The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 74 Five kilograms

However, in the eyes of the other party, his smile was clearly a threat.

"What do you mean?"

Those people were obviously scared but still stared, and some people asked directly, as if they would do it immediately as long as they didn't agree.

However, Zheng Yonghao was indifferent and his smile did not change at all. He just looked at the young man opposite him.

"hehe." The young man smiled and waved his hand to stop the riots. Then he said to Zheng Yonghao, "I'm Cao Yan, I don't know who you are?"

The first applicant was a gift, and the other party's action was as early as Zheng Yonghao's expectation.

However, when he heard the name reported by the other party, the expression on Zheng Yonghao's face remained unchanged, but his heart trembled.

the name - he remembers!

Zheng Yonghao also reported his name and said, "Zheng Yonghao."

Then he took a look at the people behind him: "Their captain."

"Ah! It turned out to be Captain Zheng. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Cao Yan smiled happily, as if he had met an old friend.

And his performance also made people on both sides relax slightly, as if the atmosphere had begun to ease.

Seeing Zheng Yonghao looking at himself and knowing that this was an explanation, Cao Yan spread out his hands and said, "Captain Zheng, in fact, I also want to know what's going on, you..."

"Zhang Detao!"

It was not Zheng Yonghao, but Zhang Detao himself.

Judging from his response, his memory has indeed recovered.

"Ha ha, Brother Zhang."

Cao Yan nodded with a smile. Even the most sensitive person would not notice the cold light hidden in his eyes when he looked at Zhang Detao.

Cao Yan continued the topic just now and said, "Brother Zhang wants to leave a prisoner from our side, but unfortunately, our prisoner doesn't seem to want to leave with Brother Zhang, so... Ha ha, I also want to hear if Brother Zhang has any reasons or difficulties."

Prisoner? And you don't want to leave with Zhang Detao?

Zheng Yonghao frowned secretly.

Maybe he is not the kind of person who is good at observing words and colors, but anyone who has struggled to survive in the end of the world for ten years will have a relatively accurate judgment on whether what others say is true or false.

At this time, listening to Cao Yan's words, looking at his expression and the reaction of the people behind Cao Yan, Zheng Yonghao knew that the other party's words were half true.

The part related to Zhang Detao, including the people Zhang Detao wants, but unwilling to go with him, should be true.

Cao Yan said the truth about the so-called prisoner's statement, but the surprise on the faces of his men has shown that this is not the case.

However, those people obviously trust Cao Yan very much, and even blindly.

Cao Yan suddenly called someone who was not a prisoner a prisoner. They were surprised but immediately accepted it.

It seems that identity or something is completely just one sentence from Cao Yan.

No matter what it looked like before, Cao Yan said that the man was a prisoner at this time, so that person was already a prisoner, and they would not have any objection.

Cao Yan showed a very low posture, and giving the man the identity of a prisoner has shown his attitude.

It seems that what is needed now is just a step.

If Zhang Detao casually says a good reason, he will be released immediately.

Almost everyone felt this way, but Zhang Detao shook his head and was silent.

He didn't say anything! Is it simply unwilling to say it, or can't you say it?

Most people on both sides seemed surprised. Only Zheng Yonghao and Cao Yan seemed to have only each other in their eyes.

Silent, no one on both sides spoke.

Since Zhang Detao refuses to give a reason, there will only be two results.

Start a war, or make conditions!

The former seems unlikely now, while the latter... is basically the one who suffers losses first.

Cao Yan was the first to speak. He looked at Zheng Yonghao's eyes suddenly calm, and then smiled and said, "Ha ha, forget it if Brother Zhang can't speak. Isn't he just a prisoner? What if I give him directly to you at ordinary times? But now... alas!"

Cao Yan sighed and seemed to be very helpless. It was not until he found that Zheng Yonghao still did not answer his words that he continued: "Captain Zheng, it's not embarrassing to say this. But as you know, the current situation is no better than before. We raised that prisoner all the way, and many brothers have been dissatisfied. Look..."

Cao Yan's words were not finished, but the meaning was obvious. He wanted food in exchange.

Zheng Yonghao gave him food as compensation, and he handed over the "prisoner" on his side.

In fact, this is still just a step down. Zheng Yonghao is not surprised, but he doesn't like the other party's half of his words.

But Cao Yan is more like the one he knows... If the two are really the same!

Zheng Yonghao smiled and said, "No problem, and thank you for helping my friend catch this person!" Well, how about I compensate you for five kilograms of food? Since you are a prisoner, I don't think you will waste too much on him!"

Five kilograms!

It's not just those people behind Cao Yan, but even Zheng Yonghao's people are dumbfounded.

This transaction is a person. Even if he is pressed as a prisoner, I'm afraid it will take at least hundreds of kilograms to be worth speaking, right?

Even when Zheng Yonghao said something later, they simply didn't hear a word.

In particular, Zhong Ning and Hu Wende, who have always been alert, have made others ready to fight.

In their opinion, the number Zheng Yonghao said was simply insulting the other party.

It is definitely unacceptable for the two of them to stand opposite.

Those people were indeed extremely angry. For a moment, the bolts made a loud sound, and the conflict was almost imminent, waiting for their captain to send a signal.

However, what they waited for was not a signal to start a war.

"What are you doing? Put down the gun!" Cao Yan said.

"But he..."

A man was about to say something, but suddenly his voice stopped and his body trembled. He saw Cao Yan's sharp eyes.


He was unwilling, but still released the trigger.

And when Cao Yan turned around again, his face was already covered with a gentle smile as before.

"Haha." Cao Yan said, "Since Captain Zheng has opened his mouth, let's do it. Come on, bring that guy here."

Have you agreed?

Do you agree?

Five kilograms of food bought a man who almost triggered a war between the two sides?

Until Zhang Detao ran away with one person, and Cao Yan also officially took two boxes of instant noodles from Zheng Yonghao! Everyone was finally convinced that such a joking deal had really been concluded!

But they still can't believe that Cao Yan's group will leave so simply?

The facts quickly gave them the answer.

Cao Yan said to Zheng Yonghao, "Captain Zheng, since the matter has been resolved, we will leave."

"Alas? How does this work? Anyway, everyone is going to Jinzhou Base. How about we go on the road together?

Zheng Yonghao is still retaining the other party. Although the reason seems to sound right, it still makes others feel very strange.

Zheng Yonghao, Captain Zheng, whom they know, is not the kind of person who likes to group with people!

This statement stunned Cao Yan for a moment. When he looked at Zheng Yonghao, his eyes flashed, as if he wanted to guess what Zheng Yonghao meant.

But the expression on Zheng Yonghao's face was so sincere that he could not see any traces of conspiracy in it.

The more you can't see it, the more cautious and cautious Cao Yan is.

He smiled and said, "Thank you, Captain Zheng, for your good intentions. Unfortunately, we didn't go to Jinzhou, so we had to leave first. Captain Zheng, see you later!"

Zheng Yonghao shook his head, seemed to be very regretful and helpless, and said to the other party, "In this case, I won't say more. I wish you a good journey."

"Haha, Captain Zheng is polite. See you later." Cao Yan said again.

"See you later." Zheng Yonghao also responded with a smile.

Then in the stunned eyes of a group of people in the college town team, Cao Yan and others actually returned to the car and set off immediately.

Look at their speed, it's a little faster than before...

"What the hell is going on! And Captain Zheng, how can your physical energy value improve so much?

Hu Wende, who was confused, took the lead in opening his mouth. In addition to the previous "deal" that he could not understand, Zheng Yonghao's soaring physical energy value made him curious.

Zheng Yonghao nodded to him and said, "Let's talk about these things later. By the way, you can come together later. There will be extra dinner tonight."

Added meals?

Several people thought of the super long leg that Zheng Yonghao brought back before, and knew with their buttocks that it must be from a large mutant beast.

The benefits of mutant animal meat are no longer a secret, and everyone is excited.

As for the mystery of this matter just now, didn't they say we would talk about it later?

Besides, they really don't give them an explanation. Although they are curious, they don't really care.

In this era, I'm afraid there are not many things worth caring about except life and death.

said goodbye to several people, and also stopped Qin Xue and Qin Ming from following them. Zheng Yonghao got into the No. 4 bus alone.

Of course, bus No. 4 is the original name.

From now on, this car has become the number one of the fleet, because the person who will sit on it is the captain of the fleet.

Zhang Detao, who left before, was standing in the car, and opposite him was a very pale guy, but he was still alive.

"I thought you would kill him immediately?" Zheng Yonghao said unexpectedly.

It's normal for others to spend a short time with Zhang Detao and don't know him, but Zheng Yonghao will never be included among these people.

Because the time he spent with Zhang Detao is not just more than half a month now.

As early as before, when he had not asked people to come from Cao Yan, he had already found that Zhang Detao was forcibly suppressing his anger.

Zhang Detao has noticed Zheng Yonghao coming up, but he didn't look back. He just said lightly, "There is no need to kill. He is almost dead now."

Zheng Yonghao came forward and immediately found that although this person was still alive, he seemed to have been seriously stimulated, and his eyes seemed to have lost his soul.

"So that's it!"

Zheng Yonghao narrowed his eyes and finally understood why Cao Yan agreed to let him go so happily.

"He was the one who wanted to kill me with No. 9 medicine."

Zhang Detao suddenly opened his mouth, and Zheng Yonghao was slightly stunned.