The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 27 Artificial Corpse Tide

In the dark, Zheng Yonghao and the golden crown python chased away one after another.

Whenever he wants to be caught up by the golden-crowned python, Zheng Yonghao will find something to go around half a circle.

Wire poles, street light poles, billboards and even trash cans...

Zheng Yonghao went around, and the golden-crowned python also went around, as if he were responding to him.

But the size gap between the two was there. Zheng Yonghao took no effort to go around, and the speed of the golden-crowned python suddenly slowed down.

Zheng Yonghao smiled secretly. This is a mutant beast used to bully the situation that is not used to it.

If a person with the same strength as the golden crown python is chasing him, then he is looking for death.

Anyway, the golden-crowned python couldn't catch up with Zheng Yonghao and suddenly became furious!


The huge snake tail slammed on the ground, and the upper body of the golden-crowned python was tense in a straight line at this moment, and its large fangs bit Zheng Yonghao fiercely.

Listening to the movement behind him, Zheng Yonghao's face did not change at all.

The moves of the golden-crowned python are the same as other snakes, just a few moves.

He just ran the supernuclear power, enhanced the strength of his left leg in an instant, and his body slid out to the right and avoided it directly.

After that, everything returned to its original state as usual, and it was still a chase after the other. He couldn't get rid of the golden-crowned python, but the latter couldn't do anything about him.

"Here it is!"

Looking at the building in front of him, Zheng Yonghao narrowed his eyes and suddenly turned around in mid-air while jumping.


The three daggers that had already been clasped in his hand flew out at the same time and went straight to the huge snake.

The golden crown python has no response or avoidance at all. It is just a small dagger, which is no different from flying insects that can be seen everywhere in its understanding.

So, it's unlucky!

The power of the dagger is obviously not comparable to that of small flying insects. One of the three daggers is bounced away by the scales of the golden-crowned python, but the other two are in the red heart.

In addition to the knife handle, the ten-centimeter-long blade is still outside!

The golden-crowned python skin is rough and thick. Even if the whole dagger capital is nailed in, it can't actually hurt its life, but it can't stand the pain!

Variation brings it huge size and strength, and also brings it a sharper sensory ability than before, including pain.

At this moment, the blade entered the body, and the pain that had not been felt for a long time made the golden crown python furious to the extreme.

The scales on its neck stand up, making a permeate sound between the frictions.

And its triangular head, which had been swinging at a small frequency, suddenly opened its mouth, and a dark green venom shot at Zheng Yonghao like a water arrow.

Ordinary poisonous snakes do not emit venom at all. The golden-crowned snake before mutation is a rare snake that can eject venom as a weapon.

And when it mutated or evolved into a golden-crowned python, this ability as the strongest killing move has also been retained and is stronger.

Seeing the golden crown python spraying venom, Zheng Yonghao did not panic at all.

He was ready as soon as he recognized the golden crown python, and it could even be said that he had been waiting for the golden crown python to spray venom.

At this time, this position...just right!

Zheng Yonghao turned around, squatted, leaned back, and then the backup glided almost flat with the ground!

His whole work was completed in an instant, almost at the same time as the golden crown python spitting out venom!

When the golden crown python noticed it, it was too late. Its venom leaped past Zheng Yonghao's face, only a little short, but it was completely defeated!

Zheng Yonghao's movements do not seem to conform to the basic laws of physics at all. Obviously, he was still sliding on the ground at the previous moment, but the next moment he has risen as if inertia is useless to him.

And the position after he jumped is behind the snake's head!

In his hand is a machete!


The machete, which had not worked since it came out, finally made a contribution and opened a breathable window about 20 centimeters deep behind the neck of the golden-crowned python.

The smelly snake blood flowed out at that time.

At this time, the pain was even worse than before. The golden-crowned python suddenly shook the snake tail in anger, and the snake tail, which was more fierce than the steel whip, rushed straight to Zheng Yonghao.

Before and after these are actually just a momentary thing.

The golden crown python sprays venom, Zheng Yonghao jumps up and swings the knife, and the golden crown python releases the tail again.

In such a short time, it is the limit for him to seize the opportunity to cut out a knife, and there is no more strength to avoid the snaketail attack.

However, except for seriousness, there was no nervous look on his face, as if this scene was already in his expectation.


The snake's tail hit Zheng Yonghao heavily, and his body flew out like a broken kite and fell into the shadow and could no longer be seen.

With the loud sound of Zheng Yonghao being blown away, it was the golden-crowned python that made an extremely sad roar!

Zheng Yonghao did not let go of his hand holding the machete when he was blown away. The sharp blade made a half an arc along the body of the golden crown python under the thrust of the tail blow!

Originally, it was just a small wound, but now it has become a huge injury enough to endanger life.

Originally, it was just stinky snake blood flowing out along the wound, but at this time it turned into a gushing waterfall!

The golden-crowned python knows that it is not good can no longer care about anything else. Even the human who caused it in this situation is dead or alive. He just wants to escape as soon as possible.

At this time, the rustling sound seemed to sound from far away, but it was only clear for a short time.

The triangular head of the golden-crowned python shakes, and the snake letter swallows faster than usual.

Faster, but its crawling speed is even faster than when it chased Zheng Yonghao just now, as if it was running away from something terrible.


The rustling sound is becoming more and more obvious, and finally it has arrived near and appeared in the only light.

Zombies! It's all zombies!

At the beginning, Tao Ying was so scared that she shouted at the more than 30 zombies in front of the experimental building, but what she had here was not 30 or 300, but thousands of them!

Thousands of zombies, this is the real group of corpses!

Some came out of the corridor, some moved from far away, and some climbed up from the sewer.

It seemed that all the zombies around were attracted by something, so they gathered together and rushed in the same direction.

That's where the golden crown python is leaving!


A zombie tripped over a branch and fell down and was trampled into a meat pie by the zombie behind him.

Neither the one who fell nor the countless passing behind did they notice a pale young man sitting next to the branch.

He is naturally Zheng Yonghao who was blown away before.

At that time, he simply curled up his body, and his own physical fitness was enough to withstand the attack of the snake's tail. Although it will also be injured, this minor injury is no longer important.

Then he used the characteristics of supernuclear power to minimize the energy he emitted outside the body, and the golden-crowned python and zombies with almost no vision were naturally easily deceived by him.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

If he wants to, he actually has many ways to escape the pursuit of the golden-crowned python, and the price is much smaller than now, but he did not do so.

The most important thing for him is to accomplish his two purposes, first to lure the golden crown python to spray venom, and then to give it a super big bloodletting.

These two things seem to be unrelated, but in fact, when combined, they will play an extremely important role.

The light that human beings can see is in a special spectral range, and the sounds that can be heard are also in a specific audio interval, and the smell that can be smelled also has a fixed range.

Normal humans can't smell the smell outside this range, but some animals can, and they may have a special attraction or rejection!

The same problem is the same for zombies. The feeling of zombies is mainly in their sense of smell, and the taste is far more** for them than for normal humans.

And some of the flavors can expel zombies and make them so disgusted that they dare not approach.

There are also some flavors on the contrary. It does not necessarily make zombies happy, because no one knows whether zombies really have feelings and wisdom, but it makes zombies crazy and want to get close.

The blood of the golden-crowned python is mixed with its own venom, and the taste will play the role of the latter.

That's why there was the scene just now. All the zombies within hundreds of meters around swarmed, and finally chased in the direction of the golden crown python's escape.

Watching a large number of zombies leave, his side was empty in the blink of an eye, and the corners of Zheng Yonghao's mouth couldn't help twitching.

The tide of corpses!

The gathering of a large number of zombies is called a group of corpses, and the movement of corpses in a certain direction is called a corpse tide.

In his memory, he did not encounter several corpse tides in the last decade, and each time was extremely dangerous.

In this life, he actually created a small corpse tide with his own hands.

Although it is really small, it can even be said to be miniature. But such a wave of corpses... Anyone who meets it can only admit that they are unlucky!

Anyway, Zheng Yonghao estimated his strength. If he doesn't have the ability to hide his breath, he can only hide as far away in the face of such a tide of corpses. Don't think about the frontal confrontation!

"Forget it, I didn't mean it anyway..."

Zheng Yonghao stood up and walked downstairs where he had fought with the golden-crowned snake before.

But he didn't see the previous struggle, nor the disgusting wall melted by the golden-crowned snake venom, but the tall building in front of him.

"This should be the place Qin Ming said, and it is also a place I haven't looked for during the day. Now that the zombies have been taken away, there should be no other danger..."

Zheng Yonghao thought for a little and didn't feel any danger that could threaten him.

And if he is correct, the golden-crowned python and the small corpse tide he made can buy him about an hour.

If those potential potions are really here, this time should be enough for him!