Doomsday world

ESC139 War

Heaven is anxiously looking for survivors but finds nothing. At this time, she suddenly felt as if someone was following her. She turned around and found that IELTS was following her. "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be a prodigal dog." Heaven said contemptuously. Oh, he is really good at talking. It's worthy of being the fiercest dog. IELTS said. As the saying goes, the more barking dogs don't bite, and the less barking dogs, the more they bite people. Haha, it seems that your Tianshi family is just the fiercest dog. IELTS said without hesitation. Oh, it's ironic that a prodigal dog barked so badly. Tianxin said.

"I'll show you who is the best barking dog." IELTS said and waved a huge tentacle, and Tianxin easily dodged the attack in IELTS. It's no big deal." Tianxin said. What about this one?" In IELTS, countless tentacles reached out to Tianxin. The powerful attack speed and huge number made Tianxin a little unuffocable, but they still dodged, "Fireball!" Tianxin said in his heart that countless huge fireballs flew to IELTS.

"Do you think these are useful to me?" IELTS said proudly and waved his tentacles to block the fireballs, 'boom' 'boom'... The roar is endless. The huge fireball left only a few burn marks on the tentacles in IELTS, and there was no substantial damage. Is that all you have? Haha, the people of the Tian family are not great." IELTS said that it accelerated the wave of tentacles and released the number of tentacles. Humph, do you think it's just such a simple burn?" Tianxin asked while avoiding the tentacles.

"Humph, what else can you do?" IELTS asked. Firecraft!" Tianxin roared, and the tentacles that had been attacked by fire began to burn. IELTS looked at their tentacles in horror, and those flames moved along the direction of the tentacles to the emperor. IELTS has to abandon several of his tentacles. It turned out to be a self-harmful miscellaneous dog. Heaven said contemptuously. If you dare to burn my beautiful tentacles, I will make you regret doing it. IELTS said angrily and flew countless tentacles from his back in an instant. Fly to the heart of heaven.

A huge fire shield appeared in front of the heart of heaven and blocked the tentacles in IELTS. The tentacles picked up countless sparks on Horton, but it didn't take long for IELTS to disappear into the heart of heaven. At that moment, it appeared in IELTS just above the heart of heaven. The tentacles gathered together to form a huge tentacle and waved to the head of the heavenly heart. Tianxin was slapped down fiercely by IELTS, leaving a deep hole on the ground with a bang. Cough, cough, the heart of heaven crawled out of the deep pit and kept coughing. The bereaved dog has two good things. Tianxin touched the corners of his mouth and said. Ha ha, it's still hard-mouthed now." IELTS said that the huge tentacles patted the heart of heaven again.

Tianxin closed his eyes, and the flames around him became strong. A red five-pointed star array appeared at the foot of Tianxin, and the Tianxin rushed to the tentacles waving to him. Boom Tianxin blew up a hole in the tentacle and rushed out of it. The part where the hole was blown up was constantly emitting smoke and several flames were burning from time to time. IELTS gritted his teeth and looked at Tianxin angrily, hoping to swallow Tianxin alive. Little girl, you will pay for everything you do. IELTS said that he threw away the damaged tentacles and rushed to the heart of heaven.

"Wound!" After saying that, countless small tentacles flew to the heart of heaven. Tianxin saw that those fast and sensitive tentacles were reluctantly avoiding. Fire Shield! The dance of the fire snake!" Tianxin dodged three tentacles and waved forward with spell grammar sticks. A small fire shield appeared in front of her, and then there were continuous fire elements in the air condensing to form fire snakes flying tentacles flying in the air. Flame art!" Tianxin tried to kill this troublesome guy quickly and made a huge lethal move.

A huge five-pointed star array appeared in front of the heavenly heart, constantly condensing the fire elements in the air, and a huge fireball in front of the fire shield. When she saw her tentacles hindered by the fire snake, she was very angry. She was not once provoked by the heavenly heart and saw the heavenly heart condensing. Gathering spiritual power is the biggest provocation to her. IELTS closed her eyes and suddenly bent down. Countless tentacles suddenly shot out of her back and rushed to Tianxin at a very fast speed. Tianxin hurriedly mobilized the fire snake and fire shield to rush to those tentacles. As soon as the fire snake touched the tentacles, it was immediately pierced and absorbed.

The fire shield was immediately smashed by tentacles. Flame! Let it go!" Tianxin had no choice but to convert the attack object of flame art into the incoming tentacles. A laser-like beam of flame sprayed into the tentacles, and those tentacles were burned to ashes at once. You lost." IELTS said. I haven't..." Before Tianxin said anything, a huge tentacle from behind suddenly fell on Tianxin's back. You forgot one." IELTS said proudly. The huge impact knocked out the heart of heaven, and the armor on the back cracked. IELTS is proud to look at the heart of heaven who was defeated by himself. Then he slowly flew over to grab Tianxin.

'Xuan Ming.' Tianxin looked at the IELTS that was getting closer and closer to him and shouted in his heart. Haha, little girl, you're screaming. IELTS grabbed the dying heart with his tentacles and smiled proudly. Suddenly, his tentacles broke. In the broken part of the tentacle, it began to freeze and kept looking at the body "Yan Hucheng!" In IELTS, I saw a real resentful look at the figure of Yan Hucheng looking ahead. I'm sorry that my uncle didn't come today because you are not qualified to fight him. Yan Xuanming didn't know when he appeared beside Tianxin and hugged Tianxin and said.

"You son of a bitch, how dare you talk to me like this, I will make you pay the price." Saying in IELTS. I will also make you pay the price." Yan Xuanming looked directly into the eyes of IELTS and said that the eyes looked very dangerous. Ha ha, I'll let you know what's wrong with the boy's wild words. IELTS suddenly became serious, and black armor appeared on her body and emitted black light. Yan Xuanming also turned into a purple armor mixed with red stripes in a combat state, and a purple sickle appeared on his hand. Then cover the heavenly heart with an energy mask.

At this time, Zhang Siming looked at Yan Xuanming in surprise above the distant building and stared at him in a daze. He could not forget the continuous pain of Yan Xuanming in the restaurant where he was eating. Originally, he thought that Yan Xuanming was dead, but now he looks at Yan Xuanming, who was in a state of battle. I can't believe that when I fought with Yan Xuanming last time, I didn't believe that the person who fought with me was my little Yan Xuanming. He always thought that he was wrong at that time, or just a person who was very similar to his childhood.

But this time he can't convince himself like that, because he is familiar with Yan Xuanming's eyes. He can't find anyone but Yan Xuanming himself to use the look that makes himself so familiar. It's definitely my childhood. The person who grew up playing with me won't be wrong this time. Zhang Siming couldn't stop the excitement in his heart. Good brother, you're still alive. It's really great. I thought you were dead... In the last battle, I thought I recognized the wrong person. It seems that I didn't admit my mistake. That's great.' Zhang Siming stood on the building in the distance and thought excitedly.

"If there is anything else, just say it quickly." Yan Xuanming looked at IELTS and said. Ha ha, what an interesting boy." IELTS said.' He waved his tentacles out in an instant. Because Tianxin was behind him, Yan Xuanming didn't want to hide, but picked up the sickle to block the front. Yan Xuanming retreated a distance with a soft sound. IELTS put away his tentacles and looked at Yan Xuanming with satisfaction, "Oh, if you can block my blow, you are qualified to be my opponent." IELTS said with a smile. Yan Xuanming did not speak and released countless ice cones without warning.

I rushed to the body of IELTS. With a wave around the tentacle body in IELTS, Yan Xuanming's ice cones were all knocked off. That's right..." When IELTS was about to say something, Yan Xuanming appeared beside him and waved his sickle to cut himself. IELTS hurriedly stretched out his tentacles to block Yan Xuanming's attack, but Yan Xuanming disappeared again and appeared on the top of IELTS's head, and countless water molecules waved sickle in the air were attracted by Yan Xuanming's sickle, forming A huge ice sickle slashed into IELTS. IELTS was a little surprised to see this scene, because Yan Xuanming's power was beyond IELTS' imagination. Countless tentacles condensed above their heads to form a huge barrier, but.' Once, the tentacles were cut off by Yan Xuanming and kept spreading ice slag around. The IELTS was hit and flew out, and a crack appeared on her body and kept freezing around her body.

"Damn ice!! The most annoying thing in my life. IELTS slowly got up, but at this time Yan Xuanming had appeared in front of her and raised his sickle expressionlessly, slashed into IELTS, and closed his eyes in IELTS, but at this time Yan Xuanming's attack was blocked by Gefield, "You have won." Gfield said. Yan Xuanming didn't say anything but squinted at Gefir. You'd better stop if you don't want your woman to get hurt. When Gefer said and Yan Xuanming looked at Tianxin, he only saw that Gefer's palm stretched out to Tianxin's neck. Although he was wearing an energy mask, Yan Xuanming knew that it might not be able to stop Gefer's attack.