The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 88 Life and Death

Zheng Yonghao let go of his hand and Wang Xiang fell to the ground with a pomp.

But this time, he couldn't stand up again. The head turned aside and the blood overflowing from the corners of his lips have said everything!

"You... you killed Wang Shao, how dare you kill Wang Shao!"

The nearest young man can also see it most clearly. He doesn't know that Wang Xiang's neck has been twisted, which is absolutely hopeless.

Zheng Yonghao glanced at him and did not answer, nor did he need to answer.

The cold eyes made him sit on the ground, support him with his hands, and retreat repeatedly.

He just realized who he was talking to. This is a person who even dares to kill Wang Xiang.

Will such a fierce character kill him? He really has no score at all.

Just like the question he just asked, is it necessary?

Do you dare to kill? It's clear that they have finished killing.

At this time, he still asked back, which was simply looking for death!

The young man retreated in fear, but Zheng Yongcun ignored him.

Continue to kill?

If necessary, he will certainly not hesitate.

But there is no need for these people to pose any threat to him, his relatives and friends.

Dog legs can only be dogs forever!

Zheng Yonghao came over. Although Qin Ming and Qin Xue's eyes were different, they were not surprised.

They have long seen Zheng Yonghao kill people. When they were still taking refuge in the laboratory, the student thugs who broke in were slaughtered by Zheng Yonghao.

The cold will not be soft-hearted, which is their first impression of Zheng Yonghao.

They are just a little worried, because Wang Xiang's identity is special, and they don't know what kind of power the person standing behind Wang Xiang has.

"Let's go!"

Zheng Yonghao took the lead after saying that, and the two quickly followed.

Such a big event happened, which is like a collapse for many people in the East District.

When Wang Xiang died, they felt happy and relieved, but they also knew what a disaster it would be.

At this time, although there are some bold people who want to see how to develop in the future, more people are leaving in a hurry.

The crowd suddenly dispersed, and naturally it was very chaotic.

But Zheng Yonghao and the three of them have always been extremely open.

No one dares to stand in front of them and block their way, so that they can easily meet Zhang Detao and Tao Ying.

Tao Ying looked nervously at Qin Ming and Qin Xue and made sure that they were all right before she relaxed a little.

Zhang Detao took a deep look at Zheng Yonghao, and then walked beside him without saying a word.

If you don't say anything, it is already Zhang Detao's statement.

What does he hate most? It was the original enemy, the traitor, the dage.

He just agreed with Zheng Yonghao's approach, saying that if it were him, he would definitely kill the other party.

Zheng Yonghao and others left, and no one dared to stop them. And Wang Xiang's body lay on the ground, and no one dared to touch it!

Wang Xiang's dog legs are also afraid to touch, because the current situation is beyond their control.

Even if there is something wrong, they can't eat it.

In particular, they have seen Zheng Yonghao kill people, but they have not stopped the murderer, which is already a crime that they can't wash away.

Finally, in their uneasiness, a group of people came with murder.

The leader is strong and full of flesh. His arms are thicker than many people's thighs, and he looks very powerful.

This person is Wang Xiang's father - Wang Zeng!


Wang Zeng saw Wang Xiang lying on the ground at a glance, even with a heartbreaking roar.

He rushed to Wang Xiang's side, half-knelt down and stretched out his hands, as if he wanted to pick up Wang Xiang, but in the end he was stiff and did not move.

It seems that I dare not touch it!

It's quiet around.

No matter the people he brought, Wang Xiang's accomplices waiting here, or the onlookers who were bold but regretted at this time, no one dared to speak out.

Only Wang Zeng's own breath is getting thicker and thicker, like a bellows!

Ten seconds, the needle can be smelled.

Thirty seconds, still dead.

A minute passed, and Wang Zeng finally stood up.

When he got up, he already had an extra golden pistol in his hand, which could only be recognized by people who had been in the Jinzhou base before. The gun was a gift given to Wang Zeng by a leader in those years. It was specially made to celebrate his winning the first place in the sharpshooter competition in the military region.

And this golden pistol represents the glory of Wang Zeng in the past - the Gun God!

When he was young, as long as there was a shooting competition he participated in, the first place was his bag.

For a long time, he got the title of gun god.

Later, he became an instructor and no longer participated in the competition, but when it comes to shooting, the first name that comes to mind must be the gun god Wang Zeng.

If that's all, of course, it won't be enough for him to pass on his honor to his son, let alone let his son be rampant in the military region.

He not only has extraordinary strength, but also has a prominent family background.

His father, Wang Xiang's grandfather, used to be in a high position.

Nowadays, many generals in the base, including a leader, are under the command of that person.

It is because of this, the glory of two generations, coupled with the fact that his son, who was originally weak, has now become a powerful mutant, that they have a different status in the base.

He can mobilize far more power than his own instructor position.

"You, you..."

Wang Zeng raised his hand and pointed to the two and said, "Take my son back, and the others, go kill with me!"

Murder, say it directly.

The people who followed him immediately showed their weapons and followed Wang Zeng.

With more than 30 people and more than 30 guns, it seems that such a lineup can catch anyone and destroy whom.

As for who Wang Zeng wants to kill, there is no need to ask, it must be the murderer who killed his son, the outsider named Zheng Yonghao.

With their ability, they have already found the information registered by Zheng Yonghao and his current residence.

Although there is still some unclear information and seems to be missing at the time of registration, they don't care.

Since it is only assigned to the peripheral residence, even the best kind still means that Zheng Yonghao has nothing to do with the senior management of the base.

I'm afraid it's only because of Zheng Yonghao's mutant identity and the ultra-high physical energy value that even registered people can't see, he enjoys special treatment.

No matter how strong he is, can he still fight with so many people and so many guns?

In their eyes, Zheng Yonghao is dead now, and there is no second possibility.

The murderous group of people drove forward. Who dares to stop them? No one dares!

No one doubts at all. With Wang Zeng's anger at this time, anyone who hides slowly may be killed by him immediately.

However, they had just gone out not far, and Wang Zeng, who was angry, suddenly stopped.

That's his walkie-talkie that kept ringing. At first, he ignored it and thought it was just a call from someone.

And now there is a continuous sound, obviously there is another situation.

Wang Zeng grabbed the walkie-talkie and pressed the button. Just as he was about to roar, the strong voice from there made him reach his throat and immediately swallow it again.

"The Chief!"

Wang Zeng was stunned and responded respectfully. He would not know who the voice belonged to.

But what surprised him was how the chief contacted him in person.

"Yes...yes...I know! I'll be right there! The call is over.

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Wang Zeng's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He seemed to be talking to himself and saying to his cronies around him, "Meeting? What's the meeting at this time? And did the chief personally inform him that he knew what I was going to do and deliberately came to stop me?

Wang Zeng can't understand, but it is obvious that he must rush to the chief now.

This is related to his future, and even... is better than revenge for his son immediately!

But this revenge still has to be revenged.

He didn't want the murderer who killed his son to live for even one more minute, just because he felt that the situation seemed to have changed.

There are many dreams at night, and he will not allow changes to appear. So all he can do is to take the lead!

"High!" Guan Zeng shouted.

"To!" Immediately, a man stood up.

Guan Zeng said, "I need to go to the chief, and now you can bring someone to catch that man immediately. Remember, life and death are the matter!"

No matter life or death, this is to kill!

The person named Gao Yang's heart was tight, but he agreed very quickly.

"Yes!" Gao Yang replied.

"I'll leave it to you."

After saying this with a cold face, Wang Zeng walked in the direction of his deputy, where many military vehicles were parked.

Gao Yang rushed to the North District with the people left by Wang Zeng, and the target was Gu Caijun's residence assigned to Zheng Yonghao.

These people acted quickly. Wang Zeng was just trapped by his son's death for a minute, and then sent Gao Yang and others to hunt him down.

At this time, Zheng Yonghao and the others have not returned to their residence and are talking while walking.

Zheng Yonghao did not mention Wang Xiang or the storms he might face, but asked Qin Ming if they had found a family.

Qin Ming shook his head. There were too many survivors gathered in the base and everywhere was chaotic.

If you want to rely on luck to find certain people, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

They also posted a few search notices, but the hope is still very slim.

Almost every place where notices can be posted, walls, telegraph poles, and artificially set notice boards are all covered with similar things.

Everyone is looking for separated relatives and friends, but it is really difficult to find them.

"Don't worry, you will find it." Zheng Yonghao comforted Qin Ming and said.

Qin Ming nodded. Although he knew that there was little hope, he refused to give up hope.

In the conversation, they finally returned to the North District.

And before they approached the residence, the group of people in front of them had blocked their way.

Seeing the military uniforms on these people, Qin Ming and Tao Ying immediately became nervous.

However, Zheng Yonghao just picked up the corners of his mouth slightly and started to meet him.