The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 271 Space-Time Tracing Device

No matter what Yan Huayu and other people plan to do with these things, it must not be a good thing for the central city.

"It's too vicious!"

Everyone was immediately angry, which was still when Zheng Yonghao did not fully introduce the power of this thing.

If they really know that such an inconspicuous small box can turn into a nuclear bomb... I'm afraid that no matter how bold people are, they will still be scared to pee.

They don't know, but Tie Xiucheng knows.

He immediately looked at Zheng Yonghao and asked urgently, "You..."

Zheng Yonghao understood that he was asking about the rest of the Leiyuan spirit powder, which may even have been transformed into some kind of "finished product", and immediately shook his head.

He and Luo Yuan have done something, which is very much in terms of the time they spent, but in fact, the time is still limited, let alone find anything similar.

"You can't wait, let's go! That place is..."

Tie Xiucheng said the location. Sure enough, it was a place that Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan did not find. Even Lin Jiancheng, who was arranged by Tie Xiucheng early to be next to Yan Huayu, did not know.

The situation was urgent and could not be delayed, and the group immediately walked out and left magnificently.

Tie Xiucheng is really careful. Even in this case, he didn't forget to disguise it and don't let the news that he has woke up be exposed for the time being.

However, Luo Yuan, a casual queen, doesn't need him to wrap himself up layer by layer here. He just took out something the size of a button and pasted it on his body. The next moment, our iron city owner became a standard passer-by armor.

Everyone rubbed their eyes and were surprised. If they hadn't seen the casual clothing process with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe that the one in front of them was their old superior.

"It's amazing!" Especially Zhang Jie was the most surprised, and the eyes looking at Luo Yuan were different.

"What are you doing?"

Lou Yuan was a little feroed by him, and Zhang Jie rubbed her hands and said shyly, "Sister, can you give me one? I want to be more handsome, so that Xiaofang will definitely not refuse my love."


Everyone was speechless, and Luo Yuan was dumb in an instant. Then his face turned red, he cursed and rolled, waved his hand and slapped him.

Zhang Jie's reaction was really good, and she was about to turn into a shadow immediately, but his ability was not enough in front of Luo Yuan. It was simply a trick.

I saw that his shadow did not turn into a meteor and flew directly out of the window.

In the blink of an eye, only his cold voice echoed in everyone's ears, and his people... could not see it at all.

"Damn, I forgot that my sister's attack speed is worth it..."


Everyone was speechless again, and even Zheng Yonghao and Tie Xiucheng, who had become a passer-by, twitched at the corners of their mouths.

The latter thinks that Zhang Jie is indeed Zhang Jie, and he really hasn't made any progress. But I haven't seen him for two years, and I actually forgot who he was most afraid of at the beginning.

It was not the majestic Iron City Lord or Zheng Yonghao who brought him back, but the Miss Luo Yuan who became famous and completely convinced him in the First World War.

Zheng Yonghao secretly stroked his forehead and said in his heart what he had done!

If he hadn't pulled the future shadow pit god into the team, he wouldn't have become so out of tune... It's simply more and more like Qin Ming.

However, he was not worried that Zhang Jie would be injured, because he could see that Luo Yuan did not work hard at all, and the goods flew out entirely by himself.

And it's just three stories high outside, which is small for him.

Zheng Yonghao, who has not met Zhang Jie for nearly two years, thinks so, and so do the other people who fight side by side with Zhang Jie.

They know too well about Zhang Jie's combat effectiveness and how strong the survival ability of this product is.

Not to mention just falling from three floors, it's just to throw him on the world's tallest Dubai Tower... He must be alive.

Of course, the premise is to find the building first. According to the current urine nature of the world, I'm afraid that kind of landmark has long been gone.

When everyone left the city master's mansion, they saw Zhang Jie standing outside like nothing happened.

He is equivalent to taking a fast elevator and falling freely.

Zheng Yonghao and Tiexiu Chengdu have something on their minds and don't bother to say anything about him.

Other people don't care. A laughter and sarcasm is inevitable. Zhang Jie also laughed and didn't care. However, when she saw Luo Yuan, the feeling of desperately hiding back could not be hidden.

Zheng Yonghao has something in his heart and does not participate in the mood of jokes. But it is also gratifying to see that they are so harmonious.

These people are not ordinary. No one has ordinary strength experience, and it can even be said that no one is normal.

It's normal to raise your hand to kill people and be furious. Unless it is a really close and trustworthy person, how can such a joke be allowed?

Zheng Yonghao, who walked side by side at the front, said to Tie Xiucheng, "Everyone's relationship looks very good."

"Yes!" Tie Xiucheng's face also smiled: "Everyone is really like a family now, but many times I miss the original team more."

Zheng Yonghao smiled and understood what Tie Xiucheng meant.

At that time, their number was very small, and they could not compare with today in various conditions, but there were fewer intrigues and almost no complicated ideas.

What everyone wants is to go home, find relatives, and arrive at the destination.

They are even more like relatives, and now the harmony that makes them feel gratified was only normal at that time.

Zheng Yonghao said, "It can be the same now, but there are more family members."

"Yes, it's just that there are more family members."

Tie Xiucheng agreed, but he seemed to be lost in thought and did not notice the change of Zheng Yonghao's look at that moment.

In fact, what Zheng Yonghao just wanted to say was, "The past has passed, and we can't come back, but we can build the present better..." But when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say it.

Because he himself... has gone back to the past and even changed the present!

The two were silent for a moment, and the place where they were accidentally discovered by Tie Xiucheng has arrived.

was not beyond their expectation. Everything that had been hidden here before had been emptied.

Yan Huayu or anyone else are not fools. It is impossible to be found and don't know the transfer.

Even if they finally convinced that Tie Xiucheng could not reveal the secret, they were even afraid that they did not realize what they were hiding, but they would still react.

Looking at the situation here, I'm afraid that they had moved this place empty before the news of Tie Xiucheng's poisoning and sleepiness came out. Now it's just an abandoned basement that no one has approached for months.

"Is there any way?" Tie Xiucheng frowned and asked.

Now that he knows what those powders are, it is impossible for him not to worry.

No one wants to live on a nuclear bomb, especially without even knowing where the nuclear bombs are buried. Maybe it's under their own bed.

And now that this place has been moved so clean, unless Zheng Yonghao has any magical means, he really doesn't think he can find any clues.

Zheng Yonghao was not very anxious. Something appeared in front of everyone while waving his hand, which was suddenly a round instrument like an egg.

No one knows what this is. Except for a few people, the rest of the people marveled at Zheng Yonghao's ability to take things out of thin air.

They have long heard that the founder has several abilities, including more enviable space powers and exclusive storage space, but they have not seen it with their own eyes until today.

"What is this?"

Tie Xiucheng also can't recognize what Zheng Yonghao took out, but he can also think that it must have something to do with what they want to investigate.

There was a surprise on Luo Yuan's face. Obviously, he didn't expect Zheng Yonghao to have this thing, but he only figured out the truth in an instant.

This large egg, which is like an antenna inserted, is not simple. It is a space-time backtracking device owned by the senior personnel of the Black Flag Organization.

Before, Mike and the blonde woman used this to track down Zheng Yonghao, because they could roughly see what had happened somewhere.

Of course, this machine can't really reverse the time, but can collect and restore resident information in an area.

For example, the old-fashioned silver-plated mirror contains silver nitrate, which has the effect of photosensitive imaging. It only takes some specific technical means to re-energe, and then reproduce some pictures that have appeared in front of this mirror.

The principle of this machine is similar, but it is more complex. The information that can be collected is not limited to exposure imaging, as well as electromagnetic information, etc., which can be explored and analyzed, and finally presented.

At the beginning, Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan also killed high-level figures who owned this machine, but the other party seemed to have a rule that they could not let this thing fall into the hands of the enemy. The first thing they could do was to destroy all the equipment.

So in Luo Yuan's memory, they did not get a complete and normal backtracking device, which made them suddenly doubt.

But thinking that Mike has given Zheng Yonghao more confidential things, he will also give him such an important device... Naturally, it is understandable.

Zheng Yonghao quickly launched the machine, and the scenes projected in the air stunned everyone like a bun who had never seen the world, and even Tiexiu Chengdu was no exception.

Who has seen this, the past can still be reproduced, just like a movie... This is too dark technology!

The longer it happens, the more difficult it is to go back, because there will be more information stored in this space, and the later it will gradually cover the previous one.

If it is a busy place in a downtown area, it is difficult to trace back three days ago, let alone three months ago.

But it's different here. No one else has come here for months, and there is no new information to interfere.

Although the picture is still quite vague, what happened here three months ago has gradually recurred in front of everyone.

"That's... the lord of the city!"

In the eyes of everyone, a man is knocked over an enemy and then swaying to the door.

This person is an iron repair.