The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 52 I hope you can't remember

Zhong Ning and others did not consider so much before Zheng Yonghao raised it.

But as soon as it was raised, the suspicion suddenly expanded.

Now the off-road vehicle can still turn aside. They can see clearly that only the doors and windows in the driver's seat are really damaged by the mutant vicious dogs.

So when other places are relatively intact, what kind of strange thing can make the people in the back seat be killed, and the co-pilot position closer to the door becomes a survivor.

Everyone had doubts, but no one spoke for a moment, just because what they thought was so cruel that they couldn't believe it.

"Why are you looking at me? Let me tell you, I didn't do anything!"

Being watched by everyone, Zhao Xinyu's eyes turned around and obviously panicked. He shouted, but he didn't even mention the matter of carving up the mutant animal meat and left.

It was just the second when he turned around, there was unconcealed gloom and hatred in his eyes when he looked at Zheng Yonghao.

"I remember you!" Zhao Xinyu moved his mouth and said silent words.

He thought Zheng Yonghao couldn't see it, but he saw Zheng Yonghao pick up the corners of his mouth and said, "I hope you can't remember!"

Zhao Xinyu paused and looked more and more ugly, but after all, he didn't dare to talk back.

No one else saw Zhao Xinyu's lips, but only heard Zheng Yonghao's faint response. However, now that Zhao Xinyu has gone far, they can't know what happened between the two.

But obviously, it is by no means pleasant.

Brother Zheng. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's divide the animal meat first.

Hong Lei opened his mouth and Zheng Yonghao nodded, but the distribution rules proposed before refused to change.

Finally, the bodies of two mutant vicious dogs were returned to Zhong Ning and the others, while the other four were dragged back to the No. 4 bus by Zheng Yonghao and Qin Ming, who came to pick them up.

Zheng Yonghao and the others went back, and Zhong Ning also asked their people to take back the bodies of two mutant beasts, but the four of them were behind.

"Do you think Zhao Xinyu can really do that?" Zhong Ning spoke lightly.

"Push others out and then live by yourself? It won't be!" It is Liu Yang who speaks.

"What do you think of Brother Hong?" Gao Peng asked.

"Hmm! I want to cover it!" Hong Lei narrowed his eyes and said.

"Alas--" Zhong Ning sighed.

In fact, when Zheng Yonghao said it, she already had the same judgment.

The two people who were sitting in the back row were thrown out by Zhao Xinyu and exchanged the death of his companion for his own vitality.

And as Hong Lei said, Zhao Xinyu's performance just seemed to not write an explanation, but it was this deliberate disdain that made her more sure.

But what can he do? Expose Zhao Xinyu? Or further directly punish Zhao Xinyu or even let him pay for his life?

If possible, Gao Peng and Hong Lei will take action without her. Gao Peng and Hong Lei, who have been looking at Zhao Xinyu's displeasonance, will take action, but none of them.

I'm afraid the reason is that they have the same concerns as her, and they don't want to lose a good combat effectiveness.

"Go back and don't mention it again." Zhong Ning said.


No. 4 Big Barry, without Zheng Yonghao's words, Qin Xue has already told what happened just now.

"Did he really do that?" Tao Ying was shocked.

"It's just a guess, but it's almost the same!"

Zheng Yonghao said that it was just a guess, but his expression and tone were clearly positive.

"It's too much! How can there be such a scum!" Tao Ying exploded in an instant.

She blamed herself for having many survivors who could not escape with them, but now she has heard such an inhumane thing. At that time, she couldn't wait to rush to the No. 2 bus to kill Zhao Xinyu.


Tao Ying, who was stopped by Qin Ming, sat down angrily, and was not even excited to see so many trophies at the beginning.

Maybe a man is born colder than a woman, and it is more likely that he doesn't want to think about such an angry thing at all. Qin Ming is not as angry as Tao Ying. At this moment, he is grabbing the dagger and stabbing the body of a mutant dog.

"Is this the same as the food you baked for us last time?" Qin Ming asked.

"It's different. The value is much worse, but it's still much better than ordinary food." Zheng Yonghao said.

"That's good. When did you clean it up? Will it break if you put it down like this?" Qin Ming has nothing to say at all.

"It will be done soon. There should be a river near here."

Several people soon found that Zheng Yonghao was not only good at skills, but also his memory was really not good.

After more than an hour of walking and stopping, the convoy finally stopped in front of a bridge. Under the bridge is a river that is far from magnificent, but it is enough to fray water for them to clean up their meat.

Of course, the reason why they stopped is not only to deal with the trophies they got, but also to camp here overnight, because it will be completely dark soon.

As has been discussed, all vehicles are parked together as much as possible.

In fact, if the space here is open enough, they prefer to stop the team in a circle to form an optimal defensive formation.

But since the conditions do not match and cannot be so perfect, we have to retreat and park the vehicle closer so that we can take care of each other.

The motorcade stopped, and the people in each vehicle quickly seized the time to deal with personal problems. Those gun guards guarded aside until these people returned to the car before they began to leave the night watchmen as planned.

After Zhong Ning and the others came to say hello, Zheng Yonghao and the six of them finally began to pick up the booty.

Cleaning and cutting, except for a mutant dog that was about to become dinner, the other three became marinated bacon... Several people were surprised for a while.

I have collected so many resources before, including 50 kilograms of salt specially left by Zheng Yonghao. I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

Next, after making a fire and barbecue, Zheng Yonghao turned out some condiments as if he were a trick, and suddenly the fragrance was overflowing...

Looking at Zheng Yonghao and others sitting around and enjoying delicious food, even Wang Miao, the driver they recruited, was among them. The survivors on other vehicles were simply envious.

They are also eating, but the best condition is to eat a few mouthfuls of ham sausages... Compared with other people eating meat, the gap is too big!

Ordinary survivors are envious and feel unbalanced, but the reality is like this. Who makes them lack ability?

If they also have Zheng Yonghao's ability, won't they be able to own vehicles and enjoy exclusive resources... Unfortunately, they don't have them, so they can only swallow saliva.

It's not that no one has thought under the fragrance **, but even the guards of those guns can only close their eyes and turn around. Their little thought has no choice but to put it down.

And not only these ordinary survivors, but also Zhong Ning and his team organizers are full of envy.

They also got mutant animal meat, but they can't enjoy it as freely as Zheng Yonghao and others.

Because they have too many things to worry about, in addition to the five people on their side - they did not exclude Zhao Xinyu in the end - they also need to consider leaving some of them to reward loyal subordinates and save them to provide motivation for some people.

The most critical point is that several people can still think of carrying condiments when fleeing!

They are learning from Zheng Yonghao and others now and immediately start the barbecue. There are two flavors with seasonings and no seasonings...

There is always entanglement, envy, gossip, dare to say something else... In short, when the land is completely shrouded in the night, the team's first field camp is also the real beginning.

At least four people have been arranged on the other vehicles to be responsible for the vigil, two of whom are armed guards, and two are ordinary survivors who need to be rotated.

Zheng Yonghao's side is much simpler. There are only six of them in total, and it is impossible for them not to sleep.

After some discussion, to be precise, after Zheng Yonghao's orders, the task of vigil was taken down by him and Zhang Detao.

At this moment, Zhang Detao is sitting in the driver's seat with a pair of eyes.

Once there is any wind blowing, he can immediately start the car.

And Zheng Yonghao is now the only person outside the whole team.

He is standing on the bridge, looking at the dark river in the night below, thinking.

Suddenly, he suddenly turned around.

About 50 meters away from him, a pair of eyes that had been staring at him immediately turned aside...

(Ah! A new chapter is coming soon, and it's stuck! There will be only this chapter in the evening, and there will definitely be more tomorrow. Sorry, sorry.)