The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 35 New News, New Direction

This broadcast is indeed from the military, but it is only from a military survivor.

They failed to bring the rescue news that Qin Ming and others were looking forward to. Instead, they told a cruel fact that a bad news that everyone had already heard but refused to believe it!

Army - gone!

Government - no more!

The whole national system and social system are gone!

Even they themselves, who sent this broadcast, only escaped and came together by various coincidences, not because of the orders of their superiors.

So, there will be no rescue!

The broadcast also said that they will leave after recording the sound, and the broadcast will loop until the remaining battery runs out of power.

Next, they mentioned that their goal is Jinzhou, because there are extremely strong military bases there, and I think there will be more survivors.

At the same time, they suggest that if someone hears this news, or hide themselves and wait for things to change further, there may be a turning point.

Or just like them, organize a team and then go to Changchun in the north or Jinzhou in the south, which is also the best choice.

Finally, there is their warning. Although they think that transfer is the best choice, if the number of people or strength is not enough, it is better to hide.

Because even if they have weapons, they can't compete with large groups of zombies...

When it came here, the broadcast repeated the original content, and indeed began to loop as they said.


Finally, after listening to the radio, Qin Ming clenched his fist and hit the table fiercely!

"Fake! Someone must pretend to be the military and fooling around. It's a lie!"

The red tide on his body flooded his neck and drowned his face. He clenched his fists and looked at Zheng Yonghao, with bulging and fiercely changing eyes, as if expecting Zheng Yonghao to give him a good answer, but Zheng Yonghao just slowly shook his head.

Qin Ming looked at Tao Ying again, but he was still unwilling.

But even Tao Ying can no longer comfort him this time. Her pale face has clearly proved that she believes what she said on the radio!

"Brother, calm down!"

Hearing his sister's words, Qin Ming finally sat back powerlessly.

He covered his face with his hands, put his arms around his head, and said to himself, "How could this happen?"

"Yes! How could it be like this!"

Tao Ying also sighed, but she sighed in her heart.

Unlike Qin Ming, she knows more. When she heard the broadcast, she already believed in the identity of the other party, and at the same time, she basically confirmed the authenticity of the broadcast.

She knows that many things are limited in China. For example, this emergency frequency, which is not remembered by many people, will actually be protected by extremely high standards.

For example, the micro-radio Zheng Yonghao is using now can send broadcast signals and even occupy the frequency bands of other special broadcasts, but they cannot occupy emergency frequencies.

Because the specifications are not enough!

In addition to those specially approved national or provincial-level radio stations, only military high-power radio stations can use emergency frequencies.

So let her make a judgment - this broadcast is hardly fake.


Tao Ying couldn't help looking at Zheng Yonghao. She still remembers what the other party said a few days ago.

At that time, Zheng Yonghao asked them what their plans were for the future, and they said they would wait for rescue.

At that time, Zheng Yonghao mentioned that it was impossible. It is also mentioned that this disaster is far from as simple as a natural disaster, and even vaguely mentions that the military will no longer exist.

He - he had already said it at that time!

Qin Ming finally raised his head and seemed to have withstood this short and violent blow, but he could not be completely relieved for a moment.

He smiled bitterly, and his expression was really bitter, as if he had just chewed Huang Lian.

"Brother Zheng." Qin Ming said with a wry smile, "You know this frequency band, why didn't you say it earlier? If we had received the news earlier, we might have met them.

Hearing Qin Ming's words, the others were stunned first, and then soon understood what he meant.

They used to turn on the radio function of their mobile phones for a while every day, but Zheng Yonghao never mentioned receiving emergency broadcasts.

And the date that those people started broadcasting on the radio just now was two days ago.

Judging from the route, they will definitely pass near the university town if they want to go to Jinzhou. If you can know the news in advance, it is really possible to intercept them.

It does sound like a question, but Zheng Yonghao doesn't need to answer this question at all.

"Actually, we have tried." It was Tao Ying who answered him.

Tao Ying said, "The radio on our mobile phone has a simple function. In fact, we use full-band search every time, but we haven't received any signal until today."

Qin Ming was silent, bit his lip, and then looked at Zheng Yonghao with apology. He said, "Sorry, I lost my temper."

"It's okay, but what are you going to do next?"

Zheng Yonghao can understand Qin Ming's mentality. Of course, he will not be dissatisfied with such a small thing.

And the question he asked is exactly what needs to be considered most now.

Since the rescue can't wait, what should they do next?

"Let's go to Jinzhou!"

Qin Ming and Tao Ying opened their mouths at the same time, and Zheng Yonghao was surprised to be so fast and decisive.

It was not until the two explained the reason that he suddenly realized.

It turned out that it was not difficult for them to make this decision at all. Their hometown was Jinzhou, and their parents were also there.

And this couple has been living in a small district since childhood... Zheng Yonghao really just knew about it.

"You are hiding it deep enough!"

Zheng Yonghao looked at them and said meaningfully that both of them were a little embarrassed.

But this kind of thing is nothing, it's just a coincidence.

Qin Ming and Tao Ying asked Zheng Yonghao's idea after looking at each other. After all, they have been together for so long. They admire Zheng Yonghao's ability and strength very much and don't want to separate from him too early.

And it was also said on the radio that they hoped that the survivors could get together and choose whether to migrate or not. They were not arrogant enough to think that they could do it.

In their expectant eyes, Zheng Yonghao nodded gently and said, "I will also go in that direction."


Qin Ming's mentality is really good. He recovered so quickly that he could clenched his fist and shout excitedly.

However, neither he nor Tao Ying noticed that Zheng Yonghao was talking about that direction at this moment, not Jinzhou.

"So when shall we leave?" Qin Ming asked.

"No hurry!" Zheng Yonghao said, "In the past, the distance from Jinzhou to here is not far away, and it is easy to get there. But the situation is different now. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to pass smoothly alone, and we may not even be able to leave the city.

"Well, indeed!"

Qin Ming said a little bit, but he agreed with Zheng Yonghao's words.

When he saw Huang Yinpeng's diary before, although most of the content was so disgusting that he wanted to kill, he still wrote down something useful.

was the time when two of Huang Yinpeng's gang died. At that time, they wanted to leave the university town full of zombies, but they found that there were several times more zombies outside, and finally returned in confusion.

It was a few days ago, and even if there is a change now, it won't be too big.

"Are we going to find other survivors together?"

Tao Ying glanced at the radio station in front of Zheng Yonghao. She thought that Zheng Yonghao would rely on this radio station to contact other survivors.

However, Zheng Yonghao shook his head and said, "No, soon others will take the initiative to gather and prepare for migration. We don't need to do anything. Naturally, someone will take the initiative to contact us.


Tao Ying still has some doubts that have not been solved, but she also agrees that Zheng Yonghao's judgment is reasonable.

She has found that the broadcast signal is different from the previous two weeks, and the broadcast signal can be received.

Perhaps while they are discussing, there are already people preparing to gather survivors and migrate to Changchun or Jinzhou.

Even if they don't have it now, they will definitely have it in a long time, but they really don't need to take the initiative to do anything.

"Continue to train, and at the same time, you should also nourish your spirit."

Zheng Yonghao smiled and said that when Qin Ming and Tao Ying had not recovered, he had come to Zhang Detao.

Every time everyone gathers to discuss things, Zhang Detao will sit alone on the other side, looking out of place.

Even if Qin Ming and others took the initiative to talk to him, he had no reaction. Over time, everyone got used to it.

Now when he saw Zheng Yonghao walking towards him, Qin Ming did not follow him, but his ears stood up.

In the same large room, it is not far away. Although Zheng Yonghao's voice is not high, they can barely hear it clearly.

Zheng Yonghao said, "Do you have any impression after listening to the broadcast just now?"

Zhang Detao raised his head and showed a frowning face.

He seemed to think about it for a while before shaking his head and saying, "It's a little familiar, but I can't remember anything."

Zheng Yonghao patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will always remember it."

Zhang Detao did not answer again, but lowered his head as before, as if it were a lonely lighthouse in the deep sea.

Qin Ming and Tao Ying, who heard their conversation, looked at each other and could see the surprise on each other's faces.

In fact, this is the first time they have heard Zhang Detao speak, and it sounds like this tower-like man has lost his memory.

Leaving aside Qin Ming's guess, Zheng Yonghao had already entered the small room that belonged to him.

This was originally a place for storing supplies in the laboratory. After Zheng Yonghao cleaned it up, it became his private territory. After all, he still has many secrets that he doesn't want others to know.

At this moment, he is holding a large glass bottle in his hand.

The one in the glass bottle is a bright silver mouse!