The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 64 You disappoint me so much (!)

The fugitives who occupied Huojiazhai Town have two leaders, one is Guan Mang, the big leader who has just dropped the cup, and the other is Fan Chong, the second leader who stood up at this time.

Both of them are murderers sentenced to life imprisonment, and they belong to the role of staying in prison for a lifetime if there is no accident.

But the sudden catastrophe came, which just became their chance to get out of prison.

This is a global disaster, and prisons are certainly no exception.

Because of the special environment in the prison, prisoners are usually imprisoned in batches. As a result, the threat they face at the beginning is far less than that of the prison police.

As most of the prison* became zombies, the remaining small number of prison guards escaped and were killed.

Coupled with the power outage, the prison's defense system was completely turned into a decoration, and the surviving prisoners immediately launched*.

Soon, they found that the world had changed and became crazy, but also made them more excited.

Especially Guan Mang and Fan Chong, who were originally bullies in prison, evolved into mutants.

The former finds that his hands can become hot, and the temperature will not hurt himself, but as long as he wants, he can even melt steel!

And the latter also has a very magical ability, similar to invisibility, so that he can almost have no scruples.

Relying on their accumulated prestige and fierce means, the two quickly organized the survivors among the prisoners and identified themselves as leaders.

In the next period of time, it was simply the most comfortable day of their lives.

They occupied Huojiazhai Town, which is a transportation hub, and regarded all the land here as their private kingdom.

And the two of them are the two kings of this kingdom, and the whole kingdom is allowed to do whatever they want.

Naturally, everything in the town is up to them. As long as there is food, energy and living utensils, it belongs to them.

They also controlled all the survivors in the town, and the men were treated by them as laborers. They treated them the way they treated them in the prison, and it became even worse.

And women have all become their toys.

There are dozens of female survivors who have been fooled to death by them these days!

In addition to controlling Huojiazhai Town, they have never let go of those who passed by the highway.

Blocking the road, robbing, killing and overing goods... It's just like daily work for them.

After discovering that there were almost no people here for them to rob, they sent a team of bandits and stretched out their tentacles.

If they can beat it, their gangster team will rush up.

If they can't defeat them, they will try their best to attract each other to Huojiazhai Town, and then besiege them all.

Hu Wende's team of soldiers was trapped under such circumstances and almost destroyed.

Although they could not kill all the other party, these fugitives were not worried at all.

They brought a large number of weapons from the prison before. Later, although Hu Wende and some soldiers escaped, the equipment and ammunition of several cars were left with them.

In particular, there are two heavy machine guns and matching multi-box machine gun bullets, which double their strength and confidence.

One of them was imprisoned and became his personal plaything. The other was arranged on the roof, guarded by multiple snipers and sentries.

In their opinion, even if such firepower is not enough for low-level thousands of troops, it can make them invincible.

However, they never thought that the enemy would quietly touch in.

The sentry they set up one kilometer away and the mobile guards they sent did not find any trace of the enemy.

Not only that, even the heavy machine guns they set up fell into the hands of the other party without a sound, but became the other party's super weapon to suppress them.

And the sentry snipers they set up... If they hadn't all been with surveillance bracelets, they wouldn't have even sent them back.

Such an unexpected situation made Guan Mang fall into a cup and punched the woman who was serving him.

In the face of the leader's anger, others did not even dare to get out of their anger, and some even forgot to push away the woman who was paralyzed in his **.

It was not until the second leader Fan Chong stood up and said that he went to recapture the heavy machine gun in person that Guan Mang finally calmed down.

"Yes! As long as the heavy machine gun is recaptured, those people are not afraid at all. Those idiots, do they think that organic gun suppression can save people? Humph! Delusions. I really don't know what kind of expression they will have when they see that the people to be rescued are already corpses.

Guan Mang said fiercely and looked back at Fan Chong and said, "But you should also be careful, Lao Er. There should be a lot of people they sent to kill our snipers and sentries.

Fan Chong said with a gloomy smile, "Don't worry, brother, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Guan Mang nod his head and said more.

No one knows Fan Chong's ability better than him. In terms of sneak attack on Yin people, no one is more suitable than Fan Chong's personal attack.

Even he is not as good as him.

Fan Chong did not walk through the gate. The heavy machine gun outside began to shoot crazily as soon as he saw someone appear.

He walked through the window, where there was a rope ladder that made him go downstairs unconsciously.

On the way to the second sentry post building, Fan Chong was surprised to find another thing.

He met Hu Wende and others who were making an attack, and Hu Wende's number of them shocked him.

There is a team of 60 or 70 people, which is much different from the number of people when Hu Wende fled.

He wanted to tell Guan Mang the news, but he found that he was in such a hurry that he forgot to carry a walkie-talkie.

"Forget it, it's no big deal! I just need to deal with the machine gunners on the roof as soon as possible. As for these people... Humph! I'm afraid it's not enough for brothers to grab it!"

Fan Chong found Hu Wende and others, but Hu Wende did not notice Fan Chong.

It seems that he has incarnated into the night and integrated with the darkness around him, making it impossible to see.

Avoiding Hu Wende's route, Fan Chong finally came to the bottom of the No. 2 sentry post building.

Although he does not have the ability of Zheng Yonghao to climb the wall directly, it is only a moment to climb the stairs to the top floor with his feet.

The iron gate leading to the roof has long been demolished by the fugitives, so Fan Chong is not worried about shocking the people upstairs by opening the door.

He just carefully poked out his head to determine how many enemies there were, but the scene he saw widened his eyes - there was only one person controlling the machine gun on the empty roof!

"Only one person... everyone else has left?"

Fan Chong narrowed his eyes and quickly found a seemingly reasonable answer for himself.

In his opinion, it must be those soldiers who thought that the firepower of the heavy machine gun was enough to suppress them, so only one person was left to control the heavy machine gun, and the others ran to rescue their comrades.

After all, with a normal person's thinking, I never thought that Zheng Yonghao was the only one here from the beginning, let alone those sentry snipers and gunmen here were killed by Zheng Yonghao alone.

"Since you are so big, it's not my fault. Hey hey - it's much easier!"

Fan Chong, who thought he had figured everything out, sneered quietly, and there was also a cold two-hearted blade in his hand.

He found this knife from the body of a prison guard before, and as soon as he got it, he couldn't put it down.

And since the day he got this knife, more than ten people have been killed by him with this knife, and everyone has been stabbed to death!

At this moment, Fan Chong slowly approached Zheng Yonghao with this knife. As for the pistol that was pinned to his waist, he didn't even touch it at all.

He can shoot and practiced shooting.

But he prefers to use a knife to take his opponent's life than killing people with a gun.

Especially the friction and shock when the blade pierced the human body, the pleasant sound was accompanied by the frightened face of the other party, which made him most intoxicated.

Ten meters!

Five meters!

Three meters......

The distance was getting closer and closer, and Fan Chong's heartbeat began to accelerate, and he was completely excited.

At such a distance, he can burst out and stab a sharp knife into the other party's back.

But he doesn't want to do it. He wants to be closer.

At that time, he could see the most frightened face of the other party!


The heavy machine gun sounded again, but the fugitives tried to rush out again, but they were forced back by Zheng Yonghao again.

"He hasn't found me yet? That's right! The physical energy value is only 91 ordinary people, and their vigilance is too poor!"

Fan Chong sneered. At this time, he was only one step away from Zheng Yonghao, and he even felt that he could touch the other party as soon as he reached out.

He decided not to wait any longer and did it now.

Fan Chong slipped down, and his body had already circled to Zheng Yonghao's side when he took action.

What he wants is to let Zheng Yonghao see him kill him. He likes that feeling.

Fan Chong, who seemed to have smelled the smell of blood, was full of his fierce face, and his twisted expression was full of excitement.


The sharp knife in Fan Chong's hand stabbed out, and the target pointed straight to Zheng Yonghao's heart.

However, his blade suddenly stopped when he was about to be stabbed!

That was a hand, fastened to his wrist like steel pliers, making his forward body and twisted face stiff at the same time!

"How can"

Fan Chong couldn't believe that the other party could stop his blow, not to mention that the other party should not be able to see him at all, even if he could see it. With the other party's physical energy value of only 91, it is impossible to stop his strength!

However, the truth gave him a blow!


The steel-like palm suddenly tightened, and the sound of the broken wrist bones sounded like thunder in Fan Chong's ears.

"You disappoint me so much!"

And the person opposite him actually sighed at this time, as if he was very dissatisfied with something.

But Fan Chong can't notice it, let alone think about it.

He was shocked to find that the other party's physical energy value, which was only 91, increased rapidly at this moment!