The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 166 Avoid the retreat

Why do they have a sense of familiarity, because they do know each other.

But why can't he remember it, because his thinking is biased, and the other party does not exist in the ancient memories he tried to find, but appeared not long ago.

And the most important thing is that he did not connect the other party with the half-corpse man, that is, he clearly remembers that he shot the guy in the head!

However, this is the case with memory. If there is a slight deviation, you can't recall it, but once you get in touch, everything in your mind will suddenly become clear.

The other party is not like the eyes of living people, the other party is not like normal people running naked in public, and even the strange appearance from breaking the ground, all have the most reasonable explanation.

"Let's not talk about this. How did you wake up? It won't have any bad impact on you, will it?"

Zheng Yonghao is more concerned about the energy beast Xiaoshan, but this guy is really more refined than people, and he saw through his true thoughts in an instant.

The energy beast Xiaoshan said, "Cut! Are you worried about having an impact on yourself? Don't worry, there is no impact. I'm an energy body, and even my consciousness is in an energy state. Now I just randomly separate part of it to communicate with you. It doesn't matter.

"So it is."

Zheng Yonghao's face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he nodded calmly.

Although he didn't really understand Xiaoshan's explanation, he at least understood some of it.

It's as if he had seen a very strange mutant ability in his previous life, which can split himself to create a split.

Xiaoshan is now equivalent to creating a split. Although she will definitely be subject to many restrictions, she also has her thoughts and some abilities.

And because Xiaoshan is an energy body, this kind of thing is still easy for it, and there is no need to worry about any side effects.

Once you get used to it, it is faster and more convenient to use spiritual links to communicate with each other than to speak.

When Zheng Yonghao and Xiaoshan, the energy beast, finished communicating, Cai Jingyi was still surprised by Zheng Yonghao's first "little mistress".

Looking at his strange eyes, Zheng Yonghao shook his head and said it was okay, and then moved his eyes to the newborn half-corpse person opposite.

He did not feel the hostility of the half-corpse man before, and this judgment may be wrong.

But even the energy beast known for its crisis sensing believes that it is not malicious to itself, which can prove that his previous judgment is correct.

Although I don't know what happened to this half-corpse, its evolutionary direction has obviously changed, from being closer to zombies in the past to being more like normal people now.

And without the previous fury, it seems to have lost almost all of its memories, and the only thing it can remember is itself.

"Are you going to follow me?" Zheng Yonghao asked and stretched out his hand to the other party's shoulder.

This action shocked Cai Jingyi.

Before, he saw with his own eyes how fierce the guy opposite was when chasing them. A foot thick cement wall was hit by him, and there was not even a scratch on his body.

Anyway, he felt that his body board must not be as hard as the cement wall, so that the other party could not even fall down a whole body.

In the face of such a horrible guy, Zheng Yonghao actually wanted to reach out and pat the other party on the shoulder... Can it work?

"Captain, be careful!"

Cai Jingyi's reminder only said half of it, and his eyes were round.

Zheng Yonghao's action is really not polite, and I'm afraid that only the elders can make such a move when facing the younger generation.

Cai Jingyi could even think of that the man was furious and immediately started a fight with Zheng Yonghao, but he didn't!

The other party had no resistance at all, completely allowing Zheng Yonghao to press his palm on his shoulder.

What's more strange is his expression at this time, which is not so much acceptance as enjoyment.

It even made Cai Jingyi feel that he couldn't believe it. He felt that the other party was like a puppy that pleases his master in front of Zheng Yonghao...

There is no derogatory meaning. Cai Jingyi only feels strange, strange and incredible.

"He must be crazy!"

Cai Jingyi thought secretly, but the feeling just became clear again. He couldn't help blurted out, "I'm also crazy!"

Later, Zheng Yonghao helped the other party put on clothes and allowed him to follow. Cai Jingyi was not surprised.

Once you accept a crazy concept similar to a pet, it seems that there is really nothing that can't be accepted, except to accept being with such a guy...

It's not easy to find an opportunity. Cai Jingyi asked Zheng Yonghao with a bitter face, "Captain, do we really want him to follow?"

"Why, you don't agree?" Zheng Yonghao said calmly.

"Of course not." Cai Jingyi hurriedly waved his hand and added in his heart that I didn't dare to say so... But he didn't dare to say so either. He said, "I think this person... This person seems to be a little abnormal."

Zheng Yonghao smiled and said, "Do you really think so?"

Cai Jingyi boldly admitted, "Uh...yes!"

Zheng Yonghao laughed and said, "It's really abnormal, but what does it matter? Let's go. We're in a hurry."

"This...all right."

Cai Jingyi didn't know what to say. He didn't understand why he let him follow since the captain also felt that this person was abnormal. Isn't he afraid of changes?

But Zheng Yonghao has decided. Although he is worried, he can't say anything more.

Only when he saw the other party, he couldn't help trembling quietly. Even if he didn't look at him at all, he couldn't help feeling afraid.

"This guy seems to be very sensitive, but unfortunately..."

Seeing the abnormality of Cai Jingyi, Zheng Yonghao understood that he was a relatively rare person with a strong sixth sense.

If such a person can evolve into a mutant, he will certainly have a strong mental perception, but unfortunately, he has not been able to evolve successfully.


Cai Jingyi showed the way, Zheng Yonghao took him to walk vigorously, and the half-corpse man followed him obediently.

After a period of time, Zheng Yonghao was still as calm as before, and Cai Jingyi finally calmed down.

What originally worried him was the news of his family, but later he added the inexplicable fear brought to him by the half-corpse man.

But now he found that this guy was actually not so scary. He was very quiet from beginning to end, and he was the kind that could be ignored.

Of course, in fact, he wants to have a relationship with the half-corpse man, and they ignore him at all.

From beginning to end, the half-corpse man was following Zheng Yonghao, and it seemed that he only saw Zheng Yonghao.

In addition to gradually calming down because of being ignored, Cai Jingyi also found a strange thing.

When he came out with Zheng Yonghao before, there were many zombies killed along the way.

But recently, they haven't encountered a single zombie, let alone a terrible group of corpses.

And when did this phenomenon start? He suddenly remembered that it was after that terrible guy followed them!

Is this person also a powerful mutant and has the ability to avoid zombies, so the captain is willing to take him?

People who feel sensitive are generally not too stupid. Cai Jingyi quickly thought of this possibility, but immediately denied it.

It was himself who pointed the way, and it was Zheng Yonghao who decided how to go. That guy just followed nearby...

Is it not his ability to avoid zombies, but let zombies take the initiative to retreat?

Such an idea appeared in his mind, and the more Cai Jingyi thought about it, the more so.

He even intended to observe carefully, and as a result, he really found some abnormal signs.

It turned out that the zombies did not appear, but appeared far away, but immediately left.

Especially when he observed carefully, he also found that the zombies did not avoid them from the beginning, but suddenly turned away as if they were shocked after approaching a certain distance.

Yes, I'm shocked!

Cai Jingyi felt like this, as if he had seen the fear of those zombies, and the source of fear was among them.

Cai Jingyi was shocked and hurriedly looked at Zheng Yonghao.

Will his captain not notice what he can notice?

Then he found that Zheng Yonghao's face was as usual, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he had a good heart for all this.

He really knew it for a long time!

So that's why he agreed with the other party to follow!

Cai Jingyi was finally sure, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

"Captain!" Cai Jingyi gasped and asked, "Is it because of his relationship to avoid zombies?"

Zheng Yonghao did not answer, but nodded gently.

But such a response has made Cai Jingyi's heart more shocked.

He opened his mouth and seemed to want to ask his inner questions, but in the end, he was just amazed, two words - "Awesome!"

Zheng Yonghao smiled and was not surprised by Cai Jingyi's shock.

Because even he never thought that there would be an extra zombie or a corpse king around him before today!

The corpse king is not all half-corpse people, but as long as the half-corpse people can survive, they will definitely become the corpse king.

Even if he has not yet become the corpse king, half-corpse people have a natural deterrent to other zombies.

This deterrent cannot be felt by ordinary human beings, but it can be easily felt between the same kind, and the effect is extremely strong.

The group of corpses avoid retreat. It is not an exaggeration to use this word on half a corpse.

If the strength of the half-corpse man is further enhanced and its breath continues to grow with evolution, its deterrent to other zombies will exceed the scope of fear and reach a new level of leadership and control.

At that time, half a corpse will grow into a real corpse king.

However, at present, strange changes have taken place on this half-corpse man. Even Zheng Yonghao can't guess what its future will be.

But in fact, he doesn't care about this.

Because the reason why he allowed this half-corpse man to follow was not the breath of the other party's corpse king, but for something else, such as proving an idea.

If his vision is true, then when the biggest crisis occurs, he has a better chance of winning!

Zheng Yonghao rushed to think about two things, until Cai Jingyi, who was caught by him, suddenly held his breath...