Doomsday world

ESC183 War

Yan Hucheng's image raised a long* to IELTS, and IELTS stretched out his tentacles to block the attack of the image. The loud sound was loud enough for the world to hear. Yan Xincheng and Zhang Yunxin fought together and looked at the endless monsters. They were a little worried about the safety of Tianxin family and Yan Xuanming. Originally, Tianxin's family were with them. After seeing the tank master coming, Tianxin was also worried that the tank master rushed into the monster crowd to find Yan Xuanming. Tiancheng and his wife Seeing that Tianxin left quickly and followed Tianxin, Yan Xincheng was a little worried, so he also sent a team of people to help.

At this moment, Yan Xincheng asked the boundary division to build a boundary, and then people used long-range attacks to hunt monsters in the boundary. Zhang Yunxin commanded the soldiers inside, while Yan Xincheng led the soldiers above B to rush forward. In this way, they cooperated with the continuous fighting, hoping to push the front forward, but It has been a day since the beginning of the war, and the front still hasn't advanced a centimeter. Human beings have sacrificed many people. The victims were manipulated by the accused and rushed to human beings as soldiers of the Gaia clan.

A strong light repelled him a few steps while Yan Xincheng was fighting. Hello." Gefir said with a smile. Hello." Yan Xincheng stood up straight and said. It's our first time to meet." Geffield said with a smile, and the monsters saw Geffield coming and retreated to one side. You can go somewhere else. Just give it to me." Yan Xincheng said to the soldiers beside him, and the soldiers beside Yan Xincheng left one after another. No one is hindering us. Let's start." Yan Xincheng said. Come on." At this time, Zhang Yunxin's encouraging voice came from the rear. Don't worry!" Yan Xincheng gave Zhang Yunxin a big smile.

Seeing that scene, Gefir remembered IELTS. At the moment of the beginning of the battle, IELTS rushed up, and Gefir had no time to stop IELTS from disappearing into the vast group of monsters. That's good. Someone misses you." Gefir said with some envy. She is the most precious miss in my heart. Yan Xincheng said lightly. Is that right? Well, at least I'll leave you a whole body." Gfield said, 'Envy, there are people who are worried, and there are also people who are worried about it.' Gefir thought in his heart. Then I'll come!" With that, a big blue knife appeared in Gefir's hand and rushed to Yan Xincheng.

Yan Xincheng's right hand waved countless blue lights forward and gradually formed a blue sickle. Ding's weapons collided together. It's you who want to leave the whole body." Yan Xincheng pushed Gefer away and distanced him. The strength is good, but I don't know how strong his ability is. Yan Xincheng looked at Gefir cautiously in his heart. The two sides have made several tentative attacks, and both sides probably have an understanding of each other. I'm coming!" Gefir shouted and rushed to Yan Xincheng. Yan Xincheng's sickle blocked Gefir's attack from the bottom up and then turned around and punched Gefir in the chest. The strength of that punch made Gefer retreat a few steps. Yan Xuanming followed the sickle and cut it down from the sky.

Geffield quickly raised his knife to block the huge power of 'Ding', which made Geffield's hand hurt. Yan Xincheng took advantage of the gap to squat down and push him to kick Gefeld to the ground. Again, he picked up the sickle and cut it down quickly, and the black blood came out of Gefer's body and began to disappear. At this time, the ground under Yan Xincheng's feet began to loosen and sense this. Yan Xincheng hurriedly moved back and stretched out a long knife from the ground when he just moved away. The reaction is so fast." Gefir jumped out from the bottom and said. I don't think you are such an easy role to be killed. Yan Xincheng said. You look up to me so much." Gefir said. It's not an respect, but a fact. Yan Xincheng said seriously.

"You are so excellent, why don't you come to our Gaia clan and completely eliminate the human race. Human beings are selfish and revenge only think about themselves and never understand the feelings of others. For themselves, they are greedy to force others into a desperate situation. Do you think such human beings are worth your hard work? Do you think anyone will appreciate your efforts like this? Do you know how ridiculous your move is? Gefir said enticingly. Yes, human beings are indeed what you said. They can give up anything for selfishness, fear and selfishness. Yan Xincheng said lightly. Hearing Gfield say excitedly, "Then come to our Gaia clan and destroy all human beings and rebuild a world without selfishness, no controversy, no evil and no sin." Gfield said.

"However, I don't think that human beings are just those. There are still conscience and good people in the human world. The human world is not completely corrupt and completely sinking. Human beings still have love, so I won't give up your Gaia family who should not come here." Yan Xincheng looked into Gefir's eyes and said. It seems that the negotiation has failed. Gefir said with regret. It should be said that there is no possibility of success. Yan Xincheng said lightly. Oh, you will regret your choice. Saving that race is a wrong choice. Human beings are far more evil than you think. They are already terminally ill and hopeless. Gefeld said helplessly.

"No matter how serious the disease is, there will be good medicine to cure it, and there will be a solution to rare things, right?" Yan Xincheng said disapprovingly. But you should know that it is almost impossible to equate. Gefir felt that Yan Xuanming's words were ridiculous and almost nonsense. Sorry, no matter what you say, I won't change my mind." Yan Xincheng said. What a stubborn person, so we can only meet each other. To be honest, I really don't want to fight with you. Gfield said.

"I don't want to fight with you. You look very different from other Gaia." Yan Xincheng said. In fact, there is no difference, but our purpose is the same, which is to kill human beings and create a new world. Gefir said. What a ridiculous goal." Yan Xincheng said jokingly. What a right goal. The destruction of all human beings is the only way. Gefir said. Sorry, I can't unify where your Gaia family goes back and forth. Yan Xincheng said and picked up the sickle and rushed to Gefield.