The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 6 Five Levels of Variants

There is no doubt that mutants have stronger abilities than ordinary people, so they also have stronger combat power.

But there is no conclusion on how strong the ability of mutants is and how to distinguish between strengths and weaknesses before different abilities, even in the future.

After all, the effects of different abilities are also different, and sometimes they encounter mutual restraint, and it is difficult to simply arrange seats.

However, there is a recognized view that it is the evolutionary level of the human body.

In the future, people will divide the evolutionary levels into five levels according to the amount of energy in the human body.

First level: Genes and constitution have just evolved, and the energy in the body is more than 100 energy values, but less than 300 energy values.

The energy value here is based on ordinary people, because an ordinary person can only have 100 energy values at most. For example, some weak women may only have an energy value of 40 to 50.

Second level: evolution has reached a high level, the energy in the body can be released, and energy shields can be formed later, and the energy value is in the range of 300 to 1,000.

Third level: with energy values of more than 1,000 and less than 2,000. Very few mutants have evolved to this level, and there is no need to be afraid of the siege of corpses. Energy shields outside the body can completely resist gun attacks.

Level 4: The energy value is more than 2,000, but less than 5,000.

Level 5: With more than 5,000 energy values!

In Zheng Yonghao's memory, ten years have passed since the catastrophe, and human beings have gradually become accustomed to struggling to survive in the end of the world, but there are still no mutants of the last two levels.

The strongest existence with news is the only S-energy mutant. In addition to him, few people in the whole world have reached the third level of evolution.

Anyway, Zheng Yonghao himself met only one person in his previous life. He was a mutant with fire control ability and the king of Xizhou Fortress, a giant base for survivors.

Most evolved mutants are at the first or second level, and the proportion of the two is almost half in the later stage.

But now it is not the end of the world that has lasted for ten years, but the beginning of the catastrophe.

All mutants have just evolved. No matter what ability they have, they can only be at the first level in terms of energy value.

In addition to Zheng Yonghao, an alternative with a rebirth memory, he also became the first and unique S energy variant eight years in advance, directly with a second level of evolution.

After the shock, Zheng Yonghao finally showed a little joy on his face.

He looked carefully, or was sensing - this is an ability that all mutants can have. Some people call it induction, while others call it mental power, which was later collectively called spiritual power.

Through spiritual power, Zheng Yonghao can see his specific energy value.

310! It's a little more than three times the limit of ordinary people, which is good!"

Zheng Yonghao is very satisfied. Although his current energy value only catches the tail of secondary evolution, he must be undoubtedly the strongest.

And this is enough to deter most of his enemies!

After all, he can see his energy value, and other mutants can also see him.

Is this the best way to distinguish between ordinary people and mutants, or the best way to distinguish between mutants?

For a long time from now, the survivors are still in a state of panic and confusion.

The main threat at this stage is zombies, and perhaps extremely unlucky people will die in the bloody mouth of mutant beasts.

But when this period of time passes, with the shortage of food, the compression of living space, and the resulting large-scale migration, it is not only those monsters without wisdom that threaten survival.

The people around me, the brother who patted his chest and wanted to live and die with you the moment before, and the poor man who just whispered softly begging you to enjoy eating... The next second may become a bloody killer who ends your life.

In order to survive, human nature is as weak as a piece of paper at this moment.

If two strange people meet, the only thing a weak person can do is to send their own food weapons obediently, and then hope that the other party will not kill them all.

But there will always be a day when the accumulated food will be cut off. When everyone has no food, you may become a piece of flesh in the eyes of others without the ability to protect yourself!

Zheng Yonghao, who has a memory of rebirth, has seen a lot of this kind of thing, and he knows that it is bound to happen.

Especially the betrayal of the deputy, the feeling of bullet shooting into the forehead is still in front of us!

Let him understand that what he needs to guard against is not only zombies, but also survivors like him, especially those extraordinary mutants.

310's energy value certainly doesn't work for unintelligent zombies, but it's enough to deter other mutants from daring to do it easily!


For the next three days, Zheng Yonghao has been adapting to the power he has mastered.

As for the most scarce food for other survivors, it is not a problem for him at all.

The plastic bag he brought was full of food and drinking water except for some necessary tools.

These resources can make it easy for him to survive the most chaotic two weeks. After that, with his experience and strength, as long as he is not surrounded by a large group of corpses, the risk factor has been minimized.

In addition to having enough food reserves, Zheng Yonghao's newly acquired ability also made him not worry about starving to death.

The reason why nuclear mutants evolved through S energy are called the strongest mutants in the future is not because of how powerful S energy itself is.

You can't control fire like a flame mutant, nor can you master the power of wind like a wind mutant, and there is no strong enough speed and power even at the beginning.

But the characteristics of nuclear energy itself make him more viable and evolutionary faster than other mutants.

The same small piece of chocolate can last for a day, while ordinary mutants can only last for half a day because of their stronger energy consumption.

Of course, if the mutants put themselves in the best state in advance, then because their own energy level is much better than ordinary people, and the actual time they can support is still longer than that of ordinary survivors.

In Zheng Yonghao, a piece of chocolate of the same size can release energy in a completely different way, which is enough to meet his energy needs for two days!

doesn't sound like much, just twice the utilization rate of ordinary people.

But compared with mutants, his energy utilization has increased fourfold!

Higher energy utilization improves his survivability and is stronger than anyone else.

What is the most important thing for men?

The answer is lasting!

Now that the end of the world is coming, everyone is running away and struggling to survive.

At this time, no one can live longer than Zheng Yonghao. Compared with fighting, maybe the enemy is exhausted and he is still alive.

In the end, he ran for his life. Although Zheng Yonghao's absolute speed was not the top, he was definitely not the one who was left behind after a long time.

In addition to super survival ability, nuclear mutants also have an evolutionary speed that is difficult for ordinary people to understand and the ensuing super combat power. The latter two are the main reasons why nuclear mutants have the strongest name.

If the conditions are met, he can even master any kind of superpower in the future, and be more powerful than the mutants who originally had those abilities.

This unlimited possibility of evolution is unique among all mutants, and no one can compare it.

Of course, Zheng Yonghao can't do this yet, and the conditions can't be met.

On the fourth day, the energy value in Zheng Yonghao's body has reached 342, which is 32 energy values more than the original.

It is almost the limit that he can reach for the time being. Whether it is the evolution of his body or the food he has, it is not enough for him to make a big improvement in a short time.

On the same afternoon, Zheng Yonghao suddenly finished his exercise and walked to the window.

Some people are climbing up along the water pipe below, and there are many zombies gathered downstairs.

While Zheng Yonghao saw him, he also saw Zheng Yonghao.

"Help me... Help my sister!"