Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 10 Big Purchase (Modified)

Summary: The mosquito incident finally passed, and people began to buy food.

Although mosquitoes have evolved, they are only small mosquitoes, with a poor foundation, but a very simple evolution. In addition, their life level is very low, so even if they evolve, they will not seem too exaggerated. Therefore, they cannot break through some of their own limitations.

Generally speaking, mosquitoes begin to appear in April every year and reach the peak of activity in mid-to-late August. In autumn, when the climate becomes cold and the temperature drops below 10℃, mosquitoes will stop breeding and die in large numbers. This habit is finally formed after the evolution of mosquitoes for so many years, and cannot be broken by a simple evolution.

Therefore, as the weather turns cold and a large number of mosquitoes die, the problem of fever has gradually been controlled. The number of fever cases gradually decreased, and many people living at home began to walk out of their homes tremblingly. Some people began to go to the vegetable market and supermarkets, and the market economy suddenly prospered.

Seeing this situation, government departments also seized this opportunity and began to comfort the people, claiming that with the arrival of winter, the death of mosquitoes and the disaster of fever have passed, and people can safely start a new life.

Eating simple food that is not easy to be infected for a long time makes people feel tasteless and unbearable. Now, the ban has finally been lifted. People have rushed to the food area and started crazy shopping, trying to make up for all the losses during this period.

Although many foods are sold well, the most popular food is meat. Unexpectedly, meat is still unsafe at this time, and the problem is those meat wholesalers.

When mosquitoes and flies are rampant, those beef, lamb and pork wholesalers who are unwilling to go bankrupt freeze all those meats when the market is in a downturn and wait for the day when the market is resurrects. Now, they take this opportunity to finally start to move again.

And this batch of problematic frozen meat once again took many people's lives, but in the face of a bigger disaster ahead, people were not very shocked by its appearance. You can't eat meat. At worst, you will be vegetarian from now on. Compared with those who lost their lives before, at least we are still alive. There are many optimistic people, and the experience will make people more tolerant.

In this way, people finally lived a peaceful life, but sometimes people are forgetful. When there are peaceful days, the appetite is again, and after eating vegetarian food for a long time, they begin to feel unbearable.

Slowly, many bold urban residents began to drive to the countryside or livestock farms to buy living things, such as chickens, ducks and geese. Several people came together to buy a whole sheep or a whole pig, while larger beef needs more people to buy together.

Some people in the nearby town began to come to buy livestock and poultry. They never bargained. Everyone was very generous. After all, there are not many poultry and livestock in the countryside today. If they don't buy them as soon as possible, they may be gone in a while.

That day, Zhang Yu's family was listening to the radio around the radio. Suddenly, the phone at home rang, and the phone sound shocked the whole family.

The telephone line at Zhang Yu's home was no longer available at the time of the disaster. How can it not surprise people?

Zhang Jian, who was quick-eyed, answered the phone: "Hello?" Zhang Jian asked tentatively.

"It's me!" Zhang Yi's happy voice came from the phone.

"Sister, it's you!" Zhang Jian's mood suddenly relaxed.

"Ye, it's me! Today, someone came to our village to buy something and heard that the phone was ready to use, so I tried to call home. Zhang Yi explained.

"Your village is not as biased by our family. It's just good. The news spread so fast!" Zhang Jian said.

"Haha! I also just heard from others. They said that many people have moved back to the county now, and there are new leaders on it. It is currently under construction, and many things are being repaired. Zhang Yi said what he heard.

"What, the county sent new leaders, and many people have moved back! Sister, you don't know. I went to the county at that time. It was miserable. Many people died. Now people still dare to move back. I admire their courage!" Speaking of the tragic situation he saw before, Zhang Jian still has a lingering heart.

"I can't help it. I heard that before, most of them relied on the help of relatives nearby. Now they are peaceful. They don't go back and always live in Biren's house. It's hard to say." Zhang Yi knows a lot more worldly than Zhang Jian and thinks more thoroughly.

"What's the matter? If you come to our house for a year and a half, your family won't say anything about you." Zhang Jian didn't think so.

"I'm the only one who will live. Of course you won't say anything, but I'll take all the families here for a long time. Would you like to? Think about it yourself." Zhang Yi patiently explained to his brother.

Ah? Well, I'm not sure." Zhang Jian suddenly lost his previous self-confidence.

"Give me the phone, and you go and bring Haoyu over and let them talk." At this time, Zhang's father opened his mouth.

"Oh, I know." After saying that, Zhang Jian handed over the phone to Zhang's father and walked to the inner room.

"How's it going? How's your family? Nothing has happened recently, right?" Zhang's father asked with concern.

"Ye, everything is fine here. You don't have to worry, Dad! How's the house over there? Zhang Yi asked.

"Don't worry about our family. Have a good life there. I asked your brother to hug Haoyu. Do you miss him too? Let him say a few words to you later." Although Haoyu was very well-behaved during his stay at home, Zhang's father knew that the child missed his mother very much.

"Hm, okay." Zhang Yi's voice sounds very happy. It's safer now, and my family is urging me to pick him up.

"Well, it's better to take it back. For children, it's better to stay with their parents." Hearing this news, Zhang's father also agreed.

"I'm going to go home tomorrow and pick up Haoyu." Zhang Yidao.

"Oi, you understand." Zhang's father replied. Haoyu came. I'll give him the phone number. You tell him that the child misses you very much. Seeing Zhang Jian coming with Haoyu in his arms, Zhang's father talked to Zhang Yi on the phone.

"Okay, Dad!" Zhang Yi was very happy to know that his son was going to answer the phone.

"Haoyu, come to your grandfather. Do you miss your mother? Come and say a few words to your mother." After saying that, Zhang's father put the phone in Xiao Haoyu's ear.

Next, Xiao Haoyu talked to his mother, father, grandfather and grandmother. He hadn't seen the child for a while. The adults there scrambled to talk to him and made Xiao Haoyu very happy. After knowing that his mother was coming to pick him up tomorrow, he finally laughed happily.

Although it is very good to live in grandma's house, and the people here are very kind to themselves, they still miss their parents very much and want to stay by their side.

Seeing Xiao Haoyu's happy smile, Zhang Yu's family was also very happy. Thinking about it again, the mosquito thing passed like this, and the chaos they had worried about before did not appear. The family had a feeling of rain and sunshine.

The next morning, Zhang Yi and Wang Lin, who missed their children, came to Zhang Yu's house. The two families had not seen each other for a while, so they looked very enthusiastic.

After a conversation, Zhang Yu finally learned some of the latest news from Zhang Yi.

It turned out that recently, after the fever was under control, the society had stabilized for a period of time, and the order had begun to slowly recover. The leaders above finally knew about the matter of Zhang Yujue County, so they rearranged people to take over here. As the surviving residents in the city moved back one by one, now there are many foundations The facility has resumed operation.

Zhang Yi said that the hospital is also one of the first basic departments that needs to be restored, so she will soon go back to work. This time, the family did not stop it.


I'm sorry yesterday. The network department is awesome. There's nothing I can do. Now I've modified it! Everyone's collection and red tickets, come quickly!!!