Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 2 Spatial Change

Under Zhang Yu's emotional offensive, Zhang Jian couldn't help but agree to Zhang Yu's request and promised to help her choose a " martial arts secret book" suitable for her practice when she went home. Zhang Yu was very satisfied with this. Unfortunately, far water can't quench his thirst. Zhang Yu can only do some simple exercises first, such as getting up early, simply meditating, and practicing Taijiquan every day with Professor Chen. Although these are just ordinary exercises, the effect is not bad for Zhang Yu, who has never used exercise. After a period of exercise, Zhang Yu's physical condition is much better than before. However, there is also a reason why the effect is so good, because after Zhang Yu has this space at any time, his body Some changes have also taken place. She eats much more than before and has become extremely edible. Now she eats more and is hungry quickly. Her body that has not moved for several years has also increased a few centimeters, from 162 centimeters to 165 centimeters now. Although she has eaten a lot recently, her figure has not become fat, but is constantly losing weight. The excess fat on the body has disappeared and become slim. The skin of the whole body has become very tight and elastic, and the skin has become much whiter. Generally speaking, the whole body is developing towards a good place. The only bad thing is that the cost of eating has increased a lot more than before, but I still often feel hungry. .

Soon, a month passed like this. Zhang Yu was busy exercising every day, mastering his spatial ability, and studying ancient literature. His life was very full. Slowly, as her body changed, her food began to gradually decrease, although it was larger than before her body changed. However, it will not seem too exaggerated. With the disappearance of these changes, the changes in her portable space have gradually stopped. Now Zhang Yu's space is nearly twice as large as before, becoming 200 cubic meters. Zhang Yu felt that this was the result of her exercise. It was not until later that she knew that her space The reason why it can change is that her physical condition when she woke up that day could not afford the complete formation and stability of her portable space. After exercise, her physical condition stabilized, the portable space was completely stable. Zhang Yu, who didn't know these reasons, thought that her space could continue to evolve, so she worked harder to exercise. She checked a lot of information about portable space on the Internet, read some novels in these aspects, and various space capabilities, which opened her eyes. She saw what others had. The portable space can make people live in it, and the ability is also very strange: in some spaces, there are mountains and springs, and springs are treasures. Drinking them can eliminate impurities in the body and enhance their physique. After soaking in them, they can treat injuries; some spaces can also grow flowers and vegetables, raise chickens and ducks, and there are accelerated planting. Physical growth, the efficacy of strong chickens and ducks, etc. She has seen a lot and concluded that although the effects in these portable spaces are different, they have one thing in common, that is, these portable spaces are simply a blessed place exclusive to individuals, allowing people to hide and survive. Compared with the portable spaces where they can only store things, those caves are blessed. She is so envious and yearning, so Zhang Yu regards the kind of blessing in the novel as the ultimate goal of his space evolution.

Through repeated experiments, Zhang Yu finally found a major benefit of his space, because her space is nothing, everything does not exist, and time is still. Therefore, no matter what is put in, how long it takes, after taking it out, it is the same as before. The advantage of her space is that it can preserve quality, so Zhang Yubi's gradually positioned the space as a mobile warehouse that can carry items with her.

The space is very convenient, safe and portable. Zhang Yu lives in the dormitory and the space is limited. Therefore, she puts a lot of her belongings into her personal space, such as all kinds of books, her clothes, etc. that she usually likes to read. As a result, her space is full of all kinds of With the increasing number of items she put in, all kinds of debris floated randomly in the space, making the space look messy. Zhang Yu controls the collection through his own consciousness. Every time he takes things, he must first find the item with his own consciousness, and then he can use his own essence. Zhang Yu's spiritual power is not strong now to take out the corresponding items. Now the space is messy, which has caused a lot of inconvenience to her. Therefore, she plans to take time to sort out her space well.

On a relatively sunny day (compared with the current rainy weather), Zhang Yu began to sort out her space. Zhang Yu first considered her precious books, which she usually bought with the money she earned as an assistant for Professor Chen. Now there are few ancient books and it is difficult to buy. Most of Zhang Yu's books were found in the second-hand goods trading market. Most of these books are relatively old and stored at ordinary times. At that time, Zhang Yu paid special attention to protection. Every time she read it, she was also very careful for fear of damage. Now she put them all into her own space, but these books and those miscellaneous things together made Zhang Yu feel very uncomfortable. She wanted to protect these books well and be careful. Today, taking advantage of this hard-won sunny day, she went to the second-hand market to buy a large old bookshelf (the new one is too expensive) and find an empty place to secretly put it in her space. Then, she put all the books on the bookshelf with her own mental strength and put them in different categories. After sorting out her precious books, she also bought a big hanger, tidyed up her own clothes and hung them on this hanger. After that, while she had time, she bought an old desk, sorted out the other sundries and put them on this desk.

According to the plan, after sorting out, Zhang Yu temporarily divided his space into four areas. The first area placed her treasure collection, where there is only one large old bookshelf, in which her collection is neatly placed. The second area is her clothes, with an old hanger with her clothes hanging neatly. The third area is placed with food, which contains some ordinary food, mostly snacks that Zhang Yu usually likes to eat, and some mineral water. The fourth area is placed with daily necessities and sundries, which is an old desk containing toiletries that Zhang Yu usually uses, commonly used tools, and some small things she usually collects. After this arrangement, Zhang Yu's space immediately became orderly, and Zhang Yu himself was very satisfied with it.

With space, the system and spiritual strength have also been greatly enhanced. Therefore, Zhang Yu has been very happy recently and often smiles. She looks energetic and radiant. Although her appearance is still so ordinary and inconspicuous, her skin has become white recently. She is much fairer, and her body has also increased a few centimeters. In addition, there is no variety of fat on her body. The whole body looks very white and slender, and with her soft black hair, which makes her whole body look a little more beautiful. Although it is still ordinary from afar, if you look carefully, you will feel that The more pleasing she looks, she looks very patient, because her relationship with other people in the dormitory is not so close, so she did not attract the attention of the dormitory people, but Professor Chen, who often studies ancient literature with her, found her change.

Professor Chen himself likes Zhang Yu very much. In his eyes, Zhang Yu is a very likable girl. He thinks that she is very stable and not arrogant and impatient. She is not as impetuous as those girls these times. She can really calm down and is willing to suffer. She is a rare good child. Therefore, he is also willing to help his student in many ways. After seeing Zhang Yu's recent changes, he was very happy. He used to feel that Zhang Yu was a little too restrained and didn't like to socialize much (in fact, after coming to H City for a long time, Zhang Yu became cold). He usually seldom laughed. Now, when he sees that she often laughs, he also knows how to exercise (follow him to practice) Xi Taijiquan), he was also very happy for Zhang Yu, especially after Zhang Yu's mental strength was strengthened, his mind became more flexible, and he became more and more profiant in doing things. Therefore, Professor Chen found that Zhang Yu had made great progress during this period, and he felt more satisfied.

Professor Chen has a son named Chen Feng, who is tall and handsome. His grades are among the best in the whole school. He is a very outstanding person. He is a popular figure in DZ University. Now he is studying for the second year of graduate school. As an authority and expert in ancient literature, Chen Jiao He very much hopes that his son can inherit his manor. Unfortunately, his son likes finance and doesn't like the old-fashioned ancient culture of the State of Z. Professor Chen retreated and hopes that his son Chen Feng and Zhang Yu, who is very gifted in ancient literature, can become a couple and let Zhang Yu inherit his Mano, in that way, he will also feel very satisfied. Unfortunately, because he has no sense of ancient literature and is afraid of Professor Chen's talk, Chen Feng rarely comes to the place where Professor Chen works. Even if he comes, as a popular figure in the school, there are many beautiful women around him, and he does not leave any impression on the ordinary-like Zhang Yu, such as Now, Zhang Yu has also been an assistant to Professor Chen for nearly two years, but the relationship between Professor Chen's son Chen Feng and Zhang Yu is not much different from strangers. Later, Professor Chen slowly gave up.

Zhang Yu and Chen Feng are not familiar with each other, but they have a good relationship with Long Xiang, the son of Professor Long, who is in the same department as Professor Chen. The two seem to be much closer than others. Recently, Professor Chen saw Zhang Yu's face full of Chunguang and wondered whether Zhang Yu had happened to Long Xiang. Long Xiang was also raised by Professor Chen. He knew Long Xiang is a very good child. Now he is directly studying in our school. He likes the ancient culture of Z country very much and has the same hobbies as Zhang Yu. If Zhang Yu can really do everything with Long Xiang, he also agree with him. However, when he thinks of his son Chen Feng, Professor Chen feels a faint regret. His son doesn't like Zhang Yu. He has no choice. Parents want their children to be happy and don't want to force them. Therefore, he did not force his son to like Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu himself did not know that Professor Chen had missed her recent happiness, or she was happy all day long, thinking about how to make the recent spatial evolution. Unconsciously, the National Day of 2011 is approaching, and the weather in H City has finally cleared up.