The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 14 Goddess's Manifesto

"Have you seen Frozen?"

When Zheng Yonghao asked this question, except for Qin Xue, the other two were confused.

"What is that?" Qin Ming scratched his head.

"It seems to be a cartoon." Tao Ying is not sure.

On the contrary, Qin Xue nodded and said, "Well, it's an animation from a few years ago. I've seen it."

"It's really a cartoon. Why do you ask this?"

Tao Ying was wary and felt that Zheng Yonghao was like a villain who seduced children with candy. For children, animation and candy are really similar.

Zheng Yonghao ignored him, but turned his wrist and grabbed a bottle.

There should be less than half a bottle of water in the mineral water bottle.

Qin Ming recognized that this was the bottle Zheng Yonghao took out of the plastic bag two days ago, but he only drank half a bottle of water for such a long time. How did he do it?

Zheng Yonghao said, "Try to freeze it!"


The three were dumbfounded at the same time, which completely made them feel that their IQ was not enough.

If there is nothing wrong with their IQ, there is something wrong with Zheng Yonghao's brain.

Qin Ming was about to speak, but he saw Zheng Yonghao's solemn face and couldn't help swallowing his voice back.

Intuition told him that Zheng Yonghao was not joking, let alone crazy. He really wanted Qin Xue to do such an absolutely impossible thing.

"Try it hard, you can do it."

Zheng Yonghao sent the water bottle to Qin Xue, and Qin Xue's expression became hesitant.

"What are you kidding Xiaoxue?"

Tao Ying quit. She felt that Zheng Yonghao was trying to force people.

People are not refrigerators. How can they freeze half a bottle of water? It's not bullying.

But she caught a gap. Zheng Yonghao didn't want her to touch it. She couldn't even make trouble.

In particular, not only did Zheng Yonghao talk nonsense seriously, but Qin Xue actually reached out and grabbed the water bottle, which made her even more crazy.

Before, she was a zombie and a dead person. She was careless on the surface, but she had already collapsed to the limit.

She is taking care of Qin Xue, and sometimes she counts Qin Ming.

But this brother and sister are also her spiritual pillar, especially Qin Xue, who has long been regarded as her sister.

"Xiao Xue, don't listen to him. How can you do it?"

Tao Ying tried to grab the bottle from Qin Xue's hand, but her outstretched hand hung in mid-air.

Qin Xue squeezed her lips and said something she couldn't think of.

"Sister Tao, I... I want to try."

The little girl has already said so. Of course, it is not easy for Tao Ying to grab it again. She only stared at Zheng Yonghao and sighed quietly.

She thinks that this person is really strange and makes people feel insecure no matter how they look at it, but Qin Ming and Qin Xue seem to trust him very much.

"Alas - after all, she is still a little girl. Let her try and find that it doesn't work. It should be all right."

Tao Ying comforted herself like this in her heart, but also shifted her eyes to Qin Xue.

Qin Xue held the mineral water bottle with both hands and began to work hard. As a result, the water in the water bottle was still water without any change.

Facing Qin Xue's inquiry, Zheng Yonghao pointed to his head and said, "It's not with the power of the palm of your hand, but here. You have to think about lowering the water temperature until the water turns into ice!"


Qin Xue tried again and saw Tao Ying shake her head.

She felt that she was also a fool and really wanted to see it later.

She should stop such a nonsense immediately.

However, before Tao Ying could speak, her gently shaking head froze in place as if she had been hit by the body method.

A fog suddenly appeared on the mineral water bottle held by Qin Xue, as if the water was about to open.

But of course, the water is not boiling, because she doesn't feel any heat nearby.

On the contrary, she still faintly felt a chill!

September is the tail of slightly warm weather. Although the continuous haze has lowered the temperature a lot, it is far from being cold.

In addition, the fog on the mineral water bottle is getting thicker and thicker, and it seems to be gradually showing signs of solidification. Tao Ying was completely stunned!

The fog is not the heat when the water is about to boil at all, but the water vapor in the air condenses into droplets because of the sudden decrease in temperature, which is cold air!

Qin Ming is also stupid. He has never spoken and hasn't stopped his sister, but it doesn't mean that he really believes it.

But now, although there is still water in the bottle, the chill that makes him trembling is by no means fake.


seemed to be scared by his performance. Qin Xue, who was stunned, suddenly didn't hold it firmly, and the mineral water bottle fell to the ground with a crack.

This sound was so special that it stiffened Qin Ming and Tao Ying's eyes chasing the past.

The water bottle actually broke!

They all know the flexibility and strength of the mineral water bottle. Not to mention falling from Qin Xue's hand, even if they pick it up and smash it hard on the ground, they may not be able to break the bottle.

But now the bottle is fragmented, and the cold water still flows out, and even a little ice can be seen in it!

The study room was as quiet as death. Zheng Yonghao's breathing had always been inaudible, while the three of them, including Qin Xue himself, almost forgot to breathe.

Tao Ying still didn't believe it. She squatted down and stretched out her hand to test the temperature, and then exclaimed.

"It's really ice water!"

The Qin Ming brothers and sisters, especially Qin Xue with a nervous face, looked at Zheng Yonghao with Tao Ying.

The absurd request was made by him, but the result was so unexpected and unbelievable. Of course, only he could explain it.

Zheng Yonghao has never thought of hiding anything. The evolution of human beings into mutants sounds strange, but it will soon become a well-known thing.

He roughly explained the situation and explained that individuals have undergone special changes due to different constitution and genes.

Like Qin Xue, she has the special ability to reduce the temperature, which shows that the water freezes. Of course, if her ability is further enhanced, it will be more than water that can freeze.

Qin Ming and Tao Ying are quite stupid. This kind of thing is almost beyond their acceptable scope.

On the contrary, Qin Xue is more receptive. Things happened to her own. In fact, she had some feelings for a long time, otherwise Zheng Yonghao would not have decided to give it a try.

The two asked Zheng Yonghao how he knew these things, but they had never heard of, but Zheng Yonghao returned to his cold appearance.

He will naturally explain what he needs to explain, but it doesn't mean that he wants to reveal all his secrets.

The next day, Qin Ming and Tao Ying were familiar with the use of axes in their own minds, while Qin Xue continued to exercise the ability to control the temperature under the guidance of Zheng Yonghao.

When another morning came, the four of them had sorted out all the things they needed to carry and stood by the window.