The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 194 They are still alive!

Zhang Jingsheng's next story proved Zheng Yonghao's judgment. After learning these two names, he began to look for them. The first place he went to was Bashan Village, but he did not find them.

The strange thing is that when he came out of Liu Leyi's original residence, there was something wrong with his body.

Originally, it seemed that he was dozens of years younger and suddenly aged a few years. This is only a physical performance. His appearance has changed greatly in a short period of time, and he finally became the old man he is now.

"The power of the plague king!"

Zheng Yonghao said in his heart and immediately thought of various rumors about Liu Leyi, the plague king in his previous life, especially about his ability.

It is said that at the beginning, anyone who fights against Liu Leyi will be infected with a serious illness regardless of victory or defeat. Some people even survived from the other party but died directly in the end. The name of the plague king spread at that time.

But not everyone is like this. After a long time, the mystery of Liu Leyi's ability has been solved. It turns out that he has no means to control the disease, but has the ability to erode the energy of other mutants.

For mutants who will hardly get sick, the energy in the body is equivalent to life. If the energy is eroded, the body will naturally become worse. If there are more, it will be the same as getting sick. What is more serious is Zhang Jingsheng in front of them.

I'm afraid that his physical energy value when he just completed the evolution was much more than now, but his strength was greatly reduced due to the erosion, which directly affected his appearance and even his life expectancy.

However, this process is not irreversible. As long as he does not continue to be eroded and replenish energy at the right time, he can still recover after a long time.

The food brought by Zheng Yonghao was processed from the origin of the earth, and he could deal with Zhang Jingsheng's situation, and he did not hesitate to take it out.

The only thing that puzzled Zheng Yonghao was how Zhang Jingsheng was hit.

In his impression, even Liu Leyi, who was already famous in the middle of the world, could not attach his ability to the object. It was impossible for Zhang Jingsheng to be affected just by going to the place where he had stayed. There must be something else in it.

Hearing Zheng Yonghao mention it, Zhang Jingsheng said, "I was attacked by a man in Bashan Village. In the end, he was stabbed by me. I think he is dead!"

Zhang Detao asked, "Uncle Five, do you see that person clearly?"

Zhang Jingsheng shook his head slowly and said, "No, it was night. I couldn't see it clearly."

They just ask and answer like this, and they don't care.

This is a kind of darkness under the light. Zhang Detao has lived between life and death for a long time and is almost used to things such as attack.

Although Zhang Jingsheng does not have the same experience as him, he is obviously very measured to himself and will not care about a person who is almost doomed to die under his knife.

"Sure enough!" Zheng Yonghao sighed in his heart.

There is no doubt that the person who attacked Zhang Jingsheng is Liu Leyi.

However, both of them underestimated each other's strength. While Zhang Jingsheng thought that the other party would die from knife wounds, Liu Leyi also thought that Zhang Jingsheng would die under his special ability.

Perhaps it is with this idea that Zhang Jingsheng can live a stable life until now.

Zhang Jingsheng said, "I'm sure they did it, but I can't find them. Bashan Village and several nearby villages are also empty, and several of them have become a sea of fire ruins like Yushan Village. I have no choice but to go back here and light a cigarette!"

"Uncle Five, do you want them to see it?"

"Yes! I want to pay tribute to the dead, and I am also telling them that there are still people in Yushan Village, and Yushan Village is not dead yet! Unfortunately, more than ten days later, they still didn't appear, as if they had really left here. And when I saw you before, I thought you were them, so I attacked you.

I fully understood. After listening to Zhang Jingsheng's words, everyone except Zheng Yonghao finally understood the cause and effect.


Zhang Detao stood up suddenly, his eyes were red, and he walked out.

"Xiao Tao! Where are you going?" Zhang Jingsheng shouted.


Zhang Detao only answered two people, but these two words are all his thoughts now.

Originally, he went back to Yushan just to worship his parents, and then looked at his villagers.

But the latter, he actually just wants to take a look from afar and see that they are safe and quiet as before, then he is satisfied.

But reality has broken all this, and now he just wants revenge.

"But we don't know where those people are!"

Zhang Jingsheng said that this is also true. He also wants revenge but can't find anyone.

It was also because of this that he ignited the sky and wanted to attract those people out and then fight for his life.

Zhang Detao didn't stop, but said in a cold voice, "I will find them!"

At this time, Zhang Detao had arrived at the entrance of the cave, but a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It can only be Zheng Yonghao who can be so fast.

"Are you going to stop me?"

Zhang Detao, who clenched his fist, stared at Zheng Yonghao. Zheng Yonghao did not retreat, but said, "No! I won't stop you, I'll help you!"

"Then let me go!"

Zhang Detao blurted out, but Zheng Yonghao looked at him: "You need to calm down first. Your villagers may still be saved!"


Zhang Detao was stunned, and Zhang Jingsheng, who grabbed the firewood knife again on the other side, was also stunned and asked, "You... little comrade, what are you talking about? Are they still saved?"

When Zheng Yonghao saw that Zhang Detao finally stopped rushing out, he said, "I just think it's a little strange about this matter. Why did they come here to kill people, not only the village, but also other villages nearby."

"Because they are crazy!"

Zhang Jingsheng gritted his teeth, but Zheng Yonghao shook his head and said, "There are few people who can live until now who are really crazy. There must be other reasons."

"What about?"

Black Magpie Zhonghan and Zhang Detao used to be members of Blackbird and were more sensitive than others in many ways. She seemed to think of something and asked.

"For example, people!" Zheng Yonghao said.

"You mean... they don't want to kill people, but to arrest people!"

Zhang Detao has never been stupid. How can the elite warrior in the most elite army be a fool?

Zheng Yonghao nodded and said, "I think it's very possible! Excuse me, Uncle Zhang, did you notice the wrong number of people when you buried the villagers?

Zhang Jingsheng was stunned, finally reacted, and then nodded in astonishment.

He preconceived that those villagers who live and die are completely buried in the sea of fire, but now there are many problems when he thinks about it carefully.

How can someone really be burned without a trace? That's completely impossible.

He previously ignored this in hatred and anger, and didn't realize that something was wrong until Zheng Yonghao mentioned it.

Zheng Yonghao said, "If I guess correctly, someone resists and someone is killed, and the rest are taken away by the other party and wants them to do something."

"What will it be?"

Zhang Detao's question was very difficult, and he had not answered with Zheng Yonghao. Zhong Han had already said her guess: "Is it... to arrest them as hard work?"

Zhang Jingsheng still didn't understand, but Zhang Detao's body was shocked, and other people's faces suddenly realized.

"That's right! I'm afraid that's right." Zheng Yonghao said, "At this time, no matter what you do, you need a sufficient reason, and the only possibility that requires a large number of personnel is to build fortifications."

"You mean - base?"

Zhang Detao obviously thought of it, but he still didn't want to believe it.

From the beginning, he and Zheng Yonghao have seen too many similar things along the way.

Is it true that the large number of survivors absorbed by Jinzhou Base really provide them with free asylum?

Of course not!

They also need to contribute, have the ability to provide the ability, and the inability to provide hard work.

Gradually evolved into a fortress base, and the high walls used to resist zombies were built by these people.

It's just that the practice of Jinzhou Base is still relatively soft, and in some places, it is simply a strong expedition with no return.

You have to do it. If you don't do it, you will die! It's no different from direct kidnapping.

Thinking of the number of people in the village and other villages, Zhang Detao actually believed Zheng Yonghao's inference and understood why Zheng Yonghao stopped him.

Killing is very simple. They have that strength.

If you have trouble finding people, it won't be difficult for them. Zheng Yonghao's speed can make him do many things that ordinary people can't do.

But if you add saving people, you must think about it carefully, otherwise it is very likely that the tragedy will really happen.

Zheng Yonghao stared at Zhang Detao and said, "Find them first!" Only when you know their location and layout can you think about the next thing.

Zhang Detao's tightly clenched fist finally put down and squeezed a word out of his teeth: "Okay!"

Steps are determined, followed by specific action arrangements.

Zheng Yonghao first went back to the place where the vehicle was hidden to retrieve the weapon, and went very quickly.

In fact, those weapons were already in his independent space, and he went out to inquire about the news this time.

In his memory, the two kings of Bashan did not have their own territory and have been the thre of the Changling base since he became famous.

But it was the middle of the world. At this time, the Changling base has not yet appeared, and it cannot be ruled out that they want to build their own base.

It is not easy to establish a base. Basically, it can only rely on existing towns and even towns, which are more likely.

The range can also be locked within 50 kilometers. After all, it is impossible for the other party to carry out large-scale migration with the captured people.