Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 16 News

Summary: Zhang Yu's family sells mutton, and many people gathered at home. Zhang Yu heard a lot of news.

In this cold winter, Zhang Yu's village was very depressed and seemed a little dead all day. The move of Zhang Yu's family to sell mutton suddenly made the whole small village lively, and people who stayed at home for a long time and did not communicate much took advantage of this opportunity. We exchanged messages and had a good exchange, and Zhang Yu heard a lot of unknown news in it.

Zhang Yu's family listened to the reports on the radio all day long. Zhang Yu also felt that he knew a lot of things, but when he heard the words of other people in the village, Zhang Yu knew that he still had many things that he didn't know.

For example, Zhang Yu knew about the robbery of a village on the edge of the county that Zhang Yu knew from the elder daughter-in-law of the village.

The thing is that the old daughter-in-law's family is the small village. Since the village was robbed, the mother's family has no choice but to brave the cold and come here to defect to the high school.

In addition to this matter, Zhang Yu also learned from a villager that many people who are working outside now, after tasting the horror of hunger, have sent messages back to their relatives in the countryside, saying that they plan to come back home next year and will not go out.

Among them, a lot of things happened, and now, they have gone to the village head. The thing is, there are two brothers in Zhang Yu's village. Among them, the younger brother is more flexible. After working outside and making a lot of money, he brought back a beautiful daughter-in-law. However, this daughter-in-law thinks that her husband's family is rustic and looks down on the people here, and she doesn't want to support the elderly.

In the end, because of the old man's incident, the two brothers were at peace and even fought. After that, the two brothers separated.

In the countryside, separation is nothing more than houses and fields. My brother's wife feels that farming in the countryside has lost his status. In addition, they don't want to raise the elderly, and they also have money in their hands, so they bought a house in the county and moved away. When I left, it was very clear that my younger brother didn't want all the houses and fields in the family. In fact, these things are not worth much money. My brother's wife doesn't like these things, provided that the parents of the family will be supported by my brother in the future, and my younger brother will not pay for them.

The so-called village is not a big deal, so at that time, this matter was well known to everyone. Later, the two old men died in the first attack of the end of the world, and the elder brother also dedicated himself to dealing with the future generations of the two old men.

I thought this was the case, but I didn't expect that two days ago, my brother suddenly sent a letter back, saying that he wanted to divide the fields and houses. Of course, the elder brother was unwilling. At that time, when the family split, he said it very clearly. Now, my brother has done everything, and my brother has done nothing, but now he suddenly comes back to divide the family property. What is this?

However, the younger brother's wife was awesome and found a lawyer, saying that when the family was separated, it was only a verbal agreement and there was no specific evidence. Therefore, there was no legal efficiency, and the younger brother also had the right to inherit the family's property and so on.

People in rural areas are very simple. At that time, when things broke out, many people knew that their younger brother was unfilial. With a daughter-law, they forgot their mother and made money but did not want to support the elderly. It was not a good thing. Many people did not like their brother's behavior and despise him very much. Now, He came back to quarrel about splitting his property. For a while, many people came out to be witnesses for his brother to prove the authenticity of the matter. As a result, the lawyer also had a headache.

There is a saying that rural people raise their children to prevent old age. Parents raise their children hard, that is, they want to have a hope when they get old. Now it's good. When your parents get old, as a son, you begin to dislike it and don't want to support the elderly. Why do you come back to share the property now? What's wrong with the law? Is the law just for people to be unfilial?

What the villagers said was full of anger, and Zhang Yu also listened with relish. Although this matter seems simple, it is indeed a little troublesome to deal with.

Although it is said that the spilled water can't be recovered, the current social system is very evidence-seeking. If there was really no specific evidence at that time, it was just a simple oral agreement, and the final result is really hard to say. Nowadays, the function of ID cards is really not very big.

People always know how to cherish when they lose, but at this time, it's too late. At that time, when life was good, I looked down on those who farmed in the countryside. Now that the end of the world is coming, life is suffering, hunger, and the pain in it is known that farming is expensive and money. I want to come back to farm. However, nothing in the world can make people do whatever they want.

Zhang Yu also heard a very strange thing, that is, some time ago, many households' food was stolen in several villages nearby, but so far, he has not caught the thief.

Why is this strange? Because these stolen households and portals have not been destroyed, and the food is also very hidden, but in this way, they were also stolen, which makes people feel unclear. Not only that, after hearing that someone had been stolen, the villagers took corresponding precautions, but even now, they are still stolen. For a while, several people in the village were worried.

What's more strange is that with Zhang Yu's village as the center, all the villages around him have been stolen, but Zhang Yu's village survived. At first, people around suspected that the people of this village had done it, but after a few days of precautions, they found that the people in this village had not come to their own village, and the things in the village were stolen again during this period.

For a while, people thought that there must be something different in this village. After thinking about it, people finally thought of the small temple east of Zhang Yu's village, saying that it was the manifestation of the gods and blessed the people in this village to survive. So, now, this temple fire .

Even if it is snowing heavily and the climate is cold, some villagers come to this temple to burn incense and worship Buddha for peace. Several leaders in the village also decided to pay for the repair of the temple after the beginning of spring next year.

Listening to this incident, Zhang Yu also feels very magical. In the past few days, she is in a bad mood and pays little attention to things outside. She stays at home all day. Now she hears what people around her say and feels that she has really missed a lot of things these days.

At dinner, Zhang Yu and his family talked about what they heard during the day, especially that many people had their food stolen but couldn't find the murderer. Zhang Yu is curious about the mysterious disappearance of these grains.

"Where did you say this disappeared grain? Who stole it? Why didn't such a thing happen in our village? I can't figure it out! I can't figure it out!" Zhang Yu sighed.

"Why do you care so much! It's a good thing that it hasn't been stolen. Why do you want this to happen in our village? Zhang's father said.

"Of course I don't want to. I'm just curious and can't figure it out." Zhang Yu replied.

"Sister, do you think there is someone nearby who has the same space power as you, so you can steal these grains unconsciously." Zhang Jian also expressed his views on Zhang Yu's doubts.

"It still doesn't explain. If it's a person, why did he steal so many houses? He shouldn't need so much food. In addition, many families lose food at the same time. If it's a person, his ability is too great." After thinking about it, Zhang Yu denied Zhang Jian's conclusion.

"There is another point, I also think it's strange. Why is our village an exception so special? It's too fake to say that it's blessed by Buddha. Zhang Yu sneered at this reason.

"It's really strange. Maybe it's the feng shui of our village!" After thinking about it, Zhang Kendo.

"What does this have to do with feng shui?" Zhang Yu despised.

"It's because I couldn't find the reason why everyone felt that it was blessed by Buddha. I also went to see those who lost grain, and I really couldn't see anything. At most, I found that the granary in their house had traces of being bitten by mice. Really, it's better to say that it was stolen by people than by rats." Zhang Jian suddenly opened his way.

"If you say so, those mice have to become refined, if they can't have such a big ability." Zhang Yu joked.

"So what? Look at our family, what can't happen? According to the previous saying, our dogs and cats have become refined." Zhang Jian said along with Zhang Yu.

Before Zhang Yu said anything, Zhang Jian's words immediately welcomed the protest of four animals. They were very dissatisfied with the word "chengjing" and thought it was a derogatory term.

"Let you talk nonsense and make them unhappy!" After saying that, Zhang Yu hurriedly comforted several animals so that they would not be angry.

"Does what I said make sense? I think what I said is very right. You see that there are black feathers and white swords in our village. Even if those mice become refined, they will never dare to come to our village to steal things. What a reasonable speculation!" The more Zhang Jian said, the more excited he became, and the more he felt that what he said was reasonable.

"Okay, eat, let's not talk about this topic. If you do this again, they will be really angry." Seeing that the four animals were about to go epileptic, Zhang Yu quickly interrupted Zhang Jian's words.

After that, the family did not say anything more and began to eat quietly. And Zhang Yu did not pursue this matter any more.


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