The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 85 Wang Shao

In Zheng Yonghao's own fake smile, Guo Xiaolong got up and left.

For Guo Xiaolong, it is not a matter of catching mutant beasts again that he can start immediately. He still needs to make some preparations, such as convening hands.

For Zheng Yonghao, he has to face a soul beast that he has only heard of in his previous life, and he also needs to make some preparations. The first thing is that he needs a weapon.

Zheng Yonghao is very proficient in firearms and so on, and he is even confident that he is no less than the most powerful sharpshooter in this base.

But in the face of soul beasts, bullets are ineffective. No matter how powerful the bullets are, they have no effect. The only thing that can work is the ability of mutants to attack.

This is also the reason why he asked Guo Xiaolong to remove those incompetent people whose physical energy value is below 180, because they can't hurt soul beasts, nor do they have the ability to intercept and protect themselves, which is also cumbersome.

And now what he needs is a weapon that can enhance his combat effectiveness, and this weapon can only be made by himself.

The broadcast of Jinzhou Base has been playing continuously, and many survivors come to visit every day.

They bring not only a mouth for eating, but also various things that they regard as treasures, including gold and silver.

There is no need to consider gold. That thing is too soft. In this era, it may not be as good as iron in terms of real value.

The value of silver metal will soon increase, because the energy conductivity of silver is second only to gold, but it is not as soft as gold, which is very suitable for use as an additive exclusive weapons for mutants.

Zheng Yonghao's plan is to go out and collect some silver, and then see if he can find the right main material.

Of course, it is best to have titanium. The weight is light and hard, and the conductivity after adding silver will exceed that of steel.

But if not, he can only see if there is any special steel in the military, or titanium steel that also contains a titanium word.

Titanium steel is not literally like that. It seems to be a steel containing titanium metal, but in fact, it does not even have a little titanium content. It is completely a specially treated stainless steel.

This material is usually used to make jewelry. In the peace era before the catastrophe, some people even used titanium steel jewelry to impersonate platinum... fooled many people.

When used as a weapon, titanium steel is not as good as pure titanium or special steel, but it is still better than ordinary steel.

Of course, what is said here is appropriate for him.

If you want to make a weapon for Zhang Detao, then a pure titanium exquisite sword is definitely not as good as a raw iron mace... What he needs is powerful and heavy.

As for what kind of weapon to make, Zheng Yonghao already has a plan in his heart. It just depends on what materials he can get and how much he can get.

Just as Zheng Yonghao greeted Zhang Detao and planned to go out to buy materials, a rush of footsteps suddenly came.

While Zheng Yonghao turned his head and looked over, the door was also banged open, but Tao Ying rushed in.

It's just that Tao Ying at this time was panicked.

She opened her mouth in a hurry to say something, but obviously she had not recovered her breath and immediately coughed repeatedly.

Zheng Yonghao frowned, walked over and reached out to pat Tao Ying on the shoulder and asked, "What happened?"

Tao Ying was coughing violently and almost unable to breathe.

But when she was patted like this by Zheng Yonghao, she only felt a hot current rushing into her chest, and her cough immediately stopped.

Tao Ying was not surprised and quickly said, "Qin Ming, Qin Ming and others were intercepted! Many people... Go and save them!"

Huh? Say it on the way!"

As soon as Tao Ying opened her mouth, she found that she had reached the door again.

And Zhang Detao followed them without saying a word.

"Where?" Zheng Yonghao asked.

"East...East Market!"


Tao Ying was stunned, and Zheng Yonghao had disappeared.

She only saw a flash of blurred back, and the direction was exactly what he said.

"Well, I haven't said anything..."

Although she was nervous, Tao Ying was also a little confused.

On the contrary, Zhang Detao, who was beside her, threw out a sentence angrily: "The reason is not important, but the important thing is that they are fine!"

Tao Ying said in a franse, "Does he care so much about us?"

"Didn't you see it already?" Zhang Detao said.

Then he added, "Maybe I care more than what you can see!"

If it is Tao Ying at ordinary times, she can't help laughing at this time, such as "What he cares about is actually Qin Xue"...

But now, she doesn't have this mood and idea. She just chases after it with Zhang Detao.


Jinzhou Base, now the shelter for survivors, was originally built on the military region.

The buildings of the military region are in the center, and the surrounding areas are crowded with survivors, and outside is the wall under construction.

Among them, the east and south are the most chaotic, because most of the people living here are ordinary survivors, and the place is equally large, but the largest number of people is.

But because of the large number of people, the trading behavior here is also the most common, and even the eastern area inside is directly called a market.

Zheng Yonghao has now come to the center of this market and has found the person he is looking for without much effort.

People always have the habit of watching, and they can gather wherever things happen, so they just need to find a place to be watched.

Easily squeezed through the crowd, Zheng Yonghao saw Qin Ming and Qin Xue.

At the same time, his pupils also shrank slightly.

At this time, Qin Ming and Qin Xue stood together and were facing the 20th and 30 people surrounding them.

Qin Xue held the swing stick in her hand and threw the stick on the cold star, but her ability has been launched.

Although Qin Ming had no weapons in his hand, he grabbed half a brick from the ground.

However, judging from the brand-new stubble of the brick, I'm afraid this brick should have been a complete piece not long ago.

Zheng Yonghao saw clearly that half of the head of one of the people surrounding Qin Ming had been dyed red.

There seems to be dirt in the wound, but in fact it is more like the fragments of bricks.

I think this is Qin Ming's result, but I don't know whether he took the first hand or fought back in self-defense.

Seeing that both of them were safe and sound, Zheng Yonghao did not appear immediately.

What he was watching was another of the group of people, and he was also the leader of these people.

This is a young man who is not wearing a military uniform, but his casual clothes alone can't cover the characteristics of soldiers.

Zheng Yonghao is almost sure that the identity of the other party is a soldier, and I'm afraid he is also an official member of this base.

What Zheng Yonghao cares about is that this person's physical energy value is 221, which is only 11 points lower than Qin Xue.

Zheng Yonghao can't see whether the other party is a mutant who has mastered the ability, but according to his guess, he may not be wrong.

Only those who have the same ability can force Qin Xue to show their weapons and let Tao Ying run back to ask for help.

After all, Qin Xue is different from the past. Although she is subject to psychological factors, not everyone can bully her in terms of strength.

At least now, this is the only one who can threaten Qin Xue, and it is he who Qin Xue is nervously guarding.

"This little woman is very fierce. I'm afraid only Wang Shao can subdue her."

A man said tremblingly. Looking at his lips trembling, he must have suffered Qin Xue's loss before.

"That's right. As long as we Wang Shao comes out, we will definitely be captured."

Someone should make peace, but while talking, he looked at the young man, thinking that the other party was Wang Shao in his mouth.

"Wang Shao, come on! Let this little woman see your strength, and our brother is waiting for you to avenge us.

"Haha, Liu Qiang, you are a coke. If you don't dare to go up, just say it directly. We won't laugh at you."

Some people joked that Qin Xue and others were not mentioned in their words, but this kind of disregard seemed to have eaten them.

The head was broken before, but now the man who is covering his head is standing beside the young man. He is the one who can't laugh the most.

At this time, he was staring at Qin Xue and Qin Ming with a hateful face, especially the latter, which almost made him gritt his teeth.

However, he did not dare to rush up again. He was just "touched" by Qin Xue's stick, and then he was stiff all over and then was patted on the head by Qin Ming's brick.

What he can count on is still, and he can only be the young master Wang beside him.

" hiss!" He grinned and said while inhaling, "Wang Shao, I think that little girl is cold and suitable for you to lose your anger. Look..."

The voice was long, and Wang Shao, standing beside him, had raised the corners of his mouth.

However, he did not pay attention to this person or respond to others, but said to Qin Xue with a smile, "Miss, there may have been some misunderstanding before. Well, it's my treat. How about you two come to my place for a glass of wine?

Others are a little stunned and don't seem to know what their master means.

And some people, including those who just opened their mouths, are not surprised.

They know best who Wang Shao is.

And they know that Wang Shao's favorite tone is this tune. Of course, it's not a courtesy before soldiers, but that he likes to see people give in.

Especially the kind of woman with a strong nature, he likes to let the other party give in to wine, and - his **.

Qin Ming has a shady face, and his skin color is quite dark, but now it is even darker.

And Qin Xue, anyone can see the anger on her face.

That swing stick is also getting tighter and tighter in her hand, and the cold light is better!

The young man known as Wang Shao raised his eyebrows and shook his head as he was very excited but pretended to be.

"Oh, what's the pain? As we all know, I don't like to do anything to women, especially such a beautiful girl. How can I be willing to do it..."

With this, his footsteps have already stepped out.

And the most shocking and shameless thing is that he stretched out his hand to Qin Xue, and the position he reached out was Qin Xue's chest!