Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 10 Purchasing and Planting

"Although I can't believe this lotus, I can't believe it. Based on my understanding of it, it must have left a way out for myself, so I should also find a way out for myself. Compared with this lotus flower, what kind of thing can I have as my bargaining chip?" Zhang Yu was constantly thinking in her heart. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she remembered one thing, that is, her "warehouse". Speaking of this warehouse, it is the predecessor of Zhang Yu's previous space and is now an integral part of Zhang Yu's entire portable space. Now a large part of Zhang Yu's space is occupied by this lotus and the round tripod carrying it, but there is still a small part that it cannot occupy. Now it is still completely in Zhang Yu's hands. Although the ability of this part is not as strong as that of the lotus, it also has a good characteristic, any thing to put in. Xi will not decay, which is a good place to store goods. Zhang Yu decided that after reaching an agreement with Lianhua, she put all her important things and materials in the warehouse here, so that even if Lianhua is out of her control in the future, she can leave some cards for herself. In fact, Zhang Yu also knew that the space she had was this kind of empty space. Later, the peach garden she could get was all because of luck. For the good things formed with the help of external things, Zhang Yu's attitude was "lucky and lost my life". He studied the ancient literature of Z for so long. She knows that sometimes there are cards in her hand, but if it is not under her control, it can't be used entirely for herself. Even if she has such a card, it may not be a good thing. Since Lotus wants to separate the peach garden from her body and turn it into a space that can exist independently, then let it be divided.

"The things you just raised are really easy to do. I promise you." After making his own plans, Zhang Yu responded to Lianhua's request.

"It's better to do this matter as soon as possible, because if you want to arrange a large array, ordinary peach trees and bamboos are not good. I must use my own energy to catalyze them and promote their evolution. It will take about half a year, and you'd better find the carrier quickly. If I consume too much energy , you have to fall into a deep sleep again.

"Okay, I know. Today, I will buy something about it." Zhang Yu replied. Is there anything else? If not, I will leave. After stopping, Zhang Yu said again.

"Okay, then go ahead." Lotus replied.

Zhang Yu looked outside with his own mental strength and found that there was no one, so he went out of the space.

According to the information collected by Zhang Yu, her first stop was a fruit production base on the outskirts of H. There are two reasons why Zhang Yu chose this place:

I. The types of fruit trees here are very complete and easy to choose.

2. It is very famous here. It is copied very hot on the Internet, and the reaction is very good.

The fruit farmers here provide a variety of farm activities, such as fruit picking activities for novices, which are very attractive. In the past October, it was the season of fruit ripening. At that time, the activities here were very lively and very popular. Netizens responded well on the Internet, and Zhang Yu also saw these news. I just learned about this place. When Zhang Yu came to this suburb, he found that it was not as noisy and lively as advertised on the Internet. After all, it was November, and the peak season of fruits had passed, and there were not many fruits that tourists could pick.

In order to choose her favorite fruit seedlings, Zhang Yu's family strolled around the orchard. What she didn't expect was that she actually saw Chen Feng here. She was a beautiful girl with Chen Feng. Looking at the intimate appearance of the two, the girl should be him now. Fan Keyyin, their girlfriend, should come to experience the fruit picking and farmhouse activities. Zhang Yu had never seen Chen Feng's girlfriend, so he couldn't help looking at the girl. She was about 170 centimeters tall, slim figure, long wavy hair, fair skin, exquisite facial features, and suitable makeup on her face. She looked charming, bright, tall and handsome. Chen Feng stood together and looked very good. Zhang Yu admitted that she was a beautiful woman.

Beautiful things make people yearn for. Handsome men and beautiful women are very eye-catching. Zhang Yu couldn't help looking at the two of them. But after a while, Zhang Yu couldn't help frowning. She didn't like the expression and attitude of Chen Feng's girlfriend's words. When treating the owner of the orchard, the high arrogance and abnormal superiority, just like the feeling of looking at her after her roommate learned that she was from the countryside was exactly the same, and even Zhang Yu couldn't help feeling depressed and turned away. Zhang Yu's attitude towards this was really too profound. She didn't like Chen Feng's girlfriend very much, and even felt disgusted with Chen Feng. As the saying goes, "It's not a family, don't enter a family", and she can find such a woman to do it. As a girlfriend, it can be seen that he is the same. She doesn't understand why some people like to despise and belittle others to show themselves. Zhang Yu feels that this practice is both hypocritical and abominable, and they can only do this to find their own sense of existence. Zhang Yu couldn't help thinking of Professor Chen. She remembered that before the National Day, Professor Chen seemed to be angry about Chen Feng and his girlfriend. Now after seeing this girl with his own eyes, Zhang Yu began to worry about Professor Chen. His son Chen Feng did not want to inherit his manor, and finding a girlfriend was a vain and arrogant person, which did not match his mind. According to the requirements, if Chen Feng really marry this woman in the future, then Professor Chen will be sad in the future.

Professor Chen usually takes great care of Zhang Yu and treats her like her daughter. Zhang Yu also loves Professor Chen very much. Therefore, she saw Chen Feng's story and imagined that Professor Chen will live in the future. She was very unhappy. At this time, she happened to see a small stone under her feet and vent. She kicked her foot hard at the stone. As soon as she kicked the stone, she suddenly heard a slight whimper. No, I kicked something. Zhang Yu hurriedly looked around. At this time, she found that she unconsciously walked to a remote corner, and a dirty little black dog curled up on the ground. His body leaned against the corner of the orchard wall. The puppy trembled, very thin and looked very pitiful. The whimper just now was made by it. Seeing this puppy, Zhang Yu remembered the big black dog he raised at home. So, she quickly walked over and saw that the corner was relatively remote. No one around noticed her, so she put the little black dog into her peach garden, and then she followed herself into the peach garden.

When she entered the human space, she saw the poor little black dog still curled up and lying on the ground. She didn't know that it had changed its place. Zhang Yu picked it up pititakingly and took some water from his warehouse and poured it into the little black dog's mouth. After drinking some water, the little black dog opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Yu gratefully. Zhang Yu quickly took some food and put it in the mouth of the little black dog. Unfortunately, the little black dog was so weak that he could not eat such things by himself now (Zhang Yu usually eats snacks), and Zhang Yu did not have any food to feed him. Seeing this, Zhang Yu was very worried, so She took it to the lotus pond. She knew that the energy scattered by the lotus flower was of great benefit to creatures. She believed that the little black dog would get better soon after staying here and absorbing the energy.

"Aren't you going to collect things for the array?" Lianhua looked at Zhang Yu, who came in empty-handed and asked.

"I have taken good care of the things and will put them in later. How about you take care of it for me first to ensure that you can save it? I will go out immediately to prepare the array materials?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes, you go!" Lotus noticed that the puppy was only weakened by not eating for a long time, and it was very simple to save it, not a big problem.

Zhang Yu smoothed the hair on the little black dog with his hand, looked at the lotus flower, and went out of the space. Soon Zhang Yu bought what he needed to set up the array, found a place where there was no one, and put them in the peach garden. Next, Zhang Yu bought several apple trees, pear trees, grapes, and persimmon saplings. With the fruit trees Zhang Yu bought now, and the 100 ginseng seedlings she bought on Taobao before, her orchard can begin to be prepared for construction.

After buying fruit seedlings, Zhang Yu left the suburbs and went to the herb market in Z City according to her own plan, where she was going to buy some commonly used drugs for storage, such as colds, fever, anti-inflammatory and other finished drugs. In addition to Western medicine, she is also going to buy some commonly used Chinese herbal seedlings, such as Angelica, Dihuang, Peppermint, Chaihu, etc. In addition, she also specially bought some ginseng seedlings to plant in her own medicine field. In the future, she can nourish her family. After buying, Zhang Yu found a place where there is no one and put all these things in. In my own peach garden.

While visiting the traditional Chinese medicine shop, Zhang Yu thought that the Spring Festival was coming soon. His parents were old, so he could take this opportunity to buy some supplements for his parents. They all said that Cordyceps sinensis was very good. Zhang Yu decided to buy some for his parents. Of course, she had to buy it for her parents. Finally, she chose the largest Chinese pharmacy and walked in. When Zhang Yu walked in, coincidentally, she met another acquaintance, Long Xiang, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.