Doomsday world

ESC11 Seal Ball

"You two, save me quickly. I've been kidnapped." As soon as he saw someone coming to the prime minister, he hurriedly called for help. But the two people who walked from the opposite side seemed to walk forward as if they didn't see him. If it's useless, they can't see us." Tiancheng touched his hair with one hand and said lazily.

"How is that possible! What are you kidding? There is no such thing in this world!" The Prime Minister said stubbornly. OK, then I'll let you see more of what you think is impossible." Tiancheng said with a smile and pulled the two people straight from the prime minister. Hello! Hello! What are you going to do? It will hit you like this." The Prime Minister shouted. Then hit it." Tiancheng didn't think so. In this way, Tiancheng forcibly pulled the Prime Minister forward. The Prime Minister struggled and slowly got closer and closer. The Prime Minister closed his eyes when he was about to hit it.

But at that moment, Tiancheng and the Prime Minister passed through the two bodies. Hey, open your eyes." Tiancheng lit a cigarette and said. Huh? Huh? Didn't we bump into it?" The Prime Minister said in disbelief. Yes, the impossible event you said happened to you. Do you want to come again? Tiancheng asked. No, okay, where are you taking me?" The Prime Minister asked.

"Of course, it's to see the key problems that lead to the end of the world." After saying that, Tiancheng grabbed one of the premier's shoulders and grabbed the other, and the two jumped into the air at the same time, "Ah..." Seeing the ceiling getting closer and closer, it will be scary for ordinary people. But their bodies crystallized through the ceiling. Fly up." This... It's incredible." The Prime Minister said in surprise.

"There are still many incredible things." Tiancheng said that the world's natural daily life and peaceful and reasonable existence continue unchanged, but in fact, most people spend their lives without knowing it. In fact, the world is full of too many secrets that cannot be touched.

What Tiancheng and Tianxin should do is to expose the Prime Minister to these secrets, because the world is constantly changing and getting worse. Otherwise, Tianxin and Tiancheng will not force an ordinary person to accept those secrets that ordinary people can't accept.

The three flew in the air for a period of time to Kunlun Mountain. At night, the fog of Kunlun Mountain looked very beautiful. The three of them passed through the hillside with hazy weapons. Prime Minister, it won't take long for us to move forward. Tiancheng walked forward after saying that, and the Prime Minister hesitated to follow. Tianxin followed the Premier. Because of the development of the scenic spot, the road was clean and tidy, and there were people coming and going around. Most of these people were desperate people who wanted to see what they had not seen when they were still alive and enjoy The last moment of life.

"Why did you bring me here? Look at these people who are enjoying life? The chairman asked. You won't know in a while. Tiancheng said and continued to move forward. The Prime Minister and Tianxin followed closely. When I walked to a cave, it stopped the day before yesterday. What you see is in it." Tiancheng said. What is it? The Prime Minister asked strangely. You will know when you go, but you have to be prepared. Tiancheng said. What kind of psychological preparation?" The Prime Minister asked for a moment.

"Go when you're ready." Tiancheng went straight in without a superfluous explanation. The Prime Minister had to keep up. They walked for about half an hour to reach their destination. Tiancheng pointed to the stone door in front of him and said, "Open this door and you will be there." Tiancheng opened the door as he said. I saw the red and green light shining inside. What's in there?" The Prime Minister asked. You will know when you go in." After saying that, Tiancheng took the lead and walked in. All right." The Prime Minister took a deep breath and followed in. Now that they are all here, it seems that we have to follow to the end.' The Prime Minister cheered himself up in his heart. As a person living in an ordinary world, his psychological quality is already very good.

Tianxin also followed in. But she hesitated when she went in, but finally walked in. Inside, there is a piece of blood. Broken meat, white bones, human skeletons, and the skeletons of beasts can be seen everywhere. The whole grotto is round. In the middle of the circle, there is a stone platform. Above the stone platform is a huge ball. The whole ball is red. The whole sphere emits a faint red light outside, and there is red inside it. Two small spheres and green are hovering.

"This ball is what keeps the earth in balance, and now it is weak and unable to seal those monsters. We have tried many ways that can't stop it, so as long as this broken world will be swallowed up by strange monsters, the current human beings can't stop it. Tiancheng said seriously. Do you think the balance of the world depends on this sphere? The Prime Minister asked. Yes." Tiancheng answered undeniably.

"Well, I still don't understand. Can you explain it to me in detail?" The Prime Minister asked. OK, then I'll tell you in detail." Tiancheng thought about it. In detail, the world is divided into many levels. The world people live in is only a part of the world of the earth. There is a sentence that can be easily explained to you, that is, people don't see the wind, fish don't see water, and dragons don't see everything. That's what it looks like. Because the existence of this sealed ball makes our world balanced, people live in this world and will not meet those monsters who also live on this earth. Tiancheng explained.

"Do you mean that we live on this earth, and there are other creatures living on this earth at the same time?" The Prime Minister said. Um, it's easy to understand." Tiancheng said. What you said quickly made me not understand. The Prime Minister said. Can you still not understand? That's what you just understood. Simply put, you sit on the sofa and watch TV at night, but there is a monster in the position where you sit may eat there, that's what it means. That is to say, the world we can see in the biota biosphere of human beings overlaps with another world, right? Tiancheng explained.

"I understand a little bit." The Prime Minister said with his head covered with sweat. It seems that I just understand a little. Let me tell you an obvious example. Tiancheng said with a headache. That's where we are now. There is also a kind of creature standing here, but you can't see it because it's in a different world. But now the boundary ball that balances the two worlds has been exhausted, so we can feel their existence here a little. Tiancheng said.

"Do you feel it a little?" The Prime Minister asked strangely. Shh... Just don't talk and look carefully in front of your eyes." Tiancheng said. Don't talk. If you talk, you will die." The devilish smile made the Prime Minister sweat coldly. At this time, the ball of the boundary began to shake, and a monkey-like monster slowly climbed out of the ball. It looked left and right, but Tianxin, Tiancheng and the Prime Minister did not find it. They just kept looking around. Slowly it was getting closer and closer to the Prime Minister, and its huge head kept approaching the Prime Minister.

"Wow..." The Prime Minister took a deep breath, and the monster seemed to feel it constantly approaching him, slowly, getting closer and closer and closer. Immediately, when the ferocious face was about to stick to the Prime Minister's face, the Prime Minister was almost out of breath. At this time, Tiancheng arrived quickly. Behind the Prime Minister, the stiff Prime Minister was pulled over. He blocked his mouth.

The monkey-like monster lost his breath and went out after a short stay.

"Ha...ha...ha..." Tiancheng let go of the prime minister after the monster left. You're going to suffo me." The Prime Minister sat on the ground and gasped. In that case, you have been eaten long ago." Tiancheng said with a smile.'s terrible." The Prime Minister wiped his sweat.