Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 5 The Arrival of the National Day

After signing the agreement, Zhang Yu walked out of the teaching and research room and looked at the time. It was almost noon. Thinking that it was almost time for dinner, Zhang Yu decided to go to dinner first. During the meal, he could think about how to explain to his family what he could not go back on this National Day. According to the confidentiality agreement, From the National Day, she can't make phone calls, and the things and contents of her work can't be leaked. What kind of excuse should she find? Travel and so on are okay in the short term. If it takes a long time, she definitely can't. What should she say? Thinking about this, she feels that her head is big.

After dinner, Zhang Yu still couldn't find a suitable excuse. She couldn't. She decided to put it off first. Anyway, there is still one day tomorrow. Think about it in the evening. Now what she needs to do most is to prepare before entering the base. Zhang Yu plans to steal more teachers at work and try his best to maximize his interests. It is better to bring out the results of this research, which will be more perfect. According to the regulations, everything brought in must be handed in. Everything you come into contact during the research must not be brought out. Therefore, Zhang Yu decided to buy something that can record information and carry convenient to put it in his own space. At that time, he will find an opportunity to record useful information and put it in his own. In the space, and then carry it out.

After wandering for half an afternoon, she looked at all kinds of electronic products and looked at her thin wallet. Zhang Yu knew that with her current property, she did not want to buy high-tech things at all, so she had to turn her eyes elsewhere. In the end, she set a list of items as follows: an inexpensive USB flash drive, A cost-effective recording pen, a notebook (not a computer, but paper), and several small notebooks. The first two are used to store electronic information, and the latter two are used to record some non-electronic information, especially a few notepads, which are very small, easy to carry, hidden, can be torn off and carried around. It is not easy to detect and can be used to record some important information at any time. At the end of the shopping, Zhang Yu was still relatively satisfied with his plan, but when he saw his wallet that had been completely flattened and thought about his savings, Zhang Yu felt powerless for a while. Recently, he has spent too much money and has begun to overdraw. It can't go on like this. After this matter, he must let Long Xiang helped her introduce a few more part-time jobs. She has to work hard and try to make up for all the losses during this period.

At night, Zhang Yu still couldn't think about how to explain it to her family. She was embarrassed to open her mouth. Therefore, she tossed and turned at night, which greatly reduced her sleep quality compared with yesterday. It was really a heaven and an underground. She didn't sleep well, which caused her to have a little headache when she got up early, which made Her mood is getting worse and worse. Today is the last day, and tomorrow is going to leave for the base. If you don't explain, there will be no chance. However, as long as Zhang Yu thinks that her family thought she was going back soon and was actively and enthusiastically preparing to welcome herself, but suddenly, he told them that he would not go back. How hurtful it was! What should I do? As the saying goes: three stinky cobblers compete with Zhuge Liang. It doesn't mean that others can't imagine it. The cause of this matter is Professor Chen. He is much older than Zhang Yu and has rich experience. With the relationship between the two, it's better to find him to help him think of a way. If there is really no way, he You can ask him to call his family and say that there is a very important job in the school that he has to participate in, so there is no way to go back. With Professor Chen coming forward, his family should believe in himself. He can't go back this time. It's really involuntarily. After made up his mind, Zhang Yu immediately walked in the direction of Professor Chen's office.

After Zhang Yu came to the teaching and research office, he found that Professor Chen was not in his office. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, which is Zhang Yu's current state. Zhang Yu is unlucky today. In the past, at this time, Professor Chen would work in his office. I didn't expect to be away today. What can I do? Professor Chen usually pays great attention to health care. He feels that the radiation of mobile phones is too large and is not good for people's health. Therefore, he is determined not to use mobile phones. He has always used fixed phones. Usually, he does not go out often and is easy to find people. Zhang Yu has never felt that there is anything wrong with Professor Chen not using mobile phones before, and he is quite supportive of him in doing this. Law, but now, she has a cup. Just as Zhang Yu was very depressed, she suddenly heard someone calling her name and looked up, and the sound turned out to be Long Xiang.

"What are you doing? I've called you several times, but you didn't hear it!" Long Xiang asked strangely.

"Ah! It's nothing. It's just that there is something to find Professor Chen, but he happens to be absent. Do you know where he has gone? When will you be back?" Zhang Yu asked cautiously. In fact, at this time, she was very afraid of seeing Long Xiang. She said that this job was not as good as his own, but such a talented Long Xiang was brushed down. The two were so familiar with each other. It was very embarrassing to meet. Therefore, at this time, Zhang Yu really doesn't know what kind of attitude he should use to face Long Xiang.

"Professor Chen, someone called me before. It seems that something happened to Professor Chen's son Chen Feng and his girlfriend Fan Yaoyin. I don't know what it is. However, I saw that Professor Chen's face was not very good at that time. It should be a little tricky. ! I don't think he will come back this morning, even in the afternoon!" Long Xiang replied. Zhang Yu carefully looked at his expression, as if he was not lost because of his failure, which was no different from usual. Therefore, compared with Long Xiang's geneaty, Zhang Yu felt that he was a little too ** and pretentious before, and his attitude gradually became natural. Without the previous care, he returned to plain. The attitude towards Long Xiang.

"What's the matter with you looking for Professor Chen? But depending on the current situation, he can't help you for the time being. Long Xiang said. Say it and listen. Maybe I can help you." Long Xiang thought for a moment and said again.

"Well, I was going to go home on the National Day, but I have agreed with my family that my gifts are ready!" Zhang Yu stressed.

"Ye." Long Xiang responded.

"However, because of this work, as you know, it's very sudden. Because of Professor Chen, I was selected, so I can't go back!" When it comes to this work and thinking about Long Xiang, Zhang Yu is a little embarrassed.

"I don't know how to explain it to my family now! Originally, I was going to ask Professor Chen to call my family for me, but he is not here now! I'm worried about this! Do you have any good ideas?" Seeing that Long Xiang had no resistance to the topic of work, Zhang Yu continued.

"That's it! Then I'll ask my father to fight for you. This little thing should not be difficult for my father. After figuring out the reason for the matter, Long Xiang quickly found a way to deal with it.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it? This phone call doesn't have to be called by Professor Chen! Look at me, I haven't thought of this method before!" Zhang Yu was a little embarrassed.

Long Xiang smiled and did not answer. After the discussion, Zhang Yu came to Professor Long's office with Long Xiang. After that, things went very smoothly. Professor Long quickly connected to Zhang Yu's home phone. After Zhang Yu's parents learned of Professor Long's identity, they did not say a few words, and they understood that they could understand. Yu was very concerned about the things in the school. He was very gratified to know that some leaders in the school valued Zhang Yu so much. He also said a lot of thanks to Professor Long. After knowing that Professor Long liked the specialties and dry goods at home, he said that the next time Zhang Yu went home, he must ask him to bring more to Professor Long and so on.

After Professor Long and Zhang Yu's parents exchanged greeting, they handed the phone to Zhang Yu. In fact, Zhang Yu was just embarrassed to speak. At this time, after saying that, after she got the phone, she changed her shyness during ordinary research and became very active, but because this was in Professor Long's office, she was not very embarrassed. He said that he would stop the call if he only said he would call home in the evening.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu thanked Professor Long again and promised to bring him more specialties and dry goods from his home next time. Now Zhang Yu has his own space at any time, and it has become easy to bring things. Now there is no problem with how much she brings, so she is very happy to give Professor Long a guarantee. . A large part of the specialties in Zhang Yu's family are wild, and the rest are also grown by themselves. They are all natural and pollution-free. The taste is also very authentic. Long-term consumption is of great benefit to people's health. It is not comparable to those with a lot of pesticides now. Professor Chen and Professor Long like the specialties of Zhang Yu's hometown very much. Unfortunately, Zhang Yu is a girl with little strength, and it is not very convenient to bring these things. Therefore, he doesn't bring much every time. Professor Chen relies on Zhang Yu as his assistant and occupies a big head every time. Professor Long is very dissatisfied with this. This time, Zhang Yu promised to give him He is very happy to bring more.

In the evening, when Zhang Yu returned to her dormitory, there was no one in the dormitory. She knew that they all took advantage of the holiday to go HAPPY. Every National Day, Zhang Yu was used to it. At this time, no one snatched the phone with her. She could take advantage of this time to make a good call to her family. Telephone. Zhang Yu's younger brother Zhang Jian answered the phone this time. Zhang Yu did not dare to let him speak. He quickly told him that the Swiss* he bought had been sent back to him during the day today to ensure that he would get it soon. After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian really turned angry into joy.

In the following time, Zhang Yu and his parents talked on the phone separately, wishing them a happy National Day and telling them that their work would be very busy this time. At that time, they might not have time to talk on the phone and tell them not to worry about themselves. After listening to her words, Zhang's father asked her to seize this opportunity, work hard, live up to the professor's trust in her, and make achievements. Zhang's mother asked her to take good care of herself, not to work too hard, take care of her health, eat on time, etc. It was two hours after Zhang Yu ended this phone call. Because we will gather at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. After the phone call, Zhang Yu roughly sorted out the things he wanted to bring, classified them in his personal space, and then hurried to rest.