Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 44 Panic

Summary: People across the country are panicking about the food problem, and all kinds of robberies continue to occur.

Sometimes, God just doesn't like people, and I don't want to make you too happy. So, the tragedy happened.

Anomaly is an exception. Even if people ignore it, it already exists after all. Therefore, when the villagers of Zhangyu Village happily collected the grain home, they found that the food tasted bitter and could not be eaten at all. In fact, it is not true that it can't be eaten. If you eat it, you can still eat it, but people can't stand its taste at all, which is simply difficult to swallow.

What can I do? So much grain, the result of half a year, the land is so hard, so I have a little unpleasant with others. I buy fertilizer and seeds. I really spend a lot of money, but the result is like this, which is difficult to accept.

Looking at the grain warehouse, Jin Yu actually lost the food in it, and these people were worried. There is so much food, but I can't eat it and throw it away. I can't bear it! How to deal with it? Confused.

Zhang Yu's family has also known about this matter, but there is nothing they can do about it, so they can only watch it like this.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It looks no different, but why is the taste so much worse? During the meal, Zhang Jian said with emotion.

"It looks no different, but you didn't see the strange appearance before their crops." Zhang Yu replied.

"It's also true that those crops were really strange and matured. One night, they changed so much. If I hadn't seen them with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it at all." Thinking of what had happened before, Zhang Jian replied.

"Well, there are still few strange things that have happened recently. I'm not surprised." Hearing his words, Zhang Yu said carelessly.

"Think about it, there have been a lot of strange things that have happened recently." Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang's mother was also very touched.

"Sister, do you think the previous feelings of Big Black have something to do with this incident?" Zhang Jian thought for a moment and suddenly said.

"I can't say well either. Dahei and several of them don't like to come out recently. He said that it was uncomfortable to stay outside. Poor thing, how much he liked to stay outside before? Thinking of the recent wither appearance of Dahei, Zhang Yu was quite emotional.

"Haha... Yes, I thought Skynet was so clever. Now I'm listless all day. The momentum of the Rat King is really nothing at all. It's really like letting its subordinates have a look." Thinking of the appearance of Skynet, Zhang Jian couldn't help laughing.

Because of Zhang Jian's words, the boring atmosphere before the family suddenly dispersed a lot and became lively.

However, in this case, the laughter was short-lived. Soon, Zhang Yu and his family heard a lot of negative news from the radio. It turned out that what happened in Zhang Yu Village was not an accidental event. Similar things happened in many places in Z country.

The official explanation is that this hybrid seed, because there were some accidents during processing, the genetics were not stable, and it was unsuccessful, which led to such a thing. The government was heartbroken about this incident and declared that it would find a way to deal with it.

But these words can only deceive farmers who are uneducated and ignorant of technology. Hybrid seeds have been researched for so long, and the technology is very mature. How can they make such an obvious mistake? This is nonsense.

In its statement, the government also announced the names of a group of botanists, claiming that it was the mistakes of these people that led to today's such things, and the country has dealt with them seriously.

In fact, this group of people are the scientists who developed plant abnormalities before. They thought that they had discovered new plant changes. If they could use this as a springboard, they could win countless awards and people's admiration. They didn't expect things to become like this. Later, their research was discovered and became this matter. It's a scapegoat.

The country dealt with those botanists, and the rural people got some comfort, but the people in those big cities began to panic, because in this incident, the grain production was seriously reduced. Most of the farmers harvested only enough food for their families to eat, and there was no excess food for sale. So what will these people eat in the future?

In the past, most of these people looked down on rural people, thinking that they were facing the loess and dealing with the land all their lives. They were uneducated, scienceless, enjoyment, and did not know what was popular. In a word, farmers were not looked down upon by them, but they forgot that these were looked at by them. The unbearable farmers worked in the field all day to feed them.

Now, farmers only support themselves, and their sense of superiority is suddenly gone. People have to live before they can do other things. Think about it, if those talented people can't even fill their stomachs every day, will they still be in the mood to recite poems all day? The answer is obviously no.

The so-called heroes in troubled times, in times of peace, the social hierarchy is unbreakable, and the opportunities are at most those privileged classes. They have been shouting for the golden key to be born. Even if they have talent and achievements, they take it for granted, and people think they should do it.

However, in troubled times, it is not. In troubled times, people will be confused. At this time, the binding force of ordinary norms on people has been greatly reduced. Many people who have no opportunity in peace times have taken this opportunity to rise. It is because many of them have come from humble backgrounds and made some achievements, which is naturally felt as a miracle. They are heroes.

In an era when everyone has the opportunity to become a hero, in fact, there is only a thin line between heroes and crime, just like the distance between geniuses and mental patients. Genius is not very excellent in some aspects of him, and at the same time has made great achievements. People are generous and tolerant of them. Otherwise, they are very likely to spend their lives in mental illness.

The same is true for heroes and crimes. However, the hero's actions were mostly affirmed, so they became heroes. And those who do the same thing as heroes but are not recognized, they become criminals.

This is the current situation. Farmers have no surplus grain. What will the people in the city eat in the future? After a year of toss, the treasury is almost empty. What's more, the country still has so many troops to support. Even if there is surplus grain, they dare not waste it now. There are quotas to supply those who are more important to the country. Things, such as the backbone of the country, officials, those rich people who bring huge taxes to the country every year, ordinary people, have always been at the end.

The so-called "prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer" is the most true portrayal of history.

Z State has a good saying that it is hidden in the city. In the past, many martial arts masters in Z country were hidden among the people. Although martial arts has been declining now, hasn't there been evolutionists now? The situation is very similar.

If it is a peaceful era, these people may live their lives like this, but now that in troubled times, their lives begin to be threatened, then there is no need for their usual disguise and hiding. These people begin to fight for their lives. The purpose of their actions is to rob those that can Materials for your own survival.

These people are not ordinary people. Some of them are mutants, some powers, and some are ancient warriors. Among them may even have the same space powers as Zhang Yu (they can grab a lot of things at once). Once they act, the efficiency is not to say. The harvest is rich, and the damage caused by the same. The loss is also huge.

If they don't act, they will choose a big place. Therefore, the major supermarkets are their primary goal, which seems to have a very tacit understanding. Soon the food areas of the major supermarkets were robbed.

Originally, after the food was reduced, the mood of the citizens was affected and became unstable. Now seeing this situation, the food in major supermarkets has been robbed, which makes them go to places to buy food in the future.

Those owners of major supermarkets who had heard that the food was reduced and laughed and made a profit this time burst into tears. The so-called "stealing chickens can't eat rice", but now they haven't started to steal chickens. The rice is gone. Can they not cry!

After knowing this, the government knew the critical moment and resolutely did not indulge in this behavior, so it immediately took measures. However, their opponents were so powerful that the results of the action could be imagined. Seeing this situation, some people's minds began to move.

Those people were not caught by the government. If I did it, would there be a chance to escape? So, the robbery began. These people had no special ability, so they acted more cautiously. They also chose to move in small places nearby and rob some small shops.

At the beginning, the actions of these people were still cautious and very obscure, but slowly, as more and more people participated, this action became more and more blatant.

At ordinary times, people are bound by moral norms, but when people take this step, when people take off the disguise of human day, when people start to rob for the first time... there are no worries. Once people break their own constraints, they will release beasts that are usually suppressed by morality in their hearts. After that, there will be a second, third, and later, they will feel that this is a very common thing.

Just like people go bungee jumping for the first time and look at the high cliffs, people are afraid and cowardly. However, when they really jump down, they feel that it is nothing more than that. However, the long-term education and imagination have restrained themselves. In fact, it is not as serious as they thought before. .

People have a lot of first experiences, but when you experience it once, you dare to experience the second or even the third time. After that, you will feel that these have become very common things, and the original care has long disappeared.

After the continuous robbery, the citizens were obviously divided into two factions. The robbers looked at the food at home and were complacent. Don't rob people, looking at the empty houses and crying.

It did not break out in silence, but died in silence. Therefore, some of the people who were robbed began to work hard. They thought to themselves: Why should I be robbed and starve, and those criminals who committed crimes could fill their stomachs. Therefore, they resisted and they also went to rob. More and more people had this idea, and the unilateral robbery slowly turned into a fight.

People in the government also eat and drink. They also have family to support. Now it's so chaotic. If something happens to them, will the country take care of their families? The answer is uncertain, so when taking action, it becomes more and more tied, and many times, it is time to deal with things.

In this case, the turmoil began.


Yesterday, because of the network problem, I only published one chapter. As a result, I struggled successfully for 28 days and flew away. I'm extremely depressed, so this chapter is completely out of my face today. Vent today, return to normal tomorrow, and continue to struggle for full attendance next month. Think about why I'm so unlucky~~%>_