The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 48 Official Departure

What do you think, is that what you mean?

I was thinking of finding a driver, and then I heard that there was a person who happened to be able to drive.

If someone else takes the initiative to emerge like this, Zheng Yonghao will definitely doubt that the other party has any special motive, but now it is Qin Xue.

"Then let's meet." Zheng Yonghao said lightly.

"Okay, I'll call him to come to your place."

Without being directly rejected by Zheng Yonghao, Qin Xue looked very happy and jumped away...

In the office assigned to the gathering point of the Affiliated Middle School of Normal University, Zheng Yonghao met the acquaintance who can drive in Qin Xue's mouth.

What surprised him was that this "he" turned out to be "her" and was not Zheng Yonghao's conjecture peers, but a woman who was nearly 30 years old.

A very simple and direct conversation let Zheng Yonghao know that she is a taxi driver, surnamed Wang, and a single name is Miao.

In addition, she and Qin Xue are not real acquaintances.

Qin Xue took her taxi when she came to the university town two weeks ago and chatted happily on the way, and now she is very happy to meet again.

Such a relationship is not close, of course, far from enough to let Zheng Yonghao give her the green light.

Wang Miao immediately lined up and promised that she might not be able to do anything else, but there was absolutely no problem driving.

Although she is only 29 years old now, she has ten years of real driving experience.

As long as she runs on the ground, whether it is burning gasoline or diesel, whether it is a car or a large truck, even a tank, she is guaranteed to drive steadily...

Qin Ming and they were all dumbfounded, but Zheng Yonghao thought it was very interesting.

Of course, he will not fully believe the other party's words, but he will not directly deny the other party, because he has not seen it with his own eyes and is unnecessary.

Anyway, all he needs is a substitute driver when he and Zhang Detao are busy. Compared with technology, he value the character of the other party more.

If you really need Wang Miao to drive, it must be in good road conditions. At this time, what is most likely to occur is not a problem in driving technology, but a mental problem.

Judging from Wang Miao's confident appearance, she is still good in psychological quality.

Nowadays, there is no way to test the car. The vehicles at the gathering point are concentrated in the back of the building. The space there is not even enough for a simple detour, not to mention the driving skills of the school.

Another reason is that no one dares to start the car before the official departure, including the organizers at the gathering point.

Now the survivors gathered outside are almost in a state of despair. You should know that despair and madness are always separated by only one line.

Before the team set off, they still had a little hope.

But once the vehicle starts and they find that they can't get the qualification to be taken away, I'm afraid it will happen immediately*.

For the same reason, the specific time of the team's departure has never been announced. Now only Zhong Ning and his five organizers and Zheng Yonghao know the specific plan.

Unable to actually examine Wang Miao's driving skills, Zheng Yonghao had to ask her some driving questions. As a result, Wang Miao answered fluently and was indeed experienced.

After settling Wang Miao, Qin Ming and others asked Zheng Yonghao if he would recruit fighters like other vehicles, but the latter decisively refused.

If there is a powerful mutant, he will also consider it when determining the other party is reliable.

But the only mutant here is Zhong Ning and his five organizers, and it is obviously impossible for those five people to come to him as a soldier.

As for the other ordinary survivors, one or two more will not only make it difficult to add to their combat effectiveness, but may also hold back.


On this afternoon, Zheng Yonghao suddenly gathered everyone and announced that the convoy would leave immediately.

Qin Ming and others were all shocked. They said that they didn't leave until October 8th. Why did they suddenly arrive two days earlier?

At this time, Zheng Yonghao no longer needs to hide it from them. Leaving early was originally the plan he discussed with Zhong Ning and others.

The announced departure date is more to calm the hearts of the survivors so that they will not make some unexpected actions.

When several people heard such a thing, their faces were a little bad.

Although they already knew that a large number of people would be left here, they would still feel uncomfortable at this time.

Following Zheng Yonghao, the group silently went out through the back door of the planetarium.

When they arrived here, they found that all the resources collected and stored at the gathering point had already been moved here.

That is to say, as Zheng Yonghao said, the departure at this time has long been confirmed.

"Which is our car?"

The hired driver was more concerned about the vehicles he wanted to drive. Zheng Yonghao raised his hand and everyone looked over together.

The original gathering point fleet had a total of eight cars, but one was lost during the first attempt to migrate, leaving seven.

But in recent days, they have successfully found two buses in good condition, and finally the total number of vehicles has increased to nine.

Among them, there are five buses, two light trucks, an off-road vehicle and a pickup truck.

The reason why they are all such larger vehicles is actually the result of intentional selection.

If there is really no requirement, then the vehicles that can be obtained are certainly more than that.

But like those cars and taxis, whether it is carrying people or goods, or their own protection ability, cannot meet the requirements, so they are not included in the scope of consideration at all.

Everyone thought that the vehicle they got was either a light truck or the poorest pickup truck, but the direction of Zheng Yonghao's finger was one of the five buses!

"Uh - how could they agree to give us this?"

Qin Ming was curious, and others also felt incredible.

They can see that the SUV should be responsible for exploring the road and transmitting the news. Light trucks mainly carry goods. Only buses can do everything and have the highest value.

As for that small pickup truck, there is really no choice. It belongs to the kind that can be used.

"Because I only agree to accept the bus."

Zheng Yonghao gave a very speechless answer, and then took the lead in getting on the bus.

There is no need to say more about the process of being familiar with cars. An important reason why Wang Miao can be accepted is that she drove the bus before she ran a taxi. She is simply not too proficient in driving this kind of bus.

Soon, all vehicles were ready.

When the last gun guards in the planetarium building quietly withdrew, bursts of engines roared at the same time.

When the vehicle in front of him finally began to move forward, Zheng Yonghao glanced at the time on the LCD screen, which showed 14:30 on October 6, 2019.

But it seems that at the same time as he looked at it, the display suddenly failed.

The date and time above also become a long row at this moment - zero!

(The state is very bad, and I hate this kind of excessive plot the most... This one is only 2,000 words, ashamed. Tomorrow is still the third update, and the number of words... will be more than 3,000. Although I'm very ashamed, I still ask for a red ticket. There is still a little distance from the new book list, please!)