance of Qiu Linluo, these doubts were also dispelled. After all, according to the current situation, it is best to get a piece of land that you can control first! Since the original people are willing to keep the tachment as a tool to blackmail themselves, let them go! If their original people don't want to let the tachment die, it's up to them. In short, I will focus my energy on the battle for the throne in China for a period of time.

Now that the Capricorn has figured out these things, it's not a big deal about tribute. The Capricorn valued the territory and the subjects. As for the things produced in the territory, it's okay to give more to the original people. Just leave it to the original people.

In this way, Qiu Linluo quickly returned to the original camp. Naturally, he brought the news that Yuqi was willing to negotiate with Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun. He also said that Yuqi was willing to accept Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun's suggestion, and they were willing to hand over the treatment of Yuqi to the original people. As for the tribute, Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun gave Zhang Zhentian a satisfactory price, so that Zhang Zhentian and Qun readily accepted the suggestion of Zhang Zhentian.

After that, Zhang Zhentian and Qiu Linluo had another negotiation, and they chose the current orc camp as the place to kill the war. In fact, Qiu Linluo understood that Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun were disguised and asked him for the mountainous and grassland area south of the mountain that originally belonged to the orcs. However, since Zhang Zhentian and others promised to help the Capricorn obtain the land of the Southern King, the land Zhang Zhentian and others want will be free to go! Originally, this land was also obtained by the orcs from the original people hundreds of years ago, but now let's think of it as the original people again!

When everything closed, Qiu Linluo presented some specialties and gems produced in the extremely cold land to Zhang Zhentian and Xiang Qun as gifts for peace talks. In fact, he also expressed his sincerity to Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun. Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun naturally accepted this kind of contribution. Then, they sent Qiu Linluo out of the camp, and the next thing to do was to prepare for the attack according to the agreement between the two sides.

On the orc side, after Qiu Linluo returned to the camp, he told Zhang Zhentian's new additional conditions. Although she was a little unhappy about this, she also nodded and accepted it. After all, the gains and losses in China are much more important than the gains and losses of this land. Although their original man took a strategic battlefield from their own hands, they will definitely take it back from the original man in the future. Thinking of this, the Capricorn no longer takes the gains and losses of this mountain too seriously.

That night, he found his big account. After a happy banquet, the two said, "Brother Qian, now the army has returned to Panzhou. My father is not in good health either! I also want to leave here tomorrow to visit my father on the Western Front. You have to guard the camp well and don't let the original people sneak up!"

"Haha! Don't worry, the third prince! I will definitely be careful." When he heard that he was leaving, he agreed with joy. In his heart, he can't wait to leave quickly! Only when the Capricorn leaves can he accept his father's previous territory as soon as possible. After all, in the territory of the king of the south, not all tribes are willing to accept the leadership of the king of the south.

"That's good! In that case, come on! Drink." The Capricorn raised his glass again, "I'll leave all the things here to you to answer! After my father is well, I will lead the army to meet you, and we will fight against the original people of Yanyun Land together! At that time, we will definitely kill them. After saying that, he drank all the wine in the glass.

"Good! Three princes, have a good journey!" After listening to Yuqi's words, he raised his glass happily. Now, he is not suspicious of the Capricorn at all. After all, he has seen that his father's territory is about to be assigned to his name! What an exciting thing this is!