The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 100 Double Wolf

Most of the trees in the north are deciduous, and now it is time for the leaves to fall off.

The forest is therefore very open, and the two mutant beasts in front of it are more conspicuous!

One of the furs seems to be brightly wrapped in fluorescence, but it gives people a strange feeling of near transparency.

This is exactly what they have been staring at, and they also plan to hunt at this time.

But next to this mutant beast, there is also a red mutant beast full of fire.

It is also a wolf, which is stronger than the normal-sized former!

"There are actually two!"

Everyone was stunned. Qi Qi looked at Guo Xiaolong, while Guo Xiaolong looked at Long Xiangwen.

Tsagi heard that this person has been by his father's side and is known as his father's right-hand man together with Zhan Pengfei.

It's just that Zhan Pengfei is strong in force, and he is excellent in planning.

At this time, he is equivalent to the role of a military division, and the whole hunting plan is also determined by him.

Tsagi's reaction was extremely fast, and it seemed that he had made arrangements without thinking about it.

"The plan remains unchanged and the goal changes. The first six groups attacked the No. 2 mutant beast and strive to kill it as soon as possible!"

Taki looked at Zheng Yonghao quickly and said, "Brother Zheng, please take the brothers of the seventh group to pester the target as much as possible and protect yourself, just to delay!"

Zheng Yonghao nodded immediately and didn't care that Long Xiangwen's name was a little messy, because he knew that the other party's arrangement was right.

Tshiruga didn't explain, because there was no time to explain.

But even if he formulates the strategy himself, he will definitely arrange it like the other party.

Now it seems that an extra mutant beast has disrupted their original plan.

And if it is only considered from the perspective of insurance, it seems that they should step back temporarily and then make a long-term view.

But in fact, they can't do this.

Because they have now been exposed, because the two mutant beasts have come to their opposite side.

Judging from the information they collected before, most of them can't compare with the speed of mutant beasts.

At that time, their retreat is likely to turn into being hunted down, and except for Zheng Yonghao and a few individuals, the rest of them can't guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Even if they escape smoothly, the mutant beasts that have been frightened by the snake will definitely not stay in this place.

At that time, they will not only take risks, but also will be empty-handed.

No one will do this kind of loss-making business. It's better to let go than to fail completely. Therefore, from the beginning, Taki Xiangwen, like Zheng Yonghao, had no intention of retreating at all.

Of course, there is no choice but to fight. The point is how they should fight, whether to deal with two at the same time or break them one by one.

Tang Xiangwen's arrangement is exactly this aspect of consideration. He did not choose to divide his combat power evenly, but to let everyone gather together and kill the extra mutant beast first.

It is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the strength of the two mutant beasts in such a short time, but he and Zheng Yonghao have made a judgment.

The mutant beast is the evolutionary form of the beast, which has changed greatly from the original in any aspect.

But there are some things, such as habits, instincts, that do not change because of evolution.

In particular, the law that the strong in nature controls the weak and the weak submits to the strong must still exist.

His feeling told him that the new mutant wolf was very much like a subordinate to the original mutant beast, that is to say, its strength should be relatively weak.

With such a judgment, it is simple. Destroy the weak first and then besiege the strong, and always maintain your greatest advantage, which is the truth of military tactics, so Taki made a decision without hesitation.

But there is another problem. If they want to kill the mutant beast in the shortest time, they must not worry about it.

Someone must hold back the original one when they hunt the mutant beast, and this person must have enough strength to deal with the mutant beast.

In this way, it will become logical to choose Zheng Yonghao, and Zheng Yonghao himself will definitely make this arrangement, because only he has enough strength.

Zheng Yonghao agreed but did not leave immediately, but continued to move forward with the large army.


The roar came, and it was the newly emerging fiery red mutant wolf.

Maybe it had some hesitation to see so many people before, but now the continued approach of people has completely stimulated its wildness.

Everyone seemed to see a red whirlwind sweeping in, which the mutant wolf had rushed to their front with terrible power.

The fierce beast approached, and everyone was not surprised but happy.

What they were worried about was that the two mutant beasts would not separate, and as the fiery red mutant wolf suddenly rushed out, they immediately found that their worries were superfluous.

The fluorescent mutant that they care about most has no sign of rushing over together.

As if it is a real king, he doesn't want to do it with his subordinates at all.


Tarlong shouted loudly, and everyone rushed up.

Everyone is not mediocre, holding cold weapons that are easy to control, and it is almost impossible to be accidentally injured.

So at this time, there is no need to care about the safe distance. They all rushed up and surrounded the fiery red mutant wolf in the center.

Group brawl, except for Zheng Yonghao and the seventh team!

Just as the mutant wolf was surrounded, Zheng Yonghao immediately rushed to the soul beast above.

Of course, only he knows that this is a soul beast now.

If all the process is the same as in the previous life, and others want to understand the speciality of the soul beast, it will be two years later.


The mutant wolf that is being besieged is extremely strong. Obviously, it is besieged by more than 30 people, and its fierceness has not diminished at all.

Even in this case, it was still paying attention to the soul beast and the wherement of Zheng Yonghao and others, so it roared and intended to rush out.

This scene will inevitably arouse people's interest at ordinary times, and a beast seems to have learned to care and protect.

But now, no one wants to stop it... and kill it!

"Be careful, stop it!"

Tsagi reminded Wen urgently, and everyone immediately stepped up the attack.

The mutant wolf was forced back and was really beaten a few times because of his temporary distraction, so he howled more bitterly.

Zheng Yonghao didn't seem to hear the roar and pain of the mutant wolf. He rushed to the soul beast and raised his hand and three flying knives were thrown over.

His flying knife is enough to kill the powerful mutant directly, but he doesn't seem to be qualified to surprise this soul beast.

The soul beast was still standing there steadily, but when he opened his mouth slightly, a dazzling fireball shot out of his mouth.

Under the firelight, these people with Zheng Yonghao all changed their faces and their pupils tightened.

But they were not only shaken by the fire, but also saw an extremely terrible scene. Zheng Yonghao's three flying knives were instantly melted into iron water in the fireball.

"Ah! This..."

Now that we have just come to face, a person from the seventh team is stunned in exclamation.

He was obviously frightened by the power of the fireball of the soul beast and his face turned white!

Although others are not as obvious as him, they are also shocked.

Many things are different from hearing with their ears and seeing them with their own eyes. They only heard that this mutant beast is powerful and scary before, but now they know where it is just scary. It is clear that it can scare people directly to death!

They have also seen mutants with flame powers in the base. Although they have a bad relationship with that person for some reasons, they can't deny the strength of that person.

Especially the high temperature that that person can control. As long as you give him time, even steel can melt. How horrible!

But after all, it will take time.

And for them, how can they give each other enough time to exert their power?

So they are only afraid of that person, but they are not afraid much.

However, now, they feel a deep fear.

The flame possessed by this mutant beast does not need to accumulate power and accumulation at all, and can already melt the metal in an instant.

So what will happen if they meet themselves? Who hasn't missed it for a while?

If it's just like this, they can still comfort themselves without missing anything, then the way the mutant beast released its ability gives them the last blow.

That's a fireball, a spit fireball, a long-range attack!

And they all saw that the mutant beast spit out fireballs extremely fast, almost as fast as Zheng Yonghao's flying knife. How can they avoid it?

For a moment, everyone was stunned and showed hesitation.

However, there was a man who did not seem to be affected at all. He jumped out like an arrow away from the string.

It's Zheng Yonghao!

What are you afraid of? Its fireball is only powerful within one meter, and beyond one meter, it will weaken to the point that anyone can bear it, but go!"

At the same time, Zheng Yonghao's words sounded like thunder in everyone's ears.

Some people are still sluggish, but more people are awakened.

Yes, what are they afraid of?

Previously, Guo Xiaolong said in his information that as long as the distance was widened, the power of the mutant beast's fireball would be greatly weakened, and they ignored it directly in tension.

And... the person leading them now is the guy who killed the flame mutant in the base!

In terms of dealing with flame powers, who can be more experienced than him!

The first few people who calmed down immediately followed, and although the remaining two were still hesitant, after all, they were all people who refused to give up and followed closely.

Several people launched an attack at the same time, and it was finally impossible for the soul beast to ignore it.

Its flame is not infinite, and because it turns into a wolf, it is not used to use flames, but its claws and teeth.

Zheng Yonghao's chopping was dodged by the soul beast, and then its claws were raised and it was hitting a long knife in one person's hand.


In the crisp sound, the long knife made of fine steel was folded into two sections, and the man hurriedly jumped back to avoid the claws that did not lose speed.

The soul beast was about to pursue, and a cold wind suddenly hit it head-on.

Even the temperature of the surrounding air dropped instantly due to this chill. The soul beast, which was more sensitive than human perception, immediately sensed the danger and hurriedly stopped.


With Zheng Yonghao's shout, Qin Xue, who was holding the swinging stick, retreated without hesitation.

Almost at the same time, the soul beast twisted his body and opened his mouth to spit out a fireball again!


Qin Xue herself has avoided it, but the attacking stick was rubbed by a fireball, making a sound like a red-hot iron block falling into the cold water.

When everyone fixed their eyes, they were shocked to find that the tip of the swinging stick had changed, and it had been melted into half a small ball!

Qin Xue was also shocked. Although she did not exert all the cold power in the tension just now, it still showed that the flame of the soul beast was stronger than her cold.

She thought so, but Zheng Yonghao's pupils were tightened.

Just as he guessed when he knew that the soul beast was a fire attribute, Qin Xue was very useful for its production.

Now it seems that Qin Xue has not taken any advantage, but in fact, the soul beast has spit out the fireball half a beat slower than usual.

Otherwise, with the terrible reaction speed of the soul beast, even if Qin Xue was reminded by him, it would be difficult to avoid it completely.

"There is hope, but not yet!"

Zheng Yonghao quietly turned around, and no one noticed that he was still capable of doing other things at this time.

What he saw was that Taki smelled them at the other end.

Only when those people kill the mutant wolf and rush over can he have a chance to confirm what he heard at the beginning.

And only if that rumor is true can he swallow the soul beast alone!


Zheng Yonghao shouted again and attacked the soul beast at the same time.

This time, relying on his timely reminder and active attack, one person was saved from being bitten into two sections by the soul beast.

But it is obvious that it is difficult for them to hold on for too long in the face of soul beasts that show their strength.