The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 239 Life and Death Mill

The more extraordinary people are, the more afraid they are. If they don't wake up or be awakened by others at the beginning, it will be difficult to climb out once they get in.

This is true of Zheng Yonghao in his previous life. He can't let go of a seemingly good memory rather than for a dedication to love. As a result, he closed his heart for many years.

Even if he knows that this is wrong, he can't get rid of and get out of it by his own will.

In the eyes of others, he has been very successful. He started from nothing as an ordinary survivor, founded a basic development base, and has a strong force...

But only he knows how hard and helpless he is.

It seems that his goal is clear and confident, but in fact he can't feel real happiness and satisfaction at all.

He even knew one thing, even if his men did not betray him, even if he did not die in the last decade, and he successfully obtained the super nuclear power purple heart... With the situation that he lasted for many years at that time, the mentality that he did not really pursue, the possibility of his final success is negligible. Its micro.

But it was in response to the sentence that Zheng Yonghao's problems were so serious that he could not get rid of outsiders, but the rebirth gave him a new choice and also gave him new hope, so the problems that could not have been solved were also solved.

And until now, it is with such ability that he can find Qin Xue's problem in time and make the most accurate response.

Qin Xue is different from him. She doesn't have such a complicated experience. The most important thing is that there is almost no time delay.

Maybe the problems Zheng Yonghao faced at the beginning were only aimed at himself, and it didn't matter at all in the eyes of some people.

Isn't it just that your girlfriend ran away? If you are disappointed in love, you will fall in love. What's the matter!

But when he couldn't think about it for a moment and was directly delayed for many years, no matter how small the hidden danger developed into an incurable disease, and Qin Xue did not have these difficulties in front of him.

She only naturally felt the responsibility because she had a strong power, but in her heart that was not fully mature, she was not fully ready to adapt to and master this ability and responsibility. In the end, she was at a loss and was disturbed by a demon called panic.

There is no need to help her do any psychological adjustment. As long as she doesn't think about anything and prevents her from continuing to put pressure on herself, these problems can be solved by herself.

"How do you feel?"

Zheng Yonghao didn't go one night in advance, but just handed over a glass of water and asked questions.

Qin Xue held the cup and did not drink: "I'm so tired, but it's quite comfortable. It's weird."

"It's not a problem to feel weird now. When you fully recover, nothing will happen."

Zheng Yonghao laughed.

It is normal for Qin Xue to feel strange now, because she also causes a certain degree of chaos in the energy in her body when she overcomes the problem of mood. Today's weakness is the sequelae of energy chaos.

But because she can't get into the horn that she set for herself, with the resolution of her mood problems, her control of her ability and energy has reached a new level.

When she replenishes the missing energy and recovers completely, her strength will be greatly improved.

At that time, the increase may exceed the benefits of the previous subduing the White Tiger Energy Beast, and it is this change in her body that gives her a strange "comfort" feeling.

Qin Xue is all right. Adequate food and the original breath here can ensure that she recover in the shortest time, and Zheng Yonghao's worry is put down.


In the next few days, thousands to tens of thousands of corpses have appeared outside the base.

At first, everyone was still facing a big enemy, but later it was found that this level of zombie attack could only be regarded as a "small" force.

Compared with the previous corpse tide led by the corpse king, this powerful zombie team can pose any threat to the delta base at all.

The towering city is enough to resist them. Even if there are occasionally one or two jumping ghosts, they will be killed by the angry tower guards in an instant.

However, the absence of threats does not mean that the base will ignore these zombies. If hidden dangers are not solved in time, they will accumulate more and more. In the end, even if they can be solved, they must have developed into trouble.

The most important thing is that no one knows when the next corpse tide will come. When the corpse tide and the corpse king really come, then the corpse king and the headless fly-like zombies are completely different.

So under the organized arrangement, the base launched several raids, and these "small" corpses became the training targets of the soldiers. Use them to hone the courage and fighting spirit of new recruits, and also use them to enhance the combat effectiveness and skills of veterans.

The time passed day by, and the number of zombies suddenly increased when Qin Xue had fully recovered and everyone had become more and more silent by invisible pressure.

There were only a few thousand zombies outside in the morning, which was not suitable for fighting at night and accumulated overnight.

However, after the soldiers routinely wiped out these zombies, in just a few hours, traces of zombies appeared again in their vision.

The work of monitoring vigilance has never stopped, and the abnormal situation of zombies has already been sent to several bosses.

Tie Xiucheng immediately ordered the team ready to go out to clear the zombies to be taken back to prevent the outbreak of corpses that may occur at any time.

Sure enough, thousands of zombies were accumulated in one night, and then two or three hours caught up with the previous night.

Now, the soldiers have just withdrawn for a while, and the number of zombies they have observed has reached the previous number, and they are still increasing.

"All members prepare for the battle!"

There is no need to worry too much. Orders were quickly issued from the headquarters, and a team of soldiers had already had a clear division of labor.

Now there is no other possibility for this situation. The only reason for the sudden gathering of scattered zombies is that a super-large group of corpses come here. In other words, it is the return of the wave of corpses!

The base has been prepared for many days and has been suppressed for many days.

Even the youngest child will use zombies as imaginary enemies when playing games.

Those who participated in the last battle, brothers and relatives who unfortunately left have been waiting to vent their anger, comforting the dead with the battle at this time, and also use their different mentality and fighting strength to wash away their shame at this time.

Warriors will not communicate with zombies, and it is impossible not even to scold. Zombies have no plots, only the most direct impact and destruction.

The corpse tide came soon, pressing towards the base like a real tide, and hitting the city fortress because of the unique terrain here.


From their appearance to the outbreak of the battle, there is almost no interval between them.

The result of life and death appeared almost immediately, which was that someone went crazy in depression and ignited anger in impulse.

He jumped from the top of the city, smashed the head of a zombie with the heavy axe in his hand, and also smashed a whirlpool in the tide of corpses with his body.

The gap in exchange for life is exposed to the ground, and all of them only appear for a moment.

This moment has no impact on the war situation at this time. The death of ordinary zombies is almost just a drop of water vapor in the tide, and it is impossible to make the whole wave retreat.

However, this person's madness has laid the tone of this war from the beginning, which is a deeper life and death, more determined and belief than at the beginning.



Only one side can live!

When this change occurs, when this difference is born, the world has already put a two-choice problem in front of everyone.

In addition to life and death, there is no answer to the best of both things, and it is impossible to find other answers.

At the beginning of the battle, only the tired soldiers were replaced by reinforcements after using their last bit of strength, but there was no sound of guns and the shadow of swords.

This is like an oversized grinding disc, a grinding disc of life and death.

From the moment it turns, it is destined to never stop turning before the flesh and blood are ground.

The battle was fought from noon to late at night and from late at night to dawn.

The quality of this corpse tide is almost the same as the last time, but it is double in quantity.

However, in the final battle situation, the base has a more obvious upper hand.

Just because although there are more zombies and the offensive is more fierce, the opponents standing in front of them are also different!

It grows or collapses under extreme pressure, and there is nothing in the world of living beings that is more extensive than the pressure of war, and it can force people to grow and change.

The simplest and most intuitive point is that when the soldiers are no longer afraid to face zombies, their hands no longer tremble when they raise their weapons, and the bits and pieces come together, which finally shows two completely different levels of overall combat effectiveness.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The roar shocked the sky, making the corpses without intelligence stagnate.

And when the countless zombies fell under the city, and when what could be seen was already the corpse mountain everywhere, the corpse king who gathered the zombies army finally appeared in the telescope.

According to normal conditions, the corpse king will not appear during the day, especially so early.

However, due to the change of strength brought by momentum, experience and mood at the base, the number of zombies was sharply reduced until the corpse king was pushed in front of everyone in advance.

If it doesn't come out again, it may become a light pole commander.

If human beings may still do this, they will think about what to keep the green mountains without firewood, but the corpse king will not.

Its instinct makes it come out and let the tide of corpses come because of it, but it also moves with the tide of corpses.

But it is its instinct that will eventually erase it from this world.

It was a number of figures appearing in front of it. If there was a connection between the corpse kings, it would know that it was these people who killed its companions.

However, there was one more person who rushed out at this time. It was a girl dressed in white, dressed like a snowman like a fairy.

When she rushed forward, a snow-like shadow suddenly appeared, which was as fast as lightning in the fing roar.

That's - Hu Xiao!


Talent is a speechless thing, and it becomes a genius when it is placed on people.

No sound has been amazing. There are many people who can do this kind of thing, but most of them are just more tolerant and willing to work hard, and they are not talented or genius.

It can only be amazing in the most ordinary situations, and once you break through the diaphragm, you will fly to the sky.

Qin Xue is definitely one of them.

Before the mood problem occurred, she was already the most dazzling among the people except Zheng Yonghao.

It's just that Zheng Yonghao's strength hides her strength, so that although most people can see her excellence, they can't connect her with the word "powerful".

But Zheng Yonghao has always been very clear that if the comparison is really fair, then no one can progress faster than Qin Xue in this base, even among all the people he has seen.

Including himself, if you remove all external factors, the understanding of the mutants, the memory of the previous life, the specialness of the supernuclear power, the magic of Luo Yunling, and the mystery of Su Xiaoshan...

If you don't consider these, even if you just remove a few of them, Zheng Yonghao will feel that he has been completely thrown away by Qin Xue.

He is lucky and accumulated in two generations, and sometimes even speculates whether it will be the compensation of fate.

But in Qin Xue, it is completely a gift, destined to leave a glorious page in this world.

Especially now, when Qin Xue first subdued the energy beast with his help and then avoided dangerous mood problems, her talent immediately surging with the recovery of her body.

Originally, only 375's physical energy value was directly increased to more than 400, but now 427's strength level not only catches up with Zheng Yonghao, but also completely crushes everyone else.

And even Zheng Yonghao did not expect that Qin Xue would get more than just a leap of strength this time.

The energy beast, which should have taken more than a month to adapt to her, was also blessed by this small accident. It directly synchronized with her at the energy level and could appear to fight for her.

It can be said that in addition to the experience that talent cannot be completely made up for, Qin Xue's strength has undoubtedly stood at the top of the present.

A few years in advance - standing at the top!

With the addition of such a super combat power, it is completely esirable to know what will happen to the corpse king whose strength is almost the same as the previous one.

But in fact, the battle still ended much faster than expected.

Because even Zheng Yonghao did not expect that when Qin Xue's strength caught up, the power that the two of them could explode when they cooperated would increase a lot.

As if it were destroyed and rotten, the body of the corpse king claimed to be invulnerable with knives and guns disappeared under the two extremes of ice and fire.

During the whole process, Zhang Jie, the kite T, who was responsible for seducing the enemy, only used mocking perfume once, and Zhang Detao hardly felt much pressure in cooperation with the White Tiger Energy Beast.

Even Guan Shanhai, who was arranged underground by Zheng Yonghao, did not have time to exert his ability, but slightly limited the action of the Corpse King and created an opportunity for the two to work together to attack.

However, at the moment when the corpse king fell, Zheng Yonghao, the most powerful, also found something.

The body of the corpse king that was smashed into pieces did not actually disappear, but was all collected by Guan Shanhai. It seemed that it was absorbing the residual power of the corpse king, which could not even use his supernuclear power.

For this, Zheng Yonghao just remembered it and quietly paid attention to the changes in Guan Shanhai.

Except for Su Xiaoshan, he did not tell anyone, because of Guan Shanhai's identity and because he did not want to cause unnecessary suspicion or even panic.

Su Xiaoshan didn't care after hearing about it. She just said that this was the special feature of Guan Shanhai and his means of evolution, just like human beings can eat meat, and he also needed to absorb the same power.

There was an explanation, but Zheng Yonghao vaguely felt that Su Xiaoshan was also a little hesitant when explaining, but it was just a little vague. He could not be sure, and Su Xiaoshan simply did not admit it.

The battle lasted for a long time, but it ended quickly.

And such a big victory has brought more changes to the base than before, and it is obvious that confidence is replacing anger and madness.

For this phenomenon, both Zheng Yonghao and Tiexiu Chengdu are only happy, because they know that confidence is more important than madness on the battlefield.

Because of this "war", it still needs to continue.

For grassroots warriors, the reward after winning is the best encouragement, and the bonfire will also give them the most comfortable warmth, giving them almost intoxicated relaxation.

But for Zheng Yonghao and others, time is extremely tight.

Qin Xue is not the only one who has grown in strength. The fierce battle has improved Zhang Detao to a certain extent.

And the improvement of strength allows them to withstand a higher concentration of original breath, which can go deeper into the original basement again, and can also get more benefits to help further improve.

This is like a virtuous circle. The more powerful it is, the faster it can make progress. But what needs to be paid is to race against time and not waste every bit of time.

For yourself, for relatives, for brothers, for the collective!

Everyone is working hard, and the war with the zombies continues.

About a week before the first two corpse tides, but the third and fourth corpse tides were only within five days.

Gradually, everyone has almost figured out the rules. Regardless of the size of the corpse tide, there will be at least three days apart.

It seems that there is a division of territory between different corpse kings, and the territory between the two corpse kings always takes three days to pass.

Knowing this information, the deployment of the base will naturally be adjusted accordingly.

However, almost all these adjustments were made by iron repair, and the orders were also issued by him.

Except for the battle against the corpse king and the emergence of serious crises such as a large group of jumping ghosts, Zheng Yonghao and others will never appear in front of the public.

Cultivating ability, improving physique, killing the corpse king, and destroying the corpse tide, these people almost follow a fixed and boring trajectory like office workers.

Until this day, they suddenly appeared together on the tower.

Tie Xiucheng was also with them, and even Guan Shanhai, who rarely appeared, was quietly waiting there.

So abnormal, coupled with a preparation instruction issued in advance, makes everyone feel like a stormy.