The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 260 Go with you

The blonde woman's whole body suddenly stiffened, and she could feel the sharp breath from that hand, which made her subconsciously unable to say anything.

"Don't move, I'll kill you if you move."

The person who opened his mouth seemed to suddenly step into the light from the shadow, showing a handsome but strangely beautiful face, which was Luo Yuan dressed in men's clothing.

The blonde woman really didn't move, and she didn't even take her eyes back from the distant battlefield. And there was a strange look on her face, as if she had been held hostage by Luo Yuan, which made her a little more relaxed than before.

A strange thing flashed in Luo Yuan's eyes. She knew what the blonde woman was thinking through mind reading. This was this idea... made her feel a little funny.

Luo Yuan hummed softly and said, "You think you are holding me out and let me not besiege your lover, right?"

The blonde woman, who was still calm even if she was held hostage, shivered and suddenly turned her head and looked at Luo Yuan with wide eyes.

Luo Yuan sneered and said, "Don't look at me like this. Do you really think you can hide your little thoughts from others? Anyway, you can't hide it from me. Do you think I set an ambush with Zheng Yonghao to attack and kill your little lover?

The psychological quality of the blonde woman is obviously very strong. She has calmed down in a short moment and spit out a voice and said, "Isn't it?"

"Hey! You really think too highly of yourself. It's true to deliberately lead you to appear, but haven't you seen the siege yet?"

"What?" After listening to Luo Yuan's words, the blonde woman couldn't pretend to be calm.

She could hear what Luo Yuan meant, which clearly meant that even if there was no ambush or siege, Mike was not Zheng Yonghao's opponent!

The blonde woman could no longer care about Luo Yuan beside her, and regardless of whether her life was in the other party's hands, she immediately turned her eyes to the front.

The result of the battle occurs at the same time!

The chaotic area caused by the fierce battle burst, and it seemed that an endless wind broke out from the center and swept away in all directions, with a fog, showing the end.

Those are two figures dozens of meters away, all standing, but people can't distinguish their state in a moment.

"All alive, Mike is still alive!" The blonde woman clenched her fist and suppressed it, but subconsciously made a sound.

Although both of them standing means that Mike can't kill Zheng Yonghao, so what? She cares more about Mike himself, and nothing is more important than his life, including victory and honor!

"I want to go there." The blonde woman said to Luo Yuan, as if she didn't feel that it was too much to make such a request as a hostage.

However, Luo Yuan sneered and said, "If you want to see it, then go and see it!"


Just as soon as the blonde woman wanted to say how to go if you didn't let me go, she felt that the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and Luo Yuan took her directly to teleport.


The feeling of spinning is far more violent than when she used the transmission device, but this means that Luo Yuan's transmission ability is stronger or worse... She can't tell.

But she didn't care to think about this. At such a distance, she could already see Mike's state clearly and couldn't help trembling.

Mike**'s upper body has scars, many of which are as deep as the bone, and the left rib is deeply collapsed and almost penetrating, which can be seen as a trace of a fist.

Blood is also flowing out of Mike's seven orifices, and even his pupils have been stained red by blood, but the blood has not stopped.


The blonde woman shouted, even though she knew that she was likely to be killed by Luo Yuan as long as she moved, she still struggled to rush out.

"I said, don't move!"

I don't see how hard Luo Yuan tried. The blonde woman fell to the ground as if she had been hit hard.

Anyone can see that she is suffering greatly. But in this way, what she shouted was not "pain", but Mike's name.

I can't stand up, but I'm crawling over there!

Luo Yuan frowned. As long as she took action, she could easily control the woman.

It's heavier, and it can take the other party's life in the blink of an eye.

But unlike her usual behavior, this time she took back the hand that had been poked out, and at the same time muttered as if to explain to herself, "I can take you down at any time and let you go over. What can you do?"

The blonde woman seemed to not hear it at all and had struggled to stand up.

But the closest to her at this moment is not Mike, but Zheng Yonghao.

And she can see it as clearly as Luo Yuan. Zheng Yonghao's body is also in a mess, full of traces of fierce fighting, but he was not seriously injured.

It is very clear who will win or lose, and even only a big gap will have such a result.

It seems that Zheng Yonghao is not without the power of war, and it doesn't seem too difficult to kill her when she passes by.

But the blonde woman is still persistent and struggles to move forward, just because the closest distance can make her walk to the man in the shortest time.

But at this moment, Mike, who had been standing there with his head down and turned into a blood man, suddenly raised his head.

This scene made the blonde woman happy. She was trying to speed up her pace when she heard Mike roar: "Don't come here!"


The blonde woman was stunned and habitually listened to each other's words, but in the end she shook her head and continued to walk.

Mike's shoulders shook and his arms trembled violently. It was clear that he wanted to lift it up, but he couldn't do it at all.

"I want you not to come over, didn't you hear me?" Mike's voice was hoarse, and there seemed to be blood clots in his throat, breaking the sound.

But such a weak voice, speaking from Mike's mouth, still with a majesty, irrefutable and disobedient majesty, made the blonde woman choose to stop in the struggle.

You can't disobey, you can't disobey, even your own heart can't compare with the other party's words.

The blonde woman really hopes that Mike can come over and don't let him pass, so he will come over, but Mike has turned his head and turned his eyes to their enemies.

Zheng Yonghao also had blood marks on the corners of his mouth and still suffered internal injuries, but it was obviously not as serious as Mike.

Facing the other party's eyes, his expression was very calm, but his eyes were a little strange. Although it is still cold, it seems that... it hides the murderous intention.

The nervous blonde woman was still behind Zheng Yonghao. Naturally, she could not see his eyes, nor could she know that Zheng Yonghao was murderous but not murderous at this time.

Only Luo Yuan noticed this, but I don't know why such a change happened to Zheng Yonghao, but it must be related to the fierce battle just now.

"Why? Why did you choose to die when you could live?

Zheng Yonghao finally opened his mouth, but what he said made Luo Yuan frown and stunned the blonde woman.

Isn't Mike's near-death and serious injury at this time not due to Zheng Yonghao? Otherwise, how could he say so?

But immediately, she seemed to think of something, and her face, which had lost her blood color due to tension, was even more shocked, as if she had seen a ghost.

The blonde woman opened her mouth in shock, and even her voice was trembling: "Mike, did you... use that thing?"

She finally understood where Mike's injury came from. Naturally, the most serious thing seemed to be a punch in the ribs, which must be from Zheng Yonghao's fist.

But what causes blood to flow into his seven orifices is probably another thing, something that will be planted as long as the person with a black flag.

There are nanoviruses in the blood of the desperate team, micro bombs in the bodies of the skeleton army, and even the most common black flag people have implanted things that restrict their movements.

And higher-level people, Cao Yan, he has, Mike... also has.

That is the gift given to them by the organization, giving them extraordinary strength, but it is also a shackle imposed on them and chains that bind their footsteps.

Except for being directly triggered by some means mastered by the senior management of the organization, as long as it is not used, the thing can almost continuously provide energy to their powers and make them quickly become stronger.

But once it is used, the energy in it will explode instantly, making them have several times more powerful than usual in a short time, but the result... is death!

The muscles and bones of the whole body collapse, and the blood energy of the whole body boils. This is the worst way to die, just like——

It's the same as Mike at this moment!

"Yes, I used the divine crystal."

Mike said calmly, but in the ears of the blonde woman, it was tantamount to being hit in the head by lightning.

She didn't dare to say her name, just because she was afraid, and because she didn't want to believe it. But Mike admitted it simply, as if it were just a trivial matter...

The blonde woman stayed there as if she had lost her mind.

She didn't notice a trace of sadness and apology in Mike's eyes, which was something that had never been revealed in front of her.

But it was only for a moment. Mike had already said to Zheng Yonghao, "I said that there can only one person between you and me to survive. And now, you are the one who survived, so live well for me!"

Zheng Yonghao twisted into Sichuan characters in the middle of his eyebrows and stared at Mike, but finally just nod and said a word: "Okay!"


Mike suddenly laughed and was not interrupted until he spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't forget what I just said, and don't forget what you said yourself, and don't forget that you are not strong enough now, and you need to be stronger! Promise me!"

Mike roared, Zheng Yonghao wiped the blood stains from his lips, stood straight, and said solemnly, "I promise you!"

"Good! Hahaha... OK!"

Mike didn't know where the strength came from in his wild smile, which made the obviously broken arm wave and shake it fiercely.

"Then go, go far away. I don't want anyone to see my last bastard! But..."

It turns out that Mike's real name is He Xuan, which is the blood in his body and the name engraved by the deepest soul.

He said later, a high and crazy voice suddenly sank, looking at the stunned blonde woman.

He Xuan said, "Please take her away. This is my only request."

Zheng Yonghao narrowed his eyes slightly, but said without hesitation, "Okay."

But just as he grabbed the woman's arm and wanted to take the other party away from here, the blonde suddenly woke up from sluggishness, or... she had already woken up.

"No! I'm not leaving!"


The unbelievable power suddenly burst out of the blonde woman and waved to Zheng Yonghao's arm.

Even if Zheng Yonghao has been seriously injured at this moment, it should not be what this woman can shake.

But as a result, Zheng Yonghao was beaten more than ten meters away by the other party. If Luo Yuan hadn't appeared in time, he would not have been able to stand safely!

When encountering such an accident, Zheng Yonghao's pupils tightened and his expression was solemn, but he was not surprised.

He looked at He Xuan and also looked at the blonde woman, as if to remember the two people.

Luo Yuan also seemed to notice something. Standing beside Zheng Yonghao, he was surprisingly silent, just frowning and looking at the two people who had come together in front of him.

"What's the pain?"

He Xuan opened her mouth and made the blonde woman with her lips tremble slightly, because she had never heard the other party talk to her in such a tone before today.

He Xuan raised his hand with difficulty and seemed to want to touch the blonde woman's face, but obviously he could not even do such a simple action until the blonde woman grabbed his hand, lifted his arm, and gently put the palm on her cheek.

"I'm willing to. I will go wherever you are, and I will go wherever you go. No matter where you are, I will go with you. I'm just sorry that I can't give you my beauty at the last moment..."

The blonde woman was muttering and her voice trembled. I don't know whether it was because of the palm or her own pain.

Cracks appeared on her original smooth skin, as if the glass was cracking, and the cracks... were blood!

The same scene also happened to He Xuan, but more violent than that of the blonde woman, as if there was light and endless energy blooming from those cracks...

"Let's go!"

Zheng Yonghao took another look at the two people who finally hugged each other, and the consequences turned around and ran away.

Luo Yuan was slightly stunned, biting his lips and looking at the two people, but he couldn't see anything clearly.

It's like a light cocoon, wrapping the two people together, waiting for them to break the cocoon and be reborn or turn into dream butterflies.

"I'm sorry."

"But I'm very happy."

"Do you like me?"

"Well, I like you."

"That's great."

"Can we be together in the next life?"

"I will, I will be together..."

Someone seems to be talking softly in the wind, but when they listen to it, they can't hear anything clearly.

Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan were faster than the wind and sound in the speeding, but they surprisingly heard it clearly.

Sometimes, some sounds may really break through the shackles of the law.

Just like people walking on the road of evolution, they are also breaking through one inherent thing after another.

The two finally stopped. They didn't say anything, just stood and looked back.

That is the far end of the horizon. Obviously, there is already a sun, but now it is only as small as the early morning star, because there is a bigger and brighter light, like a bigger sun shining.

This brilliant brightness surpasses everything at least at this moment.

In a few minutes!

The huge "sun" is still shining in the sky, and the wind from how far away it came is still fiercely ferocious after the long journey, making Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan change their faces at the same time.

"Let's go and talk about it later." Zheng Yonghao said.

"Well, but your injury?"

Luo Yuan said softly, obviously depressed, which was different from usual.

Zheng Yonghao shook his head: "It doesn't matter, it's just a minor injury."

After saying this, the two went on the road again, but they took a detour and rushed to their nearest rest point.

Neither of them mentioned it along the way, nor even spoke again.

But they all know what the sun-like light is just now, and that the two were originally enemies, but at this moment, they can no longer be regarded as opponents.

Maybe they have become light, if there is heaven.

Maybe they have turned into butterflies in another world, where there is no catastrophe, only beauty.

There are no words that can't be said, and there are no secrets buried in my heart.

Only sincerity, only happiness, like a dream, but it can be more real...

Just before arriving at the rest point, Zheng Yonghao looked back when Luo Yuan walked a little faster.

At this distance, he can't see anything.

With his state of mind, he can minimize the impact now. He can no longer think about Mike or He Xuan, or the blonde woman who doesn't even know her name.

But he can't control himself from asking himself a question--

If it is him, there is a person who is willing to go happily wherever he is, and willing to accompany him sincerely wherever he goes.

Is there anyone who is willing to follow him at any time and in any situation?

And can there be such a person who can let him go with each other willingly?

Zheng Yonghao shook his head. The most difficult and impossible thing to guess in the world is people's hearts, and the most difficult to find and the most impossible to find is the people's hearts.

Including himself, even if he already has an answer in his heart, he will never be sure unless it really arrives at that moment.

For a moment, Luo Yuan didn't know where he had gone, but he was not worried.

He doesn't think such a non-human girl can be touched, I'm afraid it's just washing and changing clothes.

Although she can complete the conversion with just an idea, after all, both men's and women's clothing are some kind of energy, which is similar to illusion, and she still needs to take care of it.

As for whether he will encounter danger, Zheng Yonghao is even less worried.

Even the projection split that they are most afraid of is definitely not Luo Yuan's opponent now. At most, it is to die together...

Luo Yuan certainly doesn't want to do that, but of course the other party will not have such a perverted suicide hobby. Of course, there is no need to worry too much.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before Luo Yuan, who had changed his clothes, appeared in front of him.

But looking at Luo Yuan's appearance, Zheng Yonghao was still a little surprised.

Although it looks no different from before, he just feels that something is wrong, as if she has a particularly thick makeup today.

What are you looking at? Haven't you seen it?" Luo Yuan said angrily, "What happened before? Should we talk about it?"

Zheng Yonghao accepted the doubts in his heart and stretched out his hand to take out something.