The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 147 What else do you think is impossible

After a while, Zhang Detao looked at Zheng Yonghao in a blankly.

"This is the man who spent so much money and almost killed you. Finally, what I told you... Are you sure he is fine?"

Zheng Yonghao raised the corners of his mouth, shook his head gently and said, "I don't think it's a problem."

Zhang Detao shook his head fiercely, and he could see the corners of his eyes twitching.

"No, it's impossible! Do you really believe that he is an alien? Do you really believe that alien warships are staring at you outside the sky? I don't believe it."

Zheng Yonghao did not defend him, but just stretched out his hand, and there was a purple flame jumping in his hand.

Zheng Yonghao said, "It's all like this now. What else do you think is impossible?"

Zhang Detao was stunned, with a bang in his hand, but he was so excited that he couldn't control his strength and directly broke a small tree he was holding.

"Look." Zheng Yonghao smiled and said, "If we still follow the previous ideas, I'm afraid that nothing can be explained now."

He said in his heart that he hadn't said everything yet. If he said a lot of nouns such as "star", "cosmic center", "cosmic law" and "alliance army"... it would be really amazing.

Zhang Detao looked at the jumping flames from Zheng Yonghao, looked at the debris in his palm, and said impatiently, "I still don't dare to believe that the change of the whole earth, the threat of aliens, so aren't we going to be finished?"

Zheng Yonghao put away his smile and said seriously, "I don't think he's lying, let alone that he is crazy, but I still can't believe it all. However, it's better to believe whether it is credible or not. If what he says is true, we must prepare in advance.

"You said to prepare in advance, is that why you want to set up a base? But if it's really such a terrible threat, what's the use of setting up a base? I'm afraid it's not enough to build a base or build a bigger fortress than Jinzhou base, right? How much power can you have alone, unless it is to bring people all over the world together... Ah! Could it be that what you think is..."

Zhang Detao said a long list excitedly. In the end, he was suddenly stunned and stared at Zheng Yonghao with wide eyes in disbelief.

Zheng Yonghao looked back at him without any dodging and said, "I want to build not just a base, but a center, the center of all survivors in the world!"

"You are crazy! At the center of the whole world, just say that you want to rule the world!"

Zhang Detao exclaimed and didn't care about his tone.

In fact, it is precisely because he has always felt Zheng Yonghao's trust that he dares to say so rudely.

If it is replaced by iron cultivation, even if they have the same idea in their hearts, they will not say it directly.

Zheng Yonghao said, "I'm not crazy, but I've thought about it carefully. Of course, it is impossible if the normal situation is impossible. Even if the most powerful countries in the world reach an opinion, they can't do it. Even if the world war is launched again, it will not succeed in the end.

"Then you also said you wanted to build a world center..."

Zhang Detao's voice is getting lower and lower. Around a man like him, he is a little weak at this time. Zheng Yonghao's idea is really amazing.

Zheng Yonghao shook his head: "But it's not normal now, it's not impossible!"

"What do you think?" Zhang Detao squeezed out his voice from between his teeth and frowned deeply.

Zheng Yonghao said, "First of all, now that there is no order in the world, there is no government and army, and all forces can be regarded as private armies. At this time, many people may not realize this, but soon everyone will understand and accept this reality. In this case, as long as we can develop faster and stronger than anyone else, we can have countless possibilities.

"You mean - military conquest?"

Zhang Detao asked, but in fact, there was no need to ask. He himself knew this.

Zheng Yonghao's idea sounds whimsically, but countless people in history have tried to do that in the past.

And the means, and only, are conquered by force. Even if there are countless other measures, the core is still force.

Zheng Yonghao lowered his head slightly, and most of his face was buried in the shadow, but then suddenly raised his head, exposing his whole face to the moonlight, revealing clear and decisive eyes.

"If you must conquer by force, then conquer by force!"

Zhang Detao frowned for a long time. He was just too surprised to say that it was impossible.

But in addition to being loyal to the country, the second thing that people like him have received since childhood are not impossible.

At this time, he is already thinking about how many possibilities Zheng Yonghao's ideas can be realized, and if there is even a little possibility, what steps and processes will be taken to achieve them.

"There is a problem, what if the country still exists?"

Zheng Yonghao is not surprised that Zhang Detao will ask like this. It's abnormal that he doesn't ask like this.

Zheng Yonghao said, "Do you remember what I told you last time? Although Guo Xiaotian believes that the doomsday fortress of each country is close and safe enough, there must be a premise that they have time to prepare. But this catastrophe is not a war. Everything happened suddenly. The sudden effect is stronger than the nuclear bomb. No one has time to prepare.

"For example, none of us, such as other survivors, is prepared to escape. If we must find a reason, we can only be lucky! On the contrary, haven't we already seen the results of those who are prepared to gather together or are always ready to gather together?

Zhang Detao's eyes were deep and his eyes were slightly tightened.

Yes, what will happen to such people? They all know the story of Hu Wende and the understanding of Jinzhou Base.

But this seems to be not enough to support Zheng Yonghao's assertion. After all, what they know and what they are talking about now are not at the same level.

Zhang Detao said his idea, and Zheng Yonghao said softly, "Don't you know soon!"

"Hmm...yes! I will know soon!"

Zhang Detao was stunned and then suddenly. Who is their target now and where?

If that person is really found, it can prove that Zheng Yonghao's assertion is correct, and everything really needs to be reshuffled.

Fee Zhang Detao's nervousness, Zheng Yonghao said, "Of course, these are still just an idea and a goal for a long time now and even in the future, in order to prevent trouble. Until then, what we have to do is to develop our strength similar to the Jinzhou base and other places. Even if it is just for a better survival, it is also necessary.

Zhang Detao smiled bitterly, but it was really unnatural to put such an expression on a strong man like him.

Zhang Detao said, "If you say this to me before the previous words, I will definitely give you some praise, even if you don't say it. But now, I really don't know what I think. It's a little messy.

"Ha, I'm sorry."

Zheng Yonghao smiled, looked at the endless darkness in the distance, and whispered, "I need to tell this matter, and you are the only one who can help me carry this matter now."

Zhang Detao was stunned and immediately understood: "So that's it. No wonder you just said that she was too young. Compared with this matter, she is too young!"

Zheng Yonghao shook his head and said, "Not only that, even if she is older, I can only tell you this now."

The friendship of the two generations, the gift of S Energy... It can be said that the person Zheng Yonghao remembers most is not Zhang Detao, but if he is the person he trusts the most, it is Zhang Detao.

It's just that Zheng Yonghao can't explain these things. Even if they can be explained clearly, he can't explain them.

Before Zhang Detao could react, Zheng Yonghao stretched out his hand and said, "Can you help me? Brother!"

Zhang Detao was stunned and his eyes flashed.

In his impression, the two began to know each other, and this was the first time Zheng Yonghao said the word brother to him.

But somehow, he looked into Zheng Yonghao's eyes, but seemed to read his meaning, as if this brother had been calling for a long time, but he had just heard it!

And along the way, although Zheng Yonghao has never called his brother so hard, his attitude towards him has always been like a brother-in-arms, making him recall his days in Blackbird from time to time.

Zhang Detao took a deep breath and stretched out his hand and held it tightly!

"Good!" Zhang Detao smiled and said, "Brother!"

There is no need for blood to worship heaven and earth!

Men's righteousness, one sentence and one pair of hands, is enough!

The palms were separated, and both of them smiled. Zhang Detao said, "With your personality, you have decided to establish a base, you must have figured out what to do. Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Zheng Yonghao said, "I do have some preliminary ideas, and one of the most important factors is people."

"People?" Zhang Detao frowned.

"Yes." Zheng Yonghao said, "Management base needs talents, and people with professional talents in all aspects. I definitely can't rely on you alone."

"That's true." Zhang Detao also agrees.

Zheng Yonghao said, "When the matter is dealt with now, I will draw up a list. Once our base is established, Brother Zhang, you will need to help me find someone at that time!"

"Have you even thought about the list?"

Zhang Detao was stunned. He knew that Zheng Yonghao liked to do planned things, but he really didn't expect that Zheng Yonghao's plan had achieved this step.

Everyone knows that important talents are rare. The key to the problem is where to find the right talents.

In Zhang Detao's view, no matter how powerful Zheng Yonghao is, he is still less than 20 years old, and it is impossible to recognize too many people.

Maybe he doesn't know as much as he knows.

But now that Zheng Yonghao looks confident, he finds that this does not seem to be the case.

"Of course there is no problem, but!" Zhang Detao said worriedly, "But now is different from the past. The most important thing is, how do you know that they can still be found?"

Zheng Yonghao smiled and said, "Are you trying to say that they are still alive?"

Zhang Detao nodded, that's what he meant.

Zheng Yonghao's eyes were sharp and he said with great certainty, "The person I'm looking for must be there!"