Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 19 Other Evolvers

In summary: Zhang Yu finally learned something about other evolutionists

Although the little mouse was not bold, it was very clever and very good at observing words and colors. Looking at Zhang Yu's appearance and the greedy eyes of Black Yu and Bai Jian next to him, he could guess his ending, so it immediately squeaked, like Zhang Yu talking about its value.

Zhang Yu didn't care much about the little mouse, but when she heard that the mouse had seen other evolved animals, she immediately changed her mind and finally gave up her intention to give it to Heiyu and the others to deal with it, and summoned the little mouse to her side again.

"Do you think you have seen other animals that have evolved like you? Where have you seen it?" Zhang Yu asked. Come on, if your news is really true, I won't give you to them. Zhang Yu seduced. In fact, after the inquiry just now, Zhang Yu has learned that this little mouse's IQ is not high, which is equivalent to a two- or three-year-old child. Previously, stealing those messy things was also out of curiosity.

"Squeak..." The little mouse nodded quickly and agreed. Squeak..." After a while, the little mouse explained everything he knew.

It turned out that this little mouse evolved when the cold winter just came. At that time, the little mouse's family did not expect that the weather would become so cold this winter, so they did not store much food before. In order to survive, their family had to climb out of their warm nest and In the severe cold, they went outside to look for food. Unfortunately, the villagers now know the preciousness of food. The hidden food is very hidden and safe, and its parents and brothers died of hunger one after another in this cold winter. In the end, only the smallest one was left. It was very sad about this.

Slowly, it couldn't stand it. Finally, one day, it became drowsy and wanted to sleep like this. It knew that it would die immediately, because their parents and siblings also slept like this, but they never woke up again.

Maybe it was God's mercy. The miracle happened. It woke up and had extraordinary ability. The little mouse is very bold. Although it has the ability, it still lives carefully. However, now it has become very obsessed with food. Therefore, after having the ability, it desperately steals food and fills the granary in its nest.

Later, its life stabilized and had no worries. In addition, although it repeatedly committed crimes, people failed to catch it. Therefore, his courage gradually increased and the scope of activities became wider. At this time, its interest was no longer limited to food, but stolen it when it saw something interesting. My own booty.

A person's life is lonely, so it slowly began to have contact with other mice. Its ability is much stronger than ordinary mice. In addition, it initially opened its intelligence and was smarter than ordinary mice. Therefore, soon, it gathered a group of subordinates and began the life of its rat king.

Although the king seems majestic, he must support his group of subordinates in this cold winter day and not let them starve to death. Therefore, its range of activities has become wider. From a small village at the beginning to several surrounding villages, but, because it has a little courage For small reasons, so before each action, it will take a good inspection to see if the village is safe.

Of course, Zhang Yu's village has also been inspected by it. Soon, it found the existence of black feather and white sword. At the same time, it also found the existence of big black and small black. So many powerful existences scared it all of a sudden. It quickly left the village. Fortunately, Heiyu and Baijian are cats. The cat's habit is that they are a little lazy and don't care about other things, while Dahei and Xiaohei are dogs, who are more family-friendly. They are only responsible for the safety of Zhang Yu's family and don't care about anything else. In addition, it is a small mouse with flexible movements and is good at hiding. And ran away, so this time, it easily dodged.

After returning to its stronghold, it took Zhang Yu's village as a forbidden place and strictly went to Zhang Yu's village to steal things. Therefore, Zhang Yu's village was so peaceful that nothing strange happened.

After this incident, the little mouse became more cautious. Finally, soon after, it found an evolutionist, an evolutionist, a puppy from a neighboring village. When it found the dog, it was stealing chickens in a family, saying that it was stealing, which was inappropriate, saying that it was more suitable for eating. Because of its strong aura, the poor hens of the oppressors dare not move at all, and can only wait for the arrival of the superiors like a poor sacrifice.

Seeing this situation, the little mouse originally intended to use the village as a forbidden place in the future, but what it did not expect was that the puppy did not stay in the village after a delicious meal, but just looked at it with nostalgia, turned its head and disappeared in the vast snow and did not know how to go. To.

The little mouse, the little head can't figure out what's going on. At the moment of doubt, suddenly, it felt a strong momentum again and scared it. It fixed its eyes and finally found that there was an evolved hen hidden in this group of chickens. Now when she saw the puppy leaving, it came out of the hiding place. After she found that a chicken was missing, she couldn't help but emit Only then was his momentum discovered by the little mouse hiding nearby.

In one place, two creatures, the little mouse, were found to be very interested. In addition, it felt that the hen was not a great threat to itself, so for the next few days, it came here to observe the hen every day. After that, it found that although the hen had evolved, it still passed. With the same life as usual, there has been no big change. It seems that she doesn't want to make changes herself and doesn't care about other places. Every day, she stays in the chicken coop and lives her own small life. For a long time, the little mouse lost interest in her.

After that, the little mouse visited all the surrounding villages, but did not find other evolutionists, nor did it find any existence that could threaten itself. Therefore, it continued to make waves and its subordinates became more and more. However, the consumption of grain also increased and became impossible. Finally, it finally came to Zhang Yu's village again.

At the beginning, it took a small test and found that the black feathers did not pay attention to themselves at all, so it continued. However, when he made up his mind and decided to indulge his men a little, unexpectedly, Heiyu and others began to investigate this matter. He was scared and quickly hid, and even the actions in other villages were cancelled.

After a few days of fear, Heiyu finally stopped investigating, but it still did not take action. After a few days, there was still no movement, so it took action again, but at this time, it no longer dared to come to Zhang Yu's village.

What it didn't expect was that it had just begun to act, and the black feathers had been investigated again, and it quickly hid again. Originally, it wanted to hide for a period of time and live honestly, but its subordinates became its burden. Without enough food, they could not survive this cold winter.

Looking at his subordinates, he summoned up his courage and came to Zhang Yu's house to inquire about the news. The little mouse wanted to figure out the real intention of Black Feather. What he did not expect was that it had just passed and was caught by the alert Blackyu.

After listening to its words, Zhang Yu's heart fluctuated. It turned out that in unconsciously, so many evolutionists had appeared. These were just small and sparsely populated villages. Then, more must appear in those densely populated big cities.

A small evolutionary mouse can make several villages panic, and there will only be more and more evolutionists in the future. It seems that there are really not a few days to celebrate your birthday.

Although evolutionists appear in animals, their IQ is generally not high. If they have mental defense, it can still be prevented. Zhang Yu is worried about those evolutionists in human beings, who are noble because they are born with wisdom, and because they are born with wisdom and evil.

Nowadays, even animals with low intelligence have evolved, so there should be more evolutionists in human beings. What are these people doing now? What are they thinking? Zhang Yu is very worried.


^_^ Red ticket, collection, where are you? I miss you very much. Come and see me! ^_^