Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 21 New Year

In the busy schedule, 2011 passed slowly.

Unlike previous New Year, this year's Zhang family is destined to have a very busy New Year.

Zhang's plan is to walk all the relatives in the family, no matter how close they are, because he knows that once the end comes, he may not have a chance to see each other again in his life.

The task was too large. Zhang Jian specially borrowed a minivan from a friend. Every day, he was full of gifts in the back of the car and took his family to visit his relatives and friends non-stop.

"Dad, I'm so old that I don't know that there are so many relatives in our family. Many people have never heard you mention it before?" On this day, on the way to his relatives, Zhang Yu asked Zhang's father about the situation these days.

"Yes, there are many relatives of the older generation. When the old man was here, he still often walked around. After the old man left, he basically didn't move much. Nowadays, many young people are not like before and don't value these relatives very much. Speaking of this, Zhang's father couldn't help sighing.

"Oh, that's how it is." Zhang Yu was a little speechless. If it were Zhang Yu himself, such a relative, she might not have come to the door at all.

When Zhang's father saw Zhang Yu's expression, he explained, "Oh, the people in the past are different from now! The one I went to this morning was my uncle's house. When he was young, he was very kind to me, took good care of me and helped me a lot. Later, when his children grew up, they had some skills and bought a house in the county to take him over. At that time, how enviable it was!"

"However, his children all work in big cities, and it is not easy to live there. In addition, life there is very stressful and there is no energy to take care of children, so he left the children in their hometown and let the elderly take care of them. At that time, my uncle was also old and it was not easy to take care of children. At that time, I also had to make money to support my family. As soon as you are busy, you will have less contact with each other.

"His children don't come back very often, so all year round, I can't see them, I don't have much contact with each other, and we don't know each other, and their feelings naturally become weak. When the old man comes back, they don't come back much. Only during the Spring Festival is free can they go back to their hometown to see. Look." Speaking of this, Zhang's father was a little sad.

"Hey! My uncle worked hard all his life to support his children and finally made them promising. I remember that when he moved to the city, he was happy, but now, no one even has his grave!" Zhang's father couldn't help feeling sad.

Hearing what his father said, Zhang Yu was a little at a loss. In the past, the family just asked her to read and not think about anything. Therefore, no one has ever told her about these things.

Hearing what Zhang's father said, Zhang Yu couldn't help thinking of those people living in big cities, such as his few roommates, such as Chen Feng and his girlfriends. Indeed, their feelings are really weak. Most of them think of themselves all day long. Their personal center is very strong and they rarely think about others.

Speaking of which, now the country implements family planning, and each family is only allowed to have one child. Therefore, these only children are loved by tens of millions of times as soon as they are born. Without brothers and sisters, they naturally don't need to share anything with others. Everything is their own, and they always consider themselves. They have been used to it since childhood. This.

The elders of the family also let them do so and think so. It is not surprising that they grew up in this environment, so it is not surprising that they grow up and become what they are today.

Zhang Yu has been in H city for three years. In this environment where everyone only cares about himself, Zhang Yu feels that she has become more and more indifferent and ruthless. Now her emotions are rarely exposed in school.

Zhang Yu does not like the living environment there. In big cities, most people adhere to the life concept of "everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door and doesn't care about the frost on others". Therefore, the life there is not as beautiful as people think. Everyone is in a hurry and rarely stops to pay attention to others.

The children of their father and uncle have lived there for so long, and they have also become one of them by being assimilated. They have been running for life all day long, and they are not in the mood to care about those poor relatives in the countryside who have not seen each other all year round.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu couldn't help sighing that most of the parents in the countryside wanted their children to squeeze into the big city for them to study and find relationships to let them enter key schools. Finally, they entered the big city.

From then on, they began to divide each other from each other. Since then, the contact between their children and their families has gradually decreased. Since then, parents have not seen their children for many years. Is these really what they want? Have they ever thought of these?

So, are these results good or bad? Most people live such a contradictory life that they can't say good or bad, just continue to live like this.

Nowadays, many people struggle to buy a house in the city, but they forget that they have a house in their hometown.

The house there also has its own yard, which is the style of a small villa that many urban people envy, and there are still missing their parents in that yard.

Unfortunately, they can't see these at all. They are blinded by the colors of big cities. They just want to squeeze into them and become one of them. Even if it is a small dwelling, they are willing to be happy.

Originally, Zhang Yu was also swaying for himself after graduation, but now the end is coming, so this problem is no longer a problem. However, now when I hear my father's words, I can't help sighing.

Human beings are indeed a combination of contradictions, and they are no exception.

While Zhang Yu was still immersed in his thoughts, Zhang Jian drove to the door of another relative. Zhang Yu has never been here before.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu was confused and didn't understand why his father worked so hard to do these things. These relatives haven't moved for a long time. Now you suddenly come to the door and say a word, just want them to pay money and hoard supplies. Will they really believe you and do it obediently?

The previous experience told Zhang Yu that the answer was no.

Zhang Yu walked into a relative's house with his parents, looked blankly at his father and relatives to say hello, and then told them that the mysterious disaster was coming.

Then, Zhang Yu appeared and repeated the previous excuse. The whole thing was completely like going through the motions.

Following Zhang's father, Zhang Yu was still a little ** at the beginning. He felt that he was doing good deeds and saving his relatives, which was a little noble in it. So after so many times, Zhang Yu is now completely going through the motions.

Sometimes, she doesn't know what she is talking about and wants to say this for a living. Moreover, although most of her relatives have nothing to say, their distrust is so clear to Zhang Yu, whose spiritual strength has improved a lot and can slightly feel the mental fluctuations of ordinary people.

Sometimes, Zhang Yu really hopes that her spiritual strength is the same as that of ordinary people. In that case, she can also immerse herself in the hypothesis of saving others.

In this repetitive mechanical family visit, the New Year passed like this. This New Year left Zhang Yu with deep fatigue, which is not physical, but spiritual.

In such a short time, she has met too many strangers (although she is a relative, but Zhang Yu has never met them. For each other, they are strangers). She has said too many words and felt too much distrust. Now, she is tired.

Before, Zhang Yu had never experienced these things at all, and her family did protect him very well.

In order to be able to study at ease, Zhang Yu's father and mother did not let her worry about anything. It is said that she did not grow up without experience, so she was a little naive and a little self-righteous. Just like in Zhu Ziqing's Back, her son really felt that he was too smart at that time.

After experiencing this, Zhang Yu really felt his previous innocence and unrealism. There is a big gap between reality and imagination. After experiencing this, she feels very tired.