Magic World

Chapter 117 suppressing Shuanglongling 1

Zhang Zhentian and Ou Jianliang's fleet, escorted by wind and waves, soon returned to the jurisdiction of North Customs. Yao Guang heard that Zhang Zhentian had peacefully resolved the dispute with the mackerel and brought back the abemployed fishermen. Naturally, he couldn't help but be happy. He personally took people to the seaside to welcome Zhang Zhentian and his party.

After Zhang Zhentian met Yao Guang, Yao Guang first praised Zhang Zhentian; then Zhang Zhentian introduced Jiaoyu to Yao Guang. Yao Guang was not a person with a small belly. Naturally, he accepted the apology and promised that he would help them find their lost secret documents. Then, the guests said happily, and they returned to the North Customs together. After the banquet and arrangement of the apartment, Zhang Zhentian came to Yao Guang's room. He said respectfully to Yao Guang, "Father, I don't know what my father plans to do about the secret case?"

"Now that we have promised the mackerel, we will try our best to find it." Yao Guang motioned Zhang Zhentian to sit down, and at the same time, he said soothingly.

"But father, what should we do if we find the secret document and their mackerel repents?" Zhang Zhentian asked uneasily.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter." Yao Guang said with a smile, "This mackerel has always been faithful!" Presumably they won't do such a thing. Moreover, now that the strength of our original people is strong, the strength of their mackerel is weak, and they would not have helped us much. Therefore, they are also happy to form an alliance with us. They will definitely not betray."

"That's good." Zhang Zhentian nodded and said after listening to Yao Guang's words.

"How can this secret piece fall into the area of Yao Shubao?" Yao Guang was a little surprised and said to himself.

"Someone must have taken it there." Zhang Zhentian thought for a moment and replied, "In my estimation, the original or orc attacked by the mackerel is probably seriously injured and died. Only then did the secret on him fall into the hands of our original person. This man originally planned to take the secret documents to Yanzhou, but something happened on the way. In the end, this secret document was left in the area of Yao Shubao.

"It makes a little sense to say what you say." After listening to Zhang Zhentian's words, Yao Guang nodded. He felt that Zhang Zhentian's inference was logical and feasible. Yao Guang thought for a while, and then said, "Well! Zhentian, tomorrow you will take someone and Jiao Li to the seaside to find out what happened a year ago, and then take Jiao Li to Yao Shubao! After this matter is over, you can go to Luoyi as soon as possible and get together with Brother Julong.

"Good! Father. My son-in-law understands!" After listening to Yao Guang's words, Zhang Zhentian got up and saluted and left Yao Guang's room.

In the next few days, Zhang Zhentian and Jiao Li led people to visit the coastal villages. They got some news from fishermen. These news prove that Zhang Zhentian's judgment is indeed correct. It turned out that the thief who was injured by the mackerel was indeed an original. However, shortly after he was rescued by the original fishermen, he died of serious injuries. The fisherman who rescued him found the secret of the mackerel on his body. But these fishermen didn't understand the text above, and later they gave it to their patriarch. Then the patriarch gave it to the officials of his territory. Shortly after that, the official who got the secret document was transferred to Yanzhou. As a result, when he and his family walked near Yao Shubao, they were robbed by robbers. It is said that no one was spared the official's family. Therefore, I don't know where the secret document has been lost around Yaoshubao.

After Zhang Zhentian confirmed the news, he discussed with Jiaoyu for a while. Since the snake can help acid and birds find the lost secret, can the mackerel get some information about the secret from the snake? Because fundamentally, this mackerel should also be regarded as a kind of spiritual clan. It's just that they are more inclined to the original people and helped the original people win the ancient war.

After discussing with Zhang Zhentian, he took his mackerel soldier to the snake's nest to check the news from the original fishermen by the sea. After only two days, Jiao Ling returned to Zhang Zhentian's side at the North Customs. Jiaoling has confirmed from the snake that what acid and birds were looking for at that time was the ancient secret pieces of the mackerel. And they turned snakes, acids and birds and did not find that secret. After that, as soon as the acid and birds died, they naturally gave up looking for snakes.

"General Jiao, it seems that if we want to find this secret, we can only lie in Yao Shubao." After Zhang Zhentian finished speaking, he looked at Jiao Yu with a consulting look.

"Good! "Marquis." Jiaolian readily agreed, and then said apologetically, "Marquis, can you prepare more water for me on the way?"

"This is easy to say!" Zhang Zhentian answered happily after listening to the words. He knew that he was worried that he would survive on land for a long time, which would cause his limbs to deform and not be able to return to his heroic posture in the sea.

On the day when Zhang Zhentian and Jiao Jian set out for Yao Shubao, Zhang Zhentian specially arranged his soldiers and prepared several trucks of water belts for Jiao Jian. After that, Zhang Zhentian left the North Customs with Jiao Li, Yao Xiu and his own guard in the direction of Yao Shubao.

Now Yao Shubao is completely different from what it looked like half a year ago. When Zhang Zhentian rushed to Yao Shubao, there was a dilapidated scene in Yao Shubao. Now after half a year of recovery, Yao Shubao has become a lively market.

This Zhentian and his subordinates rushed to Yao Shubao, and they naturally obeyed Yao Xiu's arrangement. Therefore, under the guidance of Yao Xiu, Zhang Zhentian and Jiaoren's two teams were all stationed in the remote courtyard of the old man Yao Ju. Although Yao Ju's partial courtyard is not large, it is a very elegant courtyard. Therefore, Zhang Zhentian and Jiaoliao also settled down at ease.

At night, Jiaoliao came back from the outside. He gently buckled Zhang Zhentian's door. After hearing Zhang Zhentian's call to come in, he walked into Zhang Zhentian's room.

"Marquis, let me tell you some bad news." Jiaolian said with some frustration, "I have carefully checked the surrounding environment. I didn't find the presence of secret documents nearby.

General Jiao, don't worry. Since the official was robbed by a strong man nearby. I think these strong men must not be far away, and your secret copy must still be in the hands of their strong men. Zhang Zhentian thought to himself that it would be a good thing for these strong men to lose or destroy the secret documents.

"I hope everything will be as the marquis said!" Jiao Ling nodded. He sincerely expected what Zhang Zhentian said to be true. Jiaoliant also knew that the secret document had no use for the strong man. If they could no longer understand the ancient words, it would be normal for the secret document to be damaged by the strong man.

The next day, Zhang Zhentian arranged for Yao Xiu to accompany Yao Ju at home. He and Jiao Jian led his own soldiers to find the position where the original officials were killed under the leadership of the original people of Yao Shubao. There, Zhang Zhentian and Jiaoyu looked carefully, and they did not find anything abnormal nearby. After that, Zhang Zhentian and Jiao Jian found the cemetery of the official's family. Then, under the command of Zhang Zhentian, the soldiers began to steal graves and dig tombs. However, after the efforts of the soldiers, they did not find the secret documents needed to correct the cemetery.

"It seems that we can only figure out which group of strong people have taken the secret documents." Zhang Zhentian muttered when he watched the soldiers fill back the tombs for the officials' families.

"Yes! "Marquis." After listening, Jiaolian nodded, and then he apologized a little and said, "This matter is really sorry, Marquis."

"Don't say these polite words!" Zhang Zhentian waved his hand to stop the words, and then he said, "I will definitely help you find this secret! I don't believe that it has evaporated like this.

At night, Zhang Zhentian and Jiaoren took people back to Yao Shubao. After dinner, Zhang Zhentian came to Yao Ju's room, "Grandpa, can you be in the room?"

"Come on! "Earthquake." Now Yao Ju has known the relationship between Yao Xiu and Zhang Zhentian. Originally, Yao Ju likes Zhang Zhentian, so he naturally will not oppose Yao Xiu and Zhang Zhentian's marriage. "I'm in the room."

Zhang Zhentian listened to Yao Ju's words and walked into Yao Ju's room. At the motion of Yao Ju, he sat down on a chair next to Yao Ju, and then he asked in a low voice, "Grandpa, do you remember the murder of an official that happened almost a year ago?"

"You mean the case where the whole family of the passing official was killed?" Yao Ju brushed his beard and looked at Zhang Zhentian and asked.

"Yes, Grandpa." Zhang Zhentian answered.

"I still remember some." Yao Ju replied, "It is said that they were robbed by the evil people in the nearby Shuanglongling!"

"Shuanglongling?" Zhang Zhentian continued to ask back.

"Yes!" Yao Ju nodded, "That group of people were originally calm. However, due to the war with the Orcs of the North in recent years, the country needed a lot of food. Later, they could not afford to pay the country's taxes, so they simply went up the mountain and became nearby robbers.

"Then can our Yanyun army go to encircle and suppress them?" Zhang Zhentian asked curiously.

"At first, the government didn't care; later, these gang of villains specifically went against the government, and they sent people to encircle and suppress it. However, at this time, these evildoers in Shuanglongling had repaired the camp and guarded it dangerously, and the officers and soldiers could not attack the mountain several times. In the end, I had to give up. Yao Ju recalled and said.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Zhang Zhentian got up after listening to Yao Ju's words. He thought to himself that it seemed that I had to go to the robbers in Shuanglongling for a while. If they take the secret documents, on the one hand, I can retrieve the things of the mackerel, and on the other hand, I can also eliminate the harm for the people and eliminate these vicious bandits!